The BEST episodes of Robot Chicken season 3
Every episode of Robot Chicken season 3, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Robot Chicken season 3!
A series of pop-culture parodies using stop-motion animation of toys, action figures and dolls. The title character was an ordinary chicken until he was run down by a car and subsequently brought back to life in cyborg form by mad scientist Fritz Huhnmorder, who tortures Robot Chicken by forcing him to watch a random selection of TV shows, the sketches that make up the body of each episode.

#1 - Bionic Cow
Season 3 - Episode 16 - Aired 9/14/2008
Rappers give a lesson on the theory of relativity. Sylar gets a new power in a "Heroes" parody. Mr. Magoo gets laser eye surgery. Tarzan learns that not everything humans can teach him are as good as Jane's boobs. When Paris Hilton gets thrown in prison, it's up to Nicole Richie to stage a "Prison Break."

#2 - Squaw Bury Shortcake
Season 3 - Episode 2 - Aired 8/19/2007
G-Force's Tiny needs to shed a few pounds. The MythBusters team tackles masturbation myths. Popeye's friends hold an intervention over his addiction to spinach. Godzilla takes a rookie out for a Training Day. Tablesmasher attempts to defeat the Council of Evil Tables. Dirty Harry deals with a punk that does feel lucky. After retirement, Bob Barker handles the neutering personally.

#3 - Monstourage
Season 3 - Episode 17 - Aired 9/21/2008
Vic Mackey from "The Shield" switches places with the Fantastic Four's Thing. Bronson Pinchot and Ludacris star in the off-Broadway production of "Don't Be Ridiculous." "Fraggle Rock" meets "Watership Down" when the Fraggles are forced out of their home and onto a desperate hunt for survival.

#4 - President Evil
Season 3 - Episode 18 - Aired 9/28/2008
Diggers have Dug their own grave, Dig Dug-style, ya dig? You've never seen a Vegas crime caper like "Ocean's Thirty-Eight." The government tries to contain an outbreak of cooties. Teenagers are exposed to movie trailers, but they're not exactly watching the screen.

#5 - Boo Cocky
Season 3 - Episode 15 - Aired 9/7/2008
The Nerds find out Revenge comes with a price. Conan tells us "What is Best in Life" with a song. The Borg track the Enterprise to its hiding place... Las Vegas' "Star Trek Experience." The "Saved By The Bell" kids meet Jigsaw from "Saw," and Screech will never be the same.

#6 - Chirlaxx
Season 3 - Episode 19 - Aired 10/5/2008
The latest Japanese commercial for a yeast infection cream needs a famous pitch-woman. The enemies of America are on the run as President Bush becomes Captain Texas! Sir Mix-A-Lot knows what King Arthur needs! A Glo Worm saves the day when a blackout strikes. This season is dedicated to the staff that was lost... and killed.

#7 - Slaughterhouse on the Prairie
Season 3 - Episode 13 - Aired 11/11/2007
Never seek the help of She-Ra when she's in her period! Danny and the gang from Grease are building a new sex machine. The intensive Care Bears care more than their HMO will allow. Nobody in Smurf village ever expected the dam to break.

#8 - Endless Breadsticks
Season 3 - Episode 6 - Aired 9/16/2007
Another black man in a Fat Suit movie. Big Jim tries to score. A cat in a hat has his way with the family pet and the kids need to get lost. When Snarf kicks it, Mumm-Ra sees his chance to destroy the Thundercats as Lion-O's new nanny.

#9 - Yancy the Yo-Yo Boy
Season 3 - Episode 7 - Aired 9/23/2007
The dinosaurs face their Armageddon. Barbie and a brat go head-to-head on MTV's "Exposed." What happens on Tuesday when Wimpy has to pay for his burgers? Greatest American hero or greatest American nerd? Find out how infinite wealth has affected Richie Rich's teenage years.

#10 - Moesha Poppins
Season 3 - Episode 10 - Aired 10/21/2007
A gladiator is killing it in the name of entertainment in the arena. Empire Strikes Back's Calrissian led our heroes into a dinnertime trap with Darth Vader, and hilarity's the main course! In the spirit of "300" comes "1776." Michael Moore uncovers the fates of the girls' toys of yesteryear.

#11 - Shoe
Season 3 - Episode 5 - Aired 9/9/2007
Ted Kennedy and Jenna Jameson battle celebrities in politics and porn! Learn whatever happened to the Micro Machines man. Link's looking for a decent reward from Princess Zelda. The Homeless Airlines sort of take flight. Skeletor's latest plot against Eternia and He-Man goes a little too well.

#12 - Tubba-Bubba's Now Hubba-Hubba
Season 3 - Episode 14 - Aired 7/4/2008
The Super Friends make way for The Super Pets. The Voltron Vehicle Force gets to the rescue as fast as it can. Pac-Man learns that he's been living in the Matrix. The Carmen Sandiego host has girlfriend troubles. The Cenobites guest star on "Girls Gone Wild." "24" focuses on the night hours as Drac takes down the terrorists.

#13 - Tapping a Hero
Season 3 - Episode 4 - Aired 9/2/2007
Law & Order gets chicken-fied. President George W. Bush receives a gremlin. Don't miss "The 33 Year Old Virgin" starring Jesus Christ. Smokey the Bear recalls how he got his name. Stan Lee and Pamela Anderson reveal superhero gossip on "Superheroes Tonight."

#14 - Werewolf vs. Unicorn
Season 3 - Episode 1 - Aired 8/12/2007
The zombie Robot Chicken staff gets back to work! The Defenders of the Earth accept their limitations. Shout On and Shout Off with The Shouter. The Decepticon Soundwave discovers he's a little dated. You can be a loser in "The Game of Life." Governor Schwarzenegger investigates the illegal immigration issue with Speedy Gonzales and Dora the Explorer.

#15 - Ban on the Fun
Season 3 - Episode 11 - Aired 10/28/2007
Thelma and Louise regret their suicidal ways. Crystar, the Crystal Warrior, gets smoked! The Maytag Repairman's life REALLY sucks. The Laff-A-Lympics gang face their darkest games ever: Munich, 1972.

#16 - Losin' the Wobble
Season 3 - Episode 12 - Aired 11/4/2007
The Kool-Aid Man quenches some inconvenient thirsts. The mystery of why Enyclopedia Brown's parents aren't getting along. Wonder Woman reveals her revealing arch-enemy. Celebrities are drunk, but that's not why they go to rehab - they go to conquer the world! (Or something.)

#17 - Celebutard Mountain
Season 3 - Episode 9 - Aired 10/7/2007
The Robot Chicken PS3 Contest winner gets everything that's coming to him. Mr. Rogers is turning Japanese. Spawn faces Malebolgia with his one true skill - fiddling. Fonzie takes care of Chachi the best he can in "The Pursuit of Happy Days." Iron Man's feet become his greatest weakness. VH1's "Top 100 Final Episodes" features the end of "Mork & Mindy," "Love Boat" and more.

#18 - More Blood, More Chocolate
Season 3 - Episode 8 - Aired 9/30/2007
An alien invasion isn't quite what it seems. Haunted houses are common, but not one with THIS kind of ghost! Can Bob the Builder take on the mafia? Probably. "Inside the Battlefield" revisits G.I. Joe's and Cobra's battle of the Weather Dominator, twenty years later.

#19 - Rabbits on a Roller Coaster
Season 3 - Episode 3 - Aired 8/26/2007
Randy experiences cross-dressing and death in The Worst Halloween. The crew of Battlestar Galactica defeats the FCC threat. Behold, the newest adventure of Turbo Teen. Dick Tracy earns his name. M.A.S.K.'s Matt Tracker takes a bride.