The BEST episodes directed by Chris Mckay

The Curious Case of the Box
479 votes

#1 - The Curious Case of the Box

Robot Chicken - Season 5 - Episode 16

Jesus questions the need for a grim reaper. Dora the Explorer conquers Mt. Everest. Everyone knows about the five regular vowels and the occasional sixth one, but Bruce Willis introduces the seventh in the upcoming thriller: "The Seventh Vowel." After eating the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve call out God for being a Peeping Tom. A tragic clown car crash is funnier than it has any right to be.

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Bionic Cow
348 votes

#2 - Bionic Cow

Robot Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 16

Rappers give a lesson on the theory of relativity. Sylar gets a new power in a "Heroes" parody. Mr. Magoo gets laser eye surgery. Tarzan learns that not everything humans can teach him are as good as Jane's boobs. When Paris Hilton gets thrown in prison, it's up to Nicole Richie to stage a "Prison Break."

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Unionizing Our Labor
409 votes

#3 - Unionizing Our Labor

Robot Chicken - Season 4 - Episode 13

Meet the medieval Dukes of Hazzard. Watch as the Libertarian Party spirals downward one election year after another. Transients are mistaken for Clark Kent as they pick up his clothing when Superman is called. Try the latest Wii Fit game: "Humping Robot". A frog retaliates when a scorpion tries to sting him after promising not to. The Smurfs go to war with the Snorks.

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Squaw Bury Shortcake
442 votes

#4 - Squaw Bury Shortcake

Robot Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 2

G-Force's Tiny needs to shed a few pounds. The MythBusters team tackles masturbation myths. Popeye's friends hold an intervention over his addiction to spinach. Godzilla takes a rookie out for a Training Day. Tablesmasher attempts to defeat the Council of Evil Tables. Dirty Harry deals with a punk that does feel lucky. After retirement, Bob Barker handles the neutering personally.

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Help Me
604 votes

#5 - Help Me

Robot Chicken - Season 4 - Episode 1

Seth and Matt enlist the help of Joss Whedon, Ron Moore and Seth MacFarlane to get their show renewed. PaRappa the Rapper is facing criminal charges when he takes his teacher's advice and does a rap that rats out the real criminal. Filming of an episode of Tila Tequila's "A Shot at Love" is interrupted when it's revealed that she's an experimental cyborg. Movie and TV favorites are trimmed down to "Just the Good Parts."

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319 votes

#6 - Monstourage

Robot Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 17

Vic Mackey from "The Shield" switches places with the Fantastic Four's Thing. Bronson Pinchot and Ludacris star in the off-Broadway production of "Don't Be Ridiculous." "Fraggle Rock" meets "Watership Down" when the Fraggles are forced out of their home and onto a desperate hunt for survival.

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Fool's Goldfinger
472 votes

#7 - Fool's Goldfinger

Robot Chicken - Season 5 - Episode 17

Cats are seen at key events throughout history, and there's nothing we can do about it! After leaving the Hendersons, Harry has a chance encounter with Sally that leads to a long, fulfilling life. Alistair Cooke presents a sneak peek at "Lord of the Rings: The Final Journey." GTA's Gay Tony puts a spotlight on the homoeroticism that has been lurking in the shadows of video games for ages now.

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Fight Club Paradise
446 votes

#8 - Fight Club Paradise

Robot Chicken - Season 5 - Episode 19

Robot Chicken makes his escape! To be more guy-friendly, "Sex and the City 3" goes in a new direction as an action thriller! Ranger Smith is out to stop Yogi Bear, but this time calls on the Power Forest Rangers for help! Having made his escape, Robot Chicken returns home to find his wife has been taken hostage by the Mad Scientist. He makes his way back to the lab to rescue her, leaving a trail of bodies in his wake.

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Some Like It Hitman
505 votes

#9 - Some Like It Hitman

Robot Chicken - Season 5 - Episode 13

The students of Hogwarts learn that even the slightest error in casting a spell can have dangerous consequences. Sara Lee and Betty Crocker get into a no holds barred street brawl. The Terminator takes on a new life as a fashion model after making the lower half of Sarah Connor's body its own. Aquaman confronts an oil company over the effects of an oil spill on the sea life. Find out why Donald Duck's nephew's spend so much time with their uncle instead of with their mother.

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President Evil
345 votes

#10 - President Evil

Robot Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 18

Diggers have Dug their own grave, Dig Dug-style, ya dig? You've never seen a Vegas crime caper like "Ocean's Thirty-Eight." The government tries to contain an outbreak of cooties. Teenagers are exposed to movie trailers, but they're not exactly watching the screen.

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Major League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
660 votes

#11 - Major League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Robot Chicken - Season 5 - Episode 6

Witness the best 60 seconds in television history! Spider-Man's spider-sense keeps tingling for trivial reasons. Learn the true story of how the Oompa Loompas came to work for Willy Wonka. Find out how the ice cream sundae was created. SpongeBob SquarePants discovers what the food that Mr. Krabs has been serving is really made from. The Keebler Elves defend their home against their greatest enemy: The Cookie Monster!

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Boo Cocky
320 votes

#12 - Boo Cocky

Robot Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 15

The Nerds find out Revenge comes with a price. Conan tells us "What is Best in Life" with a song. The Borg track the Enterprise to its hiding place... Las Vegas' "Star Trek Experience." The "Saved By The Bell" kids meet Jigsaw from "Saw," and Screech will never be the same.

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Slaughterhouse on the Prairie
349 votes

#13 - Slaughterhouse on the Prairie

Robot Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 13

Never seek the help of She-Ra when she's in her period! Danny and the gang from Grease are building a new sex machine. The intensive Care Bears care more than their HMO will allow. Nobody in Smurf village ever expected the dam to break.

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Schindler's Bucket List
655 votes

#14 - Schindler's Bucket List

Robot Chicken - Season 5 - Episode 7

Jason Voorhees is always one step ahead of his victims. Cobra Commander is roasted is by a Joe in disguise who takes it too far. Baby Needs-a-Name from "Strawberry Shortcake" gets a name no one will ever forget. The dark past of the Muppets comes back to haunt them when someone starts killing them off.

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Endless Breadsticks
392 votes

#15 - Endless Breadsticks

Robot Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 6

Another black man in a Fat Suit movie. Big Jim tries to score. A cat in a hat has his way with the family pet and the kids need to get lost. When Snarf kicks it, Mumm-Ra sees his chance to destroy the Thundercats as Lion-O's new nanny.

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Malcolm X: Fully Loaded
662 votes

#16 - Malcolm X: Fully Loaded

Robot Chicken - Season 5 - Episode 5

The hired farm hand responsible for "creating" Cabbage Patch Kids gets fired. Find out what crimes a Thanksgiving turkey committed, and was then pardoned for. The final pizza proudly made by a retiring pizza restaurant owner meets an inglorious fate. CD and Zune try to take out Steve Jobs but get in each other's way. Gallagher tries to use a copy of his latest stand-up special with Teddy Ruxpin, but the toy bear isn't having any part of it! Motivational speaker Nicky Passion gives Cobra Commander, Megatron and Skeletor some life advice.

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God's Image
54 votes

#17 - God's Image

Moral Orel - Season 2 - Episode 1

When the young Italian Figurelli boy, Billy, gets hurt, Orel tries to put a band-aid on him with the same color as God's skin but the band-aid doesn't blend in with Billy's skin color. However, the band-aid's blend in with other kid's skins just fine. This leads Orel to prompt the city of Moralton to segregate God's people from the Figurelli's, the only Italian-American family in the town. But this, however leads to a form of reverse racism. Soon the Figurelli's special treatment gets too out of hand for the other citizens of Moralton & they begin to go on a rampage! Now it's up to Orel's Father to set things right.

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The Departy Monster
637 votes

#18 - The Departy Monster

Robot Chicken - Season 5 - Episode 12

Princess Toadstool introduces her boyfriend Mario to her disapproving parents. Frankenberry's father is disgusted over how overly sensitive his son is when he comes home in hysterics over a breakup. Gollum will stop at nothing... literally nothing... to take the Ring back from Frodo. Master Chief won't remove his mask, but the mystery matters more to him than his men. Dorothy's companions take the rap for murder, and life in prison changes them for the worse.

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P.S. Yes, in That Way
513 votes

#19 - P.S. Yes, in That Way

Robot Chicken - Season 4 - Episode 6

Billy Dee Williams goes shopping. The Peculiar Purple Pie Man gets accused of stealing Black Cherry Pie's black cherry. The Henderson family says goodbye to Harry, and get an unwelcome sendoff from his cousin in return. G.I. Joe takes on a new member, but they take the razzing a little too far.

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We Are a Humble Factory
442 votes

#20 - We Are a Humble Factory

Robot Chicken - Season 4 - Episode 11

The Robot Chicken Nerd bathes in the Spring of the Drowned Girl, believing it will turn him into an awesomely sexy lady. As C-3PO's head is thrown his way, an Ugnaught has a flashback of his football career. As Harry guides his crew working on the asteroid that's about to hit Earth, he meets an alien inhabitant. The Creature from the Black Lagoon is jealous when he learns that Frankenstein and the other monsters all have their own cereal lines. Dakota Fanning joins the WWE.

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Casablankman II
466 votes

#21 - Casablankman II

Robot Chicken - Season 5 - Episode 18

From the makers of "Guitar Hero" comes a new game: "Didgeridoo Hero!" Terrorists want Doc Brown to build a bomb for them; Doc Brown just wants the plutonium for his time machine. Edward Cullen may look and talk sexy, but he's still a 109 year-old man. Lady Gaga launches a babysitting service. The Great Gazoo crash lands in Bedrock and Fred believes him to be a god requiring sacrifices. Veringular announces the new "Dog Phone."

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They Took My Thumbs
454 votes

#22 - They Took My Thumbs

Robot Chicken - Season 4 - Episode 2

A contractor demonstrates the various death traps being built to protect a temple from intruders. Jason Voorhees gets ready for Friday the 13th. Wildman shares some summer fun tips with a group of kids. What happens when the Justice League struggle through "Bring a Sidekick to Work Day?"

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The Godfather of the Bride II
503 votes

#23 - The Godfather of the Bride II

Robot Chicken - Season 5 - Episode 15

When Jonathan Kent has a heart attack, Clark tries CPR but it doesn't go well. The Robot Chicken Nerd dreams of adventures with KITT and Michael Knight. A bunch of Spocks from the future gather for a surprise birthday party. A glimpse is given of the future of television where every nearly every show will involve vampires by 2013.

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I'm Trapped
548 votes

#24 - I'm Trapped

Robot Chicken - Season 4 - Episode 3

Homonyms are explained in an educational musical. Vice President Dick Cheney is captured by terrorists and held captive along with Tony Stark. The truth behind James Bond's sex life is revealed. Skeletor's plot involving a less-than-perfect clone of He-Man doesn't work out well.

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Kramer vs. Showgirls
875 votes

#25 - Kramer vs. Showgirls

Robot Chicken - Season 5 - Episode 4

When Lego NASA's shuttle launch fails, the rescue attempts go very badly. When Andy comes home from college, his old toys face the horrifying reality that he's no longer the sweet kid they once adored. A veterinarian has harsh words for how Jon has been caring for Garfield over the years. Find out what happened to some our most memorable TV characters from the '90s.

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In a DVD Factory
585 votes

#26 - In a DVD Factory

Robot Chicken - Season 4 - Episode 4

It's been said that "only" a silver bullet can kill a werewolf, but we'll see about that! Witness the secret origin of Composite Santa Claus. The amount of advance planning Daredevil has to make in advance of a dramatic entrance is revealed. As the world mourns Hannah Montana's death, her friends continue to protect her secret identity as Miley.

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Beastmaster & Commander
685 votes

#27 - Beastmaster & Commander

Robot Chicken - Season 5 - Episode 10

Some people will do anything for better cellular service. The CHiPs get some backup from Pringle, ranch-style! Optimus Prime recalls his childhood with an abusive father. When Hal Jordan gets his hands cut off, he has to find another "place" to wear his ring. Ren McCormack joins the Peanuts gang and tries to teach them some new dance moves. The Bloopers host returns with some personal "bloopers" of his own.

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Catch Me If You Kangaroo Jack
769 votes

#28 - Catch Me If You Kangaroo Jack

Robot Chicken - Season 5 - Episode 9

Jonathan Kent warns Clark of how he handled the first aliens he found that landed on Earth. The Most Interesting Man in the World explains why he doesn't often drink beer. Writer Diablo Cody gives a few kind words for a recently departed friend. Venger is facing off against the D&D children when they point out that he's missing a horn from his helmet. Batman won't kill, so he lets the courts give the Joker what coming to him. The Robot Chicken Nerd enters the world of Tron.

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612 votes

#29 - Casablankman

Robot Chicken - Season 5 - Episode 11

Rubik the Amazing Cube returns for one last adventure. A group of hippie Predators protest the sport hunting of helpless humans. When the Enterprise loses power, the crew start horsing around, unaware that the Klingons nearby are watching. The latest fad, "getting Supe'd", involves kids setting up crises for Superman to save themselves from. Meet Tray-Norr, the personal trainer running Eternia's 24-hour gym.

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Love, Maurice
488 votes

#30 - Love, Maurice

Robot Chicken - Season 4 - Episode 7

There is an uprising in the kingdom and Babar must fight for his life! Bitten by a radioactive deer, a new superhero is born: Kid Venison! Roger Rabbit makes a deal with O.J. Simpson. Steve Austin convinces Oscar to rebuild Jaime Sommers into his ideal Bionic Woman. Terminator Baby is sent to protect John and Sarah from Terminator Puppy.

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Maurice Was Caught
468 votes

#31 - Maurice Was Caught

Robot Chicken - Season 4 - Episode 12

Simon Belmont takes on werewolves and Dracula himself with a whip. After triggering a thermonuclear war with Canada while searching for cheat codes, the Robot Chicken Nerd is taken to a CIA black ops site and interrogated. "Gone With the Wind" is re-imagined as an action movie featuring Jean-Claude Van Damme and Cynthia Rothrock. A scientist shows footage of failed attempts to design a working jet pack. Annie Warbucks holds a Sweet Sixteen party.

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397 votes

#32 - Shoe

Robot Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 5

Ted Kennedy and Jenna Jameson battle celebrities in politics and porn! Learn whatever happened to the Micro Machines man. Link's looking for a decent reward from Princess Zelda. The Homeless Airlines sort of take flight. Skeletor's latest plot against Eternia and He-Man goes a little too well.

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Saving Private Gigli
843 votes

#33 - Saving Private Gigli

Robot Chicken - Season 5 - Episode 1

Season Five of Robot Chicken opens with a bang on the beaches of Normandy! The Blockheads stand trial for the murder of Gumby. Weary of how people stare at him, Voldemort gets a nose job. A man proposes marriage to his girlfriend while skydiving, but her jealous ex-boyfriend has something to say about it. Skeletor is forced to take on renters when Snake Mountain is foreclosed on.

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Tubba-Bubba's Now Hubba-Hubba
251 votes

#34 - Tubba-Bubba's Now Hubba-Hubba

Robot Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 14

The Super Friends make way for The Super Pets. The Voltron Vehicle Force gets to the rescue as fast as it can. Pac-Man learns that he's been living in the Matrix. The Carmen Sandiego host has girlfriend troubles. The Cenobites guest star on "Girls Gone Wild." "24" focuses on the night hours as Drac takes down the terrorists.

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Especially the Animal Keith Crofford!
439 votes

#35 - Especially the Animal Keith Crofford!

Robot Chicken - Season 4 - Episode 19

The origins of the Wuzzles are explored. The Cloverfield monster is shamed into ending his rampage. Earl McGarry is a handyman who can discretely handle any horror. Nicholas Cage stars in an action-packed remake of Alfred Hitchcock's "Rear Window." Season four is closed out with highlights from the season showcased amidst a sappy parody of "What a Wonderful World" with a variety of characters joining in, right before Mike Lazzo announces that the show has been cancelled!

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Cannot Be Erased, So Sorry
398 votes

#36 - Cannot Be Erased, So Sorry

Robot Chicken - Season 4 - Episode 17

Daniel Day-Lewis stars as "The Humping Robot", a major motion picture coming soon. John Connor takes the new Terminator out for a test run. Cobra Commander has trouble placing an order at the drive-through window. The latest clients arrive on Fantasy Island, demanding the kind of fantasies that Mr. Roarke wasn't expecting to deliver. The Robot Chicken Nerd fantasizes a trip to Oz, but reimagines Dorothy's companions as supercool alternatives.

Tapping a Hero
452 votes

#37 - Tapping a Hero

Robot Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 4

Law & Order gets chicken-fied. President George W. Bush receives a gremlin. Don't miss "The 33 Year Old Virgin" starring Jesus Christ. Smokey the Bear recalls how he got his name. Stan Lee and Pamela Anderson reveal superhero gossip on "Superheroes Tonight."

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No Country for Old Dogs
800 votes

#38 - No Country for Old Dogs

Robot Chicken - Season 5 - Episode 8

Morgan Freeman narrates the events surrounding his 2008 car crash. When Superman gave up his powers for love, it turns out he was faking it. Arnold has been kidnapped and Mr. Drummond will stop at nothing to rescue him in the upcoming thriller: "Tak'n". Meet Rainbow Brite's sister, Rainbow Dim. Find out what happens when a group of mentally disabled soldiers take on Hitler and the SS in "Inglourious Reaterdz".

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Terms of Endaredevil
987 votes

#39 - Terms of Endaredevil

Robot Chicken - Season 5 - Episode 2

Learn the secret origin of Mo-Larr, Eternian Dentist! As Lara Croft raids an ancient temple, she finds the resident monsters more willing to help her than hinder her. He-Man lets his father, King Randor, move in with him, but the King proves to be a bit of a nuisance. Gargamel transfers his consciousness into the body of a Smurf so that he can infiltrate their village by posing as one of them.

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Werewolf vs. Unicorn
408 votes

#40 - Werewolf vs. Unicorn

Robot Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 1

The zombie Robot Chicken staff gets back to work! The Defenders of the Earth accept their limitations. Shout On and Shout Off with The Shouter. The Decepticon Soundwave discovers he's a little dated. You can be a loser in "The Game of Life." Governor Schwarzenegger investigates the illegal immigration issue with Speedy Gonzales and Dora the Explorer.

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Big Trouble in Little Clerks 2
965 votes

#41 - Big Trouble in Little Clerks 2

Robot Chicken - Season 5 - Episode 3

Angry over being forced into early retirement, Major Nelson uses Jeannie to take revenge on NASA. A music video exposes what happens deep in the jungles of Pandora late at night. Steelheart of the SilverHawks is ready for a night of romance, but her steel body requires some compromises. Each the Joes in G.I. Joe takes on an animal sidekick.

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The Core, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover
501 votes

#42 - The Core, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover

Robot Chicken - Season 5 - Episode 14

Kratos from 'God of War' goes to extreme lengths to collect blood orbs. The fish that a fisherman threw back in the lake comes back for revenge. Brian Austin Green ruins Masterpiece Theatre. Lois badgers Superman into traveling back in time for trivial reasons, leading him to recognize he's in a dysfunctional relationship. The American military has a close encounter of the funky kind.

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I Love Her
494 votes

#43 - I Love Her

Robot Chicken - Season 4 - Episode 10

What would happen if the Monchhichis drew first blood? Criss Angel substitutes for Professor Snape at Hogwarts. What would happen if the Power-Puff girls were on drugs? Freddy Kreuger's day gets off to a bad start thanks to ill-conceived gifts from his daughter. In an episode of "Living Lohan", the nerds next door have to contend with their unruly neighbors.

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President Hu Forbids It
409 votes

#44 - President Hu Forbids It

Robot Chicken - Season 4 - Episode 14

The batmobile experiences a series of mechanical failures and changes operating modes, first into a motorcycle, then a unicycle, and so on. The money has mysteriously gone missing from the World Wildlife Fund. A woman's lover makes her pirate fantasy overly realistic. Dr. Manhattan interrupts a bank robbery bank hostages, but puts one of the rescued hostages in a very awkward position. The premise for Dateline's "To Catch a Predator" backfires big time. The dungeon master bails from a D&D gaming session, so a nerd proposes an alternate gaming adventure.

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45 votes

#45 - Satan

Moral Orel - Season 2 - Episode 3

Coach Stopframe goes to a meeting of a Satanic cult, taking Orel with him. However, Coach Stopframe is turned off from the cult when he sees that everyone in the meeting is overweight, wandering around in the nude, and devouring junk food refreshments.

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Tell My Mom
543 votes

#46 - Tell My Mom

Robot Chicken - Season 4 - Episode 5

Joey Fatone gives a pitch for a new sketch featuring himself. Sam Witwicky gets new scooter. The true story is revealed behind Billy Joel's hit single, Piano Man. Annie learns about orphans in various countries. If you have a problem and the A-Team can't be reached, maybe you should hire the B-Team!

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The Ramblings of Maurice
375 votes

#47 - The Ramblings of Maurice

Robot Chicken - Season 4 - Episode 16

Those plastic 6-pack rings are deadly to turtles, in more ways than one. A cereal company expands its marketing tactics. Every time Harvey "Two-Face" Dent attacks Batman, he adds to his disfigurations. G.I. Joe lays Junkyard to rest, and adds his name to the Wall of Heroes. With development on the sequel to "The Dark Crystal" stalled, the producers re-imagine the project with a gangsta-rap take.

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Ban on the Fun
409 votes

#48 - Ban on the Fun

Robot Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 11

Thelma and Louise regret their suicidal ways. Crystar, the Crystal Warrior, gets smoked! The Maytag Repairman's life REALLY sucks. The Laff-A-Lympics gang face their darkest games ever: Munich, 1972.

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But Not in That Way
584 votes

#49 - But Not in That Way

Robot Chicken - Season 4 - Episode 9

A girl's father becomes obsessed with her own favorite anime show: Inuyasha. The Giving Tree has much to give. Punky Brewster discovers boys, leaving Glomer forgotten and alone in his closet. Stephen King meets his new neighbor, Dean Koontz. Black Manta narrates a story about the Joker's life in prison in "The Arkham Redemption."

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Two Weeks without Food
538 votes

#50 - Two Weeks without Food

Robot Chicken - Season 4 - Episode 8

Zeus decides to spice up "Clash of the Titans" with a monster truck! A young Iron Man fan gets swept up into a battle involving the Avengers and a giant robot. "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" is re-imagined as an opera. Speed Racer competes in NASCAR Racing. When Dorothy leaves Oz, it's back to business as usual for the Wizard. Watch the latest edition to MTV's "The Hills."

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