The BEST episodes written by Harp Pekin

#1 - Endless Breadsticks
Robot Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 6
Another black man in a Fat Suit movie. Big Jim tries to score. A cat in a hat has his way with the family pet and the kids need to get lost. When Snarf kicks it, Mumm-Ra sees his chance to destroy the Thundercats as Lion-O's new nanny.
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#2 - Yancy the Yo-Yo Boy
Robot Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 7
The dinosaurs face their Armageddon. Barbie and a brat go head-to-head on MTV's "Exposed." What happens on Tuesday when Wimpy has to pay for his burgers? Greatest American hero or greatest American nerd? Find out how infinite wealth has affected Richie Rich's teenage years.
Watch Now:AmazonApple TV
#3 - Shoe
Robot Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 5
Ted Kennedy and Jenna Jameson battle celebrities in politics and porn! Learn whatever happened to the Micro Machines man. Link's looking for a decent reward from Princess Zelda. The Homeless Airlines sort of take flight. Skeletor's latest plot against Eternia and He-Man goes a little too well.
Watch Now:Apple TV
#4 - More Blood, More Chocolate
Robot Chicken - Season 3 - Episode 8
An alien invasion isn't quite what it seems. Haunted houses are common, but not one with THIS kind of ghost! Can Bob the Builder take on the mafia? Probably. "Inside the Battlefield" revisits G.I. Joe's and Cobra's battle of the Weather Dominator, twenty years later.
Watch Now:Apple TV