The WORST episodes of Murder One

Every episode of Murder One ever, ranked from worst to best by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The worst episodes of Murder One!

In the first season of Murder one, Theodore Hoffman is a prominent defense attorney in a prestigious Los Angeles law firm. After successfully defending the wealthy but suspicious Richard Cross in a lurid murder trial, he is now involved in the defense of Neil Avedon. Neil is a famous young actor who has had severe drug and alcohol problems and was subsequently charged with the murder, after Cross was exonerated. This single case will run an entire television season (interspersed with bits from other cases that the firm is involved in). The show continued on for a second season, though withought the main character Theodore Hoffman.

Last Updated: 6/1/2024Network: ABC (US)Status: Ended
0 votes

#1 - Chapter Eighteen, Year Two

Season 2 - Episode 18 - Aired 5/29/1997

Wyler defends a young man accused of killing an octogenarian heiress.

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#2 - Chapter Sixteen, Year Two

Season 2 - Episode 16 - Aired 5/26/1997

Writer: Doug Palau
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#3 - Chapter Fourteen, Year Two

Season 2 - Episode 14 - Aired 5/25/1997

The defense team learns incriminating evidence against Latrell's agent; prosecution witnesses taint Latrell's wholesome image

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#4 - Chapter Twelve, Year Two

Season 2 - Episode 12 - Aired 1/23/1997

Judge Bornstein receives a copy of Weikopf's demo tape anonymously and calls everyone into chambers, where she again questions Weikopf about her relationship with Hicks. When Weikopf stonewalls her, Bornstein produces an affidavit signed by Hicks which details their arrangement, as well as affidavits from major television networks attesting that Hicks was soliciting them on Weikopf's behalf. When Weikopf continues her denials, Bornstein kicks her off the case and out of the courtroom. Hilly Jackson takes the stand and testifies that Rickey was carrying the murder weapon on the day Fortas was killed, and later asked him to dispose of it. Closing arguments are presented and the case goes to the jury. Later, Carla meets with Jimmy and Justine and tells them that Rickey has left her a note saying that he has gone into hiding. Jimmy figures that he has probably gone to Mexico or Canada, and tells Carla not to tell anyone else. He tells Justine to keep Chris and Aaron in the dark, so that th

Directors: Randy Zisk
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34 votes

#5 - Chapter Two, Year Two

Season 2 - Episode 2 - Aired 10/17/1996

During Miriam's opening statement, she contends that Sharon was a spurned lover who killed Van Allan in a fit of rage because he forced her to have an abortion when she became pregnant with his child. Upon hearing this revelation, Jimmy requests an immediate recess because he is ""indisposed"". During the recess, Jimmy asks Sharon if Miriam was correct about the pregnancy and abortion, and severely chastises her for not telling him about it. She tells him that she couldn't tell anyone, because killing her baby was the worst thing she had ever done. Later, Jimmy tells Justine that this statement convinces him that Sharon isn't guilty. After court adjourns for the day, the defense team meets back at the office and discusses the effect of the revelation of Sharon's abortion on Juror #6, a devout Catholic. They begin looking for information to get him disqualified. Jimmy and Frank meet with Terry Philbrick, a dirty tricks operative inside the Garfield campaign. For a $25,000 payment, he offe

Directors: Joe Ann Fogle
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31 votes

#6 - Chapter Ten, Year Two

Season 2 - Episode 10 - Aired 1/16/1997

The defense team learns incriminating evidence against Latrell's agent; prosecution witnesses taint Latrell's wholesome image

Directors: Donna Deitch
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#7 - Chapter Three, Year Two

Season 2 - Episode 3 - Aired 10/24/1996

The firm becomes aware of their financial troubles. They seem a little angry at Wyler in this opening scene. Adrian, a cell mate of Sharon, says she heard her confess to the murders. Rooney apparently told her where the weapon was hidden. Later, the weapon is found in this location. Wyler requests money from the court and receives very little of it. Caroline VanAllen later offers money because she doesn't believe Rooney was the killer. Wyler denies the offer. Wyler meets with a man named Larry (?) White. Apparently, he was a spy on the VanAllen campaign. White believes he helped set up the murder. Wyler gives him protection to testify as a ""secret witness."" As Sharon's husband is testifying, Sharon jumps up and yells, ""I'm the one who's guilty! I should be punished!"" Wyler moves for a mistrial but is denied. The jury is allowed to regard the statements in her outburst. The criminalist testifies that a trail of carpet fibres incriminates Rooney. While Justine is cross-examining him,

Directors: Elodie Keene
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Chapter One
56 votes

#8 - Chapter One

Season 1 - Episode 1 - Aired 9/19/1995

Ted Hoffman appears in court representing Neil Avedon, an actor with a drug problem and a propensity for violence. After Ted argues successfully for his client, he takes him aside and fires him, telling him that he will never represent him again. Meanwhile, Los Angeles is buzzing with the news of the murder of fifteen-year-old Jessica Costello. Arthur Polson, the detective who is assigned to the case, wants to speak to Richard Cross, the wealthy and powerful man who owns the building in which her body was found. Richard asks Ted to accompany him to headquarters, and reveals that he has been having an affair with Jessica's older sister, Julie Costello, for about two years. When Polson questions him, Richard claims that he has not been in the building for several days and that he spoke to Jessica only briefly on a few occasions. Jessica's sister Julie returns from her modeling assignment in Costa Rica, identifies her sister's body and is interviewed by Polson with Ted at her side. Richar

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#9 - Chapter One, Year Two

Season 2 - Episode 1 - Aired 10/10/1996

In an effort to save his marriage and reestablish his relationship with his family, Ted Hoffman has left the firm and is traveling in Europe with Annie and Lizzie. As a result, Lisa and Lila have also left the firm. Chris represents Greg Ladich, a police officer accused of brutality during a routine car-stop. During cross-examination, the prosecutor, Jimmy Wyler, manages to bait Ladich so successfully that Ladich sucker-punches him in the nose. Wyler rests his case; after forty minutes of deliberation, the jury hands him a guilty verdict. On his way out of the courtroom, Jimmy receives the disturbing news that Roger Garfield has given Jimmy's promotion to another attorney. Jimmy confronts Garfield, who admits that he gave the promotion away in retaliation for Jimmy's cutting him out of a press conference after Jimmy had won a big case. Certain that Garfield's bid for governor will be unsuccessful, and unwilling to work for him any longer, Jimmy resigns. When Jimmy finds out that the go

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#10 - Chapter Four, Year Two

Season 2 - Episode 4 - Aired 11/7/1996

Jimmy Wyler visits Kyle Rooney in the hospital he works at. Wyler confronted him about the fact that the firm's private investigator had found out Kyle was having an affair witha nurse. Jimmy implies that Sharon is only confessing to the murders because she fells so guilty about cheating on her husband. Ricky Latrell, a basketball player, visits the firm. The team owner was found murdered and he wants to make sure he's not accused because he, his wife and his manager found the body. Jimmy says he'll take the case. The plea bargain resurfaces offering Sharon only four and a half years in jail. Once again, they turn it down. A ballistics expert testifies in the Rooney case. He says that all eight bullets were fired from the same gun which was owned by Rooney's roommate. In cross examination, Jimmy says the evidence doesn't establish anything. Later, while Jimmy is visiting Sharon, he sees that she's very upset. Apparently, Kyle had told her about his affair with the nurse. Caroline Va

Writer: Doug Palau
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34 votes

#11 - Chapter Seven, Year Two

Season 2 - Episode 7 - Aired 12/5/1996

Ricky Latrell's manager, Lee Michaelson, tells Jimmy that their long standing friendship should not get in the way of Jimmy's making him an alternate suspect, if it will help Rickey's case. Jimmy assures him that's not going to happen. When Chris and Aaron propose the same thing later that day, Jimmy has a heated exchange with them about not ruining Michaelson's reputation. Laura stops by Jimmy's office to tell him that she's accepting a job offer in San Francisco because she realizes that their relationship is over. Miriam and Jimmy give their closing statements and the jury retires to deliberate Sharon's fate. The jury asks to review Beiden's testimony about seeing Sharon fleeing the scene. This news gets Sharon quite agitated because she believes that the jury is leaning towards a conviction. After three long days of deliberation, the jury returns a verdict of not guilty. As Sharon leaves the courthouse, a woman hurls epithets at her and spits in her face. She wonders if she will ev

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33 votes

#12 - Chapter Nine, Year Two

Season 2 - Episode 9 - Aired 1/9/1997

The firm is in the middle of having a meeting with Ricky Latrelle and his agent, discussing the juror selection when the episode begins. A man walks in, claiming that he need to check the smoke-detector. He starts asking Latrelle to sign an autograph for his son and pulls out a basketball for Ricky to sign. Wyler notices that something is bothering Aaron and he questions him about it. Aaron states that Chris has had too much control over choosing the juror and it will only hurt their case. An old friend of Ricky's invites him to play in a celebrity golf tournament. Ricky says he'll think about it. Chris asks to speak with Aaron later. Chris says that he can't trust him and the two begin arguing loudly. Wyler walks in and says that they had better begin defending their client or they can leave. The smoke detector man shows up at the firm again. The secretary confronts him and tells him not to bug Ricky again. Ricky's friend, Mr. Hicks, says that Chris is doing a good job with the jur

Directors: Marc Buckland
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35 votes

#13 - Chapter Six, Year Two

Season 2 - Episode 6 - Aired 11/21/1996

Judge Bell grants Miriam's motion that all of Larry White's testimony be stricken because there was no opportunity to cross-examine him, but denies her motion to quash Garfield's subpoena. On the stand, Garfield admits that he knew Terry Philbrick, but denies that he ever said that the only way to beat Tom Van Allan is to have him killed. He also denies knowing Larry White. Laura thanks Jimmy for clearing her name and getting her job back, even though she's going to resign immediately. She tells him that he was right about Dietrich, and to be careful of him. Holding up his end of the deal, Jimmy gives Dietrich the video tape of his attempted bribe outside the courtroom. When Dietrich takes the stand and denies trying to bribe him, Jimmy asks what's on the video tape in his pocket. Dietrich's silence speaks volumes. Frank catches Donny McKee trying to skip town and drags him into the office. Jimmy warns McKee that if he doesn't testify, Jimmy won't go to bat for him with the D.A., which

Writer: Doug Palau
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#14 - Chapter Five, Year Two

Season 2 - Episode 5 - Aired 11/14/1996

Larry White's expenses become larger. Arnold comes in late to the firm's meeting because he is out buying vitamins and other such thing for White. Ricky Latrell appears on a television program, answering questions about being accused of the murder of Sandy Portas. The Private Investigator announces that Larry White is missing. Wyler asks him to search for Larry. Michael, the security officer, is brought onto the stand again. He is questioned about being obsessed with Caroline VanAllen. Wyler brings up the fact that Caroline had to get a restraining order against him. Miriam Grasso objects to the questioning but it is allowed. Wyler also brings up the fact that Michael had tried to attack him but he defended himself. Michael says that is not true and he was just going to confront Wyler about his affair with Caroline when he was attacked. Wyler suggests that Michael is the perfect candidate to be the murderer, due to his temper. Michael also says that he never attacked Caroline by pullin

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Chapter Eight
42 votes

#15 - Chapter Eight

Season 1 - Episode 8 - Aired 11/16/1995

Julie is in an accident when she apparently mixes alcohol and prescription drugs. She is put in jail temporarily until Cross and Hoffman show up. Lester ends up taking her home. A supposed "tape" of Neil strangling another woman shows up on Deadline America. It turns out to be an altered clip from an X-rated movie. Hoffman find out that it was Sydney, (the intern/leak) and fires him. Sydney said that he wanted to get revenge on the host of Deadline America. Neil and Hoffman come before the judge yet again to argue the admissablity of Susan Dominque's (the nurse, working for Graham Lester, who said that she heard Neil confess to the murder) testimony. The judge allows Susan's testimony in, but will not allow any testimony from Graham Lester in. A former patient of Graham Lester's surfaces. Stephanie Lambert meets with Julie Costello and tells her about her experiences with Graham Lester (including rape). Julie remembers those experiences, too.

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Chapter Nineteen
41 votes

#16 - Chapter Nineteen

Season 1 - Episode 19 - Aired 4/1/1996

Richard flies into an irrational rage when Justine reports on her research into a pending acquisition. Later, on several occasions when Justine is alone in Richard's office, she looks through his personal files, unaware that a security camera is watching her every move. Richard confronts her in a rage and begins to choke her. He calms down suddenly, leaving Justine terrified. When she hands in her resignation shortly afterwards, Richard tears it up and offers her a substantial promotion and bonus. Justine shows Lisa the marks on her neck and tells her that she is now sure that Richard killed Jessica. Richard takes the stand and begins behaving strangely and making inappropriate remarks. When it becomes evident that he is unaware of his surroundings, Judge Bornstein calls a recess. Against the advice of the defense team, Neil insists upon testifying, so Chris and Ted prepare him for several hours. When his testimony is over, Neil thinks he may have reached a few of the jurors; privately

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Chapter Fourteen
41 votes

#17 - Chapter Fourteen

Season 1 - Episode 14 - Aired 2/12/1996

The court order's Graham Lester's records of Neil Avedon to be unsealed...much to the dismay of the defense. Lester refuses to testify and ends up in jail because of his protest. Eventually, he says he could not take it anymore, and agrees to testify against Avedon. He visits Hoffman who sees through his act of trying to get the jury to see him as a "good person." Lester testifies before the court that he saw Neil the night of Jessica's murder and he had confessed to him. Neil yells out in the court, outraged by Lester's accusations. The judge scolds him. Romantic problems among the jurors disrupt the court when two men argue over a woman in the jury. The judge has to halt the court and call the two jurors into her chambers. Eventually the two jurors who have become romantically involved are dismissed. The woman poses in Penthouse and the man plans to make a movie.

Directors: Randy Zisk
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Chapter Twenty
40 votes

#18 - Chapter Twenty

Season 1 - Episode 20 - Aired 4/8/1996

Eduardo Portalegre surprises Justine in Richard's office while she is working. After a few moments of small talk, he makes a pass at her. As she resists, he turns violent. Richard enters the office and burns Eduardo with his own cigar to stop the attack. After Eduardo leaves, Richard seems somewhat distant and cannot seem to remember that Eduardo was there just a few minutes earlier. The closing statements begin. Miriam shows the jury graphic pictures of a bruised Jessica as well as the tape of Neil strangling Melissa, over Ted's objection. Ted argues that Miriam's case is built on a fabric of lies woven by Richard, Graham Lester, and Susan Dominick. During a settlement conference in their divorce action, Annie angrily tells Ted that a reporter called her asking for a comment about Ted's affair with Judge Bornstein. Ted tells her that the affair was over long before he and Annie were ever involved. Garfield finds out about the affair and requests that Judge Bornstein recuse herself. Wh

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Chapter Sixteen
41 votes

#19 - Chapter Sixteen

Season 1 - Episode 16 - Aired 3/4/1996

Hoffman and Lisa Gillespie meet with Roberto Portelegre who had been arrested for rape once again. Det. Polson tells Hoffman that Roberto knew Julie Costello and they are investigating him for the murder. Hoffman's law firm is forced to drop the case due to a conflict of interest. Julie meets with Arnold to talk about her testimony of Dr. Graham Lester. Julie is worried and reluctant but eventually agrees. The firm's private investigator obtains photos of Richard Cross helping a man, Johnathan Kimbell, off his private jet. Kimbell turns out to be an AIDs victim who's medical bills are being paid by Cross. He also happens to be the brother of Susan Dominque (the nurse at Lester's office who testified that Neil called the night of the murder to confess). The defense calls both Susan and her brother to the stand in court to prove that Cross had been bribing Susan to lie. Julie is eventually called to the stand and is completely unco-opertative and says the opposite of everything she ha

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Chapter Twelve
41 votes

#20 - Chapter Twelve

Season 1 - Episode 12 - Aired 1/22/1996

Lizzie Hoffman identifies the woman who abducted her. She was a school teacher who cleam that she had seen Lizzie, apparently abandoned and took pity on her. All she said she was doing was a "good deed." Polson tells Teddy that Lizzie would have to testify in the court against this woman. Teddy agrees but Annie does not. The first witnesses are called and tell of how the victim, Jessica, died. Rumor also circulates that Cross is HIV positive and may have been black-mailing Jessica, eventually killing her. Cross takes the stand.

Directors: Rick Wallace
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32 votes

#21 - Chapter Eight, Year Two

Season 2 - Episode 8 - Aired 12/12/1996

The tabliod reporter catches up with Wyler and offers to pay him two million dollars for the location of Carmine. The detective on the Rooney case also meets up with Wyler. He expresses his disappointment that Wyler is now involved with scum like Carmine. Ricky Latrelle's manager talks with Wyler. He says that he would prefer it if Wyler ran the show rather than Chris. Aaron tells Chris that he would like to do most of the talking because the juror will identify with a black man. Wyler and the detective meet with Carmine, who has been placed in a hotel room. Carmine says that the contract was out on VanAllen's mistress. He shot both the victims. Carmine also claims that he didn't know that he had shot the governor, he thought VanAllen was just another guy. Carmine also talks about how he killed Terry Philburg. The tabliod reporter stops by Wyler's office saying that there's a gentleman who's willing to meet with Wyler. This ""gentleman"" is looking for Carmine. Latrelle is forced to p

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Chapter Twenty-One
40 votes

#22 - Chapter Twenty-One

Season 1 - Episode 21 - Aired 4/22/1996

Directors: Marc Buckland
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Chapter Eighteen
40 votes

#23 - Chapter Eighteen

Season 1 - Episode 18 - Aired 3/18/1996

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Chapter Thirteen
40 votes

#24 - Chapter Thirteen

Season 1 - Episode 13 - Aired 2/5/1996

The tapes become an issue in the courts. (The one of Avedon strangling a woman in a passionate moment and of Beverly, her husband and Cross together.) Beverly is ordered to appear in court. Julie is set to testify for the defense. Also, Polson testifies. Julie walks out on Cross and stays with Arnold. Hoffman disapproves of this, but founds out after. Cross confronts Arnold about Julie. Amy Scott is a surprise witness for the DA. She was in a drup support group with Neil and he had apparently threatened her. Teddy's wife asks him for a seperation. She says that the trial has been too much.

Directors: Jim Hayman
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Chapter Three
49 votes

#25 - Chapter Three

Season 1 - Episode 3 - Aired 10/3/1995

Neil is arraigned, and bail is set at ten million dollars, conditioned on Neil's completing a thirty day inpatient rehab program. After Richard posts bail and he's released, Neil insists upon being treated at Lester's facility, over Ted's objections. Miriam floats a plea of involuntary manslaughter, which Ted turns down. Julie finds Jessica's diary in the trunk of her car, and she and Richard bring it to Ted. The diary contains a list of several prominent men in Hollywood men with whom Jessica had sex and drugs. Ted gives the diary to Davey and Justine for analysis and authentication. The next day, Gary Blondo tells Ted that Neil arrived at his house at 2 a.m., freaked-out about the contents of Jessica's diary. Realizing that Richard must have told Lester about the diary, and that Lester in turn told Neil, Ted visits Lester, accuses him of fraud and negligence, and warns him and Neil that Neil's next slip-up will land him back in jail. Melissa Griotte, one of Neil's sex partners, meets

Directors: Joe Ann Fogle
Writer: Ann Donahue
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