The BEST episodes written by Doug Palau

#1 - Brother's Keeper
NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 4
The word goes out to the uniforms to look out for any possible donors for a heart for Simone. Sipowicz, Medavoy and Martinez investigate the homicide of an elderly woman whose hands and feet were cut off of her body. Bobby is transferred over to the surgical staff, where his new doctor recommends that waiting for the heart transplant is his best option. The woman's two sons are probable suspects, one son, Arnold Struel, shows no remorse over her death, the other, Stanley an alcoholic junkie, who didn't like her, at least shows some compassion. Sipowicz finally gets Arnold to give it up. Later, when he returns to the interview room, he sees that Arnold is hanging himself. He debates about waiting until he is dead, to provide a donor for Bobby, but circumstances (Medavoy) prevent him from waiting. By chance, an off-duty cop is shot in the head and for all practical purposes is dead; Fancy makes a pleas with the widow, for a directed donation. Eventually she consents and Bobby is prepped
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The Agency - Season 1 - Episode 11
After the young son of a British Intelligence officer is kidnapped and the man fails to report him missing, the CIA and British Intelligence's investigation takes an unusual turn. They learn that the man didn't report his child missing because the kidnappers are Iraqis and he has arranged to trade plans for an Allied invasion of Iraq in exchange for his son's return. Matt and Carl join the investigators in London to ensure that the officer's plan is derailed without losing the boy in the process. Meanwhile, Robert Quinn, who is temporarily replacing Director Pierce, starts implementing changes. Daniel Benzali (""Murder One"") guest stars.
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#3 - Chapter Twenty-Three
Murder One - Season 1 - Episode 23
Ted meets with Julie to ask for her help in getting Richard to testify that the tape of the murder is authentic. When she refuses, Chris begins playing the tape. After viewing it for a few minutes, she tearfully agrees to help them. To be lucid enough to testify in court, Richard will need to take a drug which will also further weaken his immune system. In response to his initial resistance, Julie tells him that he owes it to her and Jessica, and he finally relents. Chris is approached by a man who represents a judge on the Court of Appeals who is willing to convince two other judges to overturn Neil's verdict and to get him released on bail immediately in return for $100,000. Chris refuses, telling him that the firm is not in the practice of bribery, to which Ted agrees when Chris fills him in about this encounter. Judge Bornstein grants Ted a hearing where he presents expert testimony that the tape has not been doctored. Richard takes the stand and testifies that he installed a video
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#4 - Chapter Nine
Murder One - Season 1 - Episode 9
This episode begins with Avedon meeting Hoffman in the law office. He had just received a letter from an obsessive fan, whom he had previously had to obtain a restraining order against. It said, that she had been the one who killed Jessica and Avedon's girlfriend had better stay away or she'd be next. The fan's name was Holly. Hoffman's wife visits the office, having heard a rumor that Franchesca Cross and he were having an affair. Hoffman, of course, denies this and later confronts Cross about it. He thinks Cross started the rumor so he wouldn't have to pay as much money in the divorce settlement. Hoffman and the law firm's private investigator visit the home of Holly, the deranged fan. She believes that she has a personal relationship with Neil Avedon. Later, Holly shows up in at the law office and claims that she really has to talk to Neil. Eventually, she pulls a gun on Hoffman (who remained in amazing professional composure throughout the whole incident). However, Neil plays along
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Murder One - Season 2 - Episode 13
Jimmy's mentor, Sidney Pomerantz, is dying of cancer and asks him to take over the case of Clifford Banks, a man accused of murdering 17 people.
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#6 - Raphael's Inferno
NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 14
Sorenson's sister, Lori comes to town and spends the day in the city trying to hook up with him. However, he and Sipowicz are investigating the murder of a nine-year-old girl who was found murdered in the basement of the building where she lived. The building's superintendent is only interested in getting his tools back. Sipowicz and Sorenson find the tools in the possession of a tenant of the building who has his own passageway into the basement. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Martinez investigate the case of an elderly man who comes to the precinct claiming he's been embezzled by his young girlfriend through influence by a friend of hers. The detectives debate about how to tell the old man about the nature of "girl" who's been giving him great pleasure. Dolores Mayo's long estranged father comes looking to visit her, Diane and Jill give him the news of her death.

#7 - Sins of the Fathers
ER - Season 6 - Episode 4
Lawrence exhibits signs of forgetfulness, which Lucy catches, while treating a teenager who tried to hang himself. A negative article about the hospital and Corday appears in the newspaper after last week's reporter visit. Malucci learns a lesson in sympathy dealing with a man dying from a skydiving accident. Cleo is racked with guilt after misdiagnosing a four-year-old with iron poisoning, who later dies. Carter makes plans to meet with Elaine. Carol treats a pregnant waitress with no insurance.
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#8 - Chapter Seven
Murder One - Season 1 - Episode 7
Deadline America reports a rumor that the DA is about to introduce a "mystery" witness. Hoffman questions Miriam, the deputy DA, about this and it turns out that the witness is Susan Dominique, a night nurse at Graham Lester's clinic. When Detective Polson told her that Neil had called the clinic from Jessica's the night of the murder she confirmed it, however she never came forward with this information herself. A leak in the firm is suspected. It turns out to be the firm's intern who had been seduced by the host of Deadline America. Hoffman doesn't fire Sydney (the intern). Instead he gives him another chance. Hoffman visits Graham Lester and accuses him of going against what is best for Neil Avedon. Lester claims that Neil confessed to killing Jessica but Neil can neither confirm or deny this because he doesn't remember anything about that night. Hoffman discovers that Neil and Richard Cross have been keeping in touch throughout the whole "battle."
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#9 - Benevolence
Law & Order - Season 3 - Episode 22
Logan and Briscoe begin their investigation into the death of a hearing-impaired young woman by questioning her two most recent boyfriends.
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#11 - Chapter Thirteen
Murder One - Season 1 - Episode 13
The tapes become an issue in the courts. (The one of Avedon strangling a woman in a passionate moment and of Beverly, her husband and Cross together.) Beverly is ordered to appear in court. Julie is set to testify for the defense. Also, Polson testifies. Julie walks out on Cross and stays with Arnold. Hoffman disapproves of this, but founds out after. Cross confronts Arnold about Julie. Amy Scott is a surprise witness for the DA. She was in a drup support group with Neil and he had apparently threatened her. Teddy's wife asks him for a seperation. She says that the trial has been too much.
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Murder One - Season 2 - Episode 8
The tabliod reporter catches up with Wyler and offers to pay him two million dollars for the location of Carmine. The detective on the Rooney case also meets up with Wyler. He expresses his disappointment that Wyler is now involved with scum like Carmine. Ricky Latrelle's manager talks with Wyler. He says that he would prefer it if Wyler ran the show rather than Chris. Aaron tells Chris that he would like to do most of the talking because the juror will identify with a black man. Wyler and the detective meet with Carmine, who has been placed in a hotel room. Carmine says that the contract was out on VanAllen's mistress. He shot both the victims. Carmine also claims that he didn't know that he had shot the governor, he thought VanAllen was just another guy. Carmine also talks about how he killed Terry Philburg. The tabliod reporter stops by Wyler's office saying that there's a gentleman who's willing to meet with Wyler. This ""gentleman"" is looking for Carmine. Latrelle is forced to p
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#13 - Chapter Twenty
Murder One - Season 1 - Episode 20
Eduardo Portalegre surprises Justine in Richard's office while she is working. After a few moments of small talk, he makes a pass at her. As she resists, he turns violent. Richard enters the office and burns Eduardo with his own cigar to stop the attack. After Eduardo leaves, Richard seems somewhat distant and cannot seem to remember that Eduardo was there just a few minutes earlier. The closing statements begin. Miriam shows the jury graphic pictures of a bruised Jessica as well as the tape of Neil strangling Melissa, over Ted's objection. Ted argues that Miriam's case is built on a fabric of lies woven by Richard, Graham Lester, and Susan Dominick. During a settlement conference in their divorce action, Annie angrily tells Ted that a reporter called her asking for a comment about Ted's affair with Judge Bornstein. Ted tells her that the affair was over long before he and Annie were ever involved. Garfield finds out about the affair and requests that Judge Bornstein recuse herself. Wh
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#14 - Golden Years
Law & Order - Season 4 - Episode 11
An emaciated elderly woman is found dead of an apparent heart attack and her granddaughter is charged with neglect and grave indifference to human life.
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Murder One - Season 2 - Episode 6
Judge Bell grants Miriam's motion that all of Larry White's testimony be stricken because there was no opportunity to cross-examine him, but denies her motion to quash Garfield's subpoena. On the stand, Garfield admits that he knew Terry Philbrick, but denies that he ever said that the only way to beat Tom Van Allan is to have him killed. He also denies knowing Larry White. Laura thanks Jimmy for clearing her name and getting her job back, even though she's going to resign immediately. She tells him that he was right about Dietrich, and to be careful of him. Holding up his end of the deal, Jimmy gives Dietrich the video tape of his attempted bribe outside the courtroom. When Dietrich takes the stand and denies trying to bribe him, Jimmy asks what's on the video tape in his pocket. Dietrich's silence speaks volumes. Frank catches Donny McKee trying to skip town and drags him into the office. Jimmy warns McKee that if he doesn't testify, Jimmy won't go to bat for him with the D.A., which
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Murder One - Season 2 - Episode 4
Jimmy Wyler visits Kyle Rooney in the hospital he works at. Wyler confronted him about the fact that the firm's private investigator had found out Kyle was having an affair witha nurse. Jimmy implies that Sharon is only confessing to the murders because she fells so guilty about cheating on her husband. Ricky Latrell, a basketball player, visits the firm. The team owner was found murdered and he wants to make sure he's not accused because he, his wife and his manager found the body. Jimmy says he'll take the case. The plea bargain resurfaces offering Sharon only four and a half years in jail. Once again, they turn it down. A ballistics expert testifies in the Rooney case. He says that all eight bullets were fired from the same gun which was owned by Rooney's roommate. In cross examination, Jimmy says the evidence doesn't establish anything. Later, while Jimmy is visiting Sharon, he sees that she's very upset. Apparently, Kyle had told her about his affair with the nurse. Caroline Va
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#17 - Grime Scene
NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 9
Kirkendall's son, Kyle, is the only known witness to a stabbing. Russell, Sorenson and Sipowicz begin work to find another witness or a confession from a suspect (when they find one) to help keep Kyle from having to keep reliving this event in a courtroom. Sylvia begins working with Sgt. Dornan on investigating the Suarez case. They interview a man inside who points them to the person responsible for putting Suarez in jail and his subsequent murder. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Martinez investigate a homicide where an informant on an old case may be the key suspect. Dolores implores John to help her find out her status with Fancy, she doesn't seem to want to face him or the detectives. With Sipowicz meeting with Sylvia and Dornan about the Suarez matter, Russell and Sorenson find a suspect in the stabbing. With their cases down, Russell joins Sorenson, Medavoy and Martinez after work in a bar. Sorenson expresses curiosity on whether Russell drinks or not, after she almost takes a beer that M
#18 - Chapter One, Year Two
Murder One - Season 2 - Episode 1
In an effort to save his marriage and reestablish his relationship with his family, Ted Hoffman has left the firm and is traveling in Europe with Annie and Lizzie. As a result, Lisa and Lila have also left the firm. Chris represents Greg Ladich, a police officer accused of brutality during a routine car-stop. During cross-examination, the prosecutor, Jimmy Wyler, manages to bait Ladich so successfully that Ladich sucker-punches him in the nose. Wyler rests his case; after forty minutes of deliberation, the jury hands him a guilty verdict. On his way out of the courtroom, Jimmy receives the disturbing news that Roger Garfield has given Jimmy's promotion to another attorney. Jimmy confronts Garfield, who admits that he gave the promotion away in retaliation for Jimmy's cutting him out of a press conference after Jimmy had won a big case. Certain that Garfield's bid for governor will be unsuccessful, and unwilling to work for him any longer, Jimmy resigns. When Jimmy finds out that the go
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Murder One - Season 2 - Episode 14
The defense team learns incriminating evidence against Latrell's agent; prosecution witnesses taint Latrell's wholesome image
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