The BEST episodes directed by Steven Bochco

#1 - Brother's Keeper
NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 4
The word goes out to the uniforms to look out for any possible donors for a heart for Simone. Sipowicz, Medavoy and Martinez investigate the homicide of an elderly woman whose hands and feet were cut off of her body. Bobby is transferred over to the surgical staff, where his new doctor recommends that waiting for the heart transplant is his best option. The woman's two sons are probable suspects, one son, Arnold Struel, shows no remorse over her death, the other, Stanley an alcoholic junkie, who didn't like her, at least shows some compassion. Sipowicz finally gets Arnold to give it up. Later, when he returns to the interview room, he sees that Arnold is hanging himself. He debates about waiting until he is dead, to provide a donor for Bobby, but circumstances (Medavoy) prevent him from waiting. By chance, an off-duty cop is shot in the head and for all practical purposes is dead; Fancy makes a pleas with the widow, for a directed donation. Eventually she consents and Bobby is prepped
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#2 - Vishy-Vashy-Vinny
NYPD Blue - Season 2 - Episode 11
After discovering a key piece of evidence, Simone gets his chance to question the serial killer suspect. The detectives work on stopping the armored car robbery and then Fancy plays the incriminating tape that he had Vinnie record for him. Haverill is given the choice of retiring or a trial and he elects retirement. Martinez and Lesniak arrest an odd extortionist. James tells Adrianne that he enjoys working with her.
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#3 - Raging Bulls
NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 8
The cop that stopped Fancy for a broken taillight a couple of years ago is involved in the shooting of a black undercover officer. Tensions rise between Sipowicz and Fancy when the black and white issue comes up and later Fancy interviews Szymanski. Sipowicz and Sorenson's evidence from their interviews, points to the fact that Szymanski's story is good. Sipowicz tells Fancy that he can't jam up Szymanski for this. The tension in the squad rises so high, that Fancy and Sipowicz come to blows with each other. Shannon stops Russell and Kirkendall to tell them that Dolores was caught shoplifting. They reach out to help her and then try talking with her; however, Dolores only seems interested in knowing whether she still has a job. Sylvia returns home, disheartened by the Suarez story; Andy offers to help her get him justice.
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#4 - Numb & Number
NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 3
Bobby isn't doing much better the following morning; the doctor recommends they do the test he recommended, earlier than planned. When Andy hears about these tests it puts him on edge and makes him more difficult to work with than usual. While Jill waits with Diane, the other detectives investigate the death of a man who was murdered in the park. The tests reveal that Bobby's heart is damaged; the only long-term option is a heart transplant. Meanwhile, back on the case, the detectives interview a suspect who initially gives them misleading information because she is trying to protect herself from the actual perpetrator, a man with ties to the mob.
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#5 - Cop in a Bottle
NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 2
The detectives arrive on the scene of a shooting, where the shooter is Det. Walsh, from the 27, who was having a late night out with a few drinks and hooker. Simone arrives on the scene, but his difficulty breathing causes his so much discomfort, he is taken to the hospital. It appears as though Bobby has some heart trouble, its enlarged, cause unknown. Later, back at the squad room, Sipowicz begins questioning alcoholic Det. Walsh. Walsh's lieutenant arrives, ready to crucify him, Fancy steps in and ask him wait until their investigation is over. The investigation concludes and the detective's actions are vindicated, although Andy offers him some advice about his drinking. Bobby's condition may be caused by an infection; however, more tests are needed to know for sure.
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#6 - Bombs Away
NYPD Blue - Season 2 - Episode 15
Bobby and Andy collide with a Rumanian immigrant who has a woman locked in the trunk of his car, later investigation shows him to be a terrorist. While transporting the serial killer out of the station house, the Webster serial killer is shot and his last victim's father is on the premises. Bobby begins to investigate the father and another member of a victim's support group. Greg tries to talk with Dana about his relationship with Donna, but she takes advantage of the situation. James asks Adrianne out for dinner; however, she rejects him because she does not want to be involved in relationship with someone she works with, given her previous history.
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#7 - Top Gum
NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 1
Bobby dreams and later he visits his dentist. Besides the checkup, the dentist asks him to check on his daughter, whose boyfriend deals and uses drugs. However, Simone also seems to be showing signs of a health problem that he thinks is a chest cold, as he joins the other detectives at a crime scene, where they are beginning to investigate a stabbing death. The victim's father, who shows up at the scene with Mike Roberts as a bodyguard, asks the detectives to "make it right." Russell and Kirkendall get redirected to check into a possible rape case, but it turns out to be a false alarm. Sipowicz's opinion of Roberts hasn't changed and reluctantly takes the lead that he offers for the case. John Irvin returns upstairs in a temp job, the computer graphics business just didn't work for him. Russell and Kirkendall's false alarm turns up at the squad. She eventually points to her mother's boyfriend as being the rapist. The suspect in their case cuts Simone while they are grabbing him up. It'

#8 - A.D.A. Sipowicz
NYPD Blue - Season 2 - Episode 22
Two years ago he called her a "pissy little bitch," tomorrow he will call her "Mrs. Sipowicz," pre-wedding jitters put Andy in rare form. Russell's problem makes her miss getting a gun off a suspect and Bobby isn't happy about it; later she admits to having a problem. Fancy's brother, still having trouble with his sergeant and he is being investigated by the IAB, Bobby and the squad work to help clear his name. James goes out with Adrianne. Greg brings his wife to the wedding. Andy Jr. makes it to the ceremony.
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L.A. Law - Season 2 - Episode 6
McKenzie overcomes his fear of aging, as well as a little vanity, in successfully representing a client in an age discrimination case; Van Owen is devastated when a witness she has forced to testify against a gang banger is slain, and the woman's young son murders the gang member who ordered his mother's execution; Rollins defies the direct orders of McKenzie and Brackman not to prolong a property settlement conference in a divorce case, but Becker is elated when Rollins's tactics yield a lucrative settlement for their client; Kelsey politely rebuffs Markowitz as he bears gifts and apologies about the prenup, until he finally wears her down and gets her to admit that controlling and manipulative behavior is another thing they have in common; Brackman's sanctimonious pontificating about the sanctity of marriage to litigants in the court room doesn't carry into his own behavior in his chambers with Vasek.
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#10 - Hearts and Souls
NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 5
It is ten days after Bobbie's surgery and the detectives wait with anticipation as Bobby is set to be released from the hospital. A minor complication arises with a possible infection. Andy's ex-wife shows up at the squad, she's getting ready to defend herself against a DWI. She slips out while Andy is trying to reach out to help her. Bobby takes a turn for the worse and the entire squad is put on edge. Diane insists on seeing Dr. Carreras. He lays the hard news on Diane; it would be better overall for Bobby is he was kept from suffering any further. Dr. Carreras and Dr. Swan have differing opinions on the prognosis for Bobby's future. Carreras feels that Swan wants Bobby's inevitable condition to be on another department's record. Andy gets Katie to agree to begin attending meetings, as a way meet the terms of her. Diane calls the squad to advise them that after the shift is over, it might be a good idea to stop by the hospital to see Bobby. Bobby receives last rites. Au revoir Robert
#11 - Goldilocks and the Three Barristers
L.A. Law - Season 2 - Episode 8
Van Owen prosecutes three attorneys for the sexual molestation of a teenage stripper; after agonizing over the possibility that Vasek may have exposed him to AIDS, Brackman vows to go on the straight and narrow after he receives a clean bill of health, and is floored by Vasek's reaction; when gossip he overhears at a restaurant leaves him unnerved, Becker reappraises his image; Sifuentes and Sevilla take their relationship to another level; Perkins is astonished when Rohner vs. Gradinger turns out to be a winner in more ways than one; Becker learns a lesson about self-acceptance when he tries to lift Stulwicz's spirits with a fashion makeover.
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L.A. Law - Season 2 - Episode 10
In the aftermath of his anxiety attack, Brackman has a new perspective on life, and his wife has a new perspective on their relationship that involves talking to lawyers; Benny is mistakenly charged with sexual assault; Melman runs into a handsome and charming man in the parking garage; Gianelli asks Perkins for her hand in marriage, but is forced to settle for a date; Kelsey's mother reappears bearing gifts and heartfelt apologies; Rollins lights a fire under the opposition to smoke out the real extent of the injuries a man claims to have sustained during a performance by the Gianelli family; after the bride overcomes a few pre-wedding jitters, Kelsey and Markowitz are united in matrimony.
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Blind Justice - Season 1 - Episode 1
After Jim Dunbar loses his eyesight during a gunfight, the rehabilitated homicide Detective attempts to return to active duty at a new precinct. Facing opposition and doubt from his coworkers and Lieutenant, he is relegated to handling a car theft case with Detective Karen Bettencourt. Dunbar soon discovers that the recovered missing car might be connected to a larger ongoing serial homicide investigation.
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#14 - In the Butt, Bob
NYPD Blue - Season 2 - Episode 10
Lesniak is flashed, brings the perpetrator in and deals with his "high priced lawyer and shrink," especially when he repeats the offense. Another detective uses his pull to take a possible serial killer case away from Bobby after he brings in a possible suspect. One of Fancy's old contacts, Vinnie Greco, brings in a tip about a couple of guys looking for some heavy hardware to do an armored car job; Sipowicz works with him but the guy is really working for someone else against Fancy. Fancy discovers this and has Vinnie wear a wire for him. Andy invites his son over for dinner and finds out Andy Jr. is joining the Air Force; later, Andy proposes to Sylvia; this time she accepts.
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Murder One - Season 2 - Episode 15
Banks' trial begins; client must face news about his bride's past; Wyler wrestles with ethics when the firm learns a technicality may set Banks free
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L.A. Law - Season 1 - Episode 19
Sifuentes tries to snatch victory out of the jaws of defeat by responding to the advances made by an attractive juror after his elderly pot smoker client is found guilty, but soon comes to realize that his losing streak with women is continuing when she reveals her true colors; Brackman considers wearing a toupee when the prospect of aging starts to weigh on him heavily; Rogoff assigns Van Owen to desk duty as it becomes apparent that she's become more traumatized by the shooting than she's willing to admit; Melman provides a source of strength and comfort to a client struggling with his emotions during a painful divorce.
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Murder One - Season 2 - Episode 17
As the defense awaits the judge's ruling, Banks indicates his vendetta is not over; Wyler defends a young man of killing an octogenarian heiress.
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#18 - Simone Says
NYPD Blue - Season 2 - Episode 5
An over-the-edge Abruzzo threatens Lesniak in the squad room. Bobby Simone, a widower & racing homing pigeon breeder, joins the precinct. His first assignment is to help Sipowicz in the investigation of the hit on a mobster's son, where a stray bullet also strikes an elderly woman in her apartment. Lesniak tries to help a woman who's worried that her husband is molesting their daughter.
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#19 - Danny Boy
NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 6
Bon jour Danny Sorenson. Diane returns to work. Sorenson catches his first case, a drive-by shooting, which then gets mixed in with the case Russell has caught, the shooting death of the drive-by shooters. Russell is annoyed when Sorenson takes over both cases. Sylvia stops by the squad to ask Andy's help in checking out whether a man, Suarez, who was put into prison may have really been innocent. So he tries to reach out to cop who made that arrest, but Dornan has a better memory of the way he's seen Sipowicz act in the past.

#20 - Chapter Ten
Murder One - Season 1 - Episode 10
Jury selection continues with Hoffman and Grasso grilling each potential juror. Meanwhile, Hoffman presents a motion to the court to dismiss the charges against Avedon using Holly Gerges's letter as evidence that she was, in fact, the actual murderer. However, after a few days, the DA, Grasso, gets Det. Polson to testify before the judge, having found the credit card records placing Holly far away from the crime scene. The motion to dismiss, is, of course, denied and Neil is visable upset. Later that night, Hoffman gets a call from Neil's girlfriend saying that his phone has been of the hook for hours. Hoffman and Chris rushed to Neil's apartment only to find him passed out on the floor. He said he couldn't take it. Richard Cross refers a man named Roberto to Hoffman. His son had been charged with date rape. Hoffman is paid $50,000 to represent him but suddenly his accuser is paid off and drops the charges. Late in the show, jury selection is completed.
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L.A. Law - Season 1 - Episode 20
Kuzak faces a tough opponent in civil court when he represents a college student suing for damages after being raped; the ongoing conflict between Brackman and his litigious neighbor escalates after Perkins successfully represents Brackman in a nuisance suit over Sparky's behavior, leading to Sparky's demise and Brackman's arrest for assaulting his neighbor; Kelsey and Markowitz come into conflict when she gets a temporary case of cold feet about selling her condo; Becker continues to disparage Melman's relationship with Shacter.

#22 - Don We Now Our Gay Apparel
NYPD Blue - Season 2 - Episode 9
The detectives investigate the murder of a gay bar owner. Fancy's wife is ready to have the baby. Medavoy's neighbor is the victim of a fortuneteller's scam, the resulting curse gives him a rash. Breen breaks his promise to Andy by checking up on his son, he decides to go back to him, a mistake that proves to be fatal.
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L.A. Law - Season 1 - Episode 18
Becker is enthralled by the beautiful, but somewhat incompetent, secretary who's temping while Melman is on jury duty until he discovers that their relationship will never be anything but professional; Van Owen contemplates buying a gun after a gangbanger shoots her in the court house hallway in retaliation for her winning a death penalty case against a member of the shooter's gang; Melman stands up to a bully in the deliberation room and turns the tide of the verdict towards justice; Sifuentes hits it off with his new dentist and agrees to represent her in a malpractice suit, but their romance is doomed when she can't leave her work at the office; realizing that he can't survive professionally if Melman quits, Becker finally capitulates to her salary demands.
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Murder One - Season 2 - Episode 13
Jimmy's mentor, Sidney Pomerantz, is dying of cancer and asks him to take over the case of Clifford Banks, a man accused of murdering 17 people.
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#25 - Quarantine
The Twilight Zone (1985) - Season 1 - Episode 43
An ill weapons designer is cryogenically frozen and awakened three centuries later..
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#26 - Chapter Two
Murder One - Season 1 - Episode 2
Richard is arraigned and denied bail. Beverly Nichols visits Ted, bringing an alibi for Richard. She tells Ted that she was out clubbing with Richard the night of Jessica's murder and was with him when he discovered Jessica's body. When Ted wonders why Richard didn't come forward with this information when he was arrested, Beverly claims that he was protecting her from her jealous husband, who had beaten her once before when he found out that she was with Richard. Although it's apparent that Ted doesn't believe her story, he accompanies her to Parker Center when she gives her statement to Polson. Polson doesn't believe her either, but he can't shake her story. Based on Beverly's statement, and over Polson's strenuous objections, Garfield drops the charges against Richard and orders him released from custody. Polson then arrests Neil after matching a DNA sample Neil gave in an earlier paternity suit to the DNA found at the crime scene. Neil begs Ted to represent him, but Ted declines, r
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Murder One - Season 2 - Episode 8
The tabliod reporter catches up with Wyler and offers to pay him two million dollars for the location of Carmine. The detective on the Rooney case also meets up with Wyler. He expresses his disappointment that Wyler is now involved with scum like Carmine. Ricky Latrelle's manager talks with Wyler. He says that he would prefer it if Wyler ran the show rather than Chris. Aaron tells Chris that he would like to do most of the talking because the juror will identify with a black man. Wyler and the detective meet with Carmine, who has been placed in a hotel room. Carmine says that the contract was out on VanAllen's mistress. He shot both the victims. Carmine also claims that he didn't know that he had shot the governor, he thought VanAllen was just another guy. Carmine also talks about how he killed Terry Philburg. The tabliod reporter stops by Wyler's office saying that there's a gentleman who's willing to meet with Wyler. This ""gentleman"" is looking for Carmine. Latrelle is forced to p
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#28 - Chapter Twenty
Murder One - Season 1 - Episode 20
Eduardo Portalegre surprises Justine in Richard's office while she is working. After a few moments of small talk, he makes a pass at her. As she resists, he turns violent. Richard enters the office and burns Eduardo with his own cigar to stop the attack. After Eduardo leaves, Richard seems somewhat distant and cannot seem to remember that Eduardo was there just a few minutes earlier. The closing statements begin. Miriam shows the jury graphic pictures of a bruised Jessica as well as the tape of Neil strangling Melissa, over Ted's objection. Ted argues that Miriam's case is built on a fabric of lies woven by Richard, Graham Lester, and Susan Dominick. During a settlement conference in their divorce action, Annie angrily tells Ted that a reporter called her asking for a comment about Ted's affair with Judge Bornstein. Ted tells her that the affair was over long before he and Annie were ever involved. Garfield finds out about the affair and requests that Judge Bornstein recuse herself. Wh
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#29 - Chapter Nineteen
Murder One - Season 1 - Episode 19
Richard flies into an irrational rage when Justine reports on her research into a pending acquisition. Later, on several occasions when Justine is alone in Richard's office, she looks through his personal files, unaware that a security camera is watching her every move. Richard confronts her in a rage and begins to choke her. He calms down suddenly, leaving Justine terrified. When she hands in her resignation shortly afterwards, Richard tears it up and offers her a substantial promotion and bonus. Justine shows Lisa the marks on her neck and tells her that she is now sure that Richard killed Jessica. Richard takes the stand and begins behaving strangely and making inappropriate remarks. When it becomes evident that he is unaware of his surroundings, Judge Bornstein calls a recess. Against the advice of the defense team, Neil insists upon testifying, so Chris and Ted prepare him for several hours. When his testimony is over, Neil thinks he may have reached a few of the jurors; privately
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#30 - Chapter Eight
Murder One - Season 1 - Episode 8
Julie is in an accident when she apparently mixes alcohol and prescription drugs. She is put in jail temporarily until Cross and Hoffman show up. Lester ends up taking her home. A supposed "tape" of Neil strangling another woman shows up on Deadline America. It turns out to be an altered clip from an X-rated movie. Hoffman find out that it was Sydney, (the intern/leak) and fires him. Sydney said that he wanted to get revenge on the host of Deadline America. Neil and Hoffman come before the judge yet again to argue the admissablity of Susan Dominque's (the nurse, working for Graham Lester, who said that she heard Neil confess to the murder) testimony. The judge allows Susan's testimony in, but will not allow any testimony from Graham Lester in. A former patient of Graham Lester's surfaces. Stephanie Lambert meets with Julie Costello and tells her about her experiences with Graham Lester (including rape). Julie remembers those experiences, too.
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Murder One - Season 2 - Episode 5
Larry White's expenses become larger. Arnold comes in late to the firm's meeting because he is out buying vitamins and other such thing for White. Ricky Latrell appears on a television program, answering questions about being accused of the murder of Sandy Portas. The Private Investigator announces that Larry White is missing. Wyler asks him to search for Larry. Michael, the security officer, is brought onto the stand again. He is questioned about being obsessed with Caroline VanAllen. Wyler brings up the fact that Caroline had to get a restraining order against him. Miriam Grasso objects to the questioning but it is allowed. Wyler also brings up the fact that Michael had tried to attack him but he defended himself. Michael says that is not true and he was just going to confront Wyler about his affair with Caroline when he was attacked. Wyler suggests that Michael is the perfect candidate to be the murderer, due to his temper. Michael also says that he never attacked Caroline by pullin
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Murder One - Season 2 - Episode 6
Judge Bell grants Miriam's motion that all of Larry White's testimony be stricken because there was no opportunity to cross-examine him, but denies her motion to quash Garfield's subpoena. On the stand, Garfield admits that he knew Terry Philbrick, but denies that he ever said that the only way to beat Tom Van Allan is to have him killed. He also denies knowing Larry White. Laura thanks Jimmy for clearing her name and getting her job back, even though she's going to resign immediately. She tells him that he was right about Dietrich, and to be careful of him. Holding up his end of the deal, Jimmy gives Dietrich the video tape of his attempted bribe outside the courtroom. When Dietrich takes the stand and denies trying to bribe him, Jimmy asks what's on the video tape in his pocket. Dietrich's silence speaks volumes. Frank catches Donny McKee trying to skip town and drags him into the office. Jimmy warns McKee that if he doesn't testify, Jimmy won't go to bat for him with the D.A., which
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L.A. Law - Season 1 - Episode 21
Markowitz and Kuzak join forces to help a fisherman when the IRS confiscates his boat in a tax dispute; Sifuentes convinces Feldman to drop criminal assault charges against Brackman, but Kerris chokes on the deal; when Kuzak gives her an ultimatum after her substance abuse nearly gets her killed, Van Owen takes a leave of absence to deal with her recent trauma; Becker gets manipulated by a young model; McKenzie falls ill and requires surgery, the nature of which he refuses to indulge; Shacter takes Melman to Hawaii; Kelsey regrets convincing Markowitz to go backpacking when their trek through the hills gets disastrously under her skin.
#34 - Chapter Seven, Year Two
Murder One - Season 2 - Episode 7
Ricky Latrell's manager, Lee Michaelson, tells Jimmy that their long standing friendship should not get in the way of Jimmy's making him an alternate suspect, if it will help Rickey's case. Jimmy assures him that's not going to happen. When Chris and Aaron propose the same thing later that day, Jimmy has a heated exchange with them about not ruining Michaelson's reputation. Laura stops by Jimmy's office to tell him that she's accepting a job offer in San Francisco because she realizes that their relationship is over. Miriam and Jimmy give their closing statements and the jury retires to deliberate Sharon's fate. The jury asks to review Beiden's testimony about seeing Sharon fleeing the scene. This news gets Sharon quite agitated because she believes that the jury is leaning towards a conviction. After three long days of deliberation, the jury returns a verdict of not guilty. As Sharon leaves the courthouse, a woman hurls epithets at her and spits in her face. She wonders if she will ev
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Murder One - Season 2 - Episode 4
Jimmy Wyler visits Kyle Rooney in the hospital he works at. Wyler confronted him about the fact that the firm's private investigator had found out Kyle was having an affair witha nurse. Jimmy implies that Sharon is only confessing to the murders because she fells so guilty about cheating on her husband. Ricky Latrell, a basketball player, visits the firm. The team owner was found murdered and he wants to make sure he's not accused because he, his wife and his manager found the body. Jimmy says he'll take the case. The plea bargain resurfaces offering Sharon only four and a half years in jail. Once again, they turn it down. A ballistics expert testifies in the Rooney case. He says that all eight bullets were fired from the same gun which was owned by Rooney's roommate. In cross examination, Jimmy says the evidence doesn't establish anything. Later, while Jimmy is visiting Sharon, he sees that she's very upset. Apparently, Kyle had told her about his affair with the nurse. Caroline Va
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Murder One - Season 2 - Episode 1
In an effort to save his marriage and reestablish his relationship with his family, Ted Hoffman has left the firm and is traveling in Europe with Annie and Lizzie. As a result, Lisa and Lila have also left the firm. Chris represents Greg Ladich, a police officer accused of brutality during a routine car-stop. During cross-examination, the prosecutor, Jimmy Wyler, manages to bait Ladich so successfully that Ladich sucker-punches him in the nose. Wyler rests his case; after forty minutes of deliberation, the jury hands him a guilty verdict. On his way out of the courtroom, Jimmy receives the disturbing news that Roger Garfield has given Jimmy's promotion to another attorney. Jimmy confronts Garfield, who admits that he gave the promotion away in retaliation for Jimmy's cutting him out of a press conference after Jimmy had won a big case. Certain that Garfield's bid for governor will be unsuccessful, and unwilling to work for him any longer, Jimmy resigns. When Jimmy finds out that the go
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#37 - Chapter One
Murder One - Season 1 - Episode 1
Ted Hoffman appears in court representing Neil Avedon, an actor with a drug problem and a propensity for violence. After Ted argues successfully for his client, he takes him aside and fires him, telling him that he will never represent him again. Meanwhile, Los Angeles is buzzing with the news of the murder of fifteen-year-old Jessica Costello. Arthur Polson, the detective who is assigned to the case, wants to speak to Richard Cross, the wealthy and powerful man who owns the building in which her body was found. Richard asks Ted to accompany him to headquarters, and reveals that he has been having an affair with Jessica's older sister, Julie Costello, for about two years. When Polson questions him, Richard claims that he has not been in the building for several days and that he spoke to Jessica only briefly on a few occasions. Jessica's sister Julie returns from her modeling assignment in Costa Rica, identifies her sister's body and is interviewed by Polson with Ted at her side. Richar
Watch Now:AmazonApple TV#38 - Rohner vs. Gradinger
L.A. Law - Season 2 - Episode 7
Rollins does an end run around Markowitz and McKenzie to retain a client, much to their displeasure; Sifuentes meets an attractive divorcee; Kelsey's misgivings about her mother's visit prove well-founded when Markowitz loses his composure in public over his future mother-in-law's incessant bigotry; over Brackman's objections, Perkins pursues mediation instead of litigation as a strategy for resolving a dispute between former friends and business partners, and fears for her future at the firm when the mediation ends badly; Kuzak defends an arrogant and addicted celebrity charged with possession and assault; Vasek is initially understanding when Brackman ends their relationship in the face of his brother's blackmail, but becomes livid when he ruins her career to cement the breakup.

#39 - Coffee, Tea or Cyanide?
McMillan and Wife - Season 6 - Episode 4
You pays your money, you takes your choice. While on an airline flight, Mac witnesses passengers dying mysteriously.
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Murder One - Season 2 - Episode 14
The defense team learns incriminating evidence against Latrell's agent; prosecution witnesses taint Latrell's wholesome image
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