The BEST episodes written by Geoffrey Neigher

Chest Pains
35 votes

#1 - Chest Pains

Rhoda - Season 1 - Episode 21

Rhoda and Brenda have to take their mother on her very first trip to the doctor, a visit that mama Ida faces with a combination of fear and embarrassment.

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Whattaya Think It's There For?
37 votes

#2 - Whattaya Think It's There For?

Rhoda - Season 1 - Episode 17

At Ida's insistence, Rhoda talks Joe into asking her father for the money he needs to save his business, but then is surprised to learn things about her dad's financial state that are news to even her mother.

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Guns 'R' Us
8 votes

#3 - Guns 'R' Us

Picket Fences - Season 2 - Episode 11

Embarrassed by a prank, Matthew tries to get even with some boys, but the practical joking gets out of hand, which may result in paralysis for him. Meanwhile, budget cuts hit the sheriff's department and Max fills in as sheriff.

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Blue Christmas
7 votes

#4 - Blue Christmas

Picket Fences - Season 2 - Episode 9

The drug war comes to Rome in place of Santa: controlled substances are found on the high school campus during a drug sweep, Kimberly's friend is arrested and a federal witness turns up in town. Carter is devastated when his mother dies of a heart attack, and it brings out the worst in him.

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Chapter Twenty-Three
40 votes

#5 - Chapter Twenty-Three

Murder One - Season 1 - Episode 23

Ted meets with Julie to ask for her help in getting Richard to testify that the tape of the murder is authentic. When she refuses, Chris begins playing the tape. After viewing it for a few minutes, she tearfully agrees to help them. To be lucid enough to testify in court, Richard will need to take a drug which will also further weaken his immune system. In response to his initial resistance, Julie tells him that he owes it to her and Jessica, and he finally relents. Chris is approached by a man who represents a judge on the Court of Appeals who is willing to convince two other judges to overturn Neil's verdict and to get him released on bail immediately in return for $100,000. Chris refuses, telling him that the firm is not in the practice of bribery, to which Ted agrees when Chris fills him in about this encounter. Judge Bornstein grants Ted a hearing where he presents expert testimony that the tape has not been doctored. Richard takes the stand and testifies that he installed a video

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Terms of Estrangement
7 votes

#6 - Terms of Estrangement

Picket Fences - Season 2 - Episode 16

Sheriff Brock tries to remain professional when Kimberly is kidnapped---and his onetime partner, who he once testified against, is the prime suspect.

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Chapter Four
44 votes

#7 - Chapter Four

Murder One - Season 1 - Episode 4

Melissa confronts Hoffman about the tape, and Hoffman refuses her offer. Melissa sells it for $100,000 to a tabloid-news show, where Hoffman is interviewed and says that the tape could have been easily doctored by Melissa to make money. After the tape airs, Garfield files a motion for Avedon's bail to be revoked, but the motion is denied, on the condition that Avedon enters a different rehabilitation center. Avedon passes a lie detector test and reveals that he was drunk both the night the tape was made and the night of the murder, and can't remember anything. Hoffman meets up with Francesca'a divorce attorney, who offers Hoffman information about Cross which could get Neil cleared of the charges in an attempt to blackmail Cross into a quick and tidy divorce. When Francesca finds out, she drops him and hires another recommended by Hoffman.

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Chapter Seventeen, Year Two
4 votes

#8 - Chapter Seventeen, Year Two

Murder One - Season 2 - Episode 17

As the defense awaits the judge's ruling, Banks indicates his vendetta is not over; Wyler defends a young man of killing an octogenarian heiress.

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Under the Influence
13 votes

#9 - Under the Influence

Picket Fences - Season 2 - Episode 4

Still reeling from her relationship with Dr. Shreve, Max allows a drunken driver to continue on home. She then feels indirectly responsible when a traffic accident occurs involving the driver, critically injuring another motorist.

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My Left Shoe
7 votes

#10 - My Left Shoe

Picket Fences - Season 2 - Episode 20

Father Barrett may lose his parish after Jimmy and Kenny find women's shoes in his closet. Things get worse when the Mayor criticizes the Father on public-access cable, prompting a lawsuit. Matthew fears his sexual curiosities are a sin.

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Chapter Ten
39 votes

#11 - Chapter Ten

Murder One - Season 1 - Episode 10

Jury selection continues with Hoffman and Grasso grilling each potential juror. Meanwhile, Hoffman presents a motion to the court to dismiss the charges against Avedon using Holly Gerges's letter as evidence that she was, in fact, the actual murderer. However, after a few days, the DA, Grasso, gets Det. Polson to testify before the judge, having found the credit card records placing Holly far away from the crime scene. The motion to dismiss, is, of course, denied and Neil is visable upset. Later that night, Hoffman gets a call from Neil's girlfriend saying that his phone has been of the hook for hours. Hoffman and Chris rushed to Neil's apartment only to find him passed out on the floor. He said he couldn't take it. Richard Cross refers a man named Roberto to Hoffman. His son had been charged with date rape. Hoffman is paid $50,000 to represent him but suddenly his accuser is paid off and drops the charges. Late in the show, jury selection is completed.

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John Deux
352 votes

#12 - John Deux

John Doe - Season 1 - Episode 5

Doe suspects a link to his own identity when a naked man with a similar brand and no recollection of who he is washes ashore from Horseshoe Island, similar to Doe's arrival in town.

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289 votes

#13 - Jones

Law & Order: Criminal Intent - Season 1 - Episode 5

The detectives become suspicious when an abusive lawyer's girlfriends keep turning up dead, but his wife stonewalls the investigation.

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Chapter Eleven, Year Two
6 votes

#14 - Chapter Eleven, Year Two

Murder One - Season 2 - Episode 11

The defense team discusses strategy in the light of Rickey's confession to Jimmy and Justine. Chris suggests that Rickey not be put on the witness stand. Justine says that they should do whatever they can to present a sympathetic view of Rickey to the jury. Jimmy is adamant that Rickey should confess on the stand and hope that the jury finds that he was justified in killing Fortas. This angers Aaron, and he leaves the room. Gwen announces her engagement. Since her fiance is being transferred to New York right away and she wants to go with him, she bids Jimmy a fond farewell. Jimmy begins to look for her replacement. After several disastrous interviews, Jimmy is at a loss until Louis returns from Europe and Jimmy hires him on the spot. Rickey's mother and a former professional basketball player who Rickey is helping financially testify as character witnesses for him. Michaelson, a prostitute and a madam give damaging testimony about Fortas's character. Rickey replaces Michaelson with Hi

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Family Man
303 votes

#15 - Family Man

John Doe - Season 1 - Episode 13

The case of a mysteriously kidnapped teenage girl sends John Doe and Det. Frank Hayes on a frantic investigation to save her before it is too late.

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Love Songs of J. Nicholas Lobo
5 votes

#16 - Love Songs of J. Nicholas Lobo

Rhoda - Season 2 - Episode 11

Against his better judgment, Joe hires Nick, Brenda's obnoxious boyfriend, to become a wrecker at his demolition firm.

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158 votes

#17 - Duets

Northern Exposure - Season 4 - Episode 13

One-Who-Waits returns and has positive information on the location of Ed's father and takes Ed to the construction site where he works. Ed gets a job and tries to come up with a way to tell the foreman that he is his father. Mike asks Maggie to fly to a mountain range where he thinks he will be able to identify the chemicals that were part of a container spill. A blind man comes into "The Brick" and offers to tune and rebuild the piano but begins to get on Holling's nerves. Maggie tries to hold off Mike's advances by telling him about her "curse."

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Together Again for the First Time
2 votes

#18 - Together Again for the First Time

Rhoda - Season 3 - Episode 2

Rhoda goes out with Joe for the first date since their separation and labels it as a weird experience.

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Mucho, Macho
8 votes

#19 - Mucho, Macho

Rhoda - Season 2 - Episode 4

Rhoda and Joe have a difficult time trying to celebrate their first anniversary pleasantly when their tempers keep getting the best of them.

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Mr. Seed Goes to Town
35 votes

#20 - Mr. Seed Goes to Town

Picket Fences - Season 3 - Episode 13

Wanting another baby, Lydia Brock wants to use Jimmy's frozen sperm.

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Chapter Thirteen
40 votes

#21 - Chapter Thirteen

Murder One - Season 1 - Episode 13

The tapes become an issue in the courts. (The one of Avedon strangling a woman in a passionate moment and of Beverly, her husband and Cross together.) Beverly is ordered to appear in court. Julie is set to testify for the defense. Also, Polson testifies. Julie walks out on Cross and stays with Arnold. Hoffman disapproves of this, but founds out after. Cross confronts Arnold about Julie. Amy Scott is a surprise witness for the DA. She was in a drup support group with Neil and he had apparently threatened her. Teddy's wife asks him for a seperation. She says that the trial has been too much.

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Chapter Eight, Year Two
32 votes

#22 - Chapter Eight, Year Two

Murder One - Season 2 - Episode 8

The tabliod reporter catches up with Wyler and offers to pay him two million dollars for the location of Carmine. The detective on the Rooney case also meets up with Wyler. He expresses his disappointment that Wyler is now involved with scum like Carmine. Ricky Latrelle's manager talks with Wyler. He says that he would prefer it if Wyler ran the show rather than Chris. Aaron tells Chris that he would like to do most of the talking because the juror will identify with a black man. Wyler and the detective meet with Carmine, who has been placed in a hotel room. Carmine says that the contract was out on VanAllen's mistress. He shot both the victims. Carmine also claims that he didn't know that he had shot the governor, he thought VanAllen was just another guy. Carmine also talks about how he killed Terry Philburg. The tabliod reporter stops by Wyler's office saying that there's a gentleman who's willing to meet with Wyler. This ""gentleman"" is looking for Carmine. Latrelle is forced to p

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A Touch of Classy
4 votes

#23 - A Touch of Classy

Rhoda - Season 3 - Episode 12

Sally's former husband brings good news and bad news: the good news--he's getting married again; the bad news--he'd like Sally to consider accepting a reduction in alimony.

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Chapter Twenty
40 votes

#24 - Chapter Twenty

Murder One - Season 1 - Episode 20

Eduardo Portalegre surprises Justine in Richard's office while she is working. After a few moments of small talk, he makes a pass at her. As she resists, he turns violent. Richard enters the office and burns Eduardo with his own cigar to stop the attack. After Eduardo leaves, Richard seems somewhat distant and cannot seem to remember that Eduardo was there just a few minutes earlier. The closing statements begin. Miriam shows the jury graphic pictures of a bruised Jessica as well as the tape of Neil strangling Melissa, over Ted's objection. Ted argues that Miriam's case is built on a fabric of lies woven by Richard, Graham Lester, and Susan Dominick. During a settlement conference in their divorce action, Annie angrily tells Ted that a reporter called her asking for a comment about Ted's affair with Judge Bornstein. Ted tells her that the affair was over long before he and Annie were ever involved. Garfield finds out about the affair and requests that Judge Bornstein recuse herself. Wh

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Chapter Eight
42 votes

#25 - Chapter Eight

Murder One - Season 1 - Episode 8

Julie is in an accident when she apparently mixes alcohol and prescription drugs. She is put in jail temporarily until Cross and Hoffman show up. Lester ends up taking her home. A supposed "tape" of Neil strangling another woman shows up on Deadline America. It turns out to be an altered clip from an X-rated movie. Hoffman find out that it was Sydney, (the intern/leak) and fires him. Sydney said that he wanted to get revenge on the host of Deadline America. Neil and Hoffman come before the judge yet again to argue the admissablity of Susan Dominque's (the nurse, working for Graham Lester, who said that she heard Neil confess to the murder) testimony. The judge allows Susan's testimony in, but will not allow any testimony from Graham Lester in. A former patient of Graham Lester's surfaces. Stephanie Lambert meets with Julie Costello and tells her about her experiences with Graham Lester (including rape). Julie remembers those experiences, too.

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Chapter Five, Year Two
34 votes

#26 - Chapter Five, Year Two

Murder One - Season 2 - Episode 5

Larry White's expenses become larger. Arnold comes in late to the firm's meeting because he is out buying vitamins and other such thing for White. Ricky Latrell appears on a television program, answering questions about being accused of the murder of Sandy Portas. The Private Investigator announces that Larry White is missing. Wyler asks him to search for Larry. Michael, the security officer, is brought onto the stand again. He is questioned about being obsessed with Caroline VanAllen. Wyler brings up the fact that Caroline had to get a restraining order against him. Miriam Grasso objects to the questioning but it is allowed. Wyler also brings up the fact that Michael had tried to attack him but he defended himself. Michael says that is not true and he was just going to confront Wyler about his affair with Caroline when he was attacked. Wyler suggests that Michael is the perfect candidate to be the murderer, due to his temper. Michael also says that he never attacked Caroline by pullin

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Rhoda's Sellout
5 votes

#27 - Rhoda's Sellout

Rhoda - Season 2 - Episode 16

Torn between her pride at losing a huge account for her window-dressing firm, Rhoda battles with a stubborn though prosperous tuxedo chain-store owner who wants her to decorate his windows his way, or not at all.

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Ship of Shrinks
54 votes

#28 - Ship of Shrinks

The Bob Newhart Show - Season 3 - Episode 9

Bob's first literary venture turns out to be less than triumphant. His embarrassment makes him reluctant to join a convention of psychologists on a flight to Hawaii, especially when he finds out that Howard is the navigator.

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Chapter Seven, Year Two
34 votes

#29 - Chapter Seven, Year Two

Murder One - Season 2 - Episode 7

Ricky Latrell's manager, Lee Michaelson, tells Jimmy that their long standing friendship should not get in the way of Jimmy's making him an alternate suspect, if it will help Rickey's case. Jimmy assures him that's not going to happen. When Chris and Aaron propose the same thing later that day, Jimmy has a heated exchange with them about not ruining Michaelson's reputation. Laura stops by Jimmy's office to tell him that she's accepting a job offer in San Francisco because she realizes that their relationship is over. Miriam and Jimmy give their closing statements and the jury retires to deliberate Sharon's fate. The jury asks to review Beiden's testimony about seeing Sharon fleeing the scene. This news gets Sharon quite agitated because she believes that the jury is leaning towards a conviction. After three long days of deliberation, the jury returns a verdict of not guilty. As Sharon leaves the courthouse, a woman hurls epithets at her and spits in her face. She wonders if she will ev

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Think Smartly--Vote Hartley
48 votes

#30 - Think Smartly--Vote Hartley

The Bob Newhart Show - Season 3 - Episode 17

Before he has a chance to say no, Bob finds himself running for the chairman of the local school board against an incumbent who hasn't attended a board meeting for six months.

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Midnight Sun
243 votes

#31 - Midnight Sun

Northern Exposure - Season 4 - Episode 2

Joel is charged with energy as the sun hasn't set and he uses his pent up energy to try to coach Cicely's basketball team to victory. Holling is distracted by Shelly's cheerleading outfit. The traveling salesman/tailor comes back to Cicely to sell his wares and he romances Ruth-Anne.

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The Great Rimpau Medical Arts Co-Op Experiment
49 votes

#32 - The Great Rimpau Medical Arts Co-Op Experiment

The Bob Newhart Show - Season 3 - Episode 3

Jerry Robinson suggests that all the doctors in the building form a co-op to treat each other for free. This leads to chaos and hostility that find expression in Bob's special all-doctor therapy group.

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Chapter One, Year Two
36 votes

#33 - Chapter One, Year Two

Murder One - Season 2 - Episode 1

In an effort to save his marriage and reestablish his relationship with his family, Ted Hoffman has left the firm and is traveling in Europe with Annie and Lizzie. As a result, Lisa and Lila have also left the firm. Chris represents Greg Ladich, a police officer accused of brutality during a routine car-stop. During cross-examination, the prosecutor, Jimmy Wyler, manages to bait Ladich so successfully that Ladich sucker-punches him in the nose. Wyler rests his case; after forty minutes of deliberation, the jury hands him a guilty verdict. On his way out of the courtroom, Jimmy receives the disturbing news that Roger Garfield has given Jimmy's promotion to another attorney. Jimmy confronts Garfield, who admits that he gave the promotion away in retaliation for Jimmy's cutting him out of a press conference after Jimmy had won a big case. Certain that Garfield's bid for governor will be unsuccessful, and unwilling to work for him any longer, Jimmy resigns. When Jimmy finds out that the go

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The Good Doctor
253 votes

#34 - The Good Doctor

Law & Order: Criminal Intent - Season 1 - Episode 9

A plastic surgeon reports his drug-abusing wife missing, and ends up being the prime suspect after detectives learn he had good reason to want her out of his life.

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Let's Call It Love
3 votes

#35 - Let's Call It Love

Rhoda - Season 2 - Episode 22

Rhoda and Joe decide the only way they can spend more time together is to barricade themselves in their apartment, disregarding family, friends, work, and in short, the world.

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H-e-e-e-r-e's Johnny
3 votes

#36 - H-e-e-e-r-e's Johnny

Rhoda - Season 3 - Episode 5

Rhoda experiences the trauma of a "blind date" when Brenda's boyfriend fixes her up with a loud, pushy, arrogant and egotistical showbiz type.

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A Night in the Emergency Room
4 votes

#37 - A Night in the Emergency Room

Rhoda - Season 3 - Episode 16

Rhoda has a hand in breaking up Brenda's romance with musician Nick Lobo, and he retaliates by accidentally breaking Rhoda's toe.

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Rhoda's Mystery Man
2 votes

#38 - Rhoda's Mystery Man

Rhoda - Season 3 - Episode 19

Rhoda becomes the romantic target for a mysterious suitor who sends her anonymous gifts of roses, chocolates and a diamond pendant.

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Ida's Doctor
8 votes

#39 - Ida's Doctor

Rhoda - Season 2 - Episode 3

Ida Morgenstern finds herself tempted to have an affair with her doctor.

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Love for Sale
3 votes

#40 - Love for Sale

Rhoda - Season 3 - Episode 15

Rhoda and her sister help Gary Levy run a gigantic day-long sale to save his mod clothing business, but Brenda gets far more than she bargains for when love blossoms.

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The Return of Billy Glass
5 votes

#41 - The Return of Billy Glass

Rhoda - Season 2 - Episode 19

Martin Morgenstern is overjoyed when his best friend visits him after a 35-year hiatus, but is overwhelmed with insecurity when he recalls that his best friend was also once engaged to Ida.

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To Vegas with Love
3 votes

#42 - To Vegas with Love

Rhoda - Season 3 - Episode 24

Rhoda Gerard flies to Las Vegas for another encounter with her amorous suitor, Johnny Venture.

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Anything Wrong?
35 votes

#43 - Anything Wrong?

Rhoda - Season 1 - Episode 13

Joe goes to his father for marital advise.

Strained Interlude
33 votes

#44 - Strained Interlude

Rhoda - Season 1 - Episode 19

Rhoda and Joe work very hard at being the perfect modern couple, free of all jealousies and hang-ups until a man Rhoda once loved asks her out for dinner.

Guess What I Got You for the Holidays
37 votes

#45 - Guess What I Got You for the Holidays

Rhoda - Season 1 - Episode 16

With his business on the verge of failure, Joe becomes ever increasingly worried, resisting Rhoda's advice to free his emotions, even if it means crying.

Chapter Fourteen, Year Two
0 votes

#46 - Chapter Fourteen, Year Two

Murder One - Season 2 - Episode 14

The defense team learns incriminating evidence against Latrell's agent; prosecution witnesses taint Latrell's wholesome image

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Hot Muffins
0 votes

#47 - Hot Muffins

Gimme a Break! - Season 1 - Episode 16

Katie has dreams of stardom with her singing group.

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The Custody Suit
0 votes

#48 - The Custody Suit

Gimme a Break! - Season 2 - Episode 16

Aunt Blanche pays a visit to the Chief on his birthday and threatens to take custody of the girls after seeing what looks like Nell and the Chief doing an indecent act in the kitchen, when she really was doing the heimlick maneauver on him as he was choking on a piece of his sandwich. In court, Aunt Blanche breaks down, after Nell tells her that Blanche really doesn't want her to raise the girls because she is black. Blanche then decides to drop the suit in the end.

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