The WORST episodes of Blood+
Every episode of Blood+ ever, ranked from worst to best by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The worst episodes of Blood+!
Throughout the passage of time and the shifts in backgrounds, a particular war continues to leave its mark on history, extending its influence into the modern world. There are two major groups involved in the ensuring war. The first group consists of monsters known as Chiropterans who can change their appearances into that of human beings. They are actually immortals who feed on the blood of the living. The second group is an organisation known as the "Red Shield", formed to track down these monsters and exterminate them. Otonashi Saya is a high-school girl who lives a peaceful life with her family. The only problem is, she has no recollections of her life beyond that of the past year. However, her happy life will be destroyed by an event that will lead her to her destined fate.

#1 - Magic Words
Season 1 - Episode 2 - Aired 10/15/2005
After being kissed and being forced to drink blood, by the cellist, Saya's eyes begin to glow and she becomes a fighting machine. After easily slicing through the Chiropteran Saya collapses. She wakes in the hospital and hears George and David talking about her. Their conversation scares her so bad that she runs away. Now it is up to Kai to find her.

#2 - First Kiss
Season 1 - Episode 1 - Aired 10/8/2005
Saya leads a happy life with her adoptive parent, George, and brothers, Kai and Riku in Okinawa, Japan. She lost her memory and cannot remember anything beyond the past year of her life. After witnessing a creature kill a teacher at her school things automatically change. Now the monster is after her and the only one that can help her is a mysterious cellist. Now her true destiny begins to emerge and her life is changed forever.

#3 - Dangerous Boy
Season 1 - Episode 4 - Aired 10/29/2005
George is taken into ICU after being severely injured. Angered, Kai takes the gun that George had been hiding and goes after Forrest. Riku informs Saya about Kai and both of them go off to search for Kai. Kai finds Forrest, but it seems he has become the monster he was when he attacked George. Now Saya must get to Kai as quickly as possible, for it is a matter of life and death. Can she get there is time?

#4 - My Father's Hands
Season 1 - Episode 6 - Aired 11/12/2005
David, Saya, and Hagi infiltrate the Yanbaru laboratory to rescue George. While they are there David finds out the US army is artificially creating Chiropterans. Along with the information on the artificial Chriopterans, David finds the mysterious keyword "Delta 67". Meanwhile the Commander of US Forces on Okinawa has authorized surgical bombing of Yanbaru to remove any incriminating evidence.

#5 - Beyond the Dark Forest
Season 1 - Episode 5 - Aired 11/5/2005
David prepares his group to go after George. When they learn he has been secretly transfered to the Yanabaru laboratory in Northern Okinawa, they prepare to head there. When Kai finds out he decides he decides he want to go with the group. But will David allow it?

#6 - I Must Do It
Season 1 - Episode 7 - Aired 11/19/2005
While David and Julia decode what they found at Yanbaru, Riku finds out about George's death. After finding out, Riku hides in his room and refuses to come out. Now Kai must take on a fatherly role to cheer his brother up.

#7 - The Place Where It All Began
Season 1 - Episode 3 - Aired 10/22/2005
David has given George a deadline to hand over Saya back to the Red Shield. George takes Saya to his family grave to show what exactly happened to her one year ago.

#8 - Cursed Blood
Season 3 - Episode 4 - Aired 4/29/2006
After the Schiff's attack, Saya agrees to share her blood with Irene. After drinking her blood, Irene's body crystallizes and shatters. The Schiff realize that they have been lied to and that it is Diva's blood they need to survive. They leave, taking most of Irene's pieces with them. Saya and Kai mourn Irene's death.

#9 - Boy Meets Girl
Season 3 - Episode 7 - Aired 5/20/2006
Saya and Hagi search for Diva as Kai and Riku go to join David. Kai hears men screaming and goes to investigate, leaving Riku alone on one of the decks. He can hear Diva calling for him, but Kai returns and they head to the conference room. Saya finds Carl, but leaves Hagi to deal with him and so she can continue looking for Diva. Kai and Riku join some of the operatives at and elevator that will take them to the conference room, but when it arrives Diva is in it. Kai grabs Riku and runs, taking refuge in a storage room, while the men try to stop Diva. Saya finds the men's bodies, but Carl appears again and she's forced to fight him. Joel and David agree to activate the ship's self-destruct sequence to try to entomb Diva in it. Kai and Riku hear the warning about the self-destruct sequence, but Diva finds them. Kai shoots her, but she instantly heals and she knocks him away, leaving him barely conscious while Diva rapes Riku. Saya and Carl's battle takes them to the same room, where Diva is holding Kai and threatening to give him her blood. Saya stabs her, but as she forgot to add her blood to her sword, Diva just laughs and shoves her away. When she falls, Saya spots Riku's naked, cracking body near by; Diva taunts Saya that she gave him her blood, killing him. As Hagi holds off Carl, Kai and Saya watch helplessly as Riku's body shatter completely. David and Lewis find them and lead them back to the ship deck. They had tried to seal Diva and Carl in the ship's hold, but they easily break out and Carl seriously wounds Joel. Saya and Hagi stay to fight them while the others get away to safety. As Kai watches from the departing helicopter, the ship explodes.

#10 - Joel's Diary
Season 3 - Episode 5 - Aired 5/6/2006
Saya visits Joel's Room at Red Shield headquarters and learns about her and Diva's beginnings as well as the 1972 tragedy in Vietnam from Joel's diary.

#11 - Paris, Je t'aime
Season 3 - Episode 2 - Aired 4/15/2006
Kai finds out that Riku is now a chevalier. He wanders around Paris wonder what he can do, when he meets Irene on the observation deck of the Eiffel Tower.

#12 - Phantom of the School
Season 1 - Episode 8 - Aired 11/26/2005
Saya is enrolled in a French school in Vietnam that was associated with the wine found at the military base, while Hagi goes undercover as a gardener. Not long after getting there Saya learns from her talkative roommate that the phantom at the school kidnaps girls that look similar to Saya. After investigating some more Saya is led to the bell tower where she comes face to face with the phantom.

#13 - Jungle Paradise
Season 1 - Episode 13 - Aired 1/7/2006
Still held up at the experiment farm and surrounded by Chiropteran children, Saya soon hears mysterious humming and the roars of the Chiropterans. Eventually, the smell of blood becomes asphyxiating, and threatens to wrest control of herself from her.

#14 - Lured by the White Mist
Season 1 - Episode 12 - Aired 12/24/2005
Saya and the group, joined along by The Red Shield, Clara, Spencer, Rogers and McCoy, pursue the container carrying Diva which was transferred to the school. They trek up the Mekong River to the experiment farm of Cinq Fleche Pharmaceutical where they find Mui, Riku and Kai as well as numerous children kidnapped and brought here from all over Vietnam. Saya and the others are not aware of this fact, however, as they prepare for a clash.

#15 - Rainbow for Each
Season 1 - Episode 9 - Aired 12/3/2005
Saya reports to Red Sheild that all the missing girls have similar looks to her. Meanwhile Riku meets a Vietnamese girl named Mui who has the same ability as him. After spending some time with Mui, Riku realizes the importance of his family and decides to try and reunite with Kai and Saya. The American military team makes it seem impossible when they kidnap Riku and Mui.

#16 - I Want to See You
Season 1 - Episode 10 - Aired 12/10/2005
When Saya arrives in her class one morning, she finds a blue rose. With the blue rose in hand Saya and Haji go to the rose garden where the blue roses are said to bloom. After a little looking around they find a staircase leading underground in a shack. Is this where the phantom is hiding?

#17 - After the Dance
Season 1 - Episode 11 - Aired 12/17/2005
A ball is held once a year at the school and students and their parents arrive dressed in formal attire. Saya goes wearing a dress she borrowed from Min. While she is at the ball Saya meets a young man named Solomon. David and other people from Red Sheild show at the ball, but they are not the only strangers there. The Phantom appears and now Saya and everyone must do their best to defeat him.

#18 - Confused Mind
Season 4 - Episode 5 - Aired 8/5/2006
Saya wakes up in Solomon's New York penthouse apartment, while Hagi searches for her. Solomon explains that he has left everything behind for Saya, including Diva. He pledges his eternal loves and asks Saya to be his bride. He pledges to protect her and fulfill her every wish. As they talk, Solomon realizes Saya's time of sleep is coming, and swears he would kill Diva if Saya ordered him to. Hagi appears to retrieve Saya, saying she is his reason for being. Solomon won't let her go, and they begin a battle. As they fight, Saya gets dizzy and falls from the building. To save her, Hagi unleashes his true form for the first time in the series. When they land, Saya gently rejects his feelings, and tells him killing Diva is her job. She and Hagi fly off, returning to the apartment. Meanwhile, Julia goes with David to the hospital. As he is rushed to the emergency room, he asks her to come back to them. Julia keeps vigil over him as he lies unconscious in the hospital, and kisses him. Back at the apartment, Mao kisses Kai and confesses her love, but also accepts that his only thoughts are for Saya.

#19 - Things Will Work Out
Season 4 - Episode 12 - Aired 9/23/2006
With the song stopped and Diva dead, the chiropterans begin howling and the Corpse Corps stops fighting. Inside the opera house, Saya explains to Kai that she fears that if she and the babies live, they would be used as weapons of war. Kai promises to make anyone who won't accept them understand and to always protect and love them all. Hagi tells Saya that he has loved her from the moment they met and that for once, he is going to disobey her. Taking her sword, he begs her to live on and kisses her forehead. Saya cries and says she wants to live before kissing him. David bursts in and tells him to hurry and leave because Option D has been activated. Kai and Saya carry the babies as the group leaves, but Amshel, who survived his fight with Hagi, attacks the group, ripping off Hagi's arm with his breath attack. Saya swears to protect the babies, but when she tries to attack Amshel, Hagi grabs the sword from her and pushes her away before stabbing Amshel himself. As Amshel begins crystallizing, he stabs Hagi through the chest with his hand and the roof collapses on them both. Saya screams his name and the military planes begin bombing the opera house. A month later, Saya and the others are back in Okinawa. The number of chiropteran attacks continues to decrease and Julia, who is now pregnant with David's baby, has found a way to prolong Lulu's life. Nathan, who survived Saya's attempt to kill him, is seen at a press conference in America about the criminal investigations surrounding Van and Cinque Fleches' close involvement with the U.S. military. Saya and Kai are hosting a party at the reopened restaurant, inviting their friends from the Red Shield and their schoolmates. Okamura and Mao plan to go to the Middle East together. During the party, Saya slips outside and looks back at the restaurant with tears in her eyes before she collapses. Kai catches her and agrees to wait to tell the others. He carries her back to the Miyagusuku family crypt where she woke up. She wh

#20 - The Two Queens
Season 4 - Episode 11 - Aired 9/16/2006
Grant, the Secretary of Defense, escapes, and leaves Van behind to face the chiropterans alone. Saya tries to explain to Diva why she wants to kill her to protect the humans, but Diva reminds her that she was the only one who was ever treated as a human being. Diva returns to her regular form while she and Saya argue over the existence of chiropterans. Backstage, Amshel tries to upset Hagi by reminding him that his parents sold him to Amshel for a loaf of bread, but Hagi tells him he is grateful because it enabled him to meet Saya. Amshel and Hagi assume their true forms and begin fighting, going through the roof outside where Hagi is badly losing. Meanwhile, Lewis runs out of the transmitter trailer as a decoy to draw the chiropterans away with Lulu's help while Kai gets David to safety. Hagi gets the upper hand on Amshel and impales him on the top of a skyscraper, but loses a wing in the battle. As Amshel tries to pull himself off, lightning strikes the rod, appearing to kill him by electrocution. Diva asks Saya is she is going to kill her babies as well, since she believes chiropterans shouldn't exist. Both load their swords with blood and begin their battle. Nathan, holding the babies, and Hagi watch from the audience, having agreed that in the end it is the queens' fight. Saya and Diva each impale the other with their blood-soaked swords, but Saya heals while Diva begins crystallizing. Saya cries and tries to help her, but Diva begins shattering. Nathan brings the babies to Diva, and she tells them good-bye and imagines herself holding them before she dies. Nathan says all she wanted was a family, something Amshel never understood, and explains that when she became pregnant, Diva's blood lost its potency. Nathan asks Saya to kill him, as he no longer has a purpose with Diva dead, and Saya does. Hagi comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her as she cries. Kai comes in and Saya tells him that she must die after she kills the babies.

#21 - Skyscraper Opera
Season 4 - Episode 10 - Aired 9/9/2006
Saya, Hagi, and the Red Shield goes to the Metropolitan Opera House to try to stop Diva's performance. Before the show starts, Nathan tells Amshel that the world exists to showcase Diva's beauty, as was predestined before she was born. When Amshel says Nathan talks like he was there, Nathan says he was and that before Diva was born, there was their "mommy" and her faithful chevalier. Kai confronts Hagi and demands to know what else they are hiding besides the coming hibernation time and begs him to take care of her. While they talk, Saya slips the key Kai gave her into his coat pocket and whispers goodbye. Saya and Hagi go to try to kill Diva before she can take the stage, but before she can charge Diva, Saya grows woozy again and can't attack. Hagi attacks Diva, but she easily dodges him. Hagi and Saya fight against Amshel. After he knocks Hagi out, Amshel tells Saya that if she had never set Diva free, Diva could have been his and his alone. He admits he has a constant obsession with Diva, which he views as the ultimate form of love for her. Diva begins singing, and people in the audience begin changing into chiroptera. Lewis is able to blow up the relay stations, but it doesn't work because they relay the signal through the military satellite feeds. Kai, David, Lewis, and Lulu go to the relay vans and destroy all of the equipment to finally bring down the world-wide broadcast. They get surrounded by chiroptera and David is injured. Hagi attacks Amshel so Saya can go after Diva as Nathan watches from the audience with the babies beside him.

#22 - Beyond All Blood
Season 4 - Episode 9 - Aired 9/2/2006
In order to keep Diva's public performance from being broadcast, David, Lewis, Kai, and Okamura go to Staten Island to blow up the satellite dishes. Though she is growing weaker and more tired, Saya is determined to fight so she doesn't wake up in a world full of chiroptera. Hagi asks Saya to reconsider their promise, but she makes him ask her to fight again. Amshel orders Nathan to kill Solomon, but Nathan releases him from the dungeon instead. James, in his full chiropteran form, goes to the apartment and attacks Saya. When Saya attacks him, though, her sword bounces off his skin. Hagi and Lulu try to help her in the fight, but the three are losing badly. As James moves to kill Saya with her own sword, Solomon arrives and, in his human form, blocks James' attack. Solomon then swears that he is Saya's chevalier by his own choice and states that it is "beyond blood". He is able to make James drop Saya's sword, but as it falls, it slices Solomon near his chest. James is suddenly inflicted with the Thorn, and Saya is able to strike the killing blow to his head. Solomon tells her to call his name if she ever needs him, then leaves. Though Hagi sees the cut from the sword, Saya does not appear to. Amshel finds Solomon in an alley trying to hold on, but he crystallizes in Amshel's arms from Saya's blood on her sword. Nathan and Amshel are now Diva's only surviving chevaliers.

#23 - May the Weather be Fine Tomorrow
Season 4 - Episode 8 - Aired 8/26/2006
Mao, watching Saya and Hagi talk and hold hands, asks Kai if Saya is her competition for his love. She sends him out shopping, then asks Saya to catch him because she has some embarrassing things on her list, then keeps Hagi from following by saying she needs his help around the house. At the subway station, Saya starts to faint, almost falling in front of the train but Kai catches her. Later, Saya promises Kai that she will always protect him and asks him to take better care of himself. Kai has a key of their father's bar made for Saya, so they can run it together. David leaves the hospital and returns to work. Saya and Hagi remember her making him promise to kill her, with his own hands, when everything is over. As he, Lewis, Julia, Joel, and Okamura discuss the situation, they realize the American government has Cinq Flèches deliberately creating chiroptera in America, and abroad, to create enemies they can then rescue the people from using the Corpse Corp. Julia explains to them that Diva's singing, when heard in person or a live process, it increases the effectiveness of the D-base that causes people to turn to chiroptera from 3% to 100%. Meanwhile, Nathan visits Solomon and takes him to see Diva and the babies, which Amshel "cut out of her stomach." Nathan tells him that now that the babies are born, he has no reason to fight his family anymore. To prove his commitment to Saya, Solomon attempts to kill Diva, but Diva easily defeats him and leaves him badly wounded. As Diva takes the babies inside, Nathan wonders if even a chevalier can survive such wounds.

#24 - When The Sun Shines Through Our Palms
Season 4 - Episode 7 - Aired 8/19/2006
Unable to find Karman, Kai and the others return to the apartment. Moses arrives and after apologizing to Kai, tells him he must die. Saya blocks his scythe swing, but Moses manages to knock Kai out of the window. Hagi catches him before he hits the ground. Kai runs, trying to stay in the light so Moses can't attack him. When Moses corners him in an alley, Kai tries to convince Moses to stop and find out why he's doing this, but Moses won't answer. Backed against a fence, the sunlight stops Moses and Kai escapes. He runs to Central Park, but Moses finds him again and begins chasing him around the forest. Meanwhile, James goes to the Schiff's hideout and tells Karman that Moses is going to kill Kai to save him, even though it won't really work. James tells Karman it is for his revenge, because the existence of the Schiff has separated him from the one he loves the most. After seeing his new half-Schiff body, Diva declared that James wasn't her James anymore and hates him. In the park, Kai manages to shoot off Moses hood, but then runs over to cover him back off so the light wouldn't kill him. Spurning Kai's sympathy, Moses strikes at Kai with a spike he grows on his hand, but Karman appears and takes the blow meant for Kai instead. Karman calms Moses down and before they left, asked Kai to give Lulu their weapons. They go to a bridge where Karman tells Moses they won't be forgotten since Kai will remember them and pass on those memories. Together they stand and face the setting sun, their hoods removed. As they are enveloped in green flames, they agree that they are glad they met. In the apartment, Lulu cries over their weapons.

#25 - Into the Light
Season 4 - Episode 6 - Aired 8/12/2006
Julia, Kai, Lewis, and Saya discuss Diva's pregnancy and David's slow recovery. Lulu comes to visit Saya again. Julia tells them what she learned about the Schiff experiment and the Corpse Corp and that they could suppress the Thorn in the Schiff with Diva's blood. Kai takes Moses a shipment of blood, as part of their agreement that the Schiff won't attack humans if the Red Shield supplies them with blood. When Lulu returns home, Karman forbids her from seeing Saya and the others because they are too different from the humans. Moses enter and Karman yells at him too. As they argue, Moses and Lulu discover that Karman has been inflicted with the Thorn. Karman runs out, unknowingly passing James. As the sun rises, Lulu asks Kai and Saya to help her find Karman. Karman goes to a hospital and attacks a nurse, but then sees a vision of Irene and the other Schiff who've died. Realizing they are still alive in his heart, he leaves the woman alone. That night, James goes to see Moses, revealing that much of his body is now that of the Schiff and that he was rescued before Saya's blood could completely destroy him. He offers to help the Schiff try to cure the Thorn, just as Kai had. Moses finds Karman on the roof with his hood down so he can die in the rising sun, but Moses stops him and promises to save him.