The BEST episodes of Black Sheep Squadron

Every episode of Black Sheep Squadron ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Black Sheep Squadron!

In World War II Marine Corps Major Greg 'Pappy' Boyington commanded a squadron of fighter pilots. They were a collection of misfits and screwballs who became the terrors of the South Pacific. They were known as the Black Sheep.

Last Updated: 6/14/2024Network: NBCStatus: Ended
Devil in the Slot
89 votes

#1 - Devil in the Slot

Season 1 - Episode 16 - Aired 1/25/1977

Gutterman suffers battle shock after he is shot down by a Japanese ace pilot. Sgt. Micklin becomes the Black Sheep's new mechanic, making Pappy's life as difficult on the ground as the Japanese ace is making it in the sky.

Directors: Edward Dein
Flying Misfits - Pilot
233 votes

#2 - Flying Misfits - Pilot

Season 1 - Episode 1 - Aired 9/21/1976

Major Greg Boyington, upset with his new desk job, goes against regulations and forms a fighter squadron using pilots thrown out of other squadrons for disciplinary reasons.

Directors: Russ Mayberry
The Deadliest Enemy of All (2)
92 votes

#3 - The Deadliest Enemy of All (2)

Season 1 - Episode 15 - Aired 1/18/1977

While recovering from severe burns, Pappy has fallen for the nurse who is taking care of him, but then discovers that she is married and her husband is missing in action in Europe.

Directors: Barry Shear
The Meatball Circus
167 votes

#4 - The Meatball Circus

Season 1 - Episode 7 - Aired 11/9/1976

Pappy leads the Black Sheep on a mission to destroy a Japanese aircraft carrier in a squadron composed of captured Japanese planes.

Last One for Hutch
88 votes

#5 - Last One for Hutch

Season 1 - Episode 22 - Aired 3/8/1977

After an enemy attack destroys their base and kills their mechanic, the Black Sheep Squadron is broken up and the men assigned to desk jobs in other units.

92 votes

#6 - WASPS

Season 1 - Episode 21 - Aired 3/1/1977

Women's Air Service Pilots who arrive on the island to ferry bombers aren't supposed to fraternize with the Black Sheep, but a battle of the sexes ensues anyway.

Directors: Dana Elcar
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Trouble at Fort Apache
98 votes

#7 - Trouble at Fort Apache

Season 1 - Episode 19 - Aired 2/15/1977

Gen. Moore orders the Black Sheep to escort a squadron of experimental bombers, something the bomber squadron's commander refuses to let them do.

Directors: Edward Dein
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Anyone for Suicide?
152 votes

#8 - Anyone for Suicide?

Season 1 - Episode 9 - Aired 11/23/1976

Everyone thinks that Pappy's bout with malaria has caused him to go insane when he proposes a suicide mission starting with a dead-stick landing on a Japanese-held island.

Directors: Jackie Cooper
Writer: Ken Pettus
The Last Mission Over Sengai
85 votes

#9 - The Last Mission Over Sengai

Season 1 - Episode 18 - Aired 2/8/1977

A new pilot whose family has military connections alleges that Pappy ordered an attack against American troops, leaving Pappy facing a court martial.

Directors: Jackie Cooper
Operation Stand-Down
60 votes

#10 - Operation Stand-Down

Season 2 - Episode 5 - Aired 1/11/1978

The Black Sheep are pulled out of action and given a series of tests to reevaluate their physical fitness, combat tactics and flight proficiency.

The Iceman
63 votes

#11 - The Iceman

Season 2 - Episode 9 - Aired 3/8/1978

Pappy gets transferred back to the States to boost morale, denying him a rematch with a top Japanese air ace and placing the Black Sheep under the command of a no-nonsense by-the-book commander.

Directors: Dana Elcar
The Fastest Gun
84 votes

#12 - The Fastest Gun

Season 1 - Episode 23 - Aired 3/15/1977

Pappy faces attack on three fronts: a Pentagon efficiency expert who is poking his nose into everything, a maintenance chief who's angry enough to kill him, and a Japanese ace who challenges him to a one-to-one dogfight.

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Ten'll Get You Five
56 votes

#13 - Ten'll Get You Five

Season 2 - Episode 6 - Aired 1/18/1978

Pappy meets his match in a sergeant who is escorting civilian VIPs around the Pacific theatre, and who cons Pappy into trading whiskey for oil that fails in the Black Sheep's engines during combat.

Directors: Robert Conrad
High Jinx
236 votes

#14 - High Jinx

Season 1 - Episode 4 - Aired 10/5/1976

Greg and Larry go to Espritos for a special briefing. Greg learns that the Japanese have a new kind of zero that is more difficult to shoot down. He and other squadron leaders are advised to not engage the enemy until a viable defense can be found. Greg can't believe that they are being told not to fight. After the meeting he goes to find Larry. He is in the middle of a poker game with several other officers. Greg watches them finish one hand then tells Casey that it is time to go. Before they leave one of the other players stands up and introduces himself to Greg as Doug Rafferty. When they are alone Larry tells Greg that Doug is Admiral Rafferty's son, and Boyington quickly deducts that Doug would come in handy as a contact if he was to be in the 214th. Pulling a few strings he has Rafferty assigned to the Black Sheep Squadron. When Doug arrives at Vella La Cava and deplanes, a mechanic tells Jim Gutterman that he won't believe who got off the transport...Doug Rafferty. Jim l

Directors: John Peyser
Writer: Ken Pettus
Prisoners of War
200 votes

#15 - Prisoners of War

Season 1 - Episode 5 - Aired 10/12/1976

An enemy plane is shot down as it flies over Vella La Cava during an attack by the Japanese. The pilot is taken prisoner and a strange device is found on his plane. Through a series of mistakes, word of the prisoner never makes it to the brass at Espritos. It turns out the Japanese pilot was born and raised in the US but still felt enough allegiance to Japan to fight on that side. The Black Sheep befriend the pilot who also plays a mean game of ping pong. The sheep set up a ping pong match with the Seabees and expect their star player, TJ, to clean up during the match, but when TJ is injured, ""Rocky"" as the squadron nick named him steps in to play. TJ and Rocky have a talk about what it is like being a fighter pilot and Rocky admits to TJ that he still gets scared everytime he goes up. TJ is grateful that Rocky wants to talk about this becuase no one else wants to discuss the issue with him. The form an awkward friendship becuase the enemies have so much in common. ""Rocky"" is unwil

Directors: Jackie Cooper
Writer: Ken Pettus
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Love and War
122 votes

#16 - Love and War

Season 1 - Episode 12 - Aired 12/14/1976

The squadron is granted a few days of rest and relaxation at Espritos Marcos. There Jerry Bragg runs into Annie, an old acquaintance from his home town. She is a nurse that has just been stationed in the South Pacific. He introduces her to the rest of the guys and she seems to have the eye for Larry. An air raid alarm goes of and while trying to find shelter, Jerry and Annie find themselves drenched by sprinklers. Annie takes Jerry back to her quarters so that they can get dried off. They kiss and Jerry asks to see her again the next night. Annie only agrees to the date if he can find a date for her friend and she suggests Larry. Bragg reluctantly agrees and manages to convince Larry to join him in this double date.

Directors: William Wiard
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52 votes

#17 - Hotshot

Season 2 - Episode 10 - Aired 3/15/1978

The Black Sheep play uneasy hosts to a hotshot army pilot whose amiability masks his ambition to become the war's best fighter pilot.

Directors: Lawrence Doheny
Forbidden Fruit
61 votes

#18 - Forbidden Fruit

Season 2 - Episode 7 - Aired 2/22/1978

As the Black Sheep are preparing for a dangerous night strike against Japanese bombers, things are disrupted by two new arrivals, an underage pilot and a nurse who happens to be Pappy's old flame -- and General Moore's daughter.

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A Little Bit of England
56 votes

#19 - A Little Bit of England

Season 2 - Episode 13 - Aired 4/6/1978

The show starts with Boyle and French trying to get a closer look at a showering Nurse Ellie. They throw a golf ball into the water barrel and pretend they're looking for it. Ellie is none the wiser, but the other nurses come upon the scene and are none to happy with the little trick they are playing. Nurse Nancy tells Boyle that he can forget about that night and the next and the next and that she never wants to see him again. On their mission that day the squadron strafes a harbor at Raubaul and comes out okay. But as they are leaving the area Boyle spots a train and asks permission to go after it. Greg has a feeling that he should not let him go as they have just enough fuel to get back to La Cava. He lets Boyle and Casey take a run at the train. Casey goes first and hits the target, passing over the train afterwards. Boyle makes a better hit, causing a large explosion. His plane flies through the explosion and catches on fire. Greg tells him to try to make it to England. T

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Fighting Angels
64 votes

#20 - Fighting Angels

Season 2 - Episode 8 - Aired 3/1/1978

Vella La Cava is overrun with Japanese commandos. Col. Lard and Pappy must work together to keep the island out of enemy hands. Is this possible? A number of surprises in this one!

Directors: Lawrence Doheny
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The Hawk Flies on Sunday
62 votes

#21 - The Hawk Flies on Sunday

Season 2 - Episode 3 - Aired 12/28/1977

The Squadron's chances of being assigned the mission to kill Admiral Yamamoto are lessened by T.J.'s romance with a Eurasian girl suspected of giving information to the Japanese.

Up for Grabs
126 votes

#22 - Up for Grabs

Season 1 - Episode 8 - Aired 11/16/1976

Vella la Cava is taken over by the Japanese, in anticipation of a surprise visit from General MacArthur. The morning starts out as TJ and Casey go fishing before the camp is taken over. The rest of the camp sleeps, except for Anderson and Hutch. They hear Meatball making noises in the jungle and go to investigate. The noise wakes Pappy, but it's too late. Everyone is awakened by the Japanese soldiers and herded into the sheep pen. Pappy does what he can to warn TJ and Casey by turning the squadron flag upside down and playing reveille. As TJ and Casey return to camp, they discover the Japanese. TJ overhears their plans to capture General MacArthur and creates a diversion so Casey can get to his plane and try to warn the general. He makes it into the air and tries to send a message, but it's garbled and MacArthur's plane can't read him. Soon after, Casey is attacked by zero's and has to jump before the message was delivered. On the ground, the Japanese commando in charge grabs G

New Georgia on My Mind
156 votes

#23 - New Georgia on My Mind

Season 1 - Episode 10 - Aired 11/30/1976

The Black Sheep are ousted from their quarters when a Marine paratroop battalion takes over their island to use as a training area for an upcoming strike.

Directors: Jeannot Szwarc
Writer: Ken Pettus
The Cats Whiskers
118 votes

#24 - The Cats Whiskers

Season 1 - Episode 11 - Aired 12/7/1976

Pappy decides to make an unauthorized attack against a semingly impregnable Japanese radar station in order to generate good PR, which can be used to avoid his impending court martial.

Directors: Russ Mayberry
Writer: Milt Rosen
Presumed Dead
186 votes

#25 - Presumed Dead

Season 1 - Episode 6 - Aired 10/26/1976

Captain Charlie Dobson,a naval flyer, has been shot done and presumed lost at sea. He has actually been picked by the Japanese and put through an intensive brainwashing program. He is taken by submarine to just off Vella La Cava. The Japanese tell him they are planting a val bag on the beach with explosives and timers for him to use at a later time. He is then placed in an infatable raft at sea near Vella La Cava. Gutterman and Anderson are flying towards a photo recon mission when they spot Dobson and call for the air-sea rescue to pick him up. They continue on to their target, a supposably deserted island with an old Japanese airstrip. When they approach to shoot the pictures, they come under heavy fire from ground artillery. Meanwhile, Dobson has been rescued and brought to Vella La Cava. The flight surgeon, Dr. Jerry Corgney, asks Pappy and the Black Sheep to meet Dobson. Pappy knows Dobson from their time in flight school and thinks that Dobson is acting strangely, althoug

Directors: Lawrence Doheny