The WORST episodes of Dragon Ball Kai

Every episode of Dragon Ball Kai ever, ranked from worst to best by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The worst episodes of Dragon Ball Kai!

Rejoin Goku and his friends in a series of cosmic battles! Toei has redubbed, recut, and cleaned up the animation of the original 1989 animated series. The show's story arc has been refined to better follow the comic book series on which it is based. The show also features a new opening and ending. In the series, martial artist Goku, and his various friends, battle increasingly powerful enemies to defend the world against evil. Can Earth's defender defeat demons, aliens, and other villains?

Last Updated: 2/15/2025Network: Fuji TVStatus: Ended
The Reborn Piccolo Shows Himself! An Enraged Freeza's Second Transformation
28 votes

#1 - The Reborn Piccolo Shows Himself! An Enraged Freeza's Second Transformation

Season 1 - Episode 39 - Aired 1/10/2010

While Goku continues to recover in the rejuvenation chamber at Frieza's ship, Piccolo begins battling Frieza himself - and surprisingly manages to hold his own! The two exchange blows pretty evenly for a good portion of the fight. Piccolo realizes Frieza slightly holds the upper hand, so he removes his weighted clothing and begins winning against the tyrant. Frieza finds himself backed into a corner, so he decides it is best to transform again to fight Piccolo. Becoming his grotesque, ugly third form, Frieza once again gains the upper hand and begins obliterating Piccolo with a rapid finger beam blast. Gohan rushes to rescue his mentor, and when Krillin tries to follow suit, Vegeta stops him - revealing to Krillin he may have a strategy that will allow him to defeat the tyrant.

Directors: Yashuhiro Nowata
Writer: Takao Koyama
Escape tactic, Taiyoken! The Android Cell attacks
56 votes

#2 - Escape tactic, Taiyoken! The Android Cell attacks

Season 1 - Episode 70 - Aired 8/29/2010

Cell explains that he was born by the computer used by Doctor Gero. A long time ago Doctor Gero began collecting the cells of the greatest warriors to research how he could synthesize an android from these cells. However, because it was taking too much time, he gave up on it partway through but the computer continued its operation. Piccolo, Goku and Vegata's cells were collected at the battle when Vegeta first came to Earth. They also obtained Freeza and his father's cells when they came to Earth which explains all the different ki readings. A small spy robot, similar to Cell, was used to collect the cells while also collecting data and sending it to the computer but Piccolo destroyed it during the fight. Even though Doctor Gero's laboratory was destroyed, there was still a small room beneath the laboratory where the computer is. Cell furthermore explains how once he has turned back into an egg he requires three years underground to mature again and that he came back from the future because the absorption of human essence is not enough to achieve his perfect form; it is necessary for him to merge with two essential specialized life forms which the computer told Cell that they were the androids that Doctor Gero has created #17 and #18! In the future #17 and #18 weren't around but luckily Trunks had his time machine so he killed Trunks and came back to his era in search of #17 and #18. The reason why Cell chose this era was because Trunks's time machine already set for this era to warn the other about the androids so all Cell did was push the switch. The computer also told Cell that once he reaches his perfect form, he will have terrible power far greater than anymore imagined. After obtaining all of the information, Piccolo pulled off his shriveled arm and grew a new one. Just when Piccolo and Cell were about to fight Trunks and Krillin arrive. Realizing he has no chance of winning, Cell retreats by blinding them with Taiyoken and escapes to absorb more humans in the

Directors: Yashuhiro Nowata
Writer: Takao Koyama
This is the Power of a Super-Namekian! #17 vs. Piccolo!
112 votes

#3 - This is the Power of a Super-Namekian! #17 vs. Piccolo!

Season 1 - Episode 73 - Aired 9/19/2010

Bulma is hard at work trying to figure out Dr.Gero's prints meanwhile Piccolo and Android #17 are fighting each other. After Android #17 gets serious it turns out that he and Piccolo are evenly matched. Cell senses them two fighting and starts making his way towards them stating that his power level is now higher than theirs. Krillin, and the others on a nearby island, receive a call from Bulma saying that she has completed the switch to shut down the Androids and starts bringing it over. Android #17 states that since his stamina will never drop, he will be the victor of the battle. However, Cell arrives at the scene of the battle leaving Piccolo shocked. Meanwhile, Goku and Gohan are still waiting for Vegeta and Trunks to come out of the Room of Spirit and Time.

Directors: Yashuhiro Nowata
Writer: Takao Koyama
Goku Vanishes in Space... Return to Life! Super Warriors
112 votes

#4 - Goku Vanishes in Space... Return to Life! Super Warriors

Season 1 - Episode 54 - Aired 4/25/2010

Following Planet Namek's destruction, King Kai informs Bulma and the others on Earth of Goku's apparent death, and that even though the Namekian Dragon Balls can resurrect Goku and Krillin, they will be brought back to where Namek used to be and die again. However, Vegeta comes up with the idea of using the Dragon Balls to first bring Goku and Krillin's souls to the Earth's check-in station in the afterlife. 130 days later, the Namekian Dragon Balls are re-active, and the first two wishes are used to successfully revive Krillin, but it is revealed that Goku is still alive and that he will return to Earth on his own later. Yamcha is then brought back to life with the third wish. Another 130 days later, the Namekian Dragon Balls are used to revive both Tien and Chiaotzu, and are then used to teleport all of the Namekians (minus Piccolo) to a new planet. The Z Fighters then return to their peaceful lives, while waiting for Goku to return.

Directors: Yashuhiro Nowata
Writer: Takao Koyama
Exact Vengeance Son Goku! The Countdown to the Planet's Collapse
112 votes

#5 - Exact Vengeance Son Goku! The Countdown to the Planet's Collapse

Season 1 - Episode 49 - Aired 3/21/2010

Frieza's attack detonates the planet's core and he claims that Namek will explode in five minutes. Goku is confident that he can defeat Frieza and escape with the others within that time, however, Frieza decides to power up to 100% of his full power. Much to King Kai's amazement, Goku allows Frieza to reach his full power, wishing to defeat the tyrant at his best. Meanwhile, Gohan drops off the injured Piccolo at Goku's spaceship and then goes to find Bulma.

Directors: Yashuhiro Nowata
Writer: Takao Koyama
Kuririn Powers Up! The Squirming Freeza's Premonition
145 votes

#6 - Kuririn Powers Up! The Squirming Freeza's Premonition

Season 1 - Episode 25 - Aired 9/27/2009

As the dragon ball hunt on Namek continues, Dende takes Kuririn to the Saichoro, the father of every other Namekian on the planet. Elsewhere, the defeated Vegeta is taken into Freeza's spaceship.

Directors: Yashuhiro Nowata
Writer: Takao Koyama
Attack the Elusive Cell! Son Goku, Finally Revived!
84 votes

#7 - Attack the Elusive Cell! Son Goku, Finally Revived!

Season 1 - Episode 71 - Aired 9/5/2010

After Piccolo has finished explaining, Vegeta flies off stating that he wants to surpass the power of a Super Saiyan. Trunks and Krillin go to Dr.Gero's laboratory to destory the incomplete Cell so he will not be born in their dimension mean-whilst Piccolo and Cell stay behind to search the surroundings. Trunks and Krillin arrive and blast the pile of rubble with their ki and discovers a ladder which leads underneath the laboratory into a room containing the computer and the incomplete Cell. They search around and discover the blueprints for Android #17 then after they make sure to destroy all of the laboratory and the basement. Krillin takes the prints to Bulma's house whilst Trunks decides to go and train with Vegeta. Krillin delivers the prints leaving Bulma and her father to start finding a weak spot on Android #17. Krillin taking a short-cut back to Master Roshi's house encounters Cell who is just about to absorb his next victims, arrives in the nick of time to save them. Krillin being no match for Cell, tells the civilians to escape, then uses the Taiyoken technique to blind Cell in an attempt to escape by grabbing on to a plane but Cell quickly recovers and jumps on top of the plane and starts attacking Krillin again. Just when it seems hopeless for Krillin, Piccolo and Tien arrive to save Krillin. Cell sensing their arrival flees while hiding his presence so no one can track him. 2-3 days later, the news continues to report about Cell's killings. Everyone decides to ride in a hovercraft to reach Cell so that he will not be able to sense them approaching him. Back at Kami's house there is a loud rumble causing Chichi to go and check on Goku but on arrival sees Goku is gone. She looks out of the window and sees that Goku is outside and that it was Goku making the loud noise by performing the Kamehameha technique. Goku tells Chichi that he has fully recovered of the illness and that he knows everything that is going on because he read everyone's minds whilst he

Directors: Yashuhiro Nowata
Writer: Takao Koyama
And the monster appears... Appearance! It's Super Namek!
84 votes

#8 - And the monster appears... Appearance! It's Super Namek!

Season 1 - Episode 68 - Aired 8/15/2010

Trunks, Gohan, and Bulma are investigating the other time machine when Gohan notices a strange shell that has been cast off by a monster. On the way back to her house, Bulma is watching the news which is describing that thousands of people are randomly disappearing as if they melted away in their clothes. She tells the others at Master Roshi's house to tune in and watch as well. Kami watches in horror as the people are killed and finally decides that it is time to merge with Piccolo. Before merging he also says that the evil in Piccolo is mostly gone and the world needs not a Kami right now but a hero. When merged the Namekian states that he is neither Piccolo nor Kami anymore but a Namekien who has long since forgotten his true name then departs off Kami's lookout and arrives at the scene of the crime where all of the killings have been taking place. Trunks also starts heading over there. As Piccolo looks around the monster finally shows himself to Piccolo.

Directors: Yashuhiro Nowata
Writer: Takao Koyama
Do-or-Die Full Power of Freeza! Shenlong Heed this Wish
112 votes

#9 - Do-or-Die Full Power of Freeza! Shenlong Heed this Wish

Season 1 - Episode 50 - Aired 3/28/2010

As the epic battle between Goku and Frieza rages on the dying Planet Namek, King Kai is infomred by Kami on Earth that Mr. Popo has gathered all seven Dragon Balls. Upon learning of the Earth's Dragon Balls' ability to resurrect multiple people in a single wish, King Kai asks that they be used to bring back to life all those on Namek who were killed by Frieza and his minions, thus also bringing back Guru, whose natural death was hastened just slightly by all the suffering Frieza had caused his planet, as well as the Namekian Dragon Balls, which still have one more wish to be used. King Kai plans to use this final wish to teleport everyone on Namek to Earth execpt for Frieza, leaving the tyrant to be the only one present when Namek explodes. Mr. Popo then summons Shenron and fulfills King Kai's first wish.

Directors: Yashuhiro Nowata
Writer: Takao Koyama
A Battle breaking all limits! Goku, Freeza, and Ginyu again!?
112 votes

#10 - A Battle breaking all limits! Goku, Freeza, and Ginyu again!?

Season 1 - Episode 44 - Aired 2/14/2010

As the battle between Goku and Freeza continues, Ginyu, still in frog form, encounters Bulma in hopes of a new body to possess.

Directors: Yashuhiro Nowata
Writer: Takao Koyama
#17 and #18, and...! The Artificial Humans Awaken
112 votes

#11 - #17 and #18, and...! The Artificial Humans Awaken

Season 1 - Episode 64 - Aired 7/11/2010

Dr. Gero finally makes it to his laboratory, with Krillin in hot pursuit. Tien, Piccolo, Vegeta and Trunks soon locate him and break into the lab, although by this point Dr. Gero has already awakened Androids #17 and #18. Although initially appearing loyal, the duo demonstrate their independence when Android #17 destroys Gero's remote, ensuring that he cannot deactivate them should they disobey him, and Android #18 attempts to activate Android #16 - a fully mechanical model deemed a failure by Dr. Gero. Android #17 then kills Dr. Gero, by severing and then crushing his head. In an act of desperation, Trunks launches a large ki blast at the androids, hoping to destroy Android #16 before he is activated. Although the entire lab is decimated, both Androids and #16's pod remain intact, and he is awakened anyway. The trio then decide to carry out their initial orders, and set out to kill Goku. However, their plans are disrupted when Vegeta intervenes, challenging the three androids to a battle. After Android #16 refuses to fight, Android #18 steps up to face Vegeta.

Directors: Yashuhiro Nowata
Writer: Takao Koyama
A Cute Face and Super Power?! #18 vs Vegeta
112 votes

#12 - A Cute Face and Super Power?! #18 vs Vegeta

Season 1 - Episode 65 - Aired 7/18/2010

Android #18 fights with Vegeta in Super Saiyan mode and wins easily. First Trunks tries to help Vegeta but gets taken down with one hit and the others also get beaten down effortlessly, except Krillin who stays behind and watches the horror. After the fight, Androids #16,#17,#18 leave but before they do #18 kisses Krillin on the cheek. Krillin then goes and feeds everyone Senzu Beans. Trunks explains how these androids are much stronger than the ones back in his world. Vegeta flies off in anger having being beaten.

Directors: Yashuhiro Nowata
Writer: Takao Koyama
That's planet Earth, papa... Freeza's family comes for revenge
140 votes

#13 - That's planet Earth, papa... Freeza's family comes for revenge

Season 1 - Episode 55 - Aired 5/2/2010

A year has passed and still Goku has not returned to Earth. However, it is revealed that Frieza managed to survive his battle with the Super Saiyan, has been rebuilt into a cyborg by his father King Cold, and is heading towards Earth, intending to exact revenge on Goku. The rest of the Z Fighters gather to defend the Earth from Frieza, despite knowing that they don't stand a chance without Goku. However, as soon as Frieza, King Cold, and their army of foot soldiers arrive on Earth, they are met by a mysterious teenager wielding a sword, who claims that he's come to kill them.

Directors: Yashuhiro Nowata
Writer: Takao Koyama
The Spaceship that Sleeps in Yunzabit! Blast Off For Planet Namek
266 votes

#14 - The Spaceship that Sleeps in Yunzabit! Blast Off For Planet Namek

Season 1 - Episode 18 - Aired 8/9/2009

Goku, Krillin, and Gohan are in the hospital recovering from the battle with Vegeta. Their friends and family come visit. When the television is turned on, they see a report about Nappa's Space-Pod. Bulma, thinking she's pressed the button that will have it fly towards them, instead self-destructs the pod. Before everyone gives up hope, Mr. Popo arrives, and tells them that he knows of another spaceship. It's the Namekian ship that Kami used to come to earth when he was a boy. Bulma reluctantly agrees to inspect it up in Yunzabit Heights with him. They realize the craft is voice-activated in the native Namekian language. Bulma converts the language to english in a few weeks with Gohan and Krillin deciding to accompany her on her journey to planet Namek in search for the Dragon Balls.

Directors: Yashuhiro Nowata
Writer: Takao Koyama
The End of Snake Way! King Kai's Bizarre Test
289 votes

#15 - The End of Snake Way! King Kai's Bizarre Test

Season 1 - Episode 6 - Aired 5/10/2009

While Gohan begins to better survive in the wilderness in his training for the Saiyans, Goku finally reaches the end of Serpentine Road to meet Kaio--a rather peculiar master.

Directors: Yashuhiro Nowata
Writer: Takao Koyama
The Battle with Ten-Times Gravity! Goku's Race Against the Clock!
260 votes

#16 - The Battle with Ten-Times Gravity! Goku's Race Against the Clock!

Season 1 - Episode 7 - Aired 5/17/2009

Goku continues his training under Kaio. His first challenge: catching Kaio's pet monkey Bubbles under 10 times Earth's gravity.

Directors: Yashuhiro Nowata
Writer: Takao Koyama
Wait Chaozu! Screams of Tenshinhan's Kikoho
232 votes

#17 - Wait Chaozu! Screams of Tenshinhan's Kikoho

Season 1 - Episode 10 - Aired 6/7/2009

With Kuririn having defeated the Saibaimen, the Earth's heroes are now up against Nappa. But with another Saiyan waiting on the sidelines, will the remaining fighters be able to hold their own until Goku arrives?

Directors: Yashuhiro Nowata
Writer: Takao Koyama
Final Super Transformation of Freeza! The Terror Greater than Hell Starts Now
56 votes

#18 - Final Super Transformation of Freeza! The Terror Greater than Hell Starts Now

Season 1 - Episode 40 - Aired 1/17/2010

Frieza dodges Gohan's attack but quickly finds himself on the receiving end once again - the young half Saiyan unleashes a massive energy blast that even the tyrant himself has difficulty deflecting! Upon seeing what he is up against in the form of these warriors who seem to be getting progressively stronger, Frieza begins transforming to his fourth form - the final and most powerful. Vegeta's plan to defeat Frieza involves having himself mortally wounded and then being healed by Dende - which the Saiyan prince achieves by having Krillin shoot an energy blast through his chest. Dende has no interest in healing Vegeta (who harmed so many of his people), however, and flies over to heal Piccolo instead. However, Nail's essence within Piccolo tells him that healing Vegeta may be the only way to win the fight - so Dende reluctantly does so. Frieza eventually reaches his final form, and immediately kills Dende with an energy blast - having witnessed his healing abilities while transforming. Krillin, Gohan, and Piccolo go on the attack but the tyrant dodges every single attack they throw his way. Vegeta watches them fight from a hill, preparing to charge up to his newfound power level as Gohan finds himself on a direct collision course with another one of Frieza's blasts.

Directors: Yashuhiro Nowata
Writer: Takao Koyama
The Super Decisive Battle Draws Near! The Ginyu Special Force Has Arrived!
56 votes

#19 - The Super Decisive Battle Draws Near! The Ginyu Special Force Has Arrived!

Season 1 - Episode 28 - Aired 10/18/2009

Krillin takes Gohan to see the Eldest Namek to have his inner power released. However, Vegeta senses them while flying toward the hut, and confronts them. Nail, the Eldest Namek's chief warrior and right-hand man, informs the trio of a powerful force approaching the planet. Vegeta knows it is the Ginyu Force, Frieza's 5 most elite henchmen. Reluctantly, Gohan and Krillin agree to use the Dragon Balls to make Vegeta immortal so that he can defeat them easier. They rush to retrieve the Dragon Ball they left with Bulma, and meanwhile, the Ginyu Force lands on the planet and meets up with Frieza.

Directors: Yashuhiro Nowata
Writer: Takao Koyama
The Special-Squad's Frontline Man! Break Gurudo's Spell
56 votes

#20 - The Special-Squad's Frontline Man! Break Gurudo's Spell

Season 1 - Episode 29 - Aired 10/25/2009

Vegeta, Krillin, and Gohan race to the remaining five Dragon Balls that Vegeta had hidden, in an attempt to grant Vegeta the wish of eternal life, in order to stand a chance against the Ginyu Force. The Ginyu Force beats them there, and with speed and a time freeze, swipe the two remaining Dragon Balls. Captain Ginyu takes the seven Dragon Balls to Frieza, and allows the other members to play Rock-Paper-Scissors to decide who gets to fight who. Recoome wins a fight with Vegeta and Guldo wins a fight with Krillin and Gohan. Krillin and Gohan fight Guldo first. After proving that they are no easy match for him, Guldo paralyzes the two with his ESP. Vegeta kills Guldo before any harm is done to the Earthlings, so Recoome decides he's next to fight. Meanwhile, Goku is ten minutes from landing on Namek.

Directors: Yashuhiro Nowata
Writer: Takao Koyama
A Great Turnabout for Goku!? Super Shenlong, Come Out Right Now!
56 votes

#21 - A Great Turnabout for Goku!? Super Shenlong, Come Out Right Now!

Season 1 - Episode 35 - Aired 12/6/2009

After killing Jeice, Vegeta sets his sights on Ginyu (still in Goku's body.) Vegeta effortlessly pummels Ginyu, and an attempt by Ginyu to get Vegeta's body is thwarted by Goku who intervenes - ending up back in his own (wounded) body, and Ginyu going back to the body he had before - which he had deliberately wounded. Vegeta begins thrashing Ginyu in his native body, and once again quick thinking on Goku's part prevents Vegeta from being swapped with Ginyu's body - Goku throws a Namekian frog in the path of the beam, trapping Ginyu in the frog's body. Vegeta places Goku in a rejuvenation chamber inside Frieza's spaceship and gives armor to Krillin and Gohan - knowing an inevitable battle against Frieza is in their future. Vegeta begins sleeping to regain strength he lost while fighting Ginyu. Meanwhile, Nail continues to fight Frieza and does no damage to the tyrant. Once beaten and fallen, Nail reveals the truth - the fight was just a diversion to get the password to use the Dragon Balls to the Earthlings! Frieza begins charging back towards his spaceship, noticing his scouter no longer shows the power levels for the Ginyu Force. Krillin, Gohan, and Dende take the Dragon Balls, and Dende uses the password to summmon Porunga, the Namekian Dragon Balls' equivalent of Shenron.

Directors: Yashuhiro Nowata
Writer: Takao Koyama
Enraged Freeza Draws Near! Porunga... Please Grant Our Wish!
56 votes

#22 - Enraged Freeza Draws Near! Porunga... Please Grant Our Wish!

Season 1 - Episode 36 - Aired 12/13/2009

Porunga, the Namekian Eternal Dragon, is summoned. However Krillin, Gohan and Dende are met with some bad news when they discover that only one dead friend can be resurrected per wish! Piccolo communicates with the Earthlings, telling them to revive him and wish him to the Planet Namek. Dende speaks the first wish and Piccolo's halo disappears - and Kami is resurrected on Earth, much to Mr. Popo's joy. The second wish is made, however, Piccolo is nowhere in sight. Dende tells them that they wished him to the Planet Namek and not their specific location, however - so the third wish can be used to transport him to that particular spot. Unfortunately, things take a turn for the worst. Vegeta is awakened by sensing the approaching Frieza's power, and quickly awakens and rushes to where the Earthlings are making their wishes. He threatens them for stealing his chance at immortality, though they accidentally reveal that there is one more wish left - which he would be able to use to get immortality. He tells Dende to make him immortal, and with Frieza fast approaching, Krillin reluctantly tells Dende to wish Vegeta immortal - stating that, if nothing else, he is at least better than Frieza. Before he can deliver the wish, however, the Eldest Namek dies, causing the Dragon Balls to stop working. Vegeta is outraged at the Earthlings since his chance for immortality has one again been foiled. His anger at the Earthlings doesn't last, however, since Frieza arrives at the battlefield at that very moment. The tyrant begins charging up, terrifying everyone but Vegeta who seems strangely calm. The entire planet begins to shake violently as Frieza summons his power - as Goku remains in the rejuvenation chamber, slowly still recovering from the injuries his body had taken during the earlier Ginyu conflict.

Directors: Yashuhiro Nowata
Writer: Takao Koyama
A Nightmare Transformation! Freeza's Powr Level: One-Million?!
56 votes

#23 - A Nightmare Transformation! Freeza's Powr Level: One-Million?!

Season 1 - Episode 37 - Aired 12/20/2009

Piccolo arrives on Planet Namek following being resurrected and wished there. He begins rushing towards the battlefield, and along the way encounters an ailing Nail, on the brink of death. Piccolo reluctantly performs Namekian fusion with Nail, which increases his power substantially, and begins rushing back to the battlefield. Meanwhile, Frieza, after battling the Earthlings and Vegeta in his first form, transforms to his second form following some goading from Vegeta - and this increases the tyrant's power level to over a million! With his increased power, Frieza charges at Krillin in the air, impaling him on his horn.

Directors: Yashuhiro Nowata
Writer: Takao Koyama
Freeza Bares His Fangs! Gohan's Overwhelming Attack!
56 votes

#24 - Freeza Bares His Fangs! Gohan's Overwhelming Attack!

Season 1 - Episode 38 - Aired 12/27/2009

With Goku still healing from the previous battle and Piccolo still on the way to their location, Gohan takes it upon himself to hold up against the might that is Freeza's transformed self.

Directors: Yashuhiro Nowata
Writer: Takao Koyama
Two Remain on a Vanishing Planet! This is the Final Showdown
112 votes

#25 - Two Remain on a Vanishing Planet! This is the Final Showdown

Season 1 - Episode 52 - Aired 4/11/2010

As the battle continues, it seems neither warrior is going to win before Namek's explosion. However, Goku soon notices that Frieza's power is quickly decreasing, due to the protracted battle wearing him out. Eventually, Goku decides to call it quits and begins to depart towards his spaceship. Unable to accept this, Frieza launches a pair of heat-seeking energy disks at Goku. The Super Saiyan manages to avoid this, however, and eventually Frieza is sliced in half by his own attack.

Directors: Yashuhiro Nowata
Writer: Takao Koyama