The BEST episodes of Dragon Ball Kai season 1
Every episode of Dragon Ball Kai season 1, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Dragon Ball Kai season 1!
Rejoin Goku and his friends in a series of cosmic battles! Toei has redubbed, recut, and cleaned up the animation of the original 1989 animated series. The show's story arc has been refined to better follow the comic book series on which it is based. The show also features a new opening and ending. In the series, martial artist Goku, and his various friends, battle increasingly powerful enemies to defend the world against evil. Can Earth's defender defeat demons, aliens, and other villains?

#1 - Fighting Spirit Free from Hesitation! Gohan, Pulverizes the Cell Juniors
Season 1 - Episode 93 - Aired 2/13/2011
After witnessing the death of Android 16 at the hands of Cell, Gohan's anger is ignited and causes him ascend to the level of Super Saiyan 2. Cell is excited that the fight will be more interesting, but Gohan is unamused and snatches the stolen Senzu beans from Cell. Gohan then proceeds to take on all of the Cell Juniors, proving himself impervious to their attacks and effortlessly destroying them. He then throws the Senzu beans to Trunks, who distributes them to his injured comrades. Gohan now focuses his attention on Cell, and from the onset of the battle, it is clear that Gohan holds the advantage.

#2 - And So the Situation Takes a Turn for the Worst... Cell Attacks #18!
Season 1 - Episode 79 - Aired 10/31/2010
Cell convinces Vegeta to allow him to absorb Android 18 leaving Trunks to try to stop Cell. While fighting Trunks Cell finally finds Android 18 and results in asking for Vegeta's help. Vegeta attacks Trunks so that Cell may get to Android 18, this leaves Krillin and Android 16 helplessly trying to stop Cell. Will Cell get to Android 18?

#3 - Peace in the Future! The Spirit of Goku is Forever!
Season 1 - Episode 98 - Aired 8/2/2011
Trunks returns to the future and is reunited with Bulma. As tranquility seems to return, the androids are attacking again. Trunks saves an elderly man from being killed by Androids #17 and #18. Thanks to his training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Trunks easily destroys the two androids. Three years later, Trunks prepares to head back into the past to tell everyone of his victory. However, there is still one more android to stop: Cell, in his Imperfect Form. After a brief fight, Trunks launches Cell into the air and destroys him with ease as well. Peace is finally restored to the future timeline. Back in the present, Goku begins his "life" in the Other World.

#4 - The Tears that Disappeared into the Sky! The Angry Super Awakening of Gohan
Season 1 - Episode 92 - Aired 2/6/2011
Gohan's reluctance reaches it's limit, and #16 asks Mr Satan to carry him over to Gohan to talk to him. #16 explains to Gohan what to fight for, and that it is okay to unleash his anger to save those that he loves. After hearing his words of encouragement, Cell takes his foot and crushes #16's head. Seeing this is ultimately the last straw for Gohan, who finally releases his rage and ascends to the Super Saiyan 2 level. Gohan then turns his attention to the Cell Jr.s, taking them out one-by-one.

#5 - An Interrupted Rest! The Self-Defense Army, Launches a General Offensive Against Cell
Season 1 - Episode 85 - Aired 12/12/2010
As Piccolo completes his training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and Vegeta takes his place, Goku and Gohan are spending their days relaxing at home. Meanwhile, the Self-Defense Army attempt to launch an offensive strike against Cell, but they are completely wiped out. Hearing about this over the radio, Goku asks Picollo if it is possible to seperate with Kami, so he can use the Dragonballs to revive all the people Cell killed (as they disappeared since they fused together). Since Piccolo can't seperate, Goku theorises that he can convince another Namekian to stay on Earth and create a new set of Dragonballs, and goes to find King Kai so he can find the Namekians.

#6 - A Battle of the Highest Level! Defeat Cell, Son Goku
Season 1 - Episode 89 - Aired 1/16/2011
The battle between Goku and Cell continues, with the two fighters reaching a pace that is barely visible to most of the onlookers. Cell then decides to destroy the tournament ring, ensuring that their battle isn't ended by a ring out and can continue until one of them either dies or surrenders. The battle becomes even more intense, culminating with Goku flying high into the sky building up a powerful Kamehameha. Cell and everyone else states that Goku is bluffing, since from his position in the sky, such an attack would easily destroy the Earth. Goku then unexpectedly uses Instant Transmission to teleport in front of Cell and executes the attack point-blank. While the rest of the world celebrates what they believe to be Cell's ultimate defeat, Goku and company watch as Cell's remaining lower half rises and regenerates his missing parts. While the ki of both fighters has depleted considerably, the battle continues on.

#7 - The Hellish Recoome! Keep Me Entertained, Vegeta-chan
Season 1 - Episode 30 - Aired 11/1/2009
Vegeta begins battling Recoome, the big brute of the Ginyu Force. While the Saiyan prince manages to get in a few good blows, ultimately Recoome doesn't seem to be taking any pain. Gohan and Krillin enter battle after Vegeta becomes too badly injured to continue fighting, but quickly find themselves beaten and outclassed by the hulking Ginyu Force member as well. Meanwhile, Frieza attempts to use the Dragon Balls but nothing happens, prompting him to leave Ginyu to guard the balls while he himself goes to look for Namekians to tell him how to become immortal. Just when all seems lost in Vegeta, Krillin and Gohan's fight with Recoome, Goku's Capsule Corporation ship finally touches down on Planet Namek.

#8 - No Chance of Victory Against #19! Super Vegeta Arrives Late
Season 1 - Episode 61 - Aired 6/13/2010
Before Android #19 can finish draining Goku's energy, Vegeta finally arrives, saving Goku by kicking the android in the face. Yamcha then escorts Goku away from the battlefield. Vegeta then squares up to the androids, and much to everyone's surprise, transforms into a Super Saiyan. It is revealed that whereas Goku's transformation was triggered by the desire to protect his friends and family, Vegeta's was triggered purely by the desire to become stronger, as well as his anger at being surpassed by Goku. The battle then begins, and it's clear that Vegeta has the edge over Android #19. Even the android's energy absorption attack proves futile, as Vegeta tears off the android's arms, making the technique impossible to use. As the android runs in fear, Vegeta launches his 'Big Bang Attack' and finishes the battle, leaving nothing but the android's head intact. Android 20 then escapes into the nearby cliffs, planning to use the terrain to launch a surprise attack on the fighters.

#9 - Mr. Satan Takes the Stage! The Curtain Rises On the Cell Games!
Season 1 - Episode 87 - Aired 12/26/2010
As Hercule hypes himself in front of the media, Vegeta, Android 16, Goku and the others arrive at the stage. Hercule insists he goes before him, though when his students Calorie and Piroshiki arrive, he allows them to go first, but they are defeated without Cell needing to move. Hercule tries to intimidate Cell by breaking some tiles and then goes on the attack, but Cell knocks him out of the ring with a single blow, not even bothering to kill him. As Cell wishes to take on a proper opponent, Goku steps into the ring.

#10 - The Decisive Battle! Cell vs Son Goku
Season 1 - Episode 88 - Aired 1/9/2011
Goku and Cell begin to fight and, despite putting on an impressive performance, Gohan and Vegeta both realise that neither is using his full power yet. Both fighters then raise their ki to their maximum. After a brief battle, Cell begins to attack using techniques 'inherited' from other characters--first Tien's Multi-Form technique, then Piccolo's Makankosappo, and finally Frieza's homing Destructo Disc. When Goku overcomes each of these techniques, Cell prepares a full-power Kamehameha capable of destroying the Earth. Goku diverts the attack away from the planet by taking to the sky, and then uses Instant Transmission to return to escape back to the ring.

#11 - Awaken, Legendary Warrior... Son Goku, the Super Saiyan!
Season 1 - Episode 47 - Aired 3/7/2010
The death of a long-time comrade triggers a mysterious transformation in Goku.

#12 - Combine Our Power! The Mightiest Final Kamehameha
Season 1 - Episode 96 - Aired 3/20/2011
Cell continues to charge his Kamehameha, and reveals that not only has he gathered enough energy to destroy the Earth, but he also now has the potential to destroy the entire solar system with this blast. Meanwhile, Vegeta apologises to Gohan for his recklessness. As Gohan and the others watch on in hopelessness, Goku contacts his son from the afterlife and tells him that even in his injured state he has the potential to defeat Cell. Reinvigorated, Gohan prepares a final, one-handed Kamehameha to repel Cell's blast. As the two warriors struggle to overpower each other, Piccolo, Tien, Yamcha and Krillin bombard Cell with ki blasts in a knowingly futile attempt to help, but are easily repelled. As Goku coaxes Gohan to release his full power against Cell, Vegeta returns to the battlefield and launches one final Big Bang Attack, which temporarily distracts Cell. Seeing the opportunity, Gohan finally releases his full strength and overpowers Cell's wave, obliterating Cell's body and and saving the Earth from destruction. Gohan has won and the Cell Games are finally over.

#13 - The Perfect Form Breaks Down! Explosion, the Super Iron Fist of Rage
Season 1 - Episode 94 - Aired 2/20/2011
Cell finally unleashes his full power against Gohan, but even at maximum strength his attacks have no effect on the Super Saiyan 2. After being easily bested in battle, Cell attempts to destroy Gohan and the Earth with a giant Kamehameha, but Gohan produces an even larger wave and deflects the attack with ease. As the rest of the fighters predict an easy victory, Goku recalls that even in the Room of Spirit and Time, Gohan displayed strength far beyond that of a normal Super Saiyan. He then tells Gohan to deliver the finishing blow to Cell, but Gohan insists that Cell must suffer first. Cell then utilises his bulked-up transformation, but the increase in muscle mass lowers his speed greatly and as a result none of his attacks connect with Gohan - who counters with a single blow to the stomach, causing Cell to regurgitate Android 18 and revert back to his semi-perfect form. As the fighters assume that this means victory for Gohan, Cell's body begins to expand to a gigantic size.

#14 - Son Goku Finally Arrives! Knock the Ginyu Special-Squad Around
Season 1 - Episode 31 - Aired 11/8/2009
Goku enters the battle after giving Senzus to Krillin, Gohan, and Vegeta, and things quickly take a turn for the better. Recoome, charging up a deadly attack, is defeated by a single blow from Goku. Jeice and Burter leap into battle trying a variety of techniques - none of which have the least bit of effect on Goku. Burter is knocked out by a few swift attacks from Goku, as Jeice stares in awe at his latest opponent - having never faced someone so powerful.

#15 - The Final Blow, Son Goku... Planet Namek Scatters Throughout Space
Season 1 - Episode 53 - Aired 4/18/2010
On Earth, Guru finally passes, but before his death, he gives his power to the Namekian Moori, making him the new Elder. Meanwhile, on Namek, the dying Frieza begs for mercy from Goku. Despite his better judgement, Goku cannot ignore Frieza's pleas for help and gives the tyrant some of his own energy before departing. However, Frieza lets his pride get the better of him and unleashes one final energy blast at Goku, but the Super Saiyan easily repels the blast right back at the tyrant and seemingly destroys Frieza. Goku then attempts to escape in Frieza's spaceship, but is unable to make it take off. Namek finally explodes and it appears that Goku perishes along with it.

#16 - The Time has Come to Become One Again... Piccolo's Decision for Ultimate Power!
Season 1 - Episode 66 - Aired 8/1/2010
Piccolo flies off to try and convince Kami to fuse with Piccolo as it is the only way to stop the androids however Kami believes that the androids are not all that evil and that the only reason they battled against them was because they fought with them first. Kami then decides to wait and see what happens as Piccolo sits down waiting until Kami agrees to merge with him.

#17 - Super Saiyan Surpassed! The Daring Vegeta Strikes Cell
Season 1 - Episode 77 - Aired 10/17/2010
Cell continues to destroy islands until he reaches the final one containing Android #16 and Android #18. Just when Cell was charging up his attack, Vegeta arrives along with Trunks. Cell presumes that he will be fighting both Vegeta and Trunks but Vegeta states that Trunks is only a spectator and transforms into Super Vegeta. Meanwhile Goku and Gohan enter the Room of Spirit and Time to start their own training.

#18 - Training Completed! Does Goku have the Composure to Defeat Cell?!
Season 1 - Episode 84 - Aired 12/5/2010
The people of Earth are in a panic after Cell's announcement of the Cell Games. Meanwhile, Goku and Gohan finish their training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Goku immediately requests that Mr. Popo prepare a meal and Trunks explains the latest Cell developments. Goku then teleports to the site of the Cell Games and confronts Cell. After returning to the lookout, Goku announces he and Gohan will not be entering the Hyperbolic Time Chamber again. Instead, for the remaining nine days until the Cell Games, they will train in the real world. Goku and Gohan then fly to Kame House and greet their remaining friends.

#19 - Star Performer's Entry!? Captain Ginyu vs. Son Goku
Season 1 - Episode 32 - Aired 11/15/2009
Goku tells Jeice to take the beaten Recoome and Burter and leave the planet forever. Jeice flees to Captain Ginyu and tells him what has happened. Captain Ginyu has Frieza's men bury the Dragon Balls then sets out with Jeice towards Goku. Meanwhile, Vegeta kills Burter then Recoome. Also, Krillin and Gohan realize that Frieza is heading towards Elder Guru in order to obtain the password to summon the Namekian Dragon. Shortly after this, Captain Ginyu and Jeice arrive to battle Goku. Goku tells Krillin and Gohan to leave. Vegeta tricks Goku and flies away, leaving Goku to fight alone. Goku and Captain Ginyu fight, and after a while Captain Ginyu asks Goku to release his true power. Goku abides and begins to power up.

#20 - Conclusion to the Death Match! Time for Goku's Decision
Season 1 - Episode 90 - Aired 1/23/2011
With the battle going nowhere, Goku willfully conceeds. In his place he selects his son - Gohan. However Gohan does not seem too willing to participate.

#21 - Get Angry, Gohan! Release Your Dormant Power
Season 1 - Episode 91 - Aired 1/30/2011
Gohan shows no willingness to fight, and explains to Cell his reason - whenever he is in battle, he loses control and goes in an all out rage. Unfortunately, this intrigues Cell, and so he decides to enrage the boy by inflicting enough pain to force him to unleash his true strength. After watching Gohan take Cell's punishment, #16 decides to intervene by grabbing Cell and activating the bomb within his own body. Unfortunately, Krillin reveals that while repairing him, Bulma removed #16's bomb, which renders his intervention futile. Cell quickly breaks free of #16's hold, causing his body to shatter - leaving only his head intact. When Cell realizes his attempts at physical intimidation are failing, he devises a plan to attack the ones that are closest to Gohan by spawning seven offspring - the Cell Jr.'s.

#22 - This is the Last Trump Card! Goku's Extra-Large Genki-dama
Season 1 - Episode 46 - Aired 2/28/2010
Losing the upper hand fast, Goku is forced to leave himself vulnerable to Freeza's attacks as he slowly gathers energy for a Genki-dama.

#23 - Farewell with a Smile! Heading for New Days...
Season 1 - Episode 97 - Aired 3/27/2011
Gohan has defeated Cell and the world is now safe. The heroes call upon Shenron to revive those who lost their lives, except Goku doesn’t want to return. In his place, Android 17 and 18 are revived, as humans.

#24 - Bye-Bye Everyone! This is the Only Way to Save the Earth
Season 1 - Episode 95 - Aired 3/6/2011
Powered down and out of other options, Cell actives his self destruct mechanism causing him expand to balloon like proportions. With mere seconds left, Goku see the threat and heads out to the field. Goku says goodbye to his son and teleports himself and Cell to King Kai's planet, the only safe place he could think of, and Cell explodes destroying the planet and killing everyone there. While back on Earth Gohan is left to grieve, but his sorrow is short lived. As Cell is revealed to still be alive and beyond perfect.

#25 - A New God! The Dragon Balls are Finally Revived
Season 1 - Episode 86 - Aired 12/19/2010
After getting help from King Kai in locating the planet where the Namekians are staying, Goku travels there and explains the situation. The Grand Elder offers Dende to be the new Kami, and Goku takes him back to Earth. Dende revives the dragon balls, revealing that this time they can use two wishes. During the the ten days leading up to the Cell Games, Goku searches for the newly awakened dragon balls, Vegeta and the others finish their training and a martial arts champion, Hercule, steps up to fight Cell. On the day of the Cell Games, it is revealed that if the new dragon balls are used to revive a mass of people, people who died before won't be revived. Despite the others' concern, Goku remains positive and they all head towards the Cell Games.