The BEST episodes of Dragon Ball Kai
Every episode of Dragon Ball Kai ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Dragon Ball Kai!
Rejoin Goku and his friends in a series of cosmic battles! Toei has redubbed, recut, and cleaned up the animation of the original 1989 animated series. The show's story arc has been refined to better follow the comic book series on which it is based. The show also features a new opening and ending. In the series, martial artist Goku, and his various friends, battle increasingly powerful enemies to defend the world against evil. Can Earth's defender defeat demons, aliens, and other villains?

#1 - Fighting Spirit Free from Hesitation! Gohan, Pulverizes the Cell Juniors
Season 1 - Episode 93 - Aired 2/13/2011
After witnessing the death of Android 16 at the hands of Cell, Gohan's anger is ignited and causes him ascend to the level of Super Saiyan 2. Cell is excited that the fight will be more interesting, but Gohan is unamused and snatches the stolen Senzu beans from Cell. Gohan then proceeds to take on all of the Cell Juniors, proving himself impervious to their attacks and effortlessly destroying them. He then throws the Senzu beans to Trunks, who distributes them to his injured comrades. Gohan now focuses his attention on Cell, and from the onset of the battle, it is clear that Gohan holds the advantage.

#2 - And So the Situation Takes a Turn for the Worst... Cell Attacks #18!
Season 1 - Episode 79 - Aired 10/31/2010
Cell convinces Vegeta to allow him to absorb Android 18 leaving Trunks to try to stop Cell. While fighting Trunks Cell finally finds Android 18 and results in asking for Vegeta's help. Vegeta attacks Trunks so that Cell may get to Android 18, this leaves Krillin and Android 16 helplessly trying to stop Cell. Will Cell get to Android 18?

#3 - Son Goku is the Strongest After All!! Majin Buu is Annihilated
Season 2 - Episode 59 - Aired 6/14/2015
Goku fires the Spirit Bomb at Kid Buu, who attempts to fight it. Vegeta makes the final wish from Porunga to restore Goku to full power. At long last, Majin Buu is final defeated!
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#5 - One Time Only Miracle… Will the Super Combination With That Guy Come About?
Season 2 - Episode 47 - Aired 3/22/2015
Armed with fusion earrings, Goku goes to the battle and attempts to fuse with Gohan. One of the earrings gets lost and Super Buu manages to absorb Gohan. With no one to fuse with, Vegeta arrives. Can Goku convince him to fuse?
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#6 - Invincible! Ultimate Warrior Vegito!
Season 2 - Episode 48 - Aired 3/29/2015
A reluctant Vegeta and Goku fuse, and a new super fighter is born! Vegito! Instantly holding the upper hand, Super Buu makes a desperate move – entering Vegito’s body and attempting to control him from within.
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#7 - The Ace Up Buu's Sleeve! The Warriors are Absorbed!!
Season 2 - Episode 49 - Aired 4/5/2015
Vegito manages to dispel Super Buu from his body. Super Buu manages to turn him into candy, but even Candy Vegito is still stronger. Utilizing a piece of himself from the battlefield, Super Buu manages to surprise Vegito and absorb him.
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#8 - Rescuing Gohan and Company! Goku and Vegeta's Infiltration Mission!
Season 2 - Episode 50 - Aired 4/12/2015
Vegito willingly was absorbed and placed a shield over himself before being absorbed. Inside, Goku and Vegeta de-fuse, mysteriously, and search for the others. With all the fighters removed, what will happen to Super Buu’s form?
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#11 - The Savior of the World is You! Everyone's Spirit Bomb is Completed!
Season 2 - Episode 58 - Aired 6/7/2015
Vegeta pleads with the people of the Earth to give Goku energy. None of the fighters pleas make it through…except for one, Mr. Satan steps in and the Earth begins to pour in energy.
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#12 - A Trying Time, Obtain the Strength of Legends!
Season 2 - Episode 27 - Aired 10/12/2014
Despite the protestations of others at Kami's Lookout, Videl continues to believe that Gohan survived his fight with Majin Buu. As it happens, Gohan, both alive and well, draws out the legendary Z-Sword, and, believing that it will be the key to victory, begins training with it. Babidi and Majin Buu continue their tour of destruction, and receive some important information.
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#14 - Even Stronger! Goku's Dream Never Ends!!
Season 2 - Episode 61 - Aired 6/28/2015
Uub is strong, but has no fighting experience. Goku decides to take it upon himself to train with Uub, hoping one day his power will be strong enough to fight him. Goku and Uub say farewell, and fly off into the distance…
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#16 - Final Decisive Battle! A Conclusion in the Realm of the Kais!!
Season 2 - Episode 53 - Aired 5/3/2015
Kid Buu follows the fighters to the world of the Kai’s. He begins his destruction by attacking Grand Kai’s planet. Kid Buu located Goku and Vegeta, who plays rock, paper, scissors to see who goes first. Goku is up
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#19 - A Secret Plan Comes Together in a Flash Please Grant These Two Wishes!
Season 2 - Episode 56 - Aired 5/24/2015
After Vegeta attempts to stall for Goku, he is on the verge of death. Can Goku power up in time? Fat Buu enters the fight and manages to stall for a little time. Goku has one last idea.
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#20 - Peace in the Future! The Spirit of Goku is Forever!
Season 1 - Episode 98 - Aired 8/2/2011
Trunks returns to the future and is reunited with Bulma. As tranquility seems to return, the androids are attacking again. Trunks saves an elderly man from being killed by Androids #17 and #18. Thanks to his training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Trunks easily destroys the two androids. Three years later, Trunks prepares to head back into the past to tell everyone of his victory. However, there is still one more android to stop: Cell, in his Imperfect Form. After a brief fight, Trunks launches Cell into the air and destroys him with ease as well. Peace is finally restored to the future timeline. Back in the present, Goku begins his "life" in the Other World.

#22 - Delay Majin Buu, The Limit! Super Saiyan 3!!
Season 2 - Episode 28 - Aired 10/19/2014
Realizing that Majin Buu is headed for Capsule Corp., Trunks breaks off from his Fusion training, and heads home to retrieve the Dragon Radar. To buy him the time he needs, Goku engages Majin Buu, and showcases a new level of power. Far away from the fighting, Mr. Satan pledges to save the people of Earth from Majin Buu.
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#23 - True Worth Beginning to Show The Treacherous Buu!
Season 2 - Episode 29 - Aired 10/26/2014
Trunks arrives at Capsule Corp., and hurries to find the Dragon Radar, although his grandparents seem unconcerned with the danger they are in. Meanwhile, Goku desperately tries to delay Majin Buu, and learns first-hand the terrifying power that Buu possesses. Enticed by the promise of an even greater opponent than Goku, Buu begins to question his subservience to Babidi.
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#24 - Awful Looking!? Special Training, Fusion Pose!
Season 2 - Episode 30 - Aired 11/2/2014
Free from Babidi's control, Buu heads off on a rampage. Goku reveals that, as a result of his Super Saiyan 3 transformation during his fight with Buu, he has less than one hour left on Earth. Betting everything on Goten and Trunks, Goku shows them the Fusion Pose, but it turns out to be an embarrassing dance.
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#25 - Bye-Bye Everyone!! Son Goku Returns to the Other World
Season 2 - Episode 31 - Aired 11/9/2014
Goten and Trunks are bored of fusion training and ask Goku to show them Super Saiyan 3. However, doing this causes him to use up what was left of his little time on Earth. Now he must say goodbye, once more.
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