The WORST episodes of Buzz Lightyear of Star Command

Every episode of Buzz Lightyear of Star Command ever, ranked from worst to best by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The worst episodes of Buzz Lightyear of Star Command!

Buzz Lightyear and his Star Command cadet team struggle to keep justice in the galaxy, often thwarting the evil Emperor Zurg and other threats of the universe.

Last Updated: 3/2/2025Network: UPNStatus: Ended
0 votes

#1 - 42

Season 2 - Episode 13 - Aired 1/13/2001

As an auto-piloted freighter is attempting to make a routine transport run, it is attacked by Valkyran raiders (…the primary ones are named Brun, Sig, and Hilda…). The Valkyrans are an Amazonian race that has been around far longer than the Galactic Alliance. In attempting to battle the Valkyrans, Team Lightyear is stymied by the Valkyran ships' ability to phase out in a dimensional warp, thus rendering the ship unreachable. Planning for more raids by the Valkyrans, the LGMs whip up a system that can detect ships that are phased out via some sort of artificial intelligence kind've thing (Commander Nebula tries to explain it, and the LGMs offer little help in clearing things up; since Nebula obviously doesn't understand it himself…). When using the phase detector thingie, Star Cruiser 42 is struck by a fairly massive energy jolt. This causes the experimental detector to unexpectedly grant the operating systems of 42 to become sentient (…and female, to XR's delight…). XR is the on

Directors: Don MacKinnon
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Ancient Evil
0 votes

#2 - Ancient Evil

Season 2 - Episode 12 - Aired 1/6/2001

While on an archeological expedition, studying ""Planet X"", the LGMs stumble upon the quasi-Egyptian resting place of an ancient powerful being called ""Natron the 1st"" (...who is also known as ""Natron the Destroyer"" and lots of other ""Natron the [REALLY NASTY THING]"" names...). Zurg has sent Warp Darkmatter to scope out the LGM's findings, meanwhile. When Natron awakens, he freezes the LGMs in some sort of stasis field, and drains Warp's life-force in order to soup himself up to a state closer to his former glory. This results in Warp aging into a wizened old man. Natron rants on a bit about how he had been laid low thousands of years ago by someone known as ""The Protector"" (...of whom we find out absolutely nothing...), and sets off to take over Capital Planet. Warp and Team Lightyear set out to stop Natron; Warp is helping Team Lightyear since the only way that he can regain his proper age is if Natron is defeated. They manage to reverse the process that Natron used to drain the

Directors: Steve Loter
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Opposites Attract
0 votes

#3 - Opposites Attract

Season 2 - Episode 11 - Aired 12/23/2000

Comm. Nebula sends Team Lightyear to Mahambas 6 to investigate a gravity problem. It turns out to be Gravitina, making a distraction so she can see Buzz and ask him out. He, of course, refuses, and she's then convinced it's because of her head. To get even she zaps Buzz with a gun that makes HIS head huge, and since it's causing a problem at Star Command (he has a bit of a ""head problem"", if I may joke outrageously) he has to leave. Well, Buzz decided he didn't like these arrangements, so he went to confront Gravitina. Anyway, team Lightyear was there, they had tried the same thing before, it didn't work very well. Buzz Lightyear defeats Gravitina, his heads back to normal, everyone (except, possibly, Gravitina) lives happily ever after.

Directors: Don MacKinnon
Writer: Mark Palmer
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Holiday Time
0 votes

#4 - Holiday Time

Season 2 - Episode 10 - Aired 12/16/2000

""Holiday Time"" is derived from ""The Grinch who Stole Christmas"" with elements from ""The Matrix"" (including slow-motion projectile dodging.) A fun episode with some of the best animation in the series. Evil Emperor Zurg steals the ""Chrono-Disruptor"" from Santa (yes, the REAL Santa). This is a device that allows the Jolly Old Elf to stop time and deliver all those gifts in one night. Zurg then goes on a terror spree. He essentially steals Christmas right out from under the Space Ranger's noses, who are helpless to mount a defense. Meanwhile Santa tries to convince Team Lightyear that he is the genuine article in order to get their help. He finally gets Buzz to believe by relating a tale from Buzz's childhood, something no one should know. We get to see Buzz as a kid in a flashback to when he singed his cat Fluffy's tail with a laser. (yes, he's wearing the hood). This is also the second episode we hear about that rocket toy he wanted but never got as a kid. Santa takes Buzz to his homewo

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Speed Trap
0 votes

#5 - Speed Trap

Season 2 - Episode 9 - Aired 12/9/2000

Due to a ""diplomatic faux pas"" with the Porcelon Ambassadorial Delegates (...the Porcelons look like large-ish toilets...we shan't go into any more detail about the faux pas...), Team Lightyear is delegated to traffic duty. They spot a large freighter going almost the speed of light (...the local speed limit is about .45 light speed...), that isn't responsive to hails. The freighter slams into, and destroys, the resort moon Sand De Soleil, and continues on towards the sun of Capital Planet (...the resulting impact could, potentially, cause the sun to go supernova...). Team Lightyear board the freighter to find it abandoned, except for a maniacally tidy robo-cleaner called ""Care-Bot"". They attempt to plant charges to blow up the ship, but Care-Bot considers them clutter and disassembles the bombs. Meanwhile the bots have set Cruiser 42 adrift, so the team is trapped. Booster is sent down to the engine room to attempt to power down the engines while Buzz, Mira, and XR are attempting to

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Return to Karn
0 votes

#6 - Return to Karn

Season 2 - Episode 8 - Aired 12/2/2000

Mira is assigned to accompany the Galactic President and Smoltz (one of her advisors, and of the same race as the President) to a conference. Mid-trip, they're attacked by Zurg and forced to make a crash-landing on Karn. Forced to maintain radio silence, to prevent Zurg from tracking them, they attempt to prevent being eaten, mauled, and otherwise laid low by the various Karnian beasties. Not only is Zurg scouring the face of Karn looking for them, but so is the rest of Team Lightyear (aided by Dr. Furbanna). Eventually, it is disclosed that Smoltz is actually a turn-coat, working with Zurg to try to capture the President (he helped to choose Mira for the mission, thinking that she'd be the easiest to wrangle). With a bit of lucky assistance from a mother Narlzak and her young (...large tunneling Karnian beasts, resembling a cross between a mealworm and a Dune Sandworm...), manage to save Mira and the President from Zurg's plans.

Directors: Victor Cook
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Good Ol' Buzz
0 votes

#7 - Good Ol' Buzz

Season 2 - Episode 7 - Aired 11/25/2000

With a wrist-mounted time travel device, a 150 year old Buzz (which would make him from about 110 years in the future...see ""Lone Wolf""...) travels back to ""now"" to prevent Mira from being killed. Unfortunately, it happened so long ago that he can't quite recall just how, when or where Mira is going to die (...and, it would seem, time travel turns one's memory to ""Swiss Cheese""...Quantum Leap reference?).

Directors: Steve Loter
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Enemy Without a Face
0 votes

#8 - Enemy Without a Face

Season 2 - Episode 6 - Aired 11/18/2000

Team Lightyear get separated and meet up with the last Beletor and the last Krnozian, who're warring over possession of their home planet. It turns out that they're actually of the same race, but small leech-like critters had attached themselves to the backs of their necks and caused them to act violent (violent thought is what the critter feeds off of). In attempting to return the critters to Star Command for further study, they escape, reproduce, and attach themselves to Team Lightyears' necks. Upon arrival, they spill loose and ravage Star Command. Cold air stuns the critters, so XR turns the air conditioning to freezing, thus solving the problem.

Directors: Victor Cook
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Star Smasher
0 votes

#9 - Star Smasher

Season 2 - Episode 5 - Aired 11/11/2000

LGMs develop remote trash compactor; Zurg steals it, compacts 42, and then compresses Capital Planet's sun in order to form a black hole. Buzz puts on heat resistant power armor (that reduce down to oven mitts when not in use), flies into the event horizon of the black hole, and activates trash compactors in reverse, thus returning the black hole to it's star-state.

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Rescue Mission
0 votes

#10 - Rescue Mission

Season 2 - Episode 4 - Aired 11/4/2000

Star Command receives a distress call, and the instructions on how to build a device that will teleport one to where the call is coming from. Buzz is sent; he is met by the insectoid Professor Samsa who informs him that his race's queen is in trouble, and that his entire race is also threatened by some large, powerful race that is attempting to wipe them out. The rest of Team Lightyear is sent to help w/ insect extermination at Cosmo's Diner. It turns out that the insects that are plaguing Cosmo's are the race that contacted Buzz (the device not only teleported Buzz, but also shrunk him). The biggest threat (and the major reason that Buzz is unable to contact Team Lightyear right away) is a Remote Disposal Unit that Cosmo is using to clean up the ""bugs"".

Directors: Don MacKinnon
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0 votes

#11 - Wirewolf

Season 2 - Episode 3 - Aired 10/28/2000

Ranger Ty Parsec has been assigned patrol duty on Canis Lupus, guarding a special Galactic Alliance power station that converts radiation from the planet's strange green moon into usable energy. Ty laments the boring responsibility, unaware that NOS-4-A2 is lurking nearby and stalking his robot teamate. When the energy vampire strikes, Ty informs Star Command but insists no backup is required. It arrives anyway in the form of Team Lightyear, much to Ty's chagrin. Ty has been rescued no less that 50 times by Buzz and is sick of being put in that position. During their next patrol, Ty saves XR from NOS-4-A2, but requires Buzz to save him. The vampire is driven off but not before accidentally biting Ty through the flesh. This puts a werewolf-like curse on Ty who is changed into a robot-ravaging ""wirewolf"" when exposed to the strange moon of Canis Lupus. Team Lightyear and Ty himself are unaware of the periodic transformations. The wirewolf eludes a trap, shredding XR in the process

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4 votes

#12 - Devolutionaries

Season 1 - Episode 30 - Aired 11/5/2000

Warp Darkmatter goes to the distant planet of Binipinardia to nab a naturally occurring de-evolving gas, guarded for eons by the local Binipinardians (...who happened to take a coffee-break at exactly the wrong time...). When Team Lightyear arrive on Binipinardia, they find the locals to be missing, and the only critters that seem to be around are some semi-sentient lemur-like things. XR is marketing his comic book, breakfast cereal, and adventure series at the time, so when the rest of Team Lightyear go off to look for the missing Binipinardians, he stays behind to look after the ship and to test out some product marketing research on the lemur-like things. Shortly after discovering that Warp Darkmatter has set up a pumping station, to ship the gas to Zurg, the rest of Team Lightyear gets hit by the de-evolving gas; Mira becomes ameboid, Buzz becomes neandertalic, and Booster becomes ankylosaurus-ish. When he finds out what has happened to his comrades (...and that the native Bin

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Head Case
4 votes

#13 - Head Case

Season 1 - Episode 31 - Aired 11/6/2000

Answering a distress call, Team Lightyear discovers a ship under attack by Vulturans (a vaguely bird-like race, that XR recognizes as a race that tends to have a thing against robots). Team Lightyear fights them off...but in the battle, XR flies into a mad rage (gets a little ""blowie-uppy"") and ends up being seriously disassembled. When the LGMs fix him up, they discover signs of metal fatigue. Their report is sent to Commander Nebula, who accidentally spills coffee on the report, smudging the lettering and making it look like ""mental fatigue"". XR is sent off to the resort world of Mahamba 6 for a weekend pass, before having to take a psychiatric evaluation from Star Command's resident psychiatrist, Dr. Animus (...who resembles a native of Binpinardia...). While on Mahamba 6, XR is picked up by a taxi driver who turns out to be XL (...he sent XR a fake ""you have just won a free vacation!!""-flier to XR to lure him in...). XL kidnaps XR and steals his body. XL returns to Star Comm

Directors: Don MacKinnon
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Eye of the Tempest
5 votes

#14 - Eye of the Tempest

Season 1 - Episode 37 - Aired 11/13/2000

Answering a distress call from a planetoid within ion storm, Buzz encounters Spyro Von Madman, and his daughter, Bonnie. Professor Spyro Von Madman, previously known as Spyro Lepton when he worked with Star Command, was a scientist who had come up with the notion of equipping Space Rangers with a semi-organic energy-absorbing crystalline form, thus resulting in what he called a ""cryborg"" (...very much like the concept behind Star Trek's Borg, but with a crystalline basis), eliminating the need for the Pulsar 400 Envirosuit & Battle Armor that is standard issue for the Space Rangers. Spurned by Star Command, Spyro had gone off into seclusion to further his research. When Spyro had worked for Star Command, he and his daughter were acquaintances with Buzz, and it would seem that Bonnie has been carrying a torch for Buzz all these years. She helps him to escape her father's Cold Slab of Revenge, and to bring her father in. While in jail, Spyro sees Bonnie & Buzz walking together, which dri

Directors: Victor Cook
Writer: Robert Askin
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Lone Wolf
5 votes

#15 - Lone Wolf

Season 1 - Episode 39 - Aired 11/15/2000

At a trial, Team Lightyear seems unable to present the evidence to make charges stick. Buzz relates a story about him losing hope in the system 20 years ago. He had quit Star Command after one of his first missions (, if one graduates Star Command when one is a little under 20 years old, then that'd make Buzz a bit under 40 yrs old...) and his ""bike"" [very Lobo-esque looking] broke down on a distant arcadium gas-farming planet. He helped a widow, Zoey, and her son stand up against the local gas-baron, Vartkes. After the tale, he presents the disrupter rifle evidence to the judge and they win the case.

Directors: Denise Koyama
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Clone Rangers
4 votes

#16 - Clone Rangers

Season 1 - Episode 28 - Aired 11/2/2000

After pilfering samples of Team Lightyear's DNA with mosquito-esque micro-hornets, Zurg clones Team Lightyear; in his rush, he removes them from the maturation tanks before they have a chance to grow up into adults ( an example of his hurried-ness, he initially planed to instill them with an ""Evil Level"" up in the thousands, but upon realizing that he himself has an ""Evil Level"" of a little over a dozen, he only gives them a level a little under his own...), so Team Lightyear has to deal with evil little kid versions of themselves named Zzub, Feara, and Blister (...after a lot of whining about not having a robot of their own, they get an evil version of XR called ""X-Treme""...). When the eventually realize that due to being clones, the Evil Li'l Team Lightyear has the same character flaws as themselves, Team Lightyear manages to use their ""flaws"" as advantages and win the fight. As a joke tag-line, Zurg attempts the cloning process again at the end of the episode, but this time l

Directors: Steve Loter
Writer: Greg Weisman
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Large Target
3 votes

#17 - Large Target

Season 1 - Episode 48 - Aired 11/27/2000

Team Lightyear routinely busts some arms smugglers, who are working for Keno Kentrix (a Bathyosian night-club/casino owner on Mahambas 6, who is arranging some arms deals for Zurg...and who sounds a whole lot like Frank Sinatra...). After their successful mission, they co-incidentally set out for Mahambas 6 for some vacation-time. Due to a ban on robots in the casino, XR disguises himself as Booster in order to gamble; gamble he does, and pretty much cleans out the house, much to Keno's ire. Keno puts a bounty of 10,000,000 Uni-Bucks on Booster's head, which prompts Keno's bodyguards, Warp Darkmatter, Lardak Lurdak, a handful of Gargantian Militants, two Tangean Grounders, and a few other bounty hunters to try to gun down Booster. XR re-disguises himself as Booster and turns himself in. When Booster arrives to save XR, Keno (and all of the assorted riff-raff) decides to just wipe out the both of them. Piqued by the sound of gun-fire, Buzz steps in (with a triple sun-burnt Mira) t

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Revenge of the Raenoks
3 votes

#18 - Revenge of the Raenoks

Season 1 - Episode 41 - Aired 11/17/2000

When Booster is kidnapped by the Raenoks, in order to conduct a prisoner trade for Varg (XR is sent to guard Varg, who quickly escapes and takes XR to Raenok), Buzz & Mira fly off to save him w/ a newly developed cloaking device that can render 42 and/or its crew invisible. While attempting to sneak into the Raenok prison, Mira and Buzz spot Booster's folks, who heard about their son's capture and decided to attempt to save him. This allows the invisible Mira & Buzz to get through the first line of defense, while the capture of the Munchauser's provides a distraction. When they're attempting to figure out how to get through the second line of defense, Becky and her father, the Sheriff from Roswell, arrive (having also heard the news of Booster's capture). The capture of the Roswelleans provides yet another distraction. Finally, the LGMs also decide to help, which almost allows for Mira & Buzz to free Booster (...and XR, and Booster's parents, and the Roswelleans...), but they end

Directors: Steve Loter
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Stranger Invasion
3 votes

#19 - Stranger Invasion

Season 1 - Episode 36 - Aired 11/12/2000

Zurg tries to take over the planet Roswell, in order to set up a partner planet to Planet Z. Becky contacts Booster, and Team Lightyear shows up to defeat Zurg and save the day. The climactic battle between Zurg and Buzz takes place in the reactor chamber that is powering his self-constructing re-formation of Roswell; when they begin fencing with glowing reactor rods, and when Zurg attempts to throw Buzz off guard by claiming to be his father, the Star Wars references fly fast and furious. The self-constructing machine is thrown into reverse, Roswell is saved, and Zurg is defeated.

Directors: Steve Loter
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Star Crossed
3 votes

#20 - Star Crossed

Season 1 - Episode 34 - Aired 11/9/2000

When Brain Pod #57 defects to Star Command, Zurg hires Romac, a Tangean Grounder bounty hunter -- and Mira's ex-boyfriend -- to bring him in.

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The Shape Stealer
3 votes

#21 - The Shape Stealer

Season 1 - Episode 33 - Aired 11/8/2000

Zurg's latest creation, Project X, a Lurker-like blanket thing that wraps over one and takes control of one, is sent to destroy Buzz Lightyear, etc... The shape stealer first takes over Buzz's next door neighbor, Mr. Hayman, and tries to kill Buzz with hedge clippers, then when Buzz has to fly off to TradeWorld to deal with Lardak Lurdak (a petty criminal), it takes over Ed the Courier and flies off to catch up with him. Once on TradeWorld, the shape stealer takes over a Vulturan, then some piggy-looking bystander, and then a bus driver, all of whom attempt to stab, shoot, or run over Buzz. When the bus crashes, the shape stealer is nowhere to be seen. When Team Lightyear return to Star Command, the shape stealer proves to've been just biding its time. It takes over a LGM (who tries to shoot Buzz), then Booster (who tries to beat up Buzz), and then it just takes over Buzz himself...but without showing any signs of having done so. When Nebula locks Buzz into Star Command's Combat

Directors: Don MacKinnon
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The Lightyear Factor
3 votes

#22 - The Lightyear Factor

Season 1 - Episode 27 - Aired 11/1/2000

Zurg stumbles upon an alternate dimension where Buzz is evil (...possibly more evil than Zurg, himself...) and has taken over the universe. Zurg has Buzz, the evil one, capture Buzz, the good one, and trap him in the other dimension while they capture Star Command. Buzz's teammates (the good Buzz's, that is) venture into Zurg's Dreadnaught, thinking Buzz has gone insane, but, alas, are captured. Meanwhile, Buzz (the good one) is chased around by the alternate Mira and Booster (the bad ones). He gets a reprieve from the alternate Nebula (who isn't all that bad), who knows that Evil Buzz is working with Zurg. They team up in order to stop the bad guys. Team Lightyear is rescued, Star Command is saved, the Dreadnaught blows up, Zurg and his minions escape, and Evil Buzz is left floating out in space, ready for his revenge in ""Sunquake""...

Directors: Steve Loter
Writer: Julia Lewald
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Planet of the Lost
5 votes

#23 - Planet of the Lost

Season 1 - Episode 40 - Aired 11/16/2000

Ship 42 scopes out area where ships have vanished. Upon scanning the planet, they detect large amounts of technology on the planet, but upon landing it seems quite barren. Flying manta-like shriekers attack Team Lightyear's technology, leaving them stranded and defenseless. Roaming the countryside, they encounter a man named Flint who runs a town of castaways from spaceship-wrecks. Upon investigation, Flint turns out to be a renegade work robot (gamma series construction robot), who built the robotic shriekers in order to strand organics on the planet, so that he could order THEM around as revenge for his time spent in forced labor ( a stock-boy...). Team Lightyear shut down the subterranean shrieker construction plant that Flint had built, and defeat Flint, freeing the hapless castaways.

Directors: Steve Loter
Writer: Jan Strnad
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The Yukari Imprint
4 votes

#24 - The Yukari Imprint

Season 1 - Episode 32 - Aired 11/7/2000

Crumford Lorak hides in Senator Banda's fishtank (ambassador from Bathyos) in order to gain and sell Galactic Alliance secrets to the Raenoks at the Luma 9 Station. Booster is talked into purchasing a Yukari-pod; Yukaris, it turns out, are small creatures which take on the form of their ""mother"" (whomever is around the egg in the latter stages of development), but are quite ravenous and reproduce at an astounding rate (...imagine a cross between ""Gremlins"" and tribbles...). Booster's ""fuzzy buddies"" (...the name that the salesman was marketing them under, since his ""demo model"" was one that had taken on a fairly cute form...) ravage 42 and eventually all of Luma 9 Station, when Team Lightyear arrives there in order to help serve as protection for the ambassadorial delegates that are meeting there. Booster's (and thus the Yukari's that were imprinted from him) love for chocolate saves the day, by helping to round up the Yukaris and by using them to then subdue the Raenoks (by dousin

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Bunzel Fever
4 votes

#25 - Bunzel Fever

Season 1 - Episode 29 - Aired 11/3/2000

Team Lightyear receives a call from Jo-Ad while in the early phase of an investigative mission (involving a series of thefts); Booster's family is letting Booster know that the bunzel harvest (the primary crop on Jo-Ad, which resembles eggplant) is due. When Booster claims that his duty to the Space Rangers supersedes his farming history, his Grandfather reminds him of the legendary ""Bunzel Fever"", that strikes down any native of Jo-Ad that isn't involved in the bunzel harvest. Booster dismisses the legend and eschews the harvest. When it turns out that the legend isn't a myth, Booster goes through a ""pon-far""-type thing, that is marked by him ""hulking out"" into a large, bellicose form that is determined to harvest bunzels, or anything bunzel-esque (...and since this transformation is also marked by him having spells of mistaking anything roughly ovoid for a bunzel, this gets fairly hazardous for anyone who is rotund and/or in a space ranger suit, XR, and Team Lightyear's ship, #42.

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