The BEST episodes of My Favorite Martian

Every episode of My Favorite Martian ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of My Favorite Martian!

On the way to cover an assignment for his paper, The Los Angeles Sun, reporter Tim O'Hara stumbled upon a Martian whose one-man ship had crashed on Earth. Tim took the dazed Martian back to his rooming house to help him recuperate, while thinking of the fantastic story he would be able to present to his boss, Mr. Burns, about his find. The Martian, however, looked human, spoke English, and refused to admit to anyone but Tim what he was. Tim befriended him, passed him off as his uncle, and had many an interesting adventure with the stranded alien.

Last Updated: 8/20/2024Network: CBSStatus: Ended
Keep Me from the Church on Time
2 votes

#1 - Keep Me from the Church on Time

Season 3 - Episode 4 - Aired 10/3/1965

Uncle Martin takes a photo of Tim with his future telling camera. They are both shocked by the resulting photo showing Tim at the alter with an unidentified woman who's back is to the camera.

Directors: John Erman
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That Little Old Matchmaker, Martin
13 votes

#2 - That Little Old Matchmaker, Martin

Season 1 - Episode 12 - Aired 12/22/1963

Tim is pursuing who seems to be the unattainable Cynthia Parker. Through reading her mind, Martin finds out that Cynthia is passionate about the classical arts whether it be music, literature or art, and she figures Tim is not, which is the truth. However Tim becomes everything she wants in a man. However this façade Tim fears is hurting Cynthia. Rather than hurt her by telling her the truth, he decides the best option is to find her her dream man. To do so, Martin needs to read men's minds to match them up to Cynthia's. Scanning through Tim's office, they find one perfect match: Bill Fisher. As perfect as Bill would be, there is one catch: he is already seeing someone he nicknames "Angel Face". Peggy Collins, aka Angel Face, is however as well suited to Bill as Cynthia is to Tim. As a matter of fact, Peggy is better suited to Tim and Cynthia to Bill. At a concert that evening at which all four are scheduled to attend, Martin does a little levitation of tickets so that Bill and Cynthia sit together and Peggy and Tim sit together. Each respective pair hit it off. A month later, Bill and Cynthia get married. Things for Peggy and Tim are also going well, however Tim is a bit freaked when Peggy catches Cynthia's wedding bouquet.

Directors: Oscar Rudolph
Writer: Terry Ryan
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Danger! High Voltage!
8 votes

#3 - Danger! High Voltage!

Season 1 - Episode 27 - Aired 4/19/1964

Martin needs to electrically charge himself for his trip back to Mars. However he overcharges himself. He needs to rid himself of the excess electricity, and when he initially tries to discharge it, he blacks out half of Los Angeles. Martin is facing two problems. First, if he is overcharged for an extended period of time, he will exhibit unusual symptoms such as a plaid designed face. A current symptom is his continual sneezing which is causing electrical switches to turn on. And second, the power company is narrowing the source of the blackout to the O'Hara's neighborhood, and have called in the police to investigate the malicious tampering with the power grid. Martin figures the best course of action to discharge the electricity in a hurry is to do it direct at the source: the power house. In his invisible state, Martin hitches ride in the power truck that's come to investigate their neighborhood. After distracting the power man on duty, Martin manages to discharge his excess electricity safely back into the system. But once again, he's missed his opportunity to get back to Mars.

Directors: Leslie Goodwins
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Who Am I?
11 votes

#4 - Who Am I?

Season 1 - Episode 18 - Aired 2/9/1964

Martin and Tim are on their way to interview Professor Eugene Downey, the foremost expert on rocket fuel - Martin thinks the professor can assist in getting him back to Mars - when Martin is hit on the head with a monkey wrench. Martin gets amnesia from this concussion. He has no idea that he's a Martian, despite Tim telling him so. The only thing Martin and Tim can agree on is that Martin needs to go see a doctor. At Dr. Gilbert's office, Martin does learn that he has the power of levitation and the ability to disappear, still not quite believing why. The doctor, who witnesses the levitation, is told it's all magic. Back at the apartment, Tim almost has Martin convinced of his true identity when Martin is once again struck on the head, this time by a hammer. That's all he needed as he regains his memory. It's too late however: Professor Downey has already left town for good.

Directors: Leslie Goodwins
Writer: Ben Starr
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Shake Well and Don't Use
7 votes

#5 - Shake Well and Don't Use

Season 1 - Episode 35 - Aired 6/14/1964

Tim and Mr. Burns' nephew, Freddie Carson, are in the running for promotion to journeyman reporter at the newspaper. After finding out that Mr. Burns is a gourmet, Martin decides that a way to swing the tide in Tim's favor is to cook Mr. Burns a special meal, one which includes some special Martian condiments. The Martian ingredients however react with the Earth ingredients to cause Mr. Burns to move in slow motion. The effect of the antidote Martin has on hand has the opposite effect of speeding up Mr. Burns' movements. Meanwhile, Freddie arrives on the scene to take Mr. Burns to the airport to meet a newspaper bigwig. Tim and Martin hide Mr. Burns in his catatonic state in the bedroom while Martin works on figuring out the correct antidote to cure Mr. Burns. Freddie, unaware that his uncle is there, shoots himself in the foot in the quest for what he feels is the sure promotion for himself with some disparaging remarks about a certain uncle.

Directors: Oscar Rudolph
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Going, Going, Gone
11 votes

#6 - Going, Going, Gone

Season 1 - Episode 17 - Aired 2/2/1964

Something is causing Martin's metabolism to go haywire. In succession, he loses control of his levitation finger, he magnetizes his clothing, he levitates, he becomes electrically charged, he shrinks and then he disappears. He finds out the cause is an increased activity of sunspots, and on Earth there is no way to control their effects on Martians. After five days, the sunspots are still occurring and Martin is still invisible. The authorities, based on a recent insurance policy Mrs. Brown sold Martin with Tim as beneficiary, suspect that Martin's "disappearance" is due to Tim killing him for the insurance money. Circumstantial evidence points in that direction. Martin can't let Tim go to jail for this, and Martin decides to tell the authorities the truth about his Martian identity. Just then, the sunspots cease and Martin reappears, just in time to save Tim and protect his own identity.

Directors: Oscar Rudolph
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Raffles No. 2
16 votes

#7 - Raffles No. 2

Season 1 - Episode 10 - Aired 12/8/1963

When Martin almost gets a parking ticket, Tim thinks it might be a good idea if Martin legitimizes his Earthly driving by getting a driver's license. Down at the Department of Motor Vehicles, finger-printless Martin has to do some fancy work when he is about to be finger printed. He steals the prints of another man at the DMV. Unfortunately for Martin, that print matches the only unidentified print at a major jewel robbery the previous year. In a routine cross check, the police find the print in Martin's file. And Tim covered the jewel robbery for the paper, something the police find probably more than just a coincidence. Martin and Tim find out that the police are watching them and the reason, and so Martin thinks it a good idea to flush out the jewel thief: he reads that there is a party where Mrs. Summer Winthrop will be displaying the galaxy diamond necklace around her neck, a lure too irresistible for the thief. At the party, the guests are populated predominantly by police - both in uniform and under cover - and the thief, Brian Henley, and his female accomplice, who Martin recognizes from the DMV office. Henley manages to slip the necklace off Mrs. Winthrop, slip it to his accomplice, who in turn slips it into the crown of the cap of Captain Farrow, the lead police investigator. Henley plans to steal the necklace back after the place has been unsecured, and he is no longer a suspect (he was the only person close the Mrs. Winthrop when the necklace went missing). Martin, seeing where the necklace was stashed, plans to plant it back on Henley. No matter what Henley does to get rid of the necklace Martin plants in his pocket, he is no match for Martin's levitation finger. Henley is quickly apprehended, and Martin and Tim cleared.

Directors: Oscar Rudolph
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The Atom Misers
15 votes

#8 - The Atom Misers

Season 1 - Episode 11 - Aired 12/15/1963

Martin needs the hardest substance possible to repair his spaceship, the substance he has in mind is silibalt, an alloy of silicone and cobalt but one that has not yet been invented on Earth. To make some, he needs a cyclotron. Rather than destroy Tim's kitchen making his own, he decides to follow Tim on his latest interview at the university, where there is a cyclotron. At the university, Martin meets Tim's interview subject, Donald Mumford, 13-year old physics genius, and one who is constantly at odds with the ways of Dr. Jackson, his advisor. While Martin and Donald get together to discuss and proceed with the making of silibalt, Tim is preoccupied with Dr. Jackson, who provides a diatribe against the demands of Donald, and Jeanine Carter, Dr. Jackson' pretty assistant and university protector of Donald. They are all looking for Donald and Martin when an explosion caused by some stolen electricity and wrong switch alert them to the Donald and Martin's whereabouts. Dr. Jackson immediately expels Donald, and since no long lasting physical damage was done, only banishes Martin from the university. Martin however fights back and convinces Dr. Jackson that he is quashing a genius mind, albeit one in a 13-year old body, and thus Donald must be treated differently in every respect. Doanld is welcomed back. On his own, Donald does manage to make some silibalt for Martin. Martin's only problem now is that he has no instrument hard enough to cut or mold the silibalt.

Directors: Leslie Goodwins
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Now You See It, Now You Don't
11 votes

#9 - Now You See It, Now You Don't

Season 1 - Episode 19 - Aired 2/16/1964

At the museum, Martin discovers that the long-time curator, Wilbur Canfield, is very unhappy. He has just acquired a new expensive Egyptian piece for the museum, but the museum's board is questioning the authenticity and therefore merit of this acquisition. Because of this, Canfield himself is now questioning his own abilities, as he feels he may be getting too old to do his work properly. The board is calling in an independent expert, Pietro Donati. What's worse, Canfield once discredited Donati's evaluation. Martin will know the piece's authenticity, if he can only get a look at it. In doing so, Tim can get an exclusive story and Martin can validate Canfield as an expert in the field. But the artifact is stashed away behind security until Donati's arrival. Since Martin can't get close to it, he decides instead to levitate it to him. After Martin finds that it is indeed authentic, he has to get it back to the museum. However security is aware that it's missing and thus the museum is secured even more than usual while they try to locate the artifact. After some tricky maneuvering, Martin does manage to get it back into place, although to the bewilderment of security. However, Martin forgot to check for the mark of Ra, which definitely identifies the artifact as authentic. When Donati arrives to inspect the piece, he deems it to be a fake since the mark of Ra is not there. However Martin tells him to look a little more closely under the couple thousand years of residue. The mark is indeed there. Therefore it ends well for Canfield and Donati. The only person with an unhappy ending is Tim - his exclusive story was so good, Mr. Burns appoints him editor of culture, which is not exactly his cup of tea.

Directors: Leslie Goodwins
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Super-Duper Snooper
11 votes

#10 - Super-Duper Snooper

Season 1 - Episode 24 - Aired 3/22/1964

Mrs. Brown is taking a course on how to be a private detective, and her first assignment is to prepare a dossier on an unsuspecting person. Her choice of subject is Martin. Of course, Martin knows what she's up to, but he is still a bit concerned about her discovering his Martian identity. Mrs. Brown finds Martin's flight log, which is written in Martian, but again Martin is concerned since the uneducated are too dense to know any better. She takes a photograph of it, which Martin is worried she will pass onto authorities, who, when they are unable to decipher it, will suspect him of being a foreign spy. She apparently has mailed the film to her teacher, J. Nathaniel Pierce, who is more shyster than teacher. Martin needs to apprehend the film before Pierce gets a hold of it. At Pierce's office, Martin searches to no avail, and must endure a sales job by Pierce before he finds out that the mailman can't and won't deliver Mrs. Brown's film since she failed to put postage on the package. From there, it's a an easy task of levitation for Martin to get the film and ultimately protect his identity. For Mrs. Brown's own safety, Martin tries to talk her out of taking the course since she will be facing brutish criminals. She heeds his advice: instead of quitting the course however, she decides to protect herself by also taking judo lessons.

Directors: Leslie Goodwins
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Oh, My Aching Antenna
6 votes

#11 - Oh, My Aching Antenna

Season 1 - Episode 33 - Aired 5/31/1964

Martin finds that he is prematurely aging due to the increased gravity on Earth compared to Mars. Thus he goes through some anti-gravity therapy, which in turn causes havoc for those around him.

Directors: Oscar Rudolph
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The Man on the Couch
22 votes

#12 - The Man on the Couch

Season 1 - Episode 6 - Aired 11/3/1963

To get some rarefied air, Martin goes atop a water tower. Passersby, including the police, think he's a jumper and he's promptly sent to the psychiatric ward of the hospital. Martin thinks he can quickly exit the hospital by reading the psychiatrist's mind and tell him what he wants to hear. However the psychiatrist, Dr. Harvey Bonnett, has other things on his mind, like his troubled marriage. Ultimately, Dr. Bonnett becomes the patient and Martin the doctor.

Directors: Alan Rafkin
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The Sinkable Mrs. Brown
11 votes

#13 - The Sinkable Mrs. Brown

Season 1 - Episode 25 - Aired 4/5/1964

Pete Dudley, a real estate salesman, convinces Mrs. Brown that she should sell her ramshackle of a house, which causes a problem for Tim and Martin, especially in hiding the spaceship. Dudley already has prospective buyers, Edgar and Emily Graham, who would be especially interested in the garage since Mr. Graham wants to make it into a workshop. When the Graham's show up unexpectedly for their first visit, Martin has to hide the spaceship. The only thing he can do is to levitate it with his levitation finger, which even for Martin is difficult due to the ship's large size. They manage to hide the ship long enough for the Graham's visit. Dudley makes Mrs. Brown sign a contract for a $100 advance in commission. After doing so, Mrs. Brown is having second thoughts about selling the house. Martin decides the best avenue to take would be to show the Grahams and Dudley just how ramshackle of a house it is, which he does of course with a little help of his Martian powers. As such, Dudley not only loses the sale, but the Grahams as clients. Martin also gets Mrs. Brown's $100 back for her. And as for Dudley, he decides to leave the real estate game due to some frayed nerves.

Directors: Oscar Rudolph
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Blood is Thicker Than the Martian
12 votes

#14 - Blood is Thicker Than the Martian

Season 1 - Episode 14 - Aired 1/5/1964

Tim's cousin, Harvey, is coming for a visit. The problem is that Harvey would know that Tim has no Uncle Martin. Plus, Tim remembers that Harvey is the biggest mooch in the world. After he arrives, Harvey tells Tim that he wants Tim's help getting a job at The Sun. Making sure Harvey doesn't see Martin becomes a problem. Tim's boss agrees to give Harvey a job. Harvey mentions the high stress of this new job to Tim. After several days, Martin comes up with an idea. He poses as an old newspaper buddy of Tim's looking for a job at a small town paper. Martin talks about the stress of a job at a big town paper and how it caused him to sees things. Martin starts moving things with his levitation finger, causing Harvey to think he's stressed out from his new job. Harvey decides to return home to his old job.

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My Nephew the Artist
12 votes

#15 - My Nephew the Artist

Season 1 - Episode 20 - Aired 2/23/1964

Martin wants to help Tim with the household expenses, and without a money earning activity, decides to sell art he's currently painting to relive boredom. Martin can paint in the style of any famous artist. Mr. Green of the Green Gallery notices Martin's first piece is just like a Van Gogh, and eagerly takes and sells it. As such, Mr. Green commissions Martin to paint some more and they sell as quickly as Martin gets them to the gallery. Mr. Green wants to have a showing of Martin's work. When Tim mentions that this might not be a good idea as it may raise questions about Martin himself, Martin offers Tim up as the true artist of the paintings. At the show, Mr. Bentley, the art expert brought in the evaluate the show, is skeptical that Tim painted all the paintings, since they are all in different styles. Mr. Green suggests that Tim provide a real life demonstration of his painting process. Martin assures Tim that with his help, he can indeed paint. However, when Tim's demonstration is supposed to start, Martin has an allergic reaction which is affecting his Tim-assisting painting finger. Martin has to find out what he's allergic to and get rid of the item. Tim is nervously on his own until Martin finds the allergy inducing source. Martin discovers the source is a corsage worn by Mrs. Bentley. Martin manages to get rid of the corsage, and Tim, with Martin's help, proceeds with his painting demonstration to great fanfare. Mr. Bentley deems Tim a major art talent. However Martin announces that Tim has given up on emulating the masters, and will strike out as an artist on his own merit and own style. As such, Tim is a failure. Tim's art career is over, much to his relief.

Directors: Oscar Rudolph
Writer: Ben Starr
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Avenue C Mob
1 votes

#16 - Avenue C Mob

Season 3 - Episode 12 - Aired 11/28/1965

Disguised as a 70-year-old, Martin becomes a night watchman.

Directors: John Erman
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Unidentified Flying Uncle Martin
10 votes

#17 - Unidentified Flying Uncle Martin

Season 1 - Episode 29 - Aired 5/3/1964

Martin needs to fly his space ship, which is deteriorating due to inertia. Tim's fear is realized: Martin's flight is spotted as a UFO. Martin needs to take another flight, but Mrs. Brown calls in the authorities - Jack and Jim being their representatives - who use Tim and Martin's apartment as a sighting station. Martin uses the opportunity to take his second flight since Jack and Jim have equipment - a plutron counter - that would be able to locate the space ship parked in the garage. The plutron counter does go off, but Martin slips some plutron into Mrs. Brown's apron pocket, making the plutron counter point in Mrs. Brown's direction. Jack and Jim think the machine has gone haywire. During Jim and Jack's kafuffle with Mrs. Brown, Martin slips away. While in flight, Tim further distracts Jack and Jim with a spoon dangling outside on their tree, which through Jack and Jim's telescope will look like a flying saucer. Martin takes his flight undetected and gets back to the apartment safe and sound. To further protect himself, Martin exposes Tim as the perpetrator of the flying saucer hoax - all in the name of getting a news story - with the spoon on the string as his proof of his claim.

Directors: Leslie Goodwins
Writer: James Komack
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Tim, the Mastermind
2 votes

#18 - Tim, the Mastermind

Season 3 - Episode 6 - Aired 10/17/1965

Tim's I.Q. soars when he downs Martin's brain-power pills.

Directors: David Alexander
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Martin of the Movies
2 votes

#19 - Martin of the Movies

Season 3 - Episode 3 - Aired 9/26/1965

Tim and Martin return, via time machine, to early Hollywood — where Martin once starred as a sheik.

Directors: John Erman
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Go West, Young Martian (2)
4 votes

#20 - Go West, Young Martian (2)

Season 3 - Episode 2 - Aired 9/19/1965

Tim and Martin search for their time machine.

Directors: David Alexander
Writer: Marty Roth
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Time Out for Martin
1 votes

#21 - Time Out for Martin

Season 2 - Episode 37 - Aired 6/20/1965

The time machine takes Tim and Martin back to 13th-century England.

Directors: James V. Kern
Writer: Marty Roth
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El Senor from Mars
1 votes

#22 - El Senor from Mars

Season 2 - Episode 36 - Aired 6/13/1965

In Mexico, Tim and Martin witness the opening of an ancient box.

Directors: Oscar Rudolph
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Once Upon a Martian Mother's Day
1 votes

#23 - Once Upon a Martian Mother's Day

Season 2 - Episode 28 - Aired 4/11/1965

On Martian Mother's Day, Martin spots his mother's lookalike.

Writer: Bill Kelsay
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Extra! Extra! Sensory Perception!
7 votes

#24 - Extra! Extra! Sensory Perception!

Season 2 - Episode 6 - Aired 11/1/1964

Despite Martin's warning, Tim brings an ESP expert home.

Directors: Leslie Goodwins
Writer: James Komack
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The Disastro-nauts
7 votes

#25 - The Disastro-nauts

Season 1 - Episode 34 - Aired 6/7/1964

Martin convinces Tim to use his connections as a reporter to get Martin a tryout as the astronaut for a Mars destined rocket, privately financed by Omar M. Keck. Despite a slew of younger stereotypical astronaut types vying for the job, Martin's obvious advantages as a Martian get him the job. Before Martin is ready to leave, he allows Tim to prepare a story of his uncle "The Martian" for publication after Martin is on his way. On his way to the air force base with Martin, Tim leaves the tape of the story on Mr. Burns' desk - based on his usual schedule, Mr. Burns should arrive at the office after Martin and the rocket are safely in space. However the launch of the rocket is delayed, leaving Tim and Martin to rush back to the office to retrieve the tape. They rush back to base to watch the launch happen without Martin in the rocket. At least the launch was picture perfect!

Directors: Leslie Goodwins
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