The BEST episodes of Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy
Every episode of Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy!
Kid Muscle (or Mantaro for short) also known as Kinnikuman Nisei, is a bumbling, gross, and wimpy sort-of person. Unfortunately, he has been summoned to protect the earth from the evil dMp, a band of cheating wrestlers from outer space. Luckily he's not undertaking this task alone. Kid Muscle must join the Muscle League, a group of wrestlers from outer space who are training themselves so they can defend the earth, and stop the dMp by achieving "Ultimate Muscle", a hidden power that makes Mantaro an almost unbeatable opponent.

#1 - A Legend Reborn
Season 1 - Episode 1 - Aired 1/9/2002
Years have passed since the efforts of King Muscle and his fellow Muscle League Vanquised the evil dMp wrestlers. But now a generation of dMp have thrown down the gauntlet-literally, in the form of a giant rock fist that has slammed into palnet earth. The Muscle league put their faith in a new young leader, Kid Muscle.
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#2 - Rock, Paper, Chojin
Season 2 - Episode 17 - Aired 10/30/2002
The Kid, now with a spot in the Chojin Crown, must compete in several tests until one Chojin will prevail. The first grueling task is a best out of 3 rock, paper, scissers and made you look competition, this Dik Dik Van Dik lost(he's a naturally curious creature). Followed by a heat where 3 wrestlers race to the finish line to save a falling person, this Wally lost. Will the Kid be able to survive and advance?
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#4 - Like Father, Like Son
Season 1 - Episode 4 - Aired 1/30/2002
It turns out that Kid Muscle faces a face that looks very much like his own! He's set to wrestle his own father, the lengendary King Muscle, a challenge he first laughs off. But then he realizes that his father takes this match very seriously. Will Kid Muscle beat his father? And what does Mom have to say about all this?
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#5 - Tag! You're It!
Season 2 - Episode 20 - Aired 11/20/2002
The Tag-Team Match Between Terry Kenyon And Jeager VS Dazz-Ling And The Protector Of The Poison Six-Pack Continue. Kid Muscle Uses The Stink Bug On A Fishing Pole To Snap Terry Kenyon Out Of Dazz-Ling's Illusion And Terry Saves Jeager From The Protector And They Agree To Work As A Team. Terry Kenyon Deflects Dazz-Ling's Illusion Beam At The Protector Trapping Him In An Illusion. Jeager's Attack On The Protector's Vulnerable Spot Causes The Protector To Shut Down. Dazz-Ling Creates A Hole In The Ring Causing Them To Fall Hanging On To The Branches Over A Deep Pit. Jeager Swings Terry Kenyon Upward And He Grabs Dazz-Ling. From A High Altitude, Terry Kenyon Slams Dazz-Ling Face First Onto The Wrestling Mat Defeating Them And Freeing Trixie. The French-Accent Kid Muscle Imposter Said He'll Fight Next Along With Another Poison Six-Pack Member In A Match Against Dik Dik Van Dik And Wally Tusket [While Making Fun Of Them] At A Big Lake To Determine Kiki's Fate And The Six-Pack's Transport Dep
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#12 - Trouble Afoot
Season 1 - Episode 8 - Aired 2/27/2002
Max Man (Pumpinator) is in the ring, ready to finish off Mantaro, when Kevin Mask interrupts and belittle him for being a coward and self centered, and tells him he will get more respect if he fights Mantaro when he is at full strength, rather than taking advantage of his weakened condition. Max Man agrees to a one hour rest for Mantaro. In the mean time Mantaro is laid out on 3 front row seats resting under a blanket, next to the beef guidon. Throughout the episode, Mantaro is seen sneaking the bowls to eat. Max Man, in his impatience decides to make short work of a Hercules Factory graduate while he waits for Mantaro to rest. He will fight number one, which is Gazelleman, but since the DMP already beat the hell out of him, he will take number two. Terry the Kid agrees, but Max Man notes that Sieuchin is number two, and Terry is number three. Sieuchin gets into the ring and begins to beat the hell out of Max Man. Meat notices that Max Man looks really familiar. After a few brutal mo
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#15 - Generation--Next!
Season 1 - Episode 2 - Aired 1/16/2002
Kid Muscle remains reluctant to follow in his fathers footsteps. Together with the help of sons of other legendary wrestling Heroes, Kid Muscle is taken to the Hercules Factory, a school were future heroes are put through brutal training exercizes. Only the most stongest and the most skillful will survive. Will Kid Muscle survive these grueling tests?
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#18 - And The Winner Is... (5)
Season 3 - Episode 26 - Aired 3/29/2006
The final continues with Kid Muscle still in Kevin Mask's hold. The judges give the shoot symbol (that means they think the Olap Assault is an unbeatable move). Kevin Mask twists Kid Muscle's arms so hard that they break. Kid falls to the mat, helpless. All of a sudden, Meat arrives on the scene, telling Kid to get up. Jeager, Ricardo, Barrierfreeman, and Hollywood Bowl all exhort Kid to get up, too. After some crucial wrestler-trainer talking, Kid pops his arms back into their sockets, and goes back into the fray against Kevin. Kevin, seeing this decides to toss Kid up and try to impale him on his golden spike. Kid's impact destroys the spike. Kid Muscle is now glowing a bright blue. It's speculated upon that this may be the ultimate level of Ultimate Muscle. Kevin, not wanting to deal with a fully-charged foe, begins to twist his arms, which Dik Dik recalls as the symbol that he's about to go into his finishing move...the Big Ben Bash. Kevin gets Kid in said hold, but Kid re
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#19 - The Prince and the Pauper
Season 2 - Episode 16 - Aired 10/23/2002
There is only one spot in left in the Chojin Crown tournament and The Kid has his eye on it (to get Roxanne's eyes on him), but first he will have to get past El Nino ""The Wrestler of the People""! Will The Kid be able to pvercome El Nino's hurricane-like attacks and go on to the Chojin Crown or will El Nino finally fulfill his mothers final wishes and get his face on a tee-shirt?
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#20 - The Chojin Crown
Season 2 - Episode 15 - Aired 10/16/2002
When the Chojin Crown tournament becomes a tournament once more, all Muscle League Fighters must return to thier home countries to fight for a position in the tournament. All fighters return- except Kid Muscle. When Kid overhears Roxanne and her mother talking about how they love guys with bulging muscles fighting in a tournament for honor and the cheers of millions of fans, he runs off to join the Tournament for the Chojin Crown.
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