The WORST episodes of The Tomorrow People
Every episode of The Tomorrow People ever, ranked from worst to best by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The worst episodes of The Tomorrow People!
The show concerned the emergence of the next stage of human evolution known colloquially as Tomorrow People. Born to human parents, an apparently normal child might at some point between childhood and late adolescence experience a process called "breaking out", when they develop their special abilities. These abilities include psychic powers such as telepathy, telekinesis, and teleportation. However, they are physically unable to deliberately kill others.

#1 - Worlds Away, Part 2: Hound of the Night
Season 3 - Episode 6 - Aired 4/2/1975
Tyso is about to be caught by the hunters, when a Kulthan appears and frightens them away, enabling Tyso to escape. Stephen finds Tyso and carries him back to the hideout, but the Kulthan reappears. Stephen stuns the creatures with his stun-gun, but they discover that the Kulthan is Tikno in disguise. Tikno explains that the hunt is to capture Vesh, and is organised by the Veshtaker. When captured, the Vesh are burned on top of high towers, and the Kulthan then use a matter transporter to take the Vesh to their space-station. John, Stephen and Tikno set off for the pyramid where the Psi-Damping Transmitter is located, but are followed by Arkron, a Vesh Warrior. Arkron returns with Vanyon, his leader, and other warriors, and they shoot John, Stephen and Tikno with crossbows.
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#2 - Worlds Away, Part 3: More for the Burning
Season 3 - Episode 7 - Aired 4/9/1975
John, Stephen and Tikno regain consciousness as the Vesh Warriors return, and Tikno convinces Vanyon that they are friendly and want to defeat the Kulthan. They decide to join forces and attack the Kulthan pyramid. Stephen and Arkron return to the hideout to tell Elizabeth what is happening, but find that everyone has been captured by the Veshtaker. As John, Tikno and the Vesh Warriors approach the pyramid they feel the effect of the Psi-Damping Transmitter, and hear a humming sound. The Veshtaker take Elizabeth, Tyso and Lenda to the top of the tallest tower, so that they can be scarificed. Stephen and Arkron journey to the Veshtaker's castle, but are captured before they can mount a rescue. John, Tikno and the Vesh Warriors attack the pyramid, while Stephen and Arkron are thrown into the dungeon. John and Tikno enter the secret passage in the pyramid, and John manages to destroy the Psi-Damping Transmitter, enabling Elizabeth, Tyso and Lenda to escape from the burning, and Stephen and Arkron to escape from the dungeon.
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#3 - A Man for Emily, Part 2: Here We Go Round the Doozlum
Season 3 - Episode 9 - Aired 4/23/1975
John and Stephen jaunt back to the Lab as the police arrive. Elizabeth tells the Momma that Elmer has been put in jail, and she talks to the Ship; it tells her that if Elmer is not returned within one day the Earth will be destroyed. Elizabeth returns to the Lab, where John formulates a plan to break Elmer out of the police station. Tyso takes some bees into the police station, and everyone flees, enabling them to release Elmer. Elizabeth and Stephen take him to where they think the doozlum pin might be, but Stephen accidentally steps on it, and is transported back to the ship. He jaunts back to Earth with the doozlum pin, which Elmer uses, and then he and Elizabeth return to the Lab. John jaunts to the Ship to check that Elmer has got back safely, but Emily takes a liking to him, and he only just escapes. The Momma sends Elmer back to Earth, he instead goes to the pub and is arrested. The Momma contacts the Tomorrow People, demanding that they return Elmer, or the Earth would be destroyed.

#4 - A Man for Emily, Part 3: Shotgun Wedding
Season 3 - Episode 10 - Aired 4/30/1975
John contacts the Prime Minister, who authorises Elmer�s release. John takes Elmer to the doozlum pin, but Elmer refuses to go back to the ship, instead sending John. The Momma and Emily celebrate John's arrival, fitting him with Tickling Boots. Meanwhile, Elmer is re-arrested, and Elizabeth asks for his custody. The Ship tells John that he is to be the pair-mate for Emily, and that his telepathic powers have been blocked. Elmer arrives at the Lab, and tells Elizabeth that his people live on the Ship for many generations, and that when the next generation is been born, the Momma eats the father. On the Ship John is forced to wait on Emily, but when she leaves the room, he jams the waste disposal hatch open, allowing the air to escape; he then tells the ship to remove his tickling boots. The ship informs him that their original home planet was destroyed by nuclear weapons; the ship was made to allow some to escape and search for a new planet. It has decided that no planet is suitable, and the search must continue. John persuades the ship to switch-off as the search has been completed, and then he pilots it to Earth. The Momma becomes a fish shopkeeper, Emily a landlady in a pub, and Elmer a traffic warden.

#5 - The Doomsday Men, Part 2: The Burning Sword
Season 2 - Episode 11 - Aired 4/22/1974
Stephen, who was a schoolboy fencing champion, is able to disarm the boys. He is told that Operation Silver Thread is to happen the next day, and is to involve the Damocles space-station. One of the crew of the Damocles, Lee Wan, has an accident whilst working outside the space-station, and is blasted into space. John, Stephen and Elizabeth use a matter transporter to take Chris's transit van into space. They rescue Lee Wan, and take him back to the Lab. Stephen returns to the school, and that night is initiated into the Doomsday Men. Operation Silver Thread begins: General McLelland and his troops arrive at the Damocles in a space ship. Pretending to be the relief crew, they seize control of the station.

#6 - A Rift in Time, Part 3: From Little Acorns...
Season 2 - Episode 8 - Aired 3/25/1974
Gaius spares Stephen's life. Stephen meets Cotus, another trainee who is due to be killed in horse trials. That night John, Elizabeth and Chris break into the gladiator school, where they hear a steam engine, sixteen-hundred years before it should have been invented. Peter suspects that Gaius is responsible for the time warp. Chris manages to free Stephen, Peter and Cotus, and Peter attempts to arrest Gaius, but he escapes in a Time Pump. The trainee gladiators are released just before the Time Pump explodes, and the Tomorrow People return to the Twentieth Century. But the Lab is not there, instead, they are in a futuristic base populated by ape-like creatures. Cotus returns to the gladiator school and begins to repair the steam engine.

#7 - Secret Weapon, Part 1: Found and Lost
Season 3 - Episode 1 - Aired 2/26/1975
Prof. Cawston discovers that a gypsy boy named Tyso is about to break-out, and arranges to show him to the military. While attempting to contact Tyso, Stephen sees through his eyes, and recognises Cawston. He jaunts to the professor's office, but he refuses to help. Later, at the demonstration, Tyso�s powers are watched by Col. Masters and Tricia Conway. Prof. Cawston subsequently contacts the Tomorrow People, telling them that Tyso had disappeared. John, Stephen and Elizabeth jaunt to Tyso's caravan, where they are told by Tyso�s mother that his father had sold him to Col. Masters. The trio then arrive at Cawston's office, where the professor tells them that the colonel wanted him to join his research group. However, Trish, a telepath, has read the professor's mind and warned Masters about Stephen and Elizabeth. John realises that they must find Tyso within two to three days, otherwise the strain of breaking-out will kill him.
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#8 - Secret Weapon, Part 2: Not Quite a Sleeping Beauty
Season 3 - Episode 2 - Aired 3/5/1975
Prof. Cawston arranges for Stephen to demonstrate his abilities to Col. Masters and Tricia, but the latter is aware that Stephen is deliberately making mistakes. Stephen goes undercover at a hostel planning to allow Col. Masters to kidnap him. Despite knowing that it is a set-up, Tricia and Masters take the Stephen, injecting him with a drug to render him unconscious, and the professor. Back at the research centre, Prof. Cawston is shown Tyso and Stephen connected to life support machines and drugged by Synaptol. The professor is tasked with reviving them, while preventing them from jaunting. Tricia takes an unconscious Prof. Cawston back to his office, planting bugs and a video camera on him before he awakes. The professor comes to and calls John and Elizabeth, telling them that he has found Stephen and Tyso.
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#9 - A Rift in Time, Part 4: Rise of the Roman Empire
Season 2 - Episode 9 - Aired 4/1/1974
John, Stephen, Elizabeth and Chris discover that the Roman Empire never ended. The Romans developed advanced technology, which enabled them to rule the world, aided by their ape-servants from the planet Trista. John, Stephen, Elizabeth and Chris return to ancient Britain, but their conversation has been overheard by Gaius, who follows them to the gladiator school. They destroy the remains of the steam engine, but they and Cotus are all captured by Gaius. Cotus tries to stop them from being killed, and is knocked-out by one of Gaius' guards. Cotus loses his memory, and Gaius and his guards all disappear. Time has been restored to its correct path.

#10 - War of the Empires, Part 2: Contact!
Season 8 - Episode 2 - Aired 2/5/1979
Elizabeth returns to the Lab, just as General Vishishnu and his Sorson fleet enter Earth�s atmosphere; one ship lands near the White House and the Sorson representative promises to help the President defend the planet, and gives him a Barluminite raygun to stop the Tomorrow People interfering without harming them. John and Elizabeth jaunt to the Galactic Trig to discuss the Sorson landing on Earth, but the committee�s lack of interest angers John, and he is charged with contempt by the chairman, arrested, and sent to the Proctor Detention Centre with his telepathic powers removed. Mike and Hsui Tai jaunt to the White House, but the President accuses them working for an alien power and withholding advanced technology, and shoots Mike.
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#11 - War of the Empires, Part 1: Close Encounter
Season 8 - Episode 1 - Aired 1/29/1979
Elizabeth and Timus are negotiating with a representative of the Sorsons - a race of advanced non-humanoid aliens - to try to end the war between them and the Thargons, but their attempts are unsuccessful. Elizabeth contacts the Lab and tells her fellow Tomorrow People that the Galactic Federation is powerless to prevent the Sorsons and Thargons entering Earth's area of closed space. After the Sorsons land on the moon and begin construction of a base, the President of the United States of America sends a space-shuttle to investigate. Tim detects the arrival of the Sorson and Thargon spaceships, and John and Mike decide to jaunt up to try to stop any fighting; but the battle begins before they can act, and the American space-shuttle is caught in the middle. John and Mike save the crewmen, Evans and Ricardo, by using matter transporters to send them back to their base; however, despite contacting both fleets, they are unable to prevent the battle from ending.

#12 - The Blue and the Green, Part 3: The Trojan Horse
Season 2 - Episode 3 - Aired 2/18/1974
John and Stephen hear Elizabeth's cries and jaunt to help, scaring the boys away. Stephen returns to the school and finds the video camera smashed, while John buys the painting from the junk shop, and discovers that Robert lives above the shop. Stephen is invited home by Robert, who shows him a cellar full of strange pictures, and boxes of blue and green badges; he tells Stephen that he did not know his parents, and that his grandfather is not really his grandfather. He also gives Stephen another picture. Meanwhile, John and Tim attempt a Neutron examination on their painting, but it destroys itself. Tim discovers that Robert does not appear in official records. Robert has been using the picture he gave to Stephen to spy on the Tomorrow People in the Lab, and when John returns to the shop, he is captured by Robert�s grandfather. Under Robert�s control, John telekinetically damages the Lab, then disappears.
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#14 - Worlds Away, Part 1: Secret of the Pyramid
Season 3 - Episode 5 - Aired 3/26/1975
Ambassador Timus Irnok Mosta visits the Tomorrow People in their Lab, and asks for their help. He takes John and Elizabeth to the Great Pyramid of Chaeops in Egypt, and tells them that the pyramids were built by the alien Kulthan. Hidden behind a secret panel is a Psi-Damping transmitter, used to prevent telepathic abilities operating on Earth. Timus asks the Tomorrow People to travel the planet Peeri, to deactivate the Psi Damping Transmitter there, and to persuade the Kulthan to leave. Unlike standard Galactic Agents, the Tomorrow People are not reliant on their telepathic powers, and are perfect for the mission. Arriving on Peerri, John, Stephen, Elizabeth and Tyso set up base in a cave used by Tikno, one of Mosta�s clone brothers. They rescue a girl, Lenda, from a hunt, but Tyso gets his foot stuck in a man-trap, and some hunters approach.
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#15 - A Man for Emily, Part 1: The Fastest Gun
Season 3 - Episode 8 - Aired 4/16/1975
A spaceship arrives in orbit around the Earth, containing the Momma, Emily and Elmer, members of a matriarchal society. Based on television signals, they believe that Earth is like a wild west film. Tim tracks the ship into orbit, and John and Elizabeth jaunt near to it to investigate. The Momma tells Elmer to go to Earth to get fresh food supplies. When the Ship stuns and captures Elizabeth, John jaunts back to the Lab. Elizabeth awakens, and is accepted as an equal by the Momma and Emily. On Earth, shoots a shopkeeper when he is collecting food. Tim intercepts police reports, and Stephen jaunts to the shop, using his telekinesis to heal the proprietor. Elmer finds a pub, treating it like a western saloon. Elizabeth discovers that Elmer must return to his place of arrival, where the doozlum pin is located; she also finds out that the Ship controls the people on board. John and Stephen jaunt to the pub, but are unable to transport Elmer away, and the police arrive.

#16 - One Law, Part 1: One Law for the Poor
Season 4 - Episode 1 - Aired 1/28/1976
Mike, a new Tomorrow Person, uses his telekinesis to open a neighbour's door. Meanwhile, John, Stephen, Elizabeth and Tyso return from the Galactric Trig, arriving in a dusty and cobweb-covered Lab. Mike's neighbour, Mister O'Reilly, is visited by two heavies, Two Tone and Slow, who want money that O'Reilly owes from gambling at Lord Dunning's betting shops. Unable to pay, O'Reilly tells them about Mike's ability to open locks; he brings Mike to meet them, and they trick him into showing his power, and then blackmail him into helping them break into the National Victoria Bank. After opening the locks and overriding the alarm systems. Mike tricks the heavies, locking them in the vault. His laughter is heard telepathically by John, Elizabeth and Stephen, who decide not to contact him in order to reduce the problems of breaking-out. A police inspector, Burke, releases Two Tone and Slow, but they refuse to talk. The next day O'Reilly asks Mike to his flat, as Lord Dunning wants to meet him.
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#18 - One Law, Part 3: Which Prohibits Them Equally from Stealing Bread
Season 4 - Episode 3 - Aired 2/11/1976
Mike hears the commotion, and tricks his guard into firing his gun, alerting the inspector, who releases them. John tells Mike and Burke that they cannot prosecute Dunning as it would draw attention to Mike's ability. Stephen teaches Mike how to jaunt, but Mike is still upset about Dunning, and goes to see him, offering to go into partnership with him. Stephen sees Mike getting out of Dunning's Rolls Royce, and brings him to the Lab, but he refuses to talk to the Tomorrow People, and jaunts away. However, John has planted a bugging device on the Rolls Royce. Mike arrives at the American Union bank, and opens the door, allowing Lord Dunning and Thwaites to enter. On a tip-off, Inspector Burke follows them in, and tries to arrest them, but Thwaites threatens to shoot Mike. But Mike jaunts, and the Inspector faints. Following the tracking signal, John, Stephen and Elizabeth jaunt to the vault and capture Lord Dunning and Thwaites. Mike joins the Tomorrow People.
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#19 - The Vanishing Earth, Part 3
Season 1 - Episode 12 - Aired 7/23/1973
Carol and John go back to the Lab and find Stephen, unharmed. The mysterious man reveals himself to be Steen, a galactic policeman, who is chasing the criminal Spidron, who has been raiding planets for magnamite, a rare substance that holds planets together. Steen, Carol, John and Stephen use the matter transporter in the Haunted House to travel to Spidron's base. Spidron releases all his captives from mind control and opens the lava ducts to flood the base.

#20 - The Blue and the Green, Part 2: The Changing Picture
Season 2 - Episode 2 - Aired 2/11/1974
John and Stephen jaunt into hyperspace to look for Elizabeth. When they find her she jaunts back to the classroom. Stephen and John manage to calm her down, and take her to the Lab. The next day sees Robert hand out blue and green badges; Elizabeth takes a blue one, while Stephen takes green. Chris arrives at the Lab after a fight with his brother Ginge; he tells John that the fight was due to Chris being is a Green and Ginge a Blue. John removes Chris's badge, returning him to normal. Back at school a fight breaks out in the school classroom, with even Stephen and Elizabeth taking part. That night John and Stephen return to the classroom and set up a video camera to try to record the picture changing. Meanwhile, Elizabeth passes a junk shop and sees another of the strange pictures in the window. As the picture changes, she is threatened by a group of boys.
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#21 - The Vanishing Earth, Part 1
Season 1 - Episode 10 - Aired 7/9/1973
The Tomorrow People are worried by the dramatic increase in natural disasters on Earth. Ginge and Lefty are in Clacton-on-Sea. Ginge meets a girl named Joy, who runs a Haunted House with a man called Smithers. Ginge is kidnapped by Joy, who is working for a strange hooded figure known as the Spidron. Using a matter transporter, Ginge is transported to Spidron�s lair, where he is brainwashed and put to work mining for valuable minerals.

#22 - The Doomsday Men, Part 3: Run Rabbit Run
Season 2 - Episode 12 - Aired 4/29/1974
John, Stephen and Elizabeth decide to try to re-capture the Damocles. Lee Wan tells them of a dead man's switch that can launch nuclear missiles held aboard the station. John takes Lee Wan's space suit, and floats past the Damocles, pretending to be the dead astronaut. Looking through an observation port, he sees that the dead man�s switch is in use. The Doomsday Men transmit their demands to the United Nations, who postpone the signing of the peace treaty. Meanwhile, Stephen and the boys at the school go on a cross-country run. While Tim matches the voice from the Damocles with that of General McLelland, Stephen sees Douglas being kidnapped. He tries to help, but is knocked unconscious.

#23 - A Rift in Time, Part 2: Turn of the Thumb
Season 2 - Episode 7 - Aired 3/18/1974
Stephen is caught in a time trap. While John attempts to make another Time Disc, Stephen meets a Guardian of Time called Zenon, Peter's grandfather. He frees Stephen and warns him not to build another Time Disc, as its user could be lost in eternity; Peter is trapped in Roman times, and Zenon gives Stephen five Time Discs so that the Tomorrow People can try to rescue him. Stephen arrives in the Lab just in time to stop John using his new Time Disc. Later, Professor Garner tells them that the vase came from a gladiator school in Silchester, run by a ruthless man named Gaius. John, Stephen, Elizabeth and Chris use the Discs return to ancient Roman Britain. They �sell� Stephen to the gladiator school, but then discover that their telepathic abilities have disappeared. Stephen is locked in a dungeon with Peter, who thinks that someone is transmitting a telepathy-inhibiting radiation. After Gaius selects Stephen to be tested by fighting, John, Elizabeth and Chris try to buy him back, but Gaius refuses; Elizabeth thinks Gaius knows they are telepaths. Stephen is defeated in combat.

#24 - One Law, Part 2: Another for the Rich
Season 4 - Episode 2 - Aired 2/4/1976
John and Stephen jaunt to the bank vault and discover that psychokinetic energy has been used; using their contact with the Prime Minister they arrange a meeting with Inspector Burke. Lord Dunning threatens Mike's family, but the boy uses his powers to frighten him off. After Two Tone and Slow are interrogated by John, the Tomorrow People visit O'Reilly, who tells them that Dunning has kidnapped Mike, his mother and sister. Burke takes John, Stephen and Elizabeth to Dunning's country house, but the Lord denies any knowledge of Mike. While Dunning and his heavies visit O'Reilly, Mike opens the lock on the cellar door, and he and his family escape. Mike manages to attract the attention of Burke, but he, his mother and sister are recaptured when Dunning and his butler Thwaites create a diversion. Burke calls Tim on the special telephone number and tells him of his sighting of Mike. He then organises a raid on Lord Dunning's house.
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#25 - The Slaves of Jedikiah, Part 3
Season 1 - Episode 3 - Aired 5/14/1973
Carol realises that TIM has stopped working and contacts John. They both go to the Lab, but are caught in a trap set by Jedikiah and are stranded in hyperspace. Kenny jaunts to the Lab and manages to reactivate TIM, but Jedikiah burns through the lock of the door, and Kenny is captured. TIM locates Carol and John in hyperspace and jaunts them back to the Lab, but Jedikiah uses a device to paralyse them all.