The BEST episodes of The Tomorrow People
Every episode of The Tomorrow People ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of The Tomorrow People!
The show concerned the emergence of the next stage of human evolution known colloquially as Tomorrow People. Born to human parents, an apparently normal child might at some point between childhood and late adolescence experience a process called "breaking out", when they develop their special abilities. These abilities include psychic powers such as telepathy, telekinesis, and teleportation. However, they are physically unable to deliberately kill others.

#1 - Hitler's Last Secret, Part 1: Men Like Rats
Season 6 - Episode 3 - Aired 6/5/1978
The driver of an army Major knocks down and kills a young boy who looks fourteen years old and wears a Nazi uniform. In the Lab, John shows Hsui Tai a baby rat that is over seven years old - they normally only live to three or four - and explains that he is repeating an experiment the Americans tried, which stopped the aging process before maturity, causing the normal repair processes to work more efficiently, and giving the subject longer life. Tim shows them film of Adolf Hitler inspecting the laboratory of Professor Friedl, who was carrying out the same experiments in the 1940's. Mike arrives wearing parts of an SS uniform, which John tells him in disgust to take off before going out. Meanwhile, in an SS bunker, leader Karl Brandt gives a speech to his cadets in order boost their morale following the escape of one of their number; the cadets have been in the bunker for thirty-three years, since the defeat of Germany at the end of the Second World War. The cadets look after the sleepers, people held in suspended animation. Mike goes to a cafe without his uniform, but three youths wearing SS uniforms and calling themselves �Storm Troopers� attack him for being in their meeting place. Mike returns with a black eye to the Lab, where John tells him that there were gangs of young people all over the world who have developed a fascination for Nazi uniforms. One of the SS cadets finds some fluid leaking from the suspended animation equipment, and the inside person is dead. Tim receives a call on the special telephone line from Major Hughes of the SIS Special Squad, and John sends him a matter transporter to bring him to the Lab. The Major tells them about the boy being killed: German records show that he was born in 1930, and should have been forty-seven, and he also appeared in the film of Hitler Tim showed earlier. In the bunker, Karl decides to wake up Professor Friedl to ask his advice. Mike returns in uniform to the caf�, where the �Storm Troopers� are bet
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#2 - The Heart of Sogguth, Part 1: Beat the Drum
Season 5 - Episode 5 - Aired 3/28/1977
After Mike's band, �The Fresh Hearts� plays at a gig, a man named Jake asks Elizabeth if he could become the band's manager. This offer excites the band, but Elizabeth thinks that Jake is a cheat and a fraud. At a rehearsal Jake asks Mike to play his drums to the special rhythm on a metronome, but the cleaner working in the room starts to act very strangely, and has to be taken outside to recover. Jake says it is their music that affected her, and arranges for music television producer Mike Harding to watch the band play that evening. Harding is impressed, and arranges for them to play live on television. Elizabeth discovers that Jake is actually Professor James Marsden, leader of a religious sect known as the Hearts of Sogguth. She persuades John of infiltrate the group, and he is initiated into them, but thinks they are harmless. Jake gives Mike the Heart of Sogguth drum to play, but warns him not to play the special rhythm. Elizabeth takes John to watch the Mike's band play at the disco, and they are introduced as the Hearts of Sogguth by Jake. Mike plays the drum to the special rhythm affecting everyone in the room except for Elizabeth. She jaunts onto the stage and stops Mike, but then finds that John is acting very strangely. Elizabeth jaunts back to the Lab, telling Tim that she thinks that John and Mike are under someone's control.
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#3 - The Revenge of Jedikiah, Part 2: Last Chance
Season 3 - Episode 12 - Aired 5/14/1975
Patricia Conway goes to Jedikiah thinking he is Stephen and asks him to go back to EWE and talk to Col. Masters about working for them. He agrees to go and kills Col. Masters leaving Patricia to think that Stephen has committed murder. She goes to see Professor Cawston to ask his help in finding Stephen. Meanwhile Jedikiah takes the shape of several different people including Patricia and Professor Cawston hoping they will lead him to the Tomorrow People. Liz and John are gunned down after jaunting in and surprising a EWE guard and placed in ICU.

#4 - The Heart of Sogguth, Part 2: Devil in Disguise
Season 5 - Episode 6 - Aired 4/4/1977
Jake tells John to stop Elizabeth telling anyone what happened, and gives him a knife. John jaunts back to the Lab and tries to kill Elizabeth, but his instinct not to kill breaks Jake's control. Mike and Jake go to the Hearts of Sogguth headquarters, but during a strange ceremony a voice warns Jake that Mike is different. Elizabeth finds an old book that predicts that Lord Sogguth will return when a million people hear the beat of his heart, and that he would destroy the Lords of the Heavens. Elizabeth thinks that the television broadcast will reach more than a million and the Lords of Heaven could be the Galactic Trig. The Hearts of Sogguth capture Mike, and something comes out of the sacred drum and takes control of him. When contacted telepathically by John and Elizabeth, Mike lies, saying that he is at home, and that the television programmed is the next day. John and Elizabeth jaunt to the Hearts of Sogguth headquarters to try to destroy the drum, but are discovered by Jake, who makes John attack Elizabeth. Jake tries to stab Elizabeth, but she jaunts back to the Lab. The next day Elizabeth jaunts to the television studio just before the broadcast; John tells Jake of her arrival, and persuaded Jake to let him stop her with a stun gun. Elizabeth is up on the gantry with a laser blaster, ready to destroy the drum, but is stopped by John before she can fire. Mike plays the drum in order to release Lord Sogguth, but Elizabeth manages to destroy the instrument. Sogguth is defeated, and, as he retreats back to the centre of the Earth, he takes Jake's soul with him, leaving behind just his skeleton.
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#6 - Hitler's Last Secret, Part 2: Seeds of Destruction
Season 6 - Episode 4 - Aired 6/12/1978
John believes that the Nazis used genetic engineering at the end of the war. Major Hughes and some British soldiers from a local military base search for the place that the SS cadet came from. When they find the hidden entrance, Professor Friedl suggests using a weapon called the �Sleeping Giant�. Tim tries an experiment on Mike: he shows him a picture of Hitler, which causes Mike to salute; then he shows Mike a picture of Neebor in his natural, disgusting state, which breaks the control. When Major Hughes finds the secret door, �Hitler� takes control of the British soldiers via a broadcast, and orders them to kill Major Hughes, but he escapes and goes to the Lab. The SS cadets plan to broadcast a television message to the youth of the world to make them follow Hitler's orders. John, Hsui Tai and Major Hughes jaunt to the bunker, while Mike stays behind. John uses a stun gun to incapacitate the British soldiers, but �Hitler�, Karl and Professor Friedl go to the television studio, but they can only broadcast to a few European countries. John, Hsui Tai and Major Hughes jaunt into the television studio and stun the Professor and �Hitler�, but Karl arrives and forces John and Hsui Tai to drop their stun guns. When �Hitler� was stunned he lost control of his shape-changing, and he reverts to his natural state. Mike jaunts into the room and stuns everyone, including his friends, and tells �Hitler� to continue with the broadcast. As �Hitler� begins, he is stunned by Mike, causing him to revert once more, and this breaks the control of everyone watching.
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#7 - The Blue and the Green, Part 1: An Apple for the Teacher
Season 2 - Episode 1 - Aired 2/4/1974
Stephen�s classmate, Robert, paints an accurate picture of Rexal 4, an alien world. Recognising it from his travels, Stephen tells John and Tim, and mentions that he thinks his teacher, Elizabeth, is breaking-out. The following day, Elizabeth witnesses Stephen in the act of jaunting home and hears him telepathically talking to John and Tim, but is convinced that it is a trick. The next day Robert's picture 4 has changed from a bright, sunny landscape to a dark and stormy picture. Investigating back at the Lab, John and Tim find similar instances of pictures that change, causing serious disturbances amongst schoolchildren. Stephen witnesses aggressive behaviour amongst his schoolmates. He takes John to meet Elizabeth, but she refuses to believe him and tries to leave, but as John jaunts in front of her to stop her, it triggers her breaking-out. She tries to run away again, but Stephen jaunts right in front of her. She panics and jaunts away, out of control.

#8 - Castle of Fear, Part 1: Ghosts and Monsters
Season 7 - Episode 1 - Aired 10/9/1978
At a hotel near Loch Ness, the barman, Angus MacDuff sees a ghost. At the same time, the Tomorrow People see the ghost in their dreams, and think it may be another Homo Superior attempting to communicate. At the Forbes hotel, the proprietor�s son Andrew suggests to his father, Bruce that they advertise the place as haunted, and he shows him that he can create a ghost. But Bruce thinks that the ghosts are the Devil�s work, and warns Andrew not to make them again. Andrew talks to some American researchers, lead by Dr. Gail Mayer, who are staying at the hotel while they look for the Loch Ness Monster. Andrew creates an illusion of the Monster in the Loch in front of the researchers; the image is also seen by John, Elizabeth, Mike and Hsui Tai. The researchers are very excited and contact the media. The Tomorrow People see the reports, and theorise that a member of the Loch Ness research team may be breaking out and telepathically transmitting images. John, Elizabeth, Mike and Hsui Tai jaunt to the hotel. Bruce is furious when he finds out about his son�s creation of the monster, and locks the boy in the cellar.
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#9 - Castle of Fear, Part 2: Fighting Spirit
Season 7 - Episode 2 - Aired 10/9/1978
The Tomorrow People talk to Doctor Mayer about the monster, but she denies that anyone has seen a ghost; but when Angus tells them about seeing his ghost, Doctor Mayer notes that Andrew was with them when they saw the monster. After Gail tries unsuccessfully to find Andrew, Angus goes to the cellar and finds the boy locked up. Andrew creates an illusion that frightens Angus into unlocking the door, but Bruce tries to stop Angus and they are both injured in the confusion. They are found by John and Elizabeth, who take them back to the Lab, leaving Hsui Tai and Mike to check the rest of the hotel. Andrew creates more illusions to escape from Mike, who is knocked unconscious. Andrew leaves the hotel on a bicycle. Angus thinks that his son may hide in a tower near the hotel, and as the Tomorrow People and Bruce arrive there, Andrew creates an illusion of a band of Scots warriors. The Tomorrow People create a group of Redcoats to counter the attack. After the battle Mike jaunts to the top of the tower and persuades Andrew to join them, and Bruce allows Andrew to create ghosts at the hotel to attract visitors.
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#10 - Into the Unknown, Part 3: The Tunnel
Season 4 - Episode 6 - Aired 3/3/1976
As the shuttlecraft enters the hole, the temperature inside begins to drop. Timus arrives at the Lab and boosts Tim's power, enabling him to locate the shuttlecraft in the hole, but the picture fades as the shuttle goes out of range, and Timus is recalled to the Galactic Federation to report. Another hole appears directly in front of the shuttlecraft, and the Tomorrow People notice that their watches have stopped, despite their being in the hole for seven or eight hours. The shuttlecraft slows down and the reactors begin working again.
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#11 - War of the Empires, Part 3: Standing Alone
Season 8 - Episode 3 - Aired 2/12/1979
The President imprisons Mike and Hsui Tai. The Sorson General, Vishishnu, begins training American pilots, including Evans, so that they can defend the solar system. Andrew jaunts to the Oval Office to rescue his friends, but is captured after the President uses the Barluminite raygun on him. But Andrew is only pretending: he ducked when the gun was fired, and he uses matter transporting bands to return to the Lab with Mike and Hsui Tai. Andrew suggests threatening the Trig with a Sorson spaceship in order to rescue John, and they jaunt onto one of the spaceships. Eliciting the aid of Evans, they travel to the Trig, where an artificial intelligence refuses to release John until his case has been heard. Evans opens fire, and the Chaircreature releases him. The Tomorrow People return to the Lab, where Tim, defying instructions from the Federation, informs them that their membership has been suspended. Meanwhile, the Sorson General is furious that Evans has taken a ship and destroyed other Sorson ships, and tells the President that his fleet will depart, leaving the planet at the mercy of a Thargon fleet heading for Earth.
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#12 - The Slaves of Jedikiah, Part 1
Season 1 - Episode 1 - Aired 4/30/1973
The Tomorrow People - John, Carol and Kenny - have discovered that a teenager called Stephen is about to manifest his powers. They trace him to hospital, where he was taken after collapsing from the shock of his new abilities. Carol teleports into his room to make contact, and begins to teach Stephen how to control his telepathy. They are attacked by Ginge and Lefty, two bikers acting under instruction from the mysterious Jedikiah.

#13 - The Thargon Menace, Part 1: Unexpected Guests
Season 6 - Episode 5 - Aired 6/19/1978
When a small spaceship crashes into the Pacific Ocean region on Earth it causes an Earthquake, which is felt in the Tomorrow People�s Lab. The spaceship is piloted by two Thargons, Flyn and Sula, who have escaped from the fleet�s main �Thick Ship� in a short-range �Slim Ship�, which they have deliberately crashed into the Earth in order to bury it, and so escape detection from space. Believing the crash to have been caused by a meteorite, Tim traces the impact point to the island of Tarpin, part of the Melosean chain of islands. Mike and Hsui Tai jaunt to the island, but when Flyn and Sula decide to raise the ship to the surface, Hsui Tai is blinded by the engines. Back at the Lab, John repairs Hsui Tai�s eyes. A military airplane spots the �Slim Ship�, and its pilot reports back to the dictator General Papa Minn, who orders Major Marcos to investigate with troops. John, Mike and Hsui Tai return to the island and meet Flyn, Sula and Thing, the ship�s computer, and are told by the aliens that they are on the run from the ruthless Thargon Overlords for opposing the massacre of their slaves. Flyn warns the Tomorrow People that the Thargon Overlords will destroy the Earth when they find Flyn and Sula there.
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#14 - Into the Unknown, Part 2: The Father-Ship
Season 4 - Episode 5 - Aired 2/25/1976
Elizabeth jaunts to the spaceship with a small box which acts as a connection to Tim, which they connect to the power system on the ship. Tim tells them that they cannot jaunt back to Earth until they find a solution to the force field, which may be on the father-ship. Arriving at the father-ship, they meet Tirayaan, who informs them that the ship will be dragged into the hole in two days, and that it has been seized by the rebellious Vektaan as part of a plot to take control of the homeworld. Vektaan captures the Tomorrow People, Kwaan and Tirayaan, but John and Stephen offer to help him save the father-ship, and, together with Tim, they work on the bridge controls. Tirayaan admits that he set the ship on its course, and John tells Vektaan that he will save the father-ship if all the prisoners are put onto the shuttlecraft, with enough power to get them back to Earth. Vektaan aggress and allows them to leave in the shuttlecraft. John returns control of the father-ship and jaunts to the shuttlecraft, but Tim's box is destroyed, and they realise that Vektaan has programmed the small ship to fly into the hole.
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#16 - Secret Weapon, Part 4: A Present from Russia
Season 3 - Episode 4 - Aired 3/19/1975
Chris arrives at the Lab and uses the antidote to revive John. While Elizabeth is forced to demonstrate her powers to Col. Masters and Tricia, John and Chris kidnap the Prime Minister and take him back to the Lab. Elizabeth is told by Masters to jaunt to Moscow and buy a Russian doll. Doing so, she jaunts to the Lab, where John opens the doll to find a mind control device. The Prime Minister destroys the device, and Elizabeth returns to Master's office. When he discovers that the device is missing, Masters threatens to turn off the life support machines, but he receives a phone call ordering him to release all the Tomorrow People. Tyso begins to break-out, and is taken to the Lab. John tells Tricia that she is a potential Tomorrow Person, and that it isn�t too late for her to join them.
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#17 - The Revenge of Jedikiah, Part 1: Curse of the Mummy's Tomb
Season 3 - Episode 11 - Aired 5/7/1975
Jedikiah, a shape-changing android believed to have been destroyed, was rescued and sent to ancient Egypt by an alien race. He was placed in a tomb and remained there for 500 years until it was reopened by Professor Cawston and Professor Johnston. Freed Jedikiah has one thing on his mind: revenge on the Tomorrow People.

#18 - The Slaves of Jedikiah, Part 4
Season 1 - Episode 4 - Aired 5/21/1973
Jedikiah takes Kenny back to his base, and imprisons him, Ginge and Lefty in a room containing a matter transmitter, which transports them all to a spaceship. Carol, John and Stephen locate Jedikiah's base but only just escape before it explodes. Jedikiah reveals that he is a shape-changing android, working for an alien creature known as the Cyclops. The Cyclops contacts Carol, John and Stephen, telling them to come to his spaceship if they want Kenny back.

#19 - The Vanishing Earth, Part 4
Season 1 - Episode 13 - Aired 7/30/1973
Ginge breaks free and closes the lava ducts, while Steen, Carol, John and Stephen find the Spidron's control room, just as he and Joy teleport away. Later, Joy goes to Spidron's hideout near his spaceship, and they prepare to leave Earth with the magnamite. Steen, Carol, John and Stephen track Spidron's spaceship to London, where they find a sewer entrance. Spidron uses mind control on Ginge and Lefty, and escapes alone in his spaceship. Steen arrests Joy, who reveals that she double-crossed Spidron by keeping the magnamite on Earth in the mining areas. When the lava reached the storage areas, the magnamite flowed back into the Earth's crust, stabilising it and averting the destruction of the planet.

#20 - The Medusa Strain, Part 3
Season 1 - Episode 8 - Aired 6/25/1973
Peter agrees to use the Time Key to save Carol, but insists that he be able to use his telepathy to help in the task. Jedikiah lets him, and Peter manages to contact John, Kenny and Stephen, telling them where he and Carol being held. John and Stephen jaunt into hyperspace to look for the spaceship, while Rabowski, Jedikiah and the Medusa use the Time Key to go to the underground tunnels near the Lab. Rabowski captures Ginge, but the biker manages to push the Medusa onto the electrified rail lines, killing it. Ginge is then taken back to the spaceship. John and Stephen find the spaceship in hyperspace, but are shot by the ship�s laser.

#21 - The Thargon Menace, Part 2: Playing with Fire
Season 6 - Episode 6 - Aired 6/26/1978
Flyn and Sula offer to build a Ripper Ray to defend the Earth, but the Tomorrow People decline. John and Hsui Tai return to the Lab while Mike stays with Flyn and Sula. But Major Marcos arrives and knocks Mike unconscious. Meanwhile, the Galactic Federation have found the two thick ships. Flyn and Sula accompany the Major to see General Papa Minn. John jaunts to the Thargon thick ship to confront the Captain, who tells him that there are no slaves and no Overlords on their planet, and that Flyn and Sula are criminals. Flyn and Sula offer to show General Papa Minn how to build a Ripper Ray and use it to rule the Earth. After Mike regains consciousness he is told by Thing that the Thargon Overlords have re-captured Flyn and Sula, and so he returns to the Lab. Flyn, Sula and the General return to the slim ship, and the two aliens begin building the Ripper Ray. The Tomorrow People return to the slim ship but are seen by soldiers. John and Mike jaunt back to the Lab, but Hsui Tai is shot. Flyn, Sula and the General prepare to launch the slim ship so that the General can deliver his ultimatum, but John and Mike rescue Hsui Tai just before the slim ship lifts off, its blast destroying the island. The General forces Flyn and Sula to allow him to broadcast his demands, and to fire the Ripper Ray. The blast is detected by the Thargon thick ship, which heads for Earth.
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#22 - Into the Unknown, Part 4: The Circle
Season 4 - Episode 7 - Aired 3/10/1976
As the shuttlecraft slows down and the reactors begin working again, they approach the hole and see stars. On the father-ship, Vektaan sees the shuttlecraft re-emerging from the hole. Tirayaan tells them that they have travelled in a circle, and that it has only been a few minutes since they entered the hole. Vektaan informs them that he has abandoned the rebellion, and wants them to return to the father-ship. But when Tirayaan tries to contact Vektaan, the Father-ship fires at the shuttle craft; one of the energy bolts enters the hole, and returns a few seconds later, destroying the father-ship. The Tomorrow People, Tirayaan and Kwaan return to Earth.
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#23 - The Revenge of Jedikiah, Part 3: Farewell Performance
Season 3 - Episode 13 - Aired 5/21/1975
Finding Stephen and Tyso, Jedikiah forces them to lead him back to the Lab. He switches TIM off and places silencer bands on Stephen and Tyso to stop them from using their powers. Meanwhile Patricia starts to break out and teleports to the Lab, where she turns TIM back on. TIM has enough time to call the Timus of the Galactic Trig to help save the day.

#25 - The Medusa Strain, Part 2
Season 1 - Episode 7 - Aired 6/18/1973
Carol and Stephen find Jedikiah, Rabowski and Peter at the Tower of London, but Carol is kidnapped and taken back to Rabowski�s spaceship in the future. Jedikiah and Rabowski put Carol into the airlock and start pumping the air out, to force Peter to operate the Time Key again.