The WORST episodes of Pokémon
Every episode of Pokémon ever, ranked from worst to best by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The worst episodes of Pokémon!
A young boy named Ash Ketchum embarks on a journey to become a "Pokemon Master" with his first Pokemon, Pikachu. Joining him on his travels are Brock, a girl-obsessed Rock Pokemon Trainer, and Misty, a tomboyish Water Pokemon Trainer who may have a crush on him. Ash and Co. end up traveling through various regions, including Kanto, the Orange Islands, and Johto, and then enter the Pokemon League competitions there. Along the way, they run into many confrontations with Jessie, James, and Meowth, a trio of Pokemon thieves who are apart of an evil organization called "Team Rocket". But everytime Team Rocket try to do their evil deeds, they fail thanks to Ash and his Pokemon.

#1 - The Secret Princess!
Season 18 - Episode 116 - Aired 4/7/2019
Lillie and Gladion are at Aether Paradise, searching for the research files written by their father, Mohn, prior to his disappearance into an Ultra Wormhole years ago. Lusamine regrets not telling her children more about Mohn, but she decides now is the right time. Back at home, the siblings explore Mohn’s room and find a couple of surprises—a Z-Ring, which Lillie holds on to with Kahuna Hala’s blessing, and Magearna, an Artificial Pokémon that Mohn intended as an eventual gift for Lillie. Unfortunately, Magearna is inactive and completely silent—but Lillie, full of gratitude, vows to continue her father’s work to get it moving again!

#2 - League Offenders and Defenders!
Season 18 - Episode 128 - Aired 6/30/2019
Professor Kukui’s dream of creating an Alola Pokémon League is finally reality! Our heroes are as excited as can be, and everybody wants to participate—even Team Rocket! But there’s someone set on destroying the League and everything it stands for…Guzma, the leader of Team Skull. Full of resentment for Professor Kukui and the teachings of Kahuna Hala, he’s determined to get the last laugh by winning the League, then shutting it down for good! But Ash is having none of that, and he vows to never lose to Guzma. His friends agree—and with that, the League is off to a rousing start!

#3 - Chasing Memories, Creating Dreams!
Season 18 - Episode 127 - Aired 6/23/2019
Professor Kukui has finally realized his dream of establishing the Alola Pokémon League, and he’s excited to welcome everyone to the dedication of the brand-new Manalo Stadium. Much to the excitement of our heroes, he announces that the Champion of the Alola Pokémon League will be granted an exhibition battle with the Masked Royal. Ash and friends are fired up and eager to participate—and Lillie even pulls off her first Z-Move! Meanwhile, Gladion sets out on a search…and eventually reunites with his father’s long-lost Zoroark! After learning that its partner is still alive, Zoroark agrees to join Gladion on his quest to find Professor Mohn!

#4 - Pikachu's Exciting Adventure!
Season 18 - Episode 126 - Aired 6/16/2019
After returning to the present day, Ash and Torracat reunite with Pikachu, Lycanroc, Rowlet, and Meltan—who are all covered in dirt! It turns out the four Pokémon had been searching for Ash and Torracat after the pair’s sudden disappearance. They’re excited to recap their journey, but Ash doesn’t understand what they’re saying! He has no idea what they went through in order to find him—they even took on the role of Ultra Guardians and got some help from Clefable and Garchomp! Even though he can’t figure out how they got so filthy, our hero is just happy to be back in the company of his Pokémon friends!

#5 - A Timeless Encounter!
Season 18 - Episode 125 - Aired 6/9/2019
While Ash and his Pokémon train for the upcoming Alola Pokémon League, they accidentally startle a nearby Celebi. The Mythical Pokémon flees back in time—and brings Ash and Torracat with it! Unaware that he’s in the past, Ash meets a young boy who, unbeknownst to him, is actually a younger Professor Kukui. The boy wants to learn about Pokémon moves, and Ash and Torracat demonstrate some of their skills, even receiving a Firium Z from a Totem Trevenant. But the fun suddenly ends when Celebi transports our hero back to the present day. Ash wonders where the boy went, but he’s also happy to see all his Pokémon again!

#6 - Living on the Cutting Edge!
Season 18 - Episode 124 - Aired 6/2/2019
Someone’s been slicing and dicing objects all over Melemele Island: a cabbage at Mallow’s Family Restaurant gets chopped up, a golden Viren statue is cut in half, and the trees in Lillie’s yard are shaped into perfect topiaries! These occurrences (and more) are the work of an Ultra Beast named Kartana, who can cut anything with its bladelike body. When the Ultra Guardians ask Kartana to stop its cutting spree, it ignores them—but later it saves the day by demolishing a meteor that’s barreling straight for the Pokémon School! Grateful for Kartana’s help, our heroes bid it farewell as it returns home through an Ultra Wormhole.

#7 - A Fiery Training Camp Trick!
Season 18 - Episode 123 - Aired 5/26/2019
Excitement is building for the upcoming Alola Pokémon League, and the Pokémon School class is ready to train! Ash, Kiawe, and Sophocles decide to camp out at Kiawe’s family farm, but Sophocles is having a hard time working up the confidence to pull off a Z-Move. To help Sophocles train, Kiawe secretly enlists the help of a wild Crawdaunt who previously clashed with Turtonator. Crawdaunt launches a surprise attack on Sophocles, but Sophocles manages to overcome his fear and launch a powerful Z-Move with Vikavolt! The circumstances of the battle may have been unusual, but Sophocles is feeling more confident with a Z-Move at his command!

#8 - Spying for the Big Guy!
Season 18 - Episode 122 - Aired 5/19/2019
When Team Rocket receives a call from Headquarters, they come to regret their previous claim to have caught Bewear, as Matori tells them to send the Pokémon to Giovanni right away. But, of course, they haven’t actually caught Bewear—if anything, Bewear has caught them. Panic ensues when Matori arrives in Alola, but Jessie, James, and Meowth convince her that they need Bewear’s help to catch an even more impressive Pokémon. Eventually, Matori changes plans and tries to steal Stufful instead, but a disguised Meowth thwarts her plan by taking the little Pokémon’s place. Then, just in the nick of time, Bewear swoops in to take Meowth back home!

#9 - A Recipe for Success!
Season 18 - Episode 121 - Aired 5/12/2019
When the Family Restaurant runs out of Big Mushrooms, Mallow visits Oranguru’s place in the forest to ask for more. When she arrives, she finds Meowth looking for some peace and quiet, but the place quickly becomes busy with Pokémon customers. Mallow decides to stay and help Oranguru, and she prepares scrumptious food and drinks for all kinds of Pokémon. When Tapu Koko turns out to be one of those customers, she prepares a special dish for the Island Guardian. Thrilled with its meal, Tapu Koko presents Mallow with a Grassium Z, and Oranguru gives her a Z-Ring! Now all our heroes have Z-Rings of their own!

#10 - The One that Didn't Get Away!
Season 18 - Episode 120 - Aired 5/5/2019
The Pokémon School class is fishing off a reef, and Ash and Lana decide to venture farther out to sea inside Brionne’s balloons. Suddenly, they encounter the Legendary Pokémon Kyogre! They learn that it’s been poisoned and is being pursued by a group of sinister Pokémon hunters. But the hunters underestimate our heroes’ skills and determination, and Kyogre is healed when Lana coaxes it to swallow an Antidote. Kyogre is still angry, but after Brionne evolves into Primarina and sings a beautiful melody, the Legendary Pokémon calms down enough for Lana to express her admiration for it. This is one adventure Lana and Primarina will never forget!

#11 - A High-Speed Awakening!
Season 18 - Episode 119 - Aired 4/28/2019
Sophocles and Vikavolt are entering a Vikavolt race! When they arrive, Sophocles learns that his rival Horacio is also competing with his newly evolved Vikavolt. The entrants get off to a rousing start, but when Sophocles enters the cave route, his fear of the dark leaves him petrified. Vikavolt offers him support, leading him to realize that if his Pokémon is determined to press on, he can be courageous as well. After an interruption by Team Rocket, the race is back on, and Sophocles wins by a nose! He receives a Buginium Z as a prize, and Hapu follows up by giving him a Z-Ring!

#12 - Aiming for the Top Floor!
Season 18 - Episode 118 - Aired 4/21/2019
On day two in Malie City, our heroes look forward to battling at the Kantonian Gym—especially Ash! But first they have to complete a series of challenges on their way to the top of the Gym tower. Ash and Kiawe reach the top and meet Gym Leader Ryuki, who claims to be a rock-and-roll star. Ryuki’s unorthodox battle style is confusing, and Kiawe and Marowak are quickly left unable to battle. But when Ash’s challenge turns into a Double Battle, Rowlet learns Brave Bird just in time to help Meltan! Ash wins the battle and the Kantonian Gym badge…which Meltan proceeds to eat!

#13 - Drawn with the Wind!
Season 18 - Episode 117 - Aired 4/14/2019
Our heroes are having a great time sightseeing in Malie City, but after a sudden gust of wind, Shaymin, Meltan, and Sandy are nowhere to be found! Ash and friends are determined to find them, but there are others who have their eyes on stealing these unique Pokémon—Team Rocket, of course! The thieves capture the Pokémon in a supposedly impenetrable trap, but they’re dismayed when Meltan effortlessly eats right through it! Soon enough, Team Rocket is sent off with a new blast, and our heroes are reunited with their Pokémon friends!

#14 - Battle Royal 151!
Season 18 - Episode 129 - Aired 7/7/2019
The Alola Pokémon League is underway, and it promises to be full of action, drama, and surprises! The qualifying round is a Battle Royal competition among 151 different Trainers, and only the top 16 will make it to the next stage! A free-for-all ensues, with our heroes battling against and alongside friendly rivals like Pikala and Hiroki as well as returning foes like Viren’s cronies and Plumeria from Team Skull. When the dizzying action finally winds down, the entire Pokémon School class, Hau, Gladion, and even a disguised Team Rocket are among those left standing! Now, the question is: who will make it all the way to the top?

#15 - The Dealer of Destruction!
Season 18 - Episode 115 - Aired 3/31/2019
Professor Kukui has announced the formation of the Alola Pokémon League, and the excitement is overwhelming! Ash and friends want to enter, but someone else is determined to keep the event from launching—Guzma, the mysterious and menacing leader of Team Skull. He confronts Professor Kukui, vowing to destroy the Pokémon League, and Ash takes the opportunity to challenge him to a battle. Guzma’s Golisopod holds its own against Pikachu, but when it suddenly returns to its Poké Ball, the match ends, and Guzma returns to Team Skull’s base. Just what is the relationship between Guzma and Professor Kukui, and will the Alola Pokémon League become a reality?

#16 - Beauty is Only Crystal Deep!
Season 18 - Episode 114 - Aired 3/24/2019
When a mysterious Pokémon steals Hala’s Z-Crystal, the Ultra Guardians leap into action—even though it’s the middle of the night! They return empty-handed, but the next day, Lusamine tells them they’re looking for an Ultra Beast named Pheromosa. Pheromosa is fascinated with Z-Crystals, and it’s stolen several from unsuspecting Trainers. When it steals Team Rocket’s Z-Crystals, Meowth is no help—because he’s infatuated with the thief! But when it becomes obvious that Pheromosa only cares about Z-Crystals, Meowth’s heart breaks, and he returns to his friends…including Bewear, who inadvertently helps the Ultra Guardians return Pheromosa to its own world!

#17 - This Magik Moment!
Season 18 - Episode 113 - Aired 3/17/2019
Our heroes visit the Alola TV studios to cheer on Sophocles, who’s competing in a quiz show! Afterward, Rotom bumps into George, the producer of Alolan Detective Laki, who takes them on a tour. Kiawe is beyond excited to see the adorable Magikarp named Karpy live on set—until it evolves into a fearsome Gyarados! On top of that, the three stars of George’s superhero show get stuck on location and can’t make their shooting schedule. Thinking quickly, he recruits Lillie, Mallow, and Lana to become The Refreshing Trio: Alola Idols! The girls are a big hit, Gyarados gets recast as an intimidating villain, and all’s well that ends well!

#18 - Got Meltan?
Season 18 - Episode 112 - Aired 3/10/2019
After analyzing the data collected by Rotom Dex, Professor Oak confirms the mysterious Pokémon is indeed a new species, which he’s named Meltan! One of them has been hiding inside Ash’s backpack, and it soon takes quite an interest in Rowlet. The two Pokémon go on an adventure to find Meltan’s missing head section, and when Rowlet protects Meltan from Team Rocket’s persistent attacks, Meltan repays the favor with its powerful Flash Cannon attack! Back at the Pokémon School, Meltan is reunited with its friends, but it wants to stay with Rowlet, so Ash adds it to his team. As the journey continues, our heroes have a new friend—Meltan!

#19 - Show Me the Metal!
Season 18 - Episode 111 - Aired 3/3/2019
Back on Melemele Island after completing their Poni Island research projects, our heroes are unaware that some small, mysterious Pokémon have hitched a ride with them. As they soon discover, these Pokémon love to eat metal—including the tools the Pokémon School class needs for today’s lesson, as well as Team Rocket’s supplies and James’s prized bottle cap collection! Rotom Dex is excited to compile vast amounts of data on this new kind of Pokémon, and Ash relays the information to Professor Oak—who says this mystery Pokémon may indeed be one amazing discovery!

#20 - Keeping Your Eyes on the Ball!
Season 18 - Episode 110 - Aired 2/24/2019
The Pokémon School class meets a talented Pokémon Golfer named Kahili and her Toucannon, Touckey. Kahili is in a bit of a slump, and there are rumors she might retire, but when our heroes ask to play a round of Pokémon Golf with her, she happily offers some tips. Joining them is a strangely familiar man who claims to be a master caddy, and he challenges Kahili to shoot an incredibly challenging hole in one—which she does, thanks to Touckey’s help! After having so much fun with our heroes, Kahili decides to continue on her journey as a Pokémon Golfer, and Touckey couldn’t be happier!

#21 - A Grand Debut!
Season 18 - Episode 109 - Aired 2/17/2019
Hapu is the new kahuna of Poni Island! After her confirmation ceremony, she agrees to battle Ash in a grand trial. It’s a one-on-one match between Mudsdale and Pikachu, with Kiawe as referee! As a Ground-type Pokémon, Mudsdale is immune to Pikachu’s Electric-type attacks. On top of that, its Ability raises its defense every time it gets hit! Things are looking dire for our hero when Pikachu maneuvers Mudsdale to the edge of the battlefield—where it gets completely soaked by a wave. And since water conducts electricity, Ash and Pikachu win their fourth grand trial with a devastating Z-Move, and Ash gets a new Z-Crystal: Steelium Z!

#22 - Memories in the Mist!
Season 18 - Episode 108 - Aired 2/10/2019
As our heroes wrap up their Poni Island research projects, they become enveloped in a strange mist. Hapu says the mist, created by Tapu Fini, lets people and Pokémon reunite with loved ones who have passed on. Ash and Torracat meet up with Stoutland, and Mallow has an emotional reunion with her late mother. Worried about her friends, Hapu confronts Tapu Fini, who reunites her with her late grandfather and recognizes her as the new island kahuna! When the mist clears, Lillie and Gladion wonder why they didn’t see their late father—and they’re shocked when Hapu tells them that he must still be alive somewhere!

#23 - Run, Heroes, Run!
Season 18 - Episode 107 - Aired 2/3/2019
Ash and Kiawe set off to challenge Tapu Fini to a grand trial, but when they get no response, they decide to battle each other to attract its attention. When the battle gets out of hand and starts to damage the surrounding ruins, Ash finds himself trapped in an energy field as punishment, and a mysterious old man tells Kiawe he must return with a scale from Tapu Lele to rescue his friend. Kiawe completes his quest just in time—and when Tapu Fini appears and gives him a Z-Crystal, it becomes clear that this was Kiawe’s grand trial! Meanwhile, Mallow has been working with Hapu to develop new recipes using Poni Radishes. Two more research projects completed!

#24 - Evolving Research!
Season 18 - Episode 106 - Aired 1/27/2019
As our heroes continue their research projects, Sophocles wants to help Charjabug evolve. The pair set off to Vast Poni Canyon and encounter Horacio, who wants his own Charjabug to evolve first. But when Horacio ends up in danger, Sophocles’s Charjabug springs into rescue mode and evolves into Vikavolt! Meanwhile, Lana has her heart set on training, but she’s disappointed because her mentor, Ida, is about to depart Poni Island. Still, Popplio and Sandy have fun playing with Ida’s Primarina, and when Lana decides to show Ida what she’s capable of, Popplio evolves into Brionne! As congratulations, Ida gives Lana her own Primarium Z and encourages her to continue training.

#25 - Showdown on Poni Island!
Season 18 - Episode 105 - Aired 1/20/2019
When Hapu learns that Ash wants to battle Tapu Fini for his Poni Island grand trial, she lectures him about the true meaning of a grand trial, and Mudsdale backs it up with a tremendous kick! Ash goes flying and lands near Gladion, who’s also come to challenge the Island Guardian. The two rivals decide to battle each other instead, in a Lycanroc showdown: Gladion’s Midnight Form versus Ash’s Dusk Form! Hapu reluctantly agrees to be the referee, and as the battle continues, she begins to understand Ash’s determination. After Gladion wins, Tapu Fini makes an appearance, and our heroes wonder if it will listen to their request…