The BEST episodes of Pokémon season 18
Every episode of Pokémon season 18, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Pokémon season 18!
A young boy named Ash Ketchum embarks on a journey to become a "Pokemon Master" with his first Pokemon, Pikachu. Joining him on his travels are Brock, a girl-obsessed Rock Pokemon Trainer, and Misty, a tomboyish Water Pokemon Trainer who may have a crush on him. Ash and Co. end up traveling through various regions, including Kanto, the Orange Islands, and Johto, and then enter the Pokemon League competitions there. Along the way, they run into many confrontations with Jessie, James, and Meowth, a trio of Pokemon thieves who are apart of an evil organization called "Team Rocket". But everytime Team Rocket try to do their evil deeds, they fail thanks to Ash and his Pokemon.

#1 - Pushing the Fiery Envelope!
Season 18 - Episode 63 - Aired 2/22/2018
Ash challenges the greatest battle royal fighter with his Litten.
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#2 - A Young Royal Flame Ignites!
Season 18 - Episode 81 - Aired 7/5/2018
Another exciting Battle Royal is under way! It’s the Masked Royal versus the Revengers, a battle team known for their blatant rule-breaking.
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#3 - Showering the World with Love!
Season 18 - Episode 79 - Aired 6/14/2018
While visiting an observatory run by Sophocles's cousin, the classmates run into a new Pokémon, Minior, that makes a connection with Ash's Poipole.
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#4 - Rescuing the Unwilling!
Season 18 - Episode 53 - Aired 12/7/2017
Our heroes have made it through the Ultra Wormhole, but when they find the captured Lusamine, they’re shocked to find she wants nothing to do with them! With an Ultra Beast controlling her mind, it’s up to Lillie, Ash, and friends to rescue her. Their Pokémon spring into action—but so do Lusamine’s Pokémon, who are also under the Ultra Beast’s control. Lillie gathers her courage and reaches out to Clefable, recounting the fun they had together in years past. Her reassuring persistence pays off, and Clefable breaks free of the Ultra Beast’s control. Meanwhile, riding on Solgaleo’s back, Ash presses on to find Lusamine—and the Ultra Beast.
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#5 - A Guardian Rematch
Season 18 - Episode 19 - Aired 3/23/2017
Ash really wants to have a rematch against Tapu Koko, but he’s not sure about his strategy. Sophocles, who studies Electric-type Pokémon, offers to help! After some research and training at Sophocles Lab, Ash and Pikachu are ready for battle, and so is Tapu Koko.
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#6 - One Journey Ends, Another Begins...
Season 18 - Episode 21 - Aired 4/6/2017
After stealing his groceries again, the wild Litten comes to Ash for help when its friend Stoutland starts to have trouble breathing. Ash struggles to get it to the Pokémon Center...but Stoutland is old, and there’s not much Nurse Joy can do.
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#7 - When Regions Collide!
Season 18 - Episode 43 - Aired 9/21/2017
Our heroes visit the Cerulean Gym, where the Alola students get their first taste of a Gym battle! Mallow and Lana challenge Misty, who praises their battle instincts after her victory. Next, Sophocles and Lillie face Brock and his Geodude—and Sophocles forgets that the Kanto Geodude is a Ground type, so his Electric-type moves won’t work!
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#9 - A Battle Hand-Off!
Season 18 - Episode 76 - Aired 5/24/2018
Ash has been training hard, preparing for his rematch against Nanu on Ula’ula Island. But when he tells the kahuna he’s ready, Nanu has another idea. Team Rocket has just come looking for the Twerp so Mimikyu can try out its new Z-Move against Pikachu, so Nanu sends him out to battle them instead!
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#10 - Don't Ignore the Small Stufful!
Season 18 - Episode 96 - Aired 11/11/2018
Ash heads to Aether Paradise to deliver the lunches Professor Burnet and Munchlax forgot at home, and he and Lillie enjoy seeing the Pokémon there. But Team Rocket is there, too, plotting to steal Pokémon while in disguise as Aether Paradise employees. When one of the Pokémon from the conservation area, an adorable Stufful, goes missing, everyone suspects Team Rocket of foul play. But Stufful refuses to leave Team Rocket’s side, and when Bewear appears to whisk them away, everyone learns that Bewear and Stufful are family! This time, Team Rocket’s exit includes a new member of the group: Stufful!
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#11 - Guiding an Awakening!
Season 18 - Episode 77 - Aired 5/31/2018
Ash’s grand trial on Ula’ula Island is in full swing, and the kahuna has lots of twists and turns in store for the battle!
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#12 - Not Caving Under Pressure!
Season 18 - Episode 80 - Aired 6/28/2018
On their way to the ferry back to Melemele Island, our heroes take a shortcut through a cave. They find an area filled with luminescent moss, and Kiawe’s overexcited Marowak starts a commotion that separates everyone into groups.
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#13 - All They Want to Do is Dance Dance!
Season 18 - Episode 82 - Aired 7/19/2018
Professor Kukui has a new assignment for his class: teaching their Pokémon to dance! The students have lots of ideas—and varying degrees of success. While Mallow and Steenee are learning the traditional Alola Hula from Anela in the market, Team Rocket spies on them and makes a plan to crash the performance.
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#14 - The Shape of Love to Come!
Season 18 - Episode 84 - Aired 8/2/2018
While out shopping, Ash meets a talented artist named Mina, whose partner Ribombee has an amazing power: it can tell what people and Pokémon are feeling!
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#15 - The Long Vault Home!
Season 18 - Episode 85 - Aired 8/9/2018
While practicing their vaulting skills during gym class, Ash and friends compete to see who can jump the highest. The next day, an Ultra Beast named Stakataka appears in Alola—and our heroes initially mistake it for a giant vaulting challenge!
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#16 - I Choose Paradise!
Season 18 - Episode 86 - Aired 8/16/2018
The Ultra Guardians are beside themselves with excitement, as Lusamine has booked them a day at the Pokémon Paradise Resort—and the hardworking Ride Pokémon are tagging along, too!
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#17 - Filling the Light with Darkness!
Season 18 - Episode 87 - Aired 8/23/2018
One morning, as a mysterious cloudy weather covers Alola, Ash notices that Professors Kukui and Burnet are feeling listless. Once he gets to the Pokémon School, he talks with his classmates, and it appears their mothers and fathers are feeling the same way. The Ultra Guardians are dispatched in order to investigate this mystery, but then a new member of the team appears.
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#18 - Full Moon and Many Arms!
Season 18 - Episode 88 - Aired 8/30/2018
The Ultra Guardians spring into action to protect Lunala from the mysterious creature who has chased it through the Ultra Wormhole!
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#19 - The Prism Between Light and Darkness!
Season 18 - Episode 89 - Aired 9/6/2018
After absorbing Solgaleo, UB Black retreated into an Ultra Wormhole, but the Ultra Guardians are not far behind! Inside the Ultra Wormhole, they discover Poipole’s original home—an incredible world teeming with other Poipole, but everything is shrouded in darkness.
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#20 - Securing the Future!
Season 18 - Episode 90 - Aired 9/13/2018
The Ultra Guardians, along with Faba and Professor Kukui, are attempting to return The Blinding One to its original form! As Necrozma in its “UB Black” form, it’s holding Solgaleo captive and threatening Poipole’s home world. Our heroes have been attempting to “feed” Necrozma with Z-Power to restore its light, but it’s not enough. That’s when the people of Alola band together to send their own power to Necrozma—and it works! The Blinding One is restored, and Solgaleo is released. Poipole’s world is renewed, too, and Poipole decides to stay behind to protect it. As a goodbye present, it draws a loving portrait of Ash and Pikachu!
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#21 - Lillier and the Staff!
Season 18 - Episode 93 - Aired 10/21/2018
Today is the sole performance of the Pokémon School play, and everyone’s so excited! Lillie stars as Lillier, a brave adventurer who is charged with restoring Alola’s lost energy using a staff imbued with the power of Legendary Pokémon. But Act Two takes an unexpected turn, as Jessie, in disguise as Jessa Bergère, crashes the performance to steal the spotlight for herself! After some confusion, Rotom Dex writes a magnificent new script on the fly, bringing the crowd (including Ash’s mom) to applause for a job well done!
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#22 - A Haunted House for Everyone!
Season 18 - Episode 94 - Aired 10/28/2018
Harper and Sarah are determined to visit a haunted house, but when our heroes are stumped as to where to find one, Acerola suggests they create their own! At first, Shuppet and Mimikins provide ghostly entertainment for the twins, but then several other Ghost-type Pokémon join in on the fun. Everyone gets caught up in what looks like a scary dream, but when Komala strikes the Pokémon School bell, they all wake up and breathe a sigh of relief! Still, Lana is not amused with her sisters’ rambunctious behavior…
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#23 - Sparking Confusion!
Season 18 - Episode 95 - Aired 11/4/2018
The Ultra Guardians have been summoned to investigate unusual magnetic activity around Wela Volcano, where they discover a group of Alolan Geodude and Alolan Graveler munching on Spark Stones. But our heroes also find a group of rock hunters who are after the Spark Stones for themselves. The Ultra Guardians spring into action…but so does an enraged Alolan Golem, who sends the rock hunters packing! Thanks to the efforts of Sophocles’s friend Metang, the Golem eventually calms down—and it happily joins a group of Hikers who promise to keep watch over the volcano!
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#24 - No Stone Unturned!
Season 18 - Episode 97 - Aired 11/18/2018
Hau and his partner Dartrix are training hard for the island challenge when they have a run-in with Ash and Rowlet. When Ash learns that Hau’s grandfather is Kahuna Hala, he challenges his new friend to a battle! Dartrix wins easily, but Rowlet is fired up, and at a suggestion from Professor Burnet, Ash decides to teach it a new move. Returning to the woods where they first met, they encounter Trumbeak and Toucannon, who try to teach Rowlet to use Bullet Seed. That isn’t a move Rowlet can learn, but with determination, it does master Seed Bomb (after swallowing an Everstone)—and in the rematch, Rowlet emerges victorious!
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#25 - Night of a Thousand Poses!
Season 18 - Episode 48 - Aired 11/2/2017
Our heroes are having a sleepover at Professor Kukui’s house, and Professor Burnet agrees to join them! Everyone has a good time, but there are a couple of hiccups: during a game of Z-Move poses, Kiawe accidentally unleashes Turtonator’s Inferno Overdrive in the living room, and then Professor Burnet’s Munchlax eats everything she cooked for dinner!
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