The WORST episodes of Game Two

Every episode of Game Two ever, ranked from worst to best by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The worst episodes of Game Two!

At Game Two we show our love for video games in a charmingly stupid way: Up-to-date game reviews, gaming news, a lot of humor and a good pinch of bashing & cardboard - whether for full-blooded gamers, casual gamers or noobs. Game Two is a gaming show, information from the gaming cosmos & comedy. Packed into three entertaining videos per week. Be there when we test games, discuss gaming news with you and once again don't take ourselves too seriously. We are the Rocket Beans. Regardless of PC, PlayStation, Xbox or Switch - in the German games scene you can't get around the Rocket Beans. Sofia, Lara Loft, Simon, Budi, Etienne and Nils are waiting for you with a gaming experience of a different kind. Since 18.11.2016, Game Two has been part of the funk offering. funk is a joint offering of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (ARD) and Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF).

Last Updated: 1/4/2025Network: YouTubeStatus: Continuing
0 votes

#1 -

Season 8 - Episode 16 - Aired 5/1/2020

Hogwarts Legacy: unser Review + die Debatte um J.K. Rowling | GAME TWO #280
2 votes

#2 - Hogwarts Legacy: unser Review + die Debatte um J.K. Rowling | GAME TWO #280

Season 11 - Episode 27 - Aired 2/18/2023

We know the topics of Hogwarts Legacy, J.K. Rowling, boycotts, and trans hostility have been the subject of heated discussion in many places just lately.

Metaphor: ReFantazio, Silent Hill 2, Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero | GAME TWO #351
3 votes

#3 - Metaphor: ReFantazio, Silent Hill 2, Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero | GAME TWO #351

Season 13 - Episode 9 - Aired 10/19/2024

Game Two is back on YouTube! After our horror special last week, which can be seen exclusively in the media library, we're now putting such experiments on hold for a while and making a normal show again! And we have some catching up to do. For example, SILENT HILL 2, the remake that brings back an absolute horror classic from the PlayStation 2. You've also been asking for something about DRAGON BALL: SPARKING! ZERO and our Budokai Tenkaichi fan Dennis has finally taken a closer look at the sequel in his mind. Finally, we have something for Persona fans: METAPHOR: REFANTAZIO from Atlus brings new fodder for fans of the popular JRPG series. And although this time it's set in a fantasy world instead of a high school in Tokyo, all fans should get their money's worth here.

Warhammer 40000: Space Marine 2, Astro Bot, WoW: The War Within | GAME TWO #346
2 votes

#4 - Warhammer 40000: Space Marine 2, Astro Bot, WoW: The War Within | GAME TWO #346

Season 13 - Episode 4 - Aired 9/14/2024

A fat universe in which soldiers with fat armor fight fat aliens: WARHAMMER 40000: SPACE MARINE 2 continues the story of Ultramarine Titus and relies on many familiar elements. Third-person shooting, a campaign with (hopefully) exciting twists and turns and, of course, the co-op mode. The next topic of the show has a similarly large universe to offer: WORLD OF WARCRAFT. The MMO, which is now 20 years old, is still not a thing of the past and has been given an expansion with THE WAR WITHIN, which lets you explore the interior of Azeroth. ASTRO BOT is also exciting, albeit in a completely different way. After Crash Bandicoot, Nathan Drake, Sackboy and many other faces, the little robot from Team Asobi has become the PlayStation mascot of our hearts.

Ostwind (!), Dug Up: Final Fantasy 9, Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D | GAME TWO #341
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#5 - Ostwind (!), Dug Up: Final Fantasy 9, Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D | GAME TWO #341

Season 12 - Episode 41 - Aired 7/6/2024

It's not our fault either. You actually want to do a review of Flintlock on the show and then the game is so... normal and comes out shortly after Elden Ring, which somehow makes it even less attractive. Well, and what else? We're slowly entering the summer slump, because there aren't really many alternatives. But we wouldn't be Game Two if we didn't make a virtue of it and use the time to cover a topic that we would otherwise leave out: EASTWIND: THE BEGINNING OF A WONDERFUL FRIENDSHIP REMASTERED. Yes, why not? Chris shows in his EXCAVATION why he thinks FINAL FANTASY IX is the best Final Fantasy in the series and really deserves a remake. And because DRAGON QUEST III has already been remade, Markus takes a look at the preview version and checks whether Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake has a few other new features to offer besides a complicated name.

Twitch Hype: Content Warning, Opinion: No more hand-holding, Under the Radar | Game Two #329
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#6 - Twitch Hype: Content Warning, Opinion: No more hand-holding, Under the Radar | Game Two #329

Season 12 - Episode 29 - Aired 4/13/2024

CONTENT WARNING is currently going viral on Twitch. And that's funny, because the game itself is also about going viral. We gave the hype game a try. It's been far too long since we've had a post where Basti sits somewhere and talks into the camera. That's over now! In his column "Less mechanics, more feeling!", he calls for video games to have less hand-holding and let players explore for themselves how the game world works. In UNTER DEM RADAR, we have once again compiled the best indie games of recent times. Included this time are: SECRETS OF GRINDEA, PEPPER GRINDER, BERSERK BOY, SOLIUM INFERNUM, CHILDREN OF THE SUN, ENDER MAGNOLIA: BLOOM IN THE MIST, INKBOUND and BULWARK: FALCONEER CHRONICLES.

Game Awards 2023, Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader, Unearthed: Silent Hill 2 | GAME TWO #316
1 votes

#7 - Game Awards 2023, Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader, Unearthed: Silent Hill 2 | GAME TWO #316

Season 12 - Episode 16 - Aired 12/9/2023

"The Oscars of video games" - that's what the Game Awards are called by and with Geoff Keighley, but they are even more than that. In addition to the Game of the Year and various other categories, which Baldur's Gate 3, Alan Wake 2 and Mario Wonder divide among themselves, many trailers and gameplay of future games are also shown and new games are announced. Those who like Warhammer 40k and enjoy playing role-playing games in the style of Baldur's Gate have so far been left out in the cold. Despite the flood of Warhammer games, there hasn't been a real CRPG yet. This is now changing with WARHAMMER 40K: ROGUE TRADER and Kuro has taken a look to see if it's worth it. There's also a new edition of our "Excavated" column, but this time in a special version. Esther digs up the horror classic SILENT HILL 2, but has never played the game before.

3 votes

#8 - Kingdom Hearts 3, The Division 2, Ace Combat 7

Season 6 - Episode 5 - Aired 2/8/2019

Die KINGDOM HEARTS-Reihe ist ein Phänomen: Seit etwa 17 Jahren lässt der Mix aus FINAL FANTASY-Welten und weltberühmten Disney-Lizenzen Fanherzen höher schlagen. Kritiker schütteln angesichts der komplizierten Storyverflechtungen die Köpfe. Mit dem nach offizieller Rechnung dritten Teil will Square Enix die mega komplexe Geschichte um Sora und die Herzlosen nun zu einem versöhnlichen Ende bringen. Ob's geklappt hat, verrät Markus. Trant hat sich derweil tiefe Einblicke in THE DIVISION 2 gegönnt: der Squad-Shooter will alles besser machen als sein Vorgänger - ein ambitioniertes Unterfangen. Mit ACE COMBAT 7 bringt zudem Bandai Namco seine altehrwürdige Flug-Action-Serie zurück zu alter Stärke. Zumindest Pilotenanwärter Micha konnten seine feuchten TOP GUN-Träume im virtuellen Himmel voll ausleben.

4 votes

#9 - Hitman, Walking Dead und mehr!

Season 5 - Episode 18 - Aired 11/16/2018

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#10 - Sommerspezial: The Crew 2, Mario Tennis Aces, Mothergunship, Earthfall & mehr

Season 5 - Episode 1 - Aired 7/20/2018

Ahoi, ihr Gamerinnen und Gamer! Nach unserer Kreuzfahrt auf dem Sommerpausenozean nimmt die GAME TWO wieder Kurs Richtung kritisch-kreative Spielberichterstattung. Und weil uns in den vergangenen Wochen des Müßiggangs doch einige potenzielle Perlen durch die faulen Finger geflutscht sind, haben wir die Netze ausgeworfen - und kehren mit fetter Beute zurück. Mit dabei sind unter anderem THE CREW 2, MARIO TENNIS ACES, die brandneuen Versionen von CRASH BANDICOOT N.SANE TRILOGY für PC, Xbox One sowie Switch, MOTHERGUNSHIP, EARTHFALL, CAPTAIN TOAD: TREASURE TRACKER, THE AWESOME ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN SPIRIT und einiges mehr.

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#11 - Vampyr, Jurassic World Evolution, Kolumne: Mit Achievements zum Glück

Season 4 - Episode 21 - Aired 6/8/2018

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#12 -

Season 4 - Episode 10 - Aired 3/16/2018

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6 votes

#13 -

Season 2 - Episode 5 - Aired 3/24/2017

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5 votes

#14 - Resident Evil 2, Metro Exodus, Ashen, New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe

Season 6 - Episode 4 - Aired 2/1/2019

Das Remake von RESIDENT EVIL 2 fährt aktuell international Bestwertungen ein und verkauft sich wie geschnitten Brot. Heute klärt Sebastian, ob Capcoms Neuinterpretation tatsächlich so geil ist, wie alle sagen. Und ob die im Kern 20 Jahre alte Zombiehatz auch neue Fans begeistern dürfte. Ein paar Wochen vor Release haben wir uns zudem in der Endzeitödnis von METRO EXODUS rumgetrieben. Wie sich das Ganze bislang spielt und was Buchautor Dmitri Gluchowski über die kommende Adaption zu sagen hat, hat Christoph für euch herausgefunden. Und weil UNTER DEM RADAR in den letzten Wochen auch noch jede Menge los war, hat Trant den Perlentaucher gemacht und verrät, welche Games-Veröffentlichungen einen Blick wert sein könnten. Mit dabei u.a. NEW SUPER MARIO BROS. U DELUXE, ASHEN, MONSTERBOY AND THE CURSED KINGDOM, TRAVIS STRIKES AGAIN: NO MORE HEROES, ONIMUSHA WARLORDS, GENESIS ALPHA ONE, VANE, MY TIME AT PORTIA, EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 5, THE HONG KONG MASSACRE.

X-MAS-Special - Need for Speed Unbound, Chained Echoes | GAME TWO #275
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#15 - X-MAS-Special - Need for Speed Unbound, Chained Echoes | GAME TWO #275

Season 11 - Episode 22 - Aired 12/17/2022

It's Christmas at Game Two! At least a little bit. Because while in the last years we always had to resort to clumsy Christmas themes, this year there are even NEW GAMES in the Christmas episode!!!! And not just any games, but a real contender for the title Game of the Year: CHAINED ECHOES comes from Deck13, but was mostly developed by a single developer. And the result is really something to be proud of! NEED FOR SPEED UNBOUND is also worth a look, because the biggest innovation here is the new graphic style. Whether the rest of the game is also new and fresh, John will tell you in his review. And because Christmas is coming soon, we didn't miss the chance to look back at the year 2022.

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Cult of the Lamb, Two Point Campus, Solstice | GAME TWO #257
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#16 - Cult of the Lamb, Two Point Campus, Solstice | GAME TWO #257

Season 11 - Episode 4 - Aired 8/13/2022

Have you ever wanted to know what it feels like to lead a demonic cult? Then CULT OF THE LAMB might be just the right game for you. Esther has been trying her hand as the new cult leader for a week and apparently finds being worshipped 24/7 quite good. And the game is released for PC and Mac, as well as Playstation 4 and 5, Xbox Series and Xbox One - meaning no matter what you have at home, your demonic fantasies should be able to be satisfied. Chris, on the other hand, has taken a more academic gaming career path. He's the new dean at TWO POINT CAMPUS, the successor to Two Point Hospital, which has also been getting very good reviews. And in the news, John took a look at SOLSTICE, a slasher in the style of Bayonetta and Devil May Cry that combines an anime look with a realistic setting.

Lego Star Wars: Die Skywalker Saga, Weird West, Mario Kart 8 Booster-Pass | GAME TWO #244
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#17 - Lego Star Wars: Die Skywalker Saga, Weird West, Mario Kart 8 Booster-Pass | GAME TWO #244

Season 10 - Episode 34 - Aired 4/9/2022

You want to see the story of Star Wars from a different perspective? Maybe even a BETTER one? Then Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga might be something for you. The likeable brick simulation brings the story of Star Wars Episode 1-9 in its usual fun style to Playstation 4 & 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series, Nintendo Switch and PC. In our review, you can find out whether it's really worth giving the Skywalker saga another chance. Kuro also played the action RPG WEIRD WEST. The weird mix of Western and Dark Fantasy comes from WolfEye Studios, which was founded by the former head of Arcane, the studio behind the Dishonored parts. The gameplay is said to be reminiscent of the first two Fallout parts and also relies on a top-down perspective and a complex story with decision-making options. In the NEWS, Sarah also gives you a sneak peek at the new Mario Kart 8 DLC that was recently released.

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, Have a nice Death, Far: Changing Tides uvm. | GAME TWO #243
3 votes

#18 - Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, Have a nice Death, Far: Changing Tides uvm. | GAME TWO #243

Season 10 - Episode 33 - Aired 4/2/2022

Fancy a round of Borderlands again? Then you should take a look at TINY TINA'S WONDERLANDS. The sequel to the DLC of Borderlands 2 "Tiny Tina's Storm on the Dragon Fortress" transports you into the Pen & Paper "Bunkers & Badasses", which had its origin in Borderlands, but is now even available in reality. If looting & leveling is not your thing, we also have a whole bunch of other great games for you at "Under the Radar": First, we catch up on our review of Total War: Warhammer 3. The PC strategy monster offers huge battles and explores new lore realms of the Warhammer universe, but it also has its weaknesses. Also on the show: HAVE A NICE DEATH, FAR: CHANGING TIDES, SYBERIA: THE WORLD BEFORE, WILL YOU SNAIL, and more....

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Horizon Forbidden West, SIFU | GAME TWO #237
3 votes

#19 - Horizon Forbidden West, SIFU | GAME TWO #237

Season 10 - Episode 27 - Aired 2/19/2022

People clean your glasses! HORIZON: FORBIDDEN WEST is here, the graphics smash hit for Playstation 4 and 5. The game from Guerilla Games is one of the most anticipated exclusive titles on the PS5 and must therefore meet high expectations. Whether the sequel can keep up with the popular first part Horizon Zero Dawn, Chris tells you in the review. In the news, Krogi has a small preview of the next-gen upgrade of CYBERPUNK 2077 for you. The update was surprisingly announced recently and should not only bring graphical improvements but also revise the gameplay. Finally, Sarah fought her way through the martial arts rouge light SIFU. The brawler from Studio Sloclap is tough but at least as stylish. So close your eyes, clench your fists and go for it!

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#20 - FIFA 19, PES 19, Valkyria Chronicles 4, die Zukunft der Story-Spiele

Season 5 - Episode 11 - Aired 9/28/2018

Wir laufen uns warm für die aufbrausende Blockbuster-Welle. Wie mittlerweile jahrelange Tradition treten im August und September die Bolzplatz-Duellanten FIFA 19 und PES 19 gegeneinander an. Der gegenüberstellende Test unsererseits hat zwar noch nicht ganz so lange Tradition, trotzdem ist er nicht weniger wichtig. Kollege Christoph verrät euch, ob euch der digitale Fußballgott dieses Jahr wieder hold ist. Das Strategie-Rollenspiel VALKYRIA CHRONICLES 4 möchte die Fehltritte von Teil 2 und 3 vergessen machen und am Kultstatus vom Erstling aus 2008 anknüpfen. Ob der japanischen Mixtur aus Kriegsdramatik und Anime-Kitsch das gelingt, verrät euch Tim. Passend zum baldigen Aus von Fließband-Studio Telltale Games wirft Sebastian einen kritischen Blick auf interaktive Story-Spiele. Wo der Schuh derzeit drückt und die Reise für LIFE IS STRANGE, THE WALKING DEAD und Co. hingehen könnte, verrät er euch in seiner neuen Kolumne. Jetzt aber genug getippt, Zeit für’s Wochenende! Die GAME-TWO-Crew wünscht euch viel Spaß!

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#21 - Gamescom 2018 XXL: Die 30 spannendsten Spiele

Season 5 - Episode 6 - Aired 8/26/2018

Auch dieses Jahr steppte während der größten Spielemesse der Welt in Köln wieder ordentlich der Gaming-Bär. Entsprechend waren wir nicht faul und haben die Hallen nach den interessantesten Perlen und Perlchen durchforstet. Dabei herausgekommen ist der extra dicke erste Teil unseres Gamescom-Specials, der euch im zackigen Schnelldurchlauf einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Titel verschafft. Nächste Woche geht's dann bei der Creme de la Creme noch tiefer ins Details. Bereit für das Suchmaschinen-optimierte Keyword-Gewitter? Dann geht's los: SEKIRO: SHADOWS DIE TWICE, CYBERPUNK 2077, METRO EXODUS, DYING LIGHT 2, THE SURGE 2, DEVIL MAY CRY V, RESIDENT EVIL 2, LIFE IS STRANGE 2, MAN OF MEDAN, SUPER SMASH BROS, SUPER MARIO PARTY, DIE SIEDLER, TRANSFERENCE, TRIALS RISING, WOLFENSTEIN CYBERPILOT VR, GRIS, STARLINK BATTLE FOR ATLAS, TUNIC, GENERATION ZERO, BELOW, KINGDOM HEARTS III, THE QUIET MAN, DARKSIDERS 3, BIOMUTANT, KINGDOM: TWO CROWNS, X4 FOUNDATIONS, SPYRO THE REIGNITED TRILOGY und noch mehr.

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#22 - E3-Roundup 2018 XXL: So viele geile Spiele gab's noch nie!

Season 4 - Episode 22 - Aired 6/15/2018

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3 votes

#23 -

Season 4 - Episode 14 - Aired 4/20/2018

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#24 - Wolfenstein 2, Xbox One X, Shadow Hearts: Covenant

Season 3 - Episode 12 - Aired 11/10/2017

Herzlich willkommen zu einer weiteren, brutal guten Folge Game Two. Tim widmet sich der alternativen Nachkriegsrealität von WOLFENSTEIN 2: THE NEW COLOSSUS und verrät, wie gut der kreative Mix aus bluttriefendem Geballer und zynischer Satire gelungen ist. Derweil hat sich Trant Microsofts neuestes Konsolenupdate, die XBOX ONE X auf den Zahn gelegt - ist das potente Kraftpaket seine 500 Euro wert? Sebastian wiederum legt den Rückwärtsgang ein und reist in seine Jugendjahre. Da war SHADOW HEARTS: COVENANT für den blonden Barträger ein Highlight im JRPG-Einerlei. Warum das eigenwillige Rollenspiel mit Horroreinschlag auch heute noch einen Blick wert ist, erfahrt ihr bei AUSGEGRABEN. Viel Spaß wünscht die gesamte Crew!

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E-Sports Olympics, Kuros Kur(i)osities, Atlas Fallen | GAME TWO #292
2 votes

#25 - E-Sports Olympics, Kuros Kur(i)osities, Atlas Fallen | GAME TWO #292

Season 11 - Episode 39 - Aired 5/20/2023

FORTNITE at the Olympic Games? What sounds like a bad joke will actually come true at the OLYMPIC ESPORTS SERIES 2023. But it's about to get even more bizarre. Because with Tik Tak Bow, Virtual Regatta, Gran Turismo or Just Dance, the lineup of disciplines for the Olympic e-sports games is pretty curious. Mark has subjected the whole thing to a scrutinizing look. The games Kuro has picked out for his review are similarly abstruse. It gets weird. It will be strange, but it will also be entertaining. Among them: WHAT THE CAR?, HUMANITY and SUPER BUNNY MAN. The most normal thing about this show is Trant. Well, rather his contribution. Because his preview is about ATLAS FALLEN, the new game from developer Deck13 from Frankfurt, who now belong to Focus Interaktive.