The WORST episodes of Fraggle Rock
Every episode of Fraggle Rock ever, ranked from worst to best by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The worst episodes of Fraggle Rock!
Somewhere in the world, there is a workshop owned by a an inventor named Doc and his Dog, Sprocket. While Doc spends his days coming up with new ideas, Sprocket is peering into a large hole in the baseboard. He knows that something lives behind the wall. Through the hole and down the tunnel, hidden from everyday reality, are brightly lit caves filled with wonderful creatures. This land, bound together by Magic, is called Fraggle Rock. The most notable of the creatures who inhabit this beautiful place are the Fraggles. Fraggles are furry, have tails, and come in all sorts of colors. The Fraggles spend their days laughing, splashing, running, singing, playing games, and telling jokes. They live by a simple care-free code.

#1 - Uncle Travelling Matt Comes Home
Season 2 - Episode 5 - Aired 1/30/1984
Gobo's Uncle Travelling Matt comes home, but friction between them makes it a less than happy reunion.

#2 - Red's Blue Dragon
Season 4 - Episode 10 - Aired 3/10/1986
Red's been playing "Princess Gwenelot and the Evil Dragon" lately, and when Gobo tells her she needs to grow up and stop playing make-believe, she happens upon the T. Matthew Fraggle Room, the cavern with the dozens of tunnels that lead to different places in "Outer Space." But when she accidentally spots a huge, blue dragon, it gets lost in Fraggle Rock. She tries to convince Gobo and Uncle Matt about the dragon, but they just think she's played make-believe too much, so it's up to Red to make things right.

#3 - All Work and All Play
Season 2 - Episode 8 - Aired 2/20/1984
Cotterpin Doozer doesn't want to get her helmet and become a full-fledged Doozer worker. She wants to be a Fraggle!

#4 - Boober Rock
Season 2 - Episode 2 - Aired 1/9/1984
Boober's had enough of the noise of Fraggle Rock, so he moves to the Caves of Boredom.

#5 - Uncle Matt's Discovery
Season 4 - Episode 4 - Aired 1/27/1986
Uncle Matt's coming back home again, and this time when he shows up, he hides under the party table in Gobo's room to avoid what he calls "Face Erasers." Red pokes fun at Matt's cowardice, even when he says it was a joke. Gobo gets upset that Matt won't admit his fear, so Matt goes exploring by himself. When Wembley convinces Gobo to go after him, they find a scary wooden statue of a Fraggle. When Matt accidentally hits it, they both fall through the floor and happen upon a whole new cavern with dozens of tunnels. And when you hit the arch to the tunnel, you get sucked into another region of "Outer Space", thus providing new places for Gobo and Uncle Matt to explore.

#6 - Boober's Dream
Season 2 - Episode 6 - Aired 2/6/1984
Boober's fun side (his Sidebottom) wants to play!

#7 - We Love You Wembley
Season 1 - Episode 13 - Aired 4/4/1983
Everybody wants Wembley to do something for them, except a Fraggle named Lou, who likes Wembley just for who he is.

#8 - The Secret Society of Poohbahs
Season 3 - Episode 10 - Aired 3/4/1985
Mokey is thrilled and over-anxious when asked to join the Secret Society of Poohbahs, but Red thinks she's taking it too seriously.

#9 - The Battle of Leaking Roof
Season 3 - Episode 16 - Aired 4/15/1985
Ma wants Pa Gorg to fix the hole in the roof before the storm comes, but Pa is afraid of heights (though he won't admit it).

#10 - Sidebottom Blues
Season 4 - Episode 3 - Aired 1/20/1986
When Boober shows Wembley all of his ointments and medicines, Wembley thinks Boober doesn't have enough fun, and invites him to the garden to play Follow the Leader with the rest of their friends. First Boober accepts, but then he overhears Gobo talking about Boober being a big goof (when really, Gobo's referring to Junior), he gets upset and very hurt, and decides to let Sidebottom out and turns into "Dr. Fun." The other Fraggles worry that Boober's going too far, but when Boober hypnotizes Junior into thinking he's a Fraggle, the fun begins. Then Wembley starts to have an allergic reaction to the Bonkleberry stew, and the situation becomes problematic, and it's time for Dr. Fun to step aside before it's too late.

#11 - Wembley's Flight
Season 4 - Episode 9 - Aired 3/3/1986
When Wembley rescues a Spider Fly from a Snare Blossom, the fly turns into a strange old creature that will grant Wembley any wish he wants to for setting him free. Wembley decides he wants to fly, so the creature gives him the ability, but Wembley's only allowed to fly three times. He uses his first time up almost immediately, but then he goes to find his friends to show them his new ability. Wembley's story isn't quite believable to his friends, which upsets Wembley because everyone else gets to show off what they're good at. He decides he's going to fly for the Fraggles who will believe him... so he seeks out Feeny, Marlon, and Large Marvin to show them his flying abilities. But Gobo, Mokey and Red stop him from doing so because they believe he'll just hurt himself. Finally, he decides that showing off for his friends isn't what he wanted the flying abilities for; he wanted to fly just to fly.

#12 - Sprocket's Big Adventure
Season 4 - Episode 1 - Aired 1/6/1986
Doc still doesn't believe Sprocket when he says there's furry creatures behind the hole in the workshop. So Sprocket finally makes his way into Fraggle Rock to find Gobo, and causes all kinds of mayhem. When he runs into the Doozers, the Doozers hire him to knock down all their buildings so they can rebuild. But Boober seems to be allergic to Sprocket, so when the Fraggles find out the Hairy Monster is in Fraggle Rock, they use Boober to find him. Sprocket finds his way out into the Gorg's Garden, and even meets the Trash Heap. But when Gobo gets caught by Junior, Sprocket and Gobo must work together to get Junior to let him go, so Gobo can take Sprocket back home.
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#13 - The Minstrels
Season 1 - Episode 18 - Aired 5/9/1983
The Fraggles meet the band of traveling musicians known as The Minstrels, led by the mysterious and wise Cantus. Everyone must find their own song, but Red is having a lot of trouble with hers.

#14 - Boober's Quiet Day
Season 2 - Episode 23 - Aired 6/4/1984
Boober's relaxation is disturbed when his alter-ego Sidebottom shows up and puts some excitement in his day.

#15 - Wembley's Wonderful Whoopie Water
Season 4 - Episode 2 - Aired 1/13/1986
Wembley's got a special talent; he can hear water in the rock walls. But when Gobo and Red don't believe him, he sets out to prove he's right. When water finally breaks out, the Fraggles discover that this type of water is special. But when the water starts to cause rock quakes and Gobo falls into the cracks, is it finally time to shut down the fun?

#16 - Gobo's School for Explorers
Season 3 - Episode 12 - Aired 3/18/1985
Gobo decides to start a school for explorers. On their first journey, Gobo blindly follows Matt's instructions and ignores his own instincts, to the detriment of all.

#17 - A Cave of One's Own
Season 2 - Episode 20 - Aired 5/14/1984
Red and Mokey decide to find a cave and live together.

#18 - Red's Club
Season 2 - Episode 13 - Aired 3/26/1984
Red wants to be the leader, so she decides to start a club. When the idea takes off without her, Red finds herself with a club consisting of herself and Cotterpin Doozer.

#19 - The Incredible Shrinking Mokey
Season 3 - Episode 20 - Aired 5/13/1985
When Mokey befriends a magical creature named Begoony, she finds his demands on her to be too great.

#20 - The Great Radish Caper
Season 3 - Episode 14 - Aired 4/1/1985
Junior Gorg's only friend is a huge radish named Geraldine, a fact which he discovers thanks to Mokey.

#21 - Wembley's Egg
Season 2 - Episode 1 - Aired 1/2/1984
Wembley tries to take care of a baby Tree Creature when its egg falls down the well and into the Fraggle Pond.

#22 - The Garden Plot
Season 1 - Episode 20 - Aired 5/23/1983
Fraggle Rock is under attack from two sides when Sprocket tries to smash his way in, and Junior Gorg tries to pulverize it.

#23 - Space Frog Follies
Season 4 - Episode 12 - Aired 3/24/1986
Gobo's getting ready to have a surprise party for himself, but when Uncle Matt shows up and says he can't come to the party, Gobo gets upset. Meanwhile, Matt takes Wembley aside and shows him the present he got for Gobo; a space frog. Matt then tells him that he wants Wembley to watch over it until he gets back from "Outer Space" so he can collect flies for the frog to eat. So it's up to Wembley to keep the space frog a secret until Matt gets back, but he has a hard time doing so. But is keeping the space frog in a jar, as a pet, for the rest of his life really the best thing for him? It's up to Wembley to decide what's best for the space frog, even if it means upsetting his buddy.

#24 - Red-Handed and Invisible Thief
Season 3 - Episode 2 - Aired 1/7/1985
Someone has stolen Red's radish bars, and she's going to find the thief if it's the last thing she ever does!

#25 - Scared Silly
Season 3 - Episode 13 - Aired 3/25/1985
Boober is testing beluviouses (Fraggle tails, which flair out when a Fraggle is scared). Wembley wants to get even and scare Boober back, but things go too far... or do they?