The BEST episodes of Bear in the Big Blue House
Every episode of Bear in the Big Blue House ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Bear in the Big Blue House!
Bear and his friends live in the Big Blue House, where Bear helps his house-mates to solve everyday problems or learn new things.
#1 - What's in the Mail Today
Season 1 - Episode 9 - Aired 10/30/1997
One morning, Bear steps just outside the Big Blue House to check the mail. There's plenty of mail, but Pip and Pop are disappointed to learn there's none for them. Bear cheers them up by letting them deliver the mail to everyone and personally takes a letter to Tutter --- his first ever. It's from his Grandma Flutter and he's very pleased to receive it. Pip and Pop deliver a package to Treelo, which turns out to contain a feather. Tutter decides to write a letter back to his Grandma. Ojo also receives mail --- a postcard from her Uncle Koala. Shadow tells a story of a girl who wrote a letter, but lost it. Songs "What's in the Mail Today?" Dear Grandma Notes The first song in this episode, "What's in the Mail Today?" is Track 2 on the album More Songs from Jim Henson's Bear in the Big Blue House. The second, "Dear Grandma" is Track 4 on the album Songs from Jim Henson's Bear in the Big Blue House The first song is listed in the closing credits of the episodes without a question mark and the second is titled "Dear Grandma Flutter" in the credits. "What's in the Mail Today?" is sometimes heard in a shortened form in later episodes. The version on the album contains additional lyrics and a backup choir not heard on the TV version. There is no mention of Jeremiah Tortoise in this episode, but as the Woodland Valley mailman, he will become an important figure later in the series. This episode appears in most online listings with neither a comma nor a question mark in the title.
Watch Now:Amazon#2 - Why Bears Can't Fly
Season 1 - Episode 7 - Aired 10/28/1997
Pip and Pop invite Bear to the Otter Pond for a game of catch, but he keeps getting distracted by other events in the Big Blue House. Ojo and Treelo are pretending to fly and it gets Bear thinking about gravity and things that fly. When Ojo takes a fall and hurts herself, however, after trying to fly for real, Bear has to tell her that bears and kids can't fly, no matter how hard they try. He also helps Tutter to use gravity to get eggs into his mouse hole. In the Shadow segment, Shadow retells the story of Humpty Dumpty. Songs Gravity (Music and Lyrics by David Yazbek)
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#3 - A Strange Bird
Season 4 - Episode 18 - Aired 4/27/2006
One morning, Bear decides to visit the post office, knowing that Jeremiah can be slow in delivering the mail and wondering if anything's come. At the post office, he finds a two-week old postcard that reveals that a penguin named Puck from the South Pole is paying a visit to the Big Blue House --- today! Bear hurries home to greet Puck. Everyone there is eager to meet him, but the kids begin to worry when they find his food tastes and his behaviors somewhat odd. They try to play with him, but worry that they just don't understand him. Meanwhile, Tutter learns all about diversity at Mouse School. Songs It Takes All Kinds Notes The kids of the Big Blue House play the song "I Only Have Ice for You" for Puck. The title of this song is a spoof on the classic lounge song "I Only Have Eyes for You", as performed by Frank Sinatra. The song in this episode, "It Takes All Kinds," is Track 4 on the album Playhouse Disney 2.
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#4 - Volunteers of Woodland Valley
Season 4 - Episode 24 - Aired 4/24/2006
Bear plans to head out into Woodland Valley to do some volunteer work, but is sidelined when he trips and falls on a skateboard left out by Pip and Pop. His "extreme skateboarding" has left him with a sprained toe, as diagnosed by Doc Hogg. Pip and Pop, as well as Tutter, Treelo and Ojo want to help out Bear, so Doc Hogg suggests they do some volunteering in his place. At first they're not sure they can do anything to help, but agree after being encouraged by Doc Hogg and Bear. Doc Hogg drops off Tutter, Pip and Pop at the library and Ojo and Treelo off at the fire station. At the library, Tutter, Pip and Pop find that a lot of Bear's volunteering there involves heavy lifting, but decide that they can help out with storytime. As they read Little Bunnies on the Glen to a group of actual little bunnies, Ojo and Treelo try to help out at the fire station. They can't change the tires on the fire truck, Bessie, like Bear was going to, but they can help to clean it up. Songs Come on In Clean Up the Truck Notes This episode also appears in online listing as "Volunteers of the Woodland."
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#5 - Appreciation Day
Season 4 - Episode 13 - Aired 6/7/2003
It's an ordinary day at the Big Blue House, but Bear decides to check his calendar, wondering if there's anything special coming. He checks his calendar and finds that tomorrow is Teacher Appreciation Day. Wondering if Tutter and the other mice at Mouse School know, he decides to tell them before soccer practice. It turns out when he arrives that the mice were just in the middle of talking about how much they like Miss Maxwell. Bear decides to split them all into teams of two, and partners Tutter with Lily to make Miss Maxwell a gift. Tutter's not too sure about the arrangment at first, worrying that the shy and quiet Lily won't be very good at helping him to make Miss Maxwell a gift. Bear, however, persuades Tutter to give Lily a chance and things start coming together nicely. They write a poem for Miss Maxwell. There's another special appreciation surprise later on. In the Shadow segment, Shadow retells Aesop's Fable 'The Lion and the Mouse'. Songs That's "Appreciate" Notes Teacher Appreciation Day (also known as National Teacher Day) is celebrated on the first Tuesday of the first full week of May. Bear's calendar in this episode shows Teacher Appreciation Day on Tuesday, May 7th.
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#6 - Great Ball of Firefighters
Season 4 - Episode 21 - Aired 11/4/2002
Bear is in charge of refreshments for the Woodland Valley Firefighter's Ball and Otto and Etta Otter have come to the Big Blue House to help out. As Bear heads to Mouse School to pick up Tutter, they work with Treelo, Pip and Pop to get things ready. At Mouse School, Tutter finds out that the mice kids are planning to do a dance called "The Mumble Mambo" at the ball --- one with which he's not familiar at all. At the movie theater, Ojo watches a classic film with Doc Hogg and gets her own idea of just what a ball should be like. When it comes time for the actual ball, neither have a good time, until Bear helps them to see past their expectations. Songs The Mumble Mambo Go with an Open Mind The Firefighter's Cha Cha Cha Notes This is one of the set of "leftover" fourth season episodes that aired in 2006, four years after the rest of the season. There is no Shadow segment in this episode. Harry and Mama Duck attend the Firefighter's Ball, although neither have any lines in this episode. "The Firefighter's Cha-Cha-Cha," is a send-up of "The Bear Cha-Cha-Cha" heard in many episodes. It features the same music and many of the same lines, but others are changed to be firefighter-related.
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#7 - The Amazing Skippy
Season 4 - Episode 11 - Aired 9/30/2002
Treelo invites his squirrel friend Skippy for a visit to the Big Blue House and the kids are all excited to meet him. They are all surprised to learn that Skippy is blind and have a lot of questions for Bear while Treelo takes Skippy on a tour. They learn from Bear that Skippy has a disability, but isn't sick and that he likes to do many of the same things they do. As Skippy joins the kids during the day, they begin to wonder if he has special powers. He seems to know things that he seemingly couldn't know without some sort of special power. Skippy, however, teaches them that there's a lot one can tell by using all one's senses. Songs What's That Smell? Oh What a World It Can Be Notes The closing credits of this episode include the following note: "With special thanks to The American Council of the Blind for their generous participation." The song "What's That Smell?" returns for the fourth season. Allusions When everyone's wondering what's playing at the theater, Ojo suggests Take the Bunny and Run, a Woodsy Allen film. This is a riff on the Woody Allen film Take the Money and Run.
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#8 - Welcome to Woodland Valley - Part 1
Season 4 - Episode 1 - Aired 9/9/2002
In the first part of "Welcome to Woodland Valley," viewers learn that a tragic event has happened in Woodland Valley --- a tree has fallen and ruined part of the village library. Everyone's upset about it, but the entire Woodland Valley community is pulling together to help out. When the kids of the Big Blue House, including Harry, find out, they decide to help in their own way. Viewers explore more of Woodland Valley than they've ever seen before, visiting the library, the post office, the general store and the mouse school that Tutter will be attending, among other locations. Songs Welcome to Woodland Valley Woodland Valley No Harm Notes This episode was created partly as a response to the World Trade Center attacks of September 11, 2001. Though there is no reference to the specific events, the episode uses the theme of a building being destroyed and a community coming together. Beginning with this episode, the opening sequence, theme, and closing sequence are changed. The opening sequence and theme now take viewers on a short tour of Woodland Valley before finishing at the Big Blue House.
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#9 - Go To Sleep
Season 3 - Episode 24 - Aired 11/14/1999
Ojo is sleeping over at the Big Blue House. Bear helps get ready to go to bed, tucks her in and aids her in "surfing off to dreamland." Ojo falls fast asleep. Bear thinks of getting some sleep himself when he hears a knocking at the back-door. It turns out that Jeremiah Tortoise and Doc Hogg have arrived for an exciting card game of Go Fish. Jeremiah brought the cards --- special cards that actually contain pictures of fish --- but Bear hasn't even put out any snacks. He has totally forgotten that their game was scheduled for tonight, and now all the noise threatens to wake up both Tutter and Ojo. Sure enough, Tutter shows up, saying that he needs a drink of water. Bear tries to attend to Tutter's needs, while keeping his attention on the card game as well. Songs Next Stop Dreamland Shadow's Lullaby Notes Bear, Doc Hogg and Jeremiah Tortoise play Go Fish using cards featuring actual pictures of fish. Although the faces of the cards are never seen, the following fish are requested throughout the game --- trout, shark, salmon, seahorses and mud guppies. Additionally, Tutter suggests that Bear "go for the mackerel." Bear hums the song "Wipeout" after suggesting to Ojo that she surf off to Dreamland. "Shadow's Lullaby" is track 7 on the album More Songs from Jim Henson's Bear in the Big Blue House. "Next Stop Dreamland" is track 26 on the same album. Additionally, a short instrumental reprise of "Go to Bed, Sleepy Head" from Songs from Jim Henson's Bear in the Big Blue House can be heard towards the beginning of the episode.
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#10 - Read My Book
Season 3 - Episode 23 - Aired 11/13/1999
Bear is holding his weekly book club. He's excited that the mail has come because he ordered a new book and sure enough, there's a package waiting for him. However, when he opens the package, he finds that the book is called 1001 Ways to Cook Slop. This definitely isn't the book he ordered. A quick phone call to Jeremiah Tortoise reveals the mixup --- Bear must have received Doc Hogg's cookbook by mistake, while Doc Hogg got the book intended for Bear. He says that he'll get the problem taken care of as fast as he can. This leaves Bear with a bit of a dilemma, as he still needs a book to read for his club, but it could take a while for Jeremiah to bring the right book. Bear decides to search the Big Blue House for another book to read. As he goes about his search, he finds that everybody in the Big Blue House has ideas on books that he could read. Notes The books that Bear finds in the kitchen are titled "The Brothers Bearmazov" and "Jane Bear." Bear mentions that when he was little cub, he read a book called "Buck Antler: Deer in Space." This is a reference to Buck Rogers. Earl has an appearance in the book "Mouse the Great".
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#11 - The Yard Sale
Season 3 - Episode 21 - Aired 11/11/1999
Doc Hogg stops by the Big Blue House to collect for charity. He's collecting for muskrat relief following recent flooding that left many of them homeless. Bear is completely out of money, so Doc Hogg agrees to come back later. Bear and Ojo then find Tutter struggling to cram an excess of stuff into his mousehole, giving Ojo the idea for a yard sale. The idea takes off and Pip and Pop are assigned to be sales-otters. Treelo finds some things of his own to sell and Ojo helps out by painting pictures. Tutter, however, finds it difficult at first to part with some of his things. Songs A Million Nickels Notes Many of the shows most prevalent recurring guest-characters are present for the yard sale, including Otto and Etta Otter, Grandma Flutter, Jeremiah Tortoise, Lois, Harry, and Mama Duck. The characters exchange dollars and cents for their purchases in this episode. However, in the fourth-season episode "A Trip to the General Store," clams are used as Woodland Valley's official currency. Joey Mazzarino is credited as Joseph Mazzarino. Allusions Otto and Etta Otter pose in the style of the famous American Gothic for Ojo's painting. Doc Hogg states in this episode that he is the great imperial boar of the Woodland Valley chapter of the "Swiners." This is a reference the Shriners, an order of free masons known for their charitable works. The Imperial Potentate is the highest ranking Shriner in the world.
Watch Now:Amazon#12 - Let's Get Interactive
Season 3 - Episode 20 - Aired 11/10/1999
Doc Hogg is remodeling his office, so he asks Bear to hold some of his stuff at the Big Blue House for a while, including his computer. He also gives Bear permission to use it, so he shows Tutter and Ojo how it works. They learn that computers are interactive and that interactivity isn't something that can just be done with computers --- just doing something as simple as talking with someone is interacting. At first, they're reluctant to use the computer, but are soon having fun with it. As it turns out --- Pip and Pop already know about interactivity --- Pip shows Bear how much fun it is for him to interact with Pop, as opposed to something like a rock. Bear takes a crack at solving the daily puzzle, with the help of Treelo. In the Shadow segment, Shadow introduces the viewers to Gus, an "interactive shadow-dog" who's looking for his friend Gloria. Songs Good Morning (Shortened Version) The Bear Cha-Cha-Cha (Shortened Version) Notes At one point, Bear is looking for dirt, water and seeds to help solve a puzzle. He says "You know, these things would be a lot easier to find if we had a couple of guides to help us" and then Pip and Pop show up. Oddly, when he says this, closed-captioning reads "You know, these things would be a lot easier to find if we had a little blue dog to help us." This may have been intended as a reference to Blue's Clues a series featuring a blue dog named Blue who left three paw-printed shaped clues to solve puzzles not all that unsimilar to the one Bear was attempting to solve. Bear's peformer Noel MacNeal, as well as Peter Linz, are both puppeteers on the Blue's Clues spin-off program Blue's Room. Computers are a somewhat rare example of high technology in Woodland Valley. There is also a movie theater, although there are no known TVs. Back in the "When I'm Older" song in "Mouse Party," Tutter expresses an ambition to someday use a computer. However in this episode, like Ojo, he has no idea what a computer is until Bear tells

#13 - Bats Are People Too
Season 3 - Episode 18 - Aired 11/8/1999
As the viewer arrives, Bear decides to try something a little different --- he wants the viewer to sniff him! It turns out that Bear's idea may have been prophetic because some very different things are happening around the area of the Big Blue House. Pip and Pop were out playing by the Otter Pond when they found something they've never seen before --- something with wings hanging upside-down from a tree. Bear explains to them that it's a bat. He tries to tell them all about it, but they disappear in a flash. Bear returns to the Big Blue House, where Ojo and Tutter both express the same sentiment. They're scared of the bat and don't want to have anything to do with it. Things only get worse when they all sit down and talk about it. Bear, however, meets the bat, whose name is Benny, and asks everyone else to meet it too. They reluctantly agree and find that not only is he not like what they expected --- Treelo is already his friend! Songs We're All Different Bat Dance Notes There is no Shadow segment in this episode. The dog in the Shadow Projects logo in the closing credits shouts "Later!" in Tutter's voice.
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#14 - It's All About You
Season 3 - Episode 7 - Aired 10/26/1999
Tutter receives a postcard in the mail from his Uncle Jet Setter Tutter. He's a famous explorer, but he hasn't seen Tutter since he was just a baby mouse. He wants Tutter to write back and tell him all about himself. Tutter's worried that he'll have nothing to say, but Bear helps him to see that there's a lot that's unique about him. He also talks with Pip and Pop, who have noticed that they're not quite as alike as they thought. Bear tells them that even though they're different, they can still be great friends. He also helps Treelo to come up with a game that suits his own unique personality when he gets bored with playing Ojo's tea-party game. In the Shadow segment, Shadow retells the story of the ugly duckling. She talks about another ugly duckling who didn't grow up with dashing good looks, but found that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Songs What's in the Mail Today? (shortened version) Baby, You're You What Kind of Mouse Am I?
Watch Now:Amazon#15 - I Need a Little Help Today
Season 1 - Episode 24 - Aired 11/19/1997
Bear has caught a cold and his nose is so stuffed up that he just has to take it as assumed that the viewers smell good today. Tutter suggests he get a little rest on the couch and then the kids all decide that they'll do their best to help Bear feel better. Tutter recalls that when he needed some water, Bear helped him to reach the faucet. Ojo brings Bear her favorite toy, Snow Bear, to help cheer him up. She recalls the time when he helped her to feel better when she fell down while trying to fly. Pip and Pop deliver Bear a package containing a clam with the message "Get Well Soon." They recall the time when Bear let them be postal delivery otters. Treelo gives Bear a hug and recalls the time that he was afraid of going down the drain in the bathtub. And Tutter recalls a time when he wasn't feeling all that well himself. Songs Need a Little Help Today Quiet Time Notes This episode consists in large part of flashbacks to scenes from past episodes. As such, there is no Shadow segment in this episode and no real-kids segment either.
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#16 - The Senseless Detectives
Season 3 - Episode 4 - Aired 10/14/1999
Bear is busy doing some cooking --- he's making his annual batch of cookies for everyone in Woodland Valley. As he starts to bake the cookies, he gets a call from Ojo and Tutter. They're pretending to be Big Blue House detectives, but they feel that they've solved all the mysteries in the Big Blue House, or perhaps even the world. Bear gives them a new challenge by using dishtowels to blindfold them so that they can play one of his favorite games --- "What is It?" Using senses other than sight, he first has them identify a flower and then peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Later, they find an actual mystery to solve when Treelo reports that his "banananana" is missing. With Bear's help, the senses of touch and smell are used to track down the stinky, squishy old banana. When the cookies are finally finished, the kids decide to cover up all their senses except taste in an attempt to get Bear to give them some cookies. He quickly ends the game --- he was planning to share the cookies with them anyway. They all end up sharing the cookies together outside, as Pip and Pop express their appreciation for all the wonderful sounds, sights and smells of nature. In the Shadow segment, Shadow retells the story of Little Red Riding Hood. In her twist on the story, the Granny is a doctor. Songs Making Sense of Your World
Watch Now:Amazon#18 - Listen Up
Season 1 - Episode 25 - Aired 11/21/1997
Bear receives a package in the mail containing a tape of soothing sounds. He's eager to sit down and listen to them, but Ojo is worried that the tape will disturb the game of "camping in the woods" she's playing. When she learns it's soothing sounds, she's eager to hear them, but then Treelo shows up and starts making noises of his own. At first, Ojo is irritated, but then Bear helps Treelo with making some sounds that won't bother Ojo. All of this gives Ojo a great idea for a real camping trip. Meanwhile, Tutter is busy dancing, and doesn't want any part of the camping trip when he hears about it. Pip and Pop are interested, though, after Bear tells them about it on their plastic cup telephone. Notes Ojo, Tutter, Treelo, Pip and Pop join in the singing of the second half of the Goodbye Song. Pip and Pop refer to Bear as "Smokey." This is a reference to Smokey Bear of the United States Forest Service, who encourages people to remember that "Only YOU can prevent forest fires" and more recently "Only YOU can prevent wildfires."
Watch Now:Amazon#19 - Friends For Life
Season 1 - Episode 26 - Aired 11/24/1997
Pip and Pop are playing hide-and-seek, but disagree on where they should play. Bear introduces them to the method of flipping a coin. Bear stops to contemplate friendship and then finds Treelo waiting for Ojo. He wants to play their favorite game --- Rock Boy and Snow Bear, but Ojo keeps dashing off outside. Treelo tries to get Tutter to play the game instead, but finds that Tutter's not interested in the game. Both of them eventually join Pip and Pops' game of hide-and-seek and then find out the reason why Ojo has been so busy. Songs Friends for Life When You Make Yourself a Friend Notes Ojo makes a new friend in this episode --- a little bunny rabbit who hangs around the Otter Pond. Although no name is given for this character in this episode, she will later be known as Christine.
Watch Now:Amazon#20 - Boys Will Be Boys
Season 2 - Episode 32 - Aired 2/17/1998
When Bear reads Tutter the story of "Mousy the Great," Tutter wants to be just like his hero. But when Ojo rescues him from the "dragon," he's not too sure he's very good at it. With a little help from Bear, Tutter learns that heroes come in all shapes and sizes. And every single one is great.
Watch Now:Amazon#21 - Wish You Were Here
Season 2 - Episode 34 - Aired 2/19/1998
When the gang all leaves the Big Blue House for the day to go to a square dance, BearTM is looking forward to getting a lot of chores done. However, each chore he starts somehow reminds him of one of his friends, and before long, the house seems awfully quiet. By the time his friends return, Bear has realized that the Big Blue House just isn't the same without them.
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#22 - And To All A Good Night
Season 2 - Episode 35 - Aired 2/20/1998
It's a special night in Woodland Valley --- tonight is the night of Harvest Moon. There's a special party out at the Otter Pond and Luna even has a special surprise for Bear. Bear and his friends enjoy the delights of the night, such as fireflies and constellations. Tutter does his best to stay up, but Bear allows him to catch a little sleep before the big celebration. Bear searches for party lanterns for the celebration, but it's ultimately Pip and Pop who find them. Everything is finally ready for the big party and it's drawn quite a crowd --- besides Bear and the kids, Doc Hogg, Lois, Otto and Etta, Grandma Flutter, Christine, Jacques the Beaver, Doc Owl, and even Big Old Bullfrog are there. In fact, everyone's there except Luna --- they're worried she may have disappeared behind a cloud. But it turns out she was just getting her special surprise ready --- an old friend Bear hasn't seen in a long time! In the Shadow segment, Shadow tells a wild story about a man who takes a trip to the moon in a balloon. Songs Beauty of the Night The Goodbye Song (Full Cast Version) Notes This episode includes a brief segment, introduced by Luna, in which real kids talk about things they do at night. These include playing on a swingset, catching lightning bugs, looking at the stars and the moon, putting on pajamas and reading a story. In this special episode of the program, viewers get to see a lot of a character who is normally only seen at the end of each episode --- Luna. Luna also gets to perform in a song other than the "Goodbye Song." Ray is also seen at the very beginning of the episode. The closing credits for this episode include a special bonus featuring Bear and Ursa. The episode's title is a reference to the last six words of "The Night Before Christmas".
Watch Now:Amazon#23 - We Did It Our Way
Season 2 - Episode 37 - Aired 2/24/1998
When Pip and Pop lose a jar lid down a hole, Bear helps them to see how they can cooperate to solve their problem. Bear asks for the viewers' help as he prepares a pie for Doc Hogg. He completely forgot about it and Doc Hogg will be arriving soon. As he gets ready, he overhears Tutter and Treelo. Tutter doesn't want Treelo to be a puppy in his game of "King Tutter the Great," but Bear introduces the two to a game called "The Hound of Yarsburg." The Shadow segment, "Stories of Incredible Opposites," is recycled from "As Different as Day and Night." Songs Get It Together Clean Up the House
Watch Now:Amazon#24 - What's The Story?
Season 2 - Episode 38 - Aired 2/25/1998
s time for the Annual Woodland Valley Storytelling Festival at the Big Blue House and viewers are invited to come and listen in! As everyone gets ready for the story, Bear prepares the food and other accommodations, while also stopping to help his friends in the Big Blue House. Tutter's found a great beginning and ending for his story, but it's seriously lacking a middle. Bear also helps Treelo and Ojo with an idea for telling a story in pictures. Finally, guests from all over Woodland Valley start arriving in droves - everyone from Doc Hogg to Big Old Bullfrog. Doc Hogg "entertains" everyone with the story of his life; Pip and Pop read from a comic titled The Adventures of Clamiana Jones; Lois tells a tale in off-key song and Shadow sings the tale of The Frog Prince. Songs Once Upon a Time Characters Bear, Tutter, Ojo, Treelo, Pip and Pop, Doc Hogg, Shadow, Grandma Flutter, Otto and Etta, Jacques the Beaver, Doc Owl Notes For the Storytelling Festival, Pip and Pop read from The Adventures of Clamiana Jones. This title is a spoof on Indiana Jones..
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#25 - Friends At Play
Season 3 - Episode 1 - Aired 9/9/1999
Ojo is excited about a visit from her friend, Christine. The two quickly get involved in one of Ojo's imaginative games --- a pillow castle. Tutter arrives and asks if they'd like to play checkers, but Ojo tells him she's in the middle of her game with her "best friend," Christine. Tutter is hurt by the use of the term "best friend." He creates his own friend to play with, "Mr. Cheese," but Bear helps to mend his friendship with Ojo. He also finds Pip and Pop at odds with Treelo out at the Otter Pond. He keeps pretending to be a monster during their Deep-Sea Divers game and they don't like it at all. Bear, however, introduces them to a game called The Treasure of Kalamazoo Bay. In the Shadow segment, Shadow retells the story of "Mary Had a Little Lamb." The lamb in this version drives a car, skies and scuba dives in its efforts to follow Mary everywhere she goes. Songs Where Would You Be Without Your Friends Notes This is at least the second time that Bear has suggested a game to the kids that he once played when he was a cub. In "Share, Bear," Bear tells Ojo and Treelo about a game called "Snow Bear in the Woods" when Ojo doesn't want to share Snow Bear with Treelo.
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