The BEST episodes directed by George Bloomfield

#1 - Marooned
Fraggle Rock - Season 1 - Episode 17
Boober's birthday is interrupted by a disaster (and didn't he just know this was going to happen?!).
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#2 - The Beast of Bluerock
Fraggle Rock - Season 1 - Episode 23
Wembley must choose between entering Red's splash-a-thon and accompanying Gobo on a scary journey.
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#4 - High Society
Road to Avonlea - Season 3 - Episode 11
Felicity is invited to Kingsport Ladies College, because of her academic excellence. Once there,she is intimidated by the other girl's worldliness, so she lies and pretends that she is Sara's rich sister, using the story's of Sara's life. Gus, worries that he is losing Felicity, and decides that if "good manners and breeding" are important, he is going to get them. Sara and Pierre further Gus's education. Felicity has to face her parents with her lies, and learns a lesson in humility.
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#6 - Burning Down The House
Due South - Season 3 - Episode 1
Fraser returns from vacation to a blazing apartment and a new partner, Stanley Ray Kowalski. After trashing half of Canada in pursuit of a felonious litterer, Fraser is contacted by Ray, who says he can't pick the Mountie up when he arrives back in Chicago. When Fraser gets home, he finds his apartment building gone: all that remains is a pile of blackened rubble, the result of a 'performance arsonist.' Worse yet, when he arrives at the precinct, he finds a stranger masquerading as Ray Vecchio and, curiously, no one seems to realize this except Fraser. Fraser decides to go along with this ruse, all the while utilizing a variety of detection techniques (fingerprints, dental imprints, etc.) as he tries to unravel who the mysterious person is who now answers to the name Ray Vecchio. Along the way, Ray's house is torched (Fraser rescues both Frannie and her perpetually unemployed brother-in-law, Tony, but the goldfish befalls a foul fate when Diefenbaker eats him). Fraser finds more eviden
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#7 - Old Friends, Old Wounds
Road to Avonlea - Season 3 - Episode 13
It is heartbreak at Green Gables when Marilla Cuthbert dies suddenly, and leaves no will. The assumption is that Anne would always inherit Green Gables from the Cuthberts. When Gilbert Blythe arrives in Avonlea and tries to buy Green Gables it is too late, one of the neighbors has bought it. Rachel Lynde and the children are now homeless, unless Rachel can make friends with the new owner. A man who "hates" Rachel. Rachel has to learn to "mind her tongue"if she wants a to continue to live at Green Gables.
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#10 - Letting Go
Due South - Season 1 - Episode 22
Hospitalized Fraser takes interest in an apparent crime. In the aftermath of 'Victoria's Secret', Fraser finds himself hospitalized, recovering from Ray's bullet. The two friends try to get past this bump in their friendship. Meanwhile, Fraser and his physical therapist, Jill Kennedy get drawn into a blackmail and murder case, partially witnessed through Fraser's hospital window.
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#11 - The Challenge
Fraggle Rock - Season 1 - Episode 14
Red challenges Gobo's leadership.
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#14 - The Terrible Tunnel
Fraggle Rock - Season 1 - Episode 8
Wembley accidentally finds the legendary Terrible Tunnel.
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#15 - Poison a la Carte
Nero Wolfe (2001) - Season 2 - Episode 8
A lecherous producer is killed at a dinner prepared by Fritz. The suspects include the five waitresses, but no one knows who gave him his food.
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#18 - The Great Radish Famine
Fraggle Rock - Season 1 - Episode 19
The Trash Heap decides to teach the Fraggles, Doozers and Gorgs a lesson by magically making all the radishes in the Gorg's garden disappear.
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#20 - New Trash Heap in Town
Fraggle Rock - Season 1 - Episode 24
Through a misunderstanding, Mokey becomes the new Trash Heap.
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#24 - Free Willie
Due South - Season 1 - Episode 1
After a young purse snatcher named Willie sees an armed robbery, Fraser is determined to prove the boy wasn't involved. Ray reluctantly agrees to help Fraser prove the boy's innocence as well as find the true criminals, even though he's risking his own job to do so.
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#26 - Escape
La Femme Nikita - Season 1 - Episode 8
A mysterious Section One operative offers Nikita a seemingly ironclad opportunity to escape from Section One for good. All the information he gives her checks out, and Nikita seriously weighs his offer. However, Michael states making romantic overtures toward Nikita, and her emotions are divided. Is the Section just toying with her to test her loyalty, or is it the opportunity to escape a real one?
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#28 - The Awakening
The Outer Limits (1995) - Season 3 - Episode 10
Beth Carter lives in black and white, unable to experience emotions because of a conditioncalled primary alexithymia. But when Dr. Steven Molstad implants a small device in her brain, Beth's world explodes into brilliant color. For the first time in her life, she can truly feel love, happiness and even fear. Beth is thrilled by the transformation, by her feelings of friendship for Molstad's assistant Joan Garrison and her attraction to Joan's landlord Kevin Flynn -- but there are some troubling signs. Beth begins to hear strange voices. She is abducted by aliens only to find herself back in the hospital. Is her brain rebelling at the sudden flow of emotions or is Molstad's implant defective? Or is something more sinister going on?
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#29 - Choice
La Femme Nikita - Season 1 - Episode 10
The CIA believes that a rogue element of their agency is responsible for a recent massacre of heroin dealers, performed in order to steal money and drugs as part of an embezzlement scheme. Section One is brought in to clean the house quietly, but Nikita's continued involvement with architect Gray Wellman is tampering her ability to be a reliable operative. As Section One's operation reaches a fever pitch, Nikita is unable to balance both sides of her life, and is forced to make a choice between the organization that controls her life and the one man that she's ever loved.
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#31 - Innocent
La Femme Nikita - Season 1 - Episode 12
A live nuclear warhead is smuggled into the states and the only witness to the act is a mentally challenged pizza driver named Rudy who witnessed the transfer. A transmission claiming that the warhead is armed in a random city and will detonate in 24 hours is intercepted and Section uses Rudy to determine who the man is that brought the warhead into the country - a traitor in the Agency. The location is discovered and with Rudy's help, Birkoff is able to determine the code that will disarm the bomb in time. Rudy is allowed to live due to his help and is allowed to leave Section with Nikita's assurances that he will never tell anyone of Section or it's whereabouts.
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#32 - Tek Posse
TekWar - Season 1 - Episode 3
Jake is enticed by John Grant and his newly formed team known as the "Tek Posse". This is a group of men that operate above the law and have some of the best tools, including a mind prober, which is a prototype. One the first mission, Jake begins to doubt his decision to leave Cosmos.
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#34 - We are the Eggmen
Due South - Season 2 - Episode 11
Ray and Francesca fight over a winning lottery ticket...she wants half the winnings because she put in half the money, and he says it's all his money because he purchased the winning ticket solely with his own money. After accidentally creating an accident with a local farmer, Fraser is sued by him, and later learns he's created a special brand of egg that everyone wants.
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#35 - The Garden Plot
Fraggle Rock - Season 1 - Episode 20
Fraggle Rock is under attack from two sides when Sprocket tries to smash his way in, and Junior Gorg tries to pulverize it.
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#36 - Murder is Corny
Nero Wolfe (2001) - Season 2 - Episode 5
A model frames Archie for the murder of a delivery boy, who was supposed to bring him Wolf's specially picked corn, and Archie doesn't have an alibi. Who killed the delivery boy and why?
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#37 - Vengeance is Mine
War of the Worlds - Season 1 - Episode 20
Ironhorse must deal with a mistake that no soldier wants to make: the killing of an innocent civilian.
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#38 - So Shall Ye Reap
War of the Worlds - Season 1 - Episode 22
The aliens infiltrate the illegal drug trade in order to circulate a narcotic that will turn humans into violent killers.
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#39 - He Feedeth Among the Lilies
War of the Worlds - Season 1 - Episode 15
To better understand their problem, the aliens begin abducting humans to learn the secret of their immune systems
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#40 - Dust to Dust
War of the Worlds - Season 1 - Episode 14
The theft of an Indian object provokes disgust from Ironhorse. But it also garners the aliens' interest, as it holds something that belongs to one of their ancient war machines
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