The BEST episodes written by Jeff Vlaming

#2 - The Legend of Red Brick Wallace
Weird Science - Season 3 - Episode 17
Gary is dumbstruck when he finds out that his relatives weren't all cowards and losers. He has an ancestor named Red Brick Wallace, a gunslinger from the old west. Lisa zaps them back to the old west in order to meet Red Brick Wallace. Unfortunately, he turns out to be nothing more than a spittoon polisher. The guys are now on a mission to save Red Brick Wallace from getting shot by the sheriff, who looks strangely like Chett.
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#3 - Chett Reborn
Weird Science - Season 2 - Episode 12
A wish gone wrong makes Chett turn into a baby. Now, Chett is growing up at a quick rate. This gives Wyatt the chance to raise his brother and fix everything that went wrong the first time. Wyatt's parenting ends up just creating new problems. Now Chett is a huge wuss and can't defend himself against bullies like he could before. How can the guys fix this one? With a dirty joke and a fight in a bar.
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#5 - Gary Wallace: Boy Reporter
Weird Science - Season 3 - Episode 6
Gary decides to join the school newspaper as a reporter, in order to get closer the girl that serves as editor on the paper. The only problem is that Gary has never read any news except for tabloids. Gary has nothing to report about, so Lisa creates an equalizer, which is a magical pen that will make whatever you write come true. Now the town is full of UFOs, Elvis encounters, a two-headed Scotsman, and even Chett as a Yeti.
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#6 - Underground
Animorphs - Season 1 - Episode 3
The Animorphs try out the disk, but nothing happens. Jake and Marco realize that someone very close to Jake is a Controller. The Controller turns out to be Jake's brother Tom. Jake wants his brother back, and he'll do anything to do it. They tried morphing out into ferocious animals from the clinic that Cassie's mother works in. Jake acquires a Tiger and Rachel acquires a Lion. They use it to try and free all of the humans in the Yeerk Pool located under the school. Their attempt ended with no free humans, without Tom, Tobias was gone (Probably captured by the Yeerks), and the disk was lost.
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#7 - Wyatt Erectus
Weird Science - Season 2 - Episode 4
Wyatt finally discovers that he's a wuss. Lisa tries to fix this problem by giving him a new cologne- Agression. The magical cologne does change Wyatt. Unfortunately, it's for the worse. After using too much of the cologne, Wyattt starts to un-evolve into a caveman, and right before the double-date he had planned to go on with Gary and two girls. All this happens while Chett is in a fight with a racoon.
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#8 - Sakizuke
Hannibal - Season 2 - Episode 2
The case of the human soup becomes clearer when a victim that has escaped from the killer's clutches washes downstream after a deadly fall, leaving valuable evidence for the BAU team to uncover. Hannibal Lecter assists on the case, sniffing out clues of his own from of the victim's body. Meanwhile, Will Graham begins a plan of manipulation from within the asylum, set on proving his own innocence. Jack tries to deal with his guilt over not protecting Will and submits to mandated therapy after Alana Bloom's scathing report. Awaiting his upcoming trial, Will is surprised by an unexpected guest - Bedelia du Maurier - who gives him a much-needed boost to his psyche.
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#9 - Kō No Mono
Hannibal - Season 2 - Episode 11
The truth of Freddie Lounds’ disappearance is discovered by Jack and his team. Alana expresses her concern over Will’s mental state, but he confuses her fears by encouraging her to arm and protect herself. Mason Verger suspects that his sister, Margot, is plotting to usurp him by getting pregnant with an heir. Hannibal reveals to Will how much Abigail reminded him of his sister, making it even harder for Will to understand why she had to die.
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#10 - Inciting Incident
Keen Eddie - Season 1 - Episode 9
Mark Weatherhead has the perfect life. He has a beautiful wife and two kids. Everything is perfect, until a man from Mark's past comes back to haunt him. That man is Neil Baines AKA "The Claw." Mark says he has no idea who Neil Baines is, but Eddie Arlette discovers that the two men do have a musical past with each other. Pippin is upset when Eddie forgets to get him an expensive piece of technology. Fiona deals with a passive-aggressive co-worker.
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#11 - Purity
Xena: Warrior Princess - Season 5 - Episode 6
Xena, Gabrielle and Joxer journey to Chin, when Lao Mao's daughter summons Xena to help protect her mother's book of wisdom from falling into the hands of her evil sister.
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#12 - Honey, the Garbage Is Taking Us Out
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show - Season 1 - Episode 20
Wayne wanting to please Nick invents a Refuse Ingesting Protozoa or RIP that would eat anything. Jennings, who is being tracked by an enviromentalist, puts toxic waste in Wayne's invention. RIP infected Quark, Quark infected the mail-man and so on. Now Wayne and family must stop these garbage-eating-zombies and get them to Jentech West where there is a high security system. However things failed when Jennings locked everyone in. He thought that the zombies were interns or something. Now they must stop these zombies and try to keep them from eating toxic waste. The zombies date the whole toxic watse and is now trying to eat humans. Now they must figure out a way to stop them before is too late.
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#13 - Citizen Cecil
Keen Eddie - Season 1 - Episode 10
Strange things are happening when a full moon appears. A group of robbers, with Duran Duran masks on, rob one of London's most popular gambling casinos. Elsewhere, Pippin is having certain "marital" issues with his false wife. Eddie and Fiona are actually being nice to each other.
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#14 - Shiizakana
Hannibal - Season 2 - Episode 9
The FBI is called in to investigate the discovery of a truck driver's body, seemingly torn apart by two separate species of animal working in tandem, neither of which consumed their kill. After one of his therapy sessions, Will meets Hannibal's strange new patient, Margot Verger. Will and Margot compare notes on Hannibal and his unconventional advice. Continually encouraging his patients to revel in what they are, Hannibal aims to determine Will's true self by sending him a test, the results of which surprise even Hannibal.
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#15 - Greg, Schmeg
Reaper - Season 1 - Episode 16
When the Devil refuses to offer Sam any help on capturing the latest escaped soul, the gang turns to Gladys for help. Gladys then takes the guys to her demon friend Dennis who at first refuses to help but later on offers Sam a homemade vessel because he feels sorry that his parents sold his soul to the Devil. Meanwhile, Andi's ex-boyfriend Greg returns and Sam discovers that he has a plan to get her back.
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#16 - White Tulip
Fringe - Season 2 - Episode 18
When passengers aboard a commuter train appear to have died a still death, it seems that a switch was flipped because all cell phones, mp3 players, laptops, batteries and bodies have been drained of power. As the Fringe team assembles at the bizarre crime scene, Peter remains suspicious that something is amiss with Walter, who is struggling to keep the unimaginable a secret. When the investigation leads them to Alistair Peck, a very powerful man who has tremendous energy with severe consequences, an ironic set of circumstances surface.
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#18 - Mr. President
Weird Science - Season 1 - Episode 10
After wishing to be the president of the chess club, Lisa accidentally makes Wyatt the President of the United States. Wyatt ends up almost getting impeached and his rec room gets trashed by tobacco protestors.
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#19 - Free Gary
Weird Science - Season 3 - Episode 12
Lisa turns Gary and Wyatt into lifeguards ""Baywatch""-style. Everything's fine until Gary gets turned into a merman when he tries to save an environmentlist from drowning. Also, it turns out that there may be more than one magical genie in the world, when Lisa meets Kahuna, a mysterious man.
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#20 - Keeps on Tickin
Weird Science - Season 1 - Episode 9
The boys both have a problem. Straight-laced Wyatt Donnelly does *not* like taking risks. Risk-taker Gary Wallace is afraid that he'll never get to, um...., with a girl. Lisa tries to help solve their problems by creating a ,magical watch for each guy. The watch that is given to Gary predicts that he'll have his dream come true in three days, while Wyatt's watch predicts that he'll live to be ninety-seven. Not too late after this, the boys realize that they have their watches switched. Wyatt only has three days to live and Gary won't get to acheive his goal for over eighty more years.
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#21 - The Number of the Beast is 666
Hannibal - Season 3 - Episode 12
Will Graham and the FBI enlist the expertise of Dr. Fredrick Chilton in the hopes of luring Francis Dolarhyde into an ambush, using Freddie Lounds as their mouthpiece. As Will's empathy for Dolarhyde begins to affect his fragile psyche, Bedelia Du Maurier warns that the killer Will should be most concerned about at the moment is himself. Meanwhile, Dolarhyde senses that the FBI is closing in and launches a horrifying endgame.
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#22 - Copper Top Girl
Weird Science - Season 2 - Episode 8
Wyatt is owed a favor from Gary and Wyatt wants wants to cash in the favor. He wants a date. Unfortunately, Gary is having troubles finding a girl that likes video games, foreign films, and MST3K. Gary decides it would be best to ask Lisa for help on this one. So, Lisa creates a robot girl named Rachel to go on the date with Wyatt. After the date, Wyatt and Rachel fall in love- Something that was *not* supposed to happen. Gary's going to have to break the news to Wyatt- he's in love with a hunk of metal.
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#23 - Homesick
Northern Exposure - Season 4 - Episode 20
Maggie is excited when she thinks she has "cured" her latest beau, as opposed to killing him; however she is crushed when he tells her that he leaving to work for Greenpeace in Murmansk. Holling is disgusted by Shelly's redecorating of their bed & bathroom. Maurice moves his childhood home to Cicely and it stirs up memories of his brother.
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#24 - Love Lies Bleeding
Touching Evil (US) - Season 1 - Episode 7
A serial killer is released on parole and wastes no time in striking again, leaving the latest victim's father grief-stricken and vengeful, which prompts Creegan to consider the safety of his own family.
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#25 - I Dream of Gene
Weird Science - Season 5 - Episode 1
Lisa wants someone else to talk to. Someone that understands her better. - So, she decides to look for other magic genies in the world. She meets one in Texas, Gene. Chett gets jealous and searches the teapot in which Gene lives. Chett finds the address of Gene's master and lets his master know where gene is. Later, after Lisa finds out, Chett realizes that he made a mistake. He tries to get Gene back, and Gene is finally free of being trapped in the clutches of his master. However, the second after he's free, he leaves Lisa for another woman.
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#26 - And the Woman Clothed with the Sun...
Hannibal - Season 3 - Episode 9
The FBI's search for elusive serial killer Francis Dolarhyde intensifies as Will Graham begins envisioning himself in Dolarhyde's tormented psyche. Wading deeper into dangerous territory, Will enlists the help of Hannibal Lecter to assist with the killer's profile. Meanwhile, Alana Bloom reminds Will that the last time that he and Hannibal worked together things didn't end well, but Will sees no other option. Elsewhere, a new woman comes into Dolarhyde's life.
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#27 - Mercy
Outcast - Season 2 - Episode 8
Kyle faces the mysteries behind his powers. Reverend Anderson finally confronts Sidney as Doctor Park's plans grow in scale. Megan makes an unlikely friend – one who will prove dangerous. Chief Giles tries to defend himself and his wife from the tide of the possessed in Rome.
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#28 - Airball Kings
Weird Science - Season 1 - Episode 6
Gary and Wyatt want a spot on the basketball team. Unfortunately, neither of them has any ounce of athletic ability. Lisa decides to grant their wish by putting Coach Armstrong's brain in their bodies. Coach Armstrong believes that they are the stars of the team. Unfortunately for Gary and Wyatt, they suck. The boys awful playing leads to a downward spiral. Farber High can't win a game- making the other team members angry, as they realize that the guys don't have any game.
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#31 - The Captain's Hand
Battlestar Galactica (2003) - Season 2 - Episode 17
Apollo assists in the search for a missing Raptor team as the new commander of the Pegasus grows increasingly unstable.
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#32 - Heroes
Northern Exposure - Season 4 - Episode 4
A heavy metal rock star comes to Cicely and gets Ed to make a documentary on a rock festival he is holding with local Indian drummers. Shelly is star struck by the arrival of this star. Meanwhile Chris' mentor, Tooley, comes to Cicely in a crate and Chris ponders how to eulogize, bury and send him to the great beyond.
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#36 - Litmus
Battlestar Galactica (2003) - Season 1 - Episode 6
When a new copy of Doral, a Cylon who had been previously exposed while serving as the Galactica's public-relations officer, sneaks aboard and blows himself up, killing three people, Commander Adama and President Roslin must finally make public the terrifying secret known only to a select few: Cylons now look like humans.
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#38 - The Final Frontier
Northern Exposure - Season 3 - Episode 20
Maurice becomes curious about the influx of Japanese tourists to the area during the Northern Lights, Holling sets out to discover if Jesse the bear is really dead, and Maggie leads the curious townspeople in trying to discover what is in a mysterious package covered with foreign stamps.
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#39 - The Curse
NCIS - Season 1 - Episode 5
A Navy lieutenant who was reported missing nearly ten years ago has been found by a deer hunter. When the NCIS team arrives at the scene to investigate, they see that his remains have been mummified. Now, they have to find out what happened to him and what happened to the one million dollars that he had on his ship.
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#41 - Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down
Battlestar Galactica (2003) - Season 1 - Episode 9
President Roslin's fears that Commander Adama is a Cylon are stoked when she learns he's making secret wireless calls to other ships. Then, to make things worse, a single Cylon raider appears near the Galactica and begins acting strangely after being damaged in battle.
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#43 - AKA Superman
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 4 - Episode 16
A beautiful woman thinks that Jimmy is Superman. A criminal wants to force Superman to activate a powerful satellite weapons system.
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#45 - Primavera
Hannibal - Season 3 - Episode 2
With his wounds now healed, Will Graham heads to Europe eight months after the horrific event that almost took his life, in search of closure with Hannibal Lecter. Meanwhile an Italian inspector thinks that Lecter and a killer he pursued 20 years earlier are the same person.
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#46 - Learning Curve
Northern Exposure - Season 4 - Episode 15
Holling decides to go back to school to get his high school equivalency certificate. Marilyn goes on an adventure in Seattle and Joel is worried for her safety so he tries to over plan her trip for her, plans she just ignores. A worried Joel, ventures down to Seattle to locate her. Maggie is at odds with the teacher over her philosophy about female combat pilots and sisterhood.
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#48 - Vector
Numb3rs - Season 1 - Episode 3
Various people in the L.A. area with seemingly nothing in common start to become extremely sick and die on the same day. Don fears bioterrorists may have released a deadly virus into the environment. While he tries to discover whether anyone is behind the outbreak, Charlie tries to locate the point of origin.
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#49 - Human
Stargate Universe - Season 1 - Episode 14
Risking his life with a piece of Ancient technology, Dr. Rush finds clues to unlocking more of Destiny during flashbacks to his life back on Earth before Icarus, with a wife dying of cancer and meeting Dr. Daniel Jackson to learn about the Stargate. Meanwhile, members of the Destiny crew find themselves trapped while exploring tunnels on a nearby planet.
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