The WORST episodes of The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
Every episode of The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy ever, ranked from worst to best by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The worst episodes of The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy!
Featuring the exploits of the Grim Reaper, forced into being the best friend of two children.

#1 - Toys Will Be Toys
Season 3 - Episode 33 - Aired 11/26/2004
Thanks to Mandy, Billy decides to get rid of his "Dinobonoid" action figures thinking he is too old for them. Subsequently, Grim makes the toys come to life, and shrinks Billy to their size so he can have a last adventure with them. Later, the "Jurassic Creeps" become aware of Grim's scythe and steal it from him to use its powers to rule the world; however, the magic that made them come alive runs out just in time, and the toys become inanimate once again. Billy reverts to his normal size too, but he stays trapped inside the box in which the action figures came.

#2 - Attack of the Clowns
Season 3 - Episode 26 - Aired 10/29/2004
After Billy wakes up from another nightmare involving clowns, he is more terrified than ever towards them, so Mandy and Grim try to cure him of this clown-a-phobia. First, Mandy asks Grim to bring to life a clown's head made on paper mache to entertain Billy, but the spell apparently doesn't work. Then, they dress up as clowns in an attempt to look harmless. However, after consulting with his imaginary "Inner Frat Boy", Billy changes his feeling from being afraid to being angry at clowns, and attacks them with Grim's scythe. In the end, Billy is apparently cured of his fear, but then the paper mache clown attacks and eats them.

#3 - The Really Odd Couple
Season 2 - Episode 9 - Aired 6/27/2003
Billy accidentally sets off a powerful stink bomb in Mandy's house and, while the house is being disinfected, Mandy's family goes to live with Billy's. Then, Billy and Mandy have a dispute over how to split Billy's room, prompting Grim to intervene. In the end, Mandy takes over the entire room, and traps Billy behind a brick wall.

#4 - Recipe for Disaster
Season 1 - Episode 8 - Aired 10/12/2001
Billy, Mandy, Grim and Pud'n are part of the "Person Scouts" (a Boy Scouts-esque organization) and need to sell cookies in order to win a badge. However, as Billy eats all of the cookies, Grim proposes to bake their own cookies using his aunt Kali's secret recipe. The cookies are a success and the troupe wins the contest. In the end, at the Person Scouts awards' ceremony, aunt Kali reveals that the secret recipe contains insects, but everyone continues eating the cookies anyway.

#5 - Jeffy's Web
Season 4 - Episode 13 - Aired 6/24/2005
When Billy gets under his house's foundation, he encounters again his "son", Jeff the Spider, who has just laid eggs. Then, Jeff tries to make things right with Billy so he can take care of the baby spiders, as he is going to die after the eggs hatch. Naturally terrified of seeing Jeff, Billy runs away and a wild car chase ensues. In the end, the eggs hatch, and Grim decides to refill Jeff's hourglass that represents his lifetime so he doesn't die, and so he can continue to scare Billy.

#6 - Beware of the Undertoad
Season 7 - Episode 12 - Aired 3/23/2007
When Billy, Mandy and Grim once again go to the beach, Grim warns Billy to avoid swimming too far, because the "undertoad", a frog-like creature, will try to drag him into the sea. Naturally, Billy encounters the undertoad, and he barely makes it back to the beach. Then, with the dangers of the sea averted, the guys go back home, but the undertoad is set on bringing Billy down, that he follows him to his house. The next day, the undertoad becomes a constant annoyance to Billy, even at school. In the end, Grim and Mandy capture the undertoad, and set sail to release him at sea, where they meat the giant Mama undertoad.

#7 - Giant Billy and Mandy All Out Attack
Season 6 - Episode 7 - Aired 1/27/2006
Billy and Irwin go to mystical Japan to watch large monsters battle each other. Grim decides to take Billy and Irwin to see the monsters in action. He turns Billy into a giant warrior so that he can enjoy sparring with the giant turtle monster. Mandy comes to Japan to find Grim, Billy, and Irwin causing troubles.

#8 - Scythe for Sale
Season 4 - Episode 12 - Aired 6/17/2005
In order to raise money to buy Sea-Critters (similar to Sea-Monkeys), Billy has a garage sale where he sells Grim's scythe to Irwin for less than two cents. Then, with the power of the scythe, Irwin hypnotizes Mandy and takes her on a date. Later, Billy and Grim try to recover the scythe, and when they do Mandy gets out of the trance. In the end, Irwin is punished by being transformed into a Sea-Critter and placed in Billy's fish bowl.

#9 - Druid, Where's My Car?
Season 6 - Episode 9 - Aired 3/20/2006
After getting his kite stuck in the tree, Billy, trying to take off the kite, throws many other things on the three, including Mandy. He asks Grim for a help, but Grim's powers are useless, as there is too much nature in the tree. They ask Basil the Druid for an assistance. He wants to help, but three druids are needed for the ritual, so Basil teaches Grim and Billy to the druid skills.

#10 - The Schlubs
Season 5 - Episode 9 - Aired 10/14/2005
As Grim watches the entire season of My Troubled Pony TV series (parodying My Little Pony), he learns from Mandy that the show was cancelled and doesn't have an ending. Then, Grim decides to reap the "Schlubs" (a parody of The Smurfs), 100 creatures that live in Billy's yard, to melt them into gold, so he can finance the creation of the series finale. However, Grim must get past Billy and the aggressive Schlubs themselves, including the single, large female (a parody of Smurfette). In the end, after Grim thinks he got the creatures with his scythe, Mandy appears to have used all the gold herself to become rich.

#11 - Major Cheese
Season 6 - Episode 5 - Aired 1/20/2006
Tired of having to deal with false alarms and giving out bonus life points, Grim visits Mighty Moe. Grim gave Mighty Moe an award for staying healthy and alive longer than anyone else. Grim finds out how to end Moe's life. So he dresses up like a snack that tastes like cheese. Will he ever get Mighty Moe to eat the cheese snack?

#12 - The Taking Tree
Season 5 - Episode 5 - Aired 8/12/2005
When Billy, Mandy and Grim notice things have been disappearing in the house, they set out to investigate using a supernatural detector. They find the culprit is a talking "taking tree" in Billy's yard, who has been stealing objects since Billy's dad was a child. In order to make the tree happy, Mandy and Grim set out to trade the stolen belongings for a highly-valued Mickey Munchle baseball card, which is worth eleventy million dollars. In the end, Mandy and Grim return from the baseball shop with the real Mickey Munchle. Then, the tree returns all of the stolen things, but keeps the player.

#13 - Billy Idiot
Season 4 - Episode 23 - Aired 6/30/2005
When Billy is accepted to Mrs. Pollywinkle's dancing academy, his father tries to persuade him to forget about dancing because of his own bad experience as a child during a recital. Then, at the academy, it is revealed that Mrs. Pollywinkle is actually a powerful, dark witch set on stealing Billy's soul. Then, Billy's dad unexpectedly comes to rescue, challenging Mrs. Pollywinkle to a dance competition, which he wins using a powerful dance move. In the end, Billy's dad tells Billy to follow his dream of becoming a dancer if he so wishes, but Billy changes his mind saying that dancing is for girls.

#14 - Circus of Fear
Season 3 - Episode 13 - Aired 7/16/2004
When Billy and Mandy are utterly bored, Grim takes them to Underworld's "Circus of Fear". There, the ringleader, Dr. Fear, notices Billy and Mandy, and tries to recruit them into the circus to attract customers, who would pay to see real, live humans. After they go back home, Dr. Fear captures the two kids, and Grim has to get them back. During the show, Mandy breaks free and in a strange twist of the story, she reveals that the beastmaster, Clortho, is actually Dr. Fear, who in turn is just an earthworm, leaving Billy confused.

#15 - Little Rock of Horrors
Season 1 - Episode 23 - Aired 10/18/2002
In this musical episode, which pays homage to Little Shop of Horrors, Billy befriends a brain-eating meteor that falls from the sky. With Billy's help, the creature grows bigger and eventually eats the brains of all people in Endsville (turning them into zombies with glowing green eyes). The last brain he eats is Mandy's, which results in the creature transforming into a brain-eating Mandy. The song featured is BRAINS!, composed by goth artist Voltaire specifically for this episode.

#16 - Prank Call of Cthulu
Season 5 - Episode 10 - Aired 10/21/2005
When Billy and Irwin start making prank calls, everybody knows that Billy is behind the calls because every telephone has a caller ID. Then, while Billy searches in Grim's trunk in the basement for something to defeat the caller ID, he finds a skull-shaped phone with no caller ID. Then, Grim warns him to not use the phone, because it is used to call the ancient demon Cthulu, whose sole appearance makes people go mad, and if awakened will cause the destruction of the world. Despite Grim's warning, Billy and Irwin use the phone anyway, and they are sucked into it by tentacles. After the commotion, Mandy and Grim go search for Billy, and they find themselves in a strange place with several other tentacled creatures. In this place, Billy and Irwin have been hired as official prank callers and steadily turn into tentacled monsters. However, their pranks actually make the people answering the phone to become monsters, so Mandy decides to confront Cthulu himself to put an end to this. In the end, Mandy tricks Cthulu into answering her cellphone, and when he is sucked into it, Mandy disconnects the call, trapping Cthulu in the telephone lines forever. However, just as Billy, Mandy, and Irwin are about to leave, Grim has destroyed the phone at the basement, and they are unable to return.

#17 - A Grim Prophecy
Season 3 - Episode 8 - Aired 7/2/2004
In this short, set in the Stone Age, a child version of Grim undertakes his first assignments as the Grim Reaper. When he goes to visit a cave witch, she shows him his terrible future being abused by Billy and Mandy.

#18 - No Body Loves Grim
Season 3 - Episode 4 - Aired 6/18/2004
Billy, Mandy and Grim go to the beach where Grim falls asleep and Billy buries him in sand. When they leave, Billy only takes Grim's skull, leaving Grim's body to be found by a rich family that take it with them. With his adoptive family, Grim's body becomes a celebrity and refuses to go back with Billy and Mandy. Eventually, Grim's skeleton is reunited with his skull, but instants later it is shattered by dogs.

#19 - Tastes Like Chicken
Season 1 - Episode 12 - Aired 7/19/2002
With Irwin not answering the phone, Billy's parents missing and Mandy saying she wants "Billy for dinner", Billy and Grim assume Mandy is a cannibal who ate Billy's parents and friends. Looking for proof, Billy and Grim find tiki figures and arrangements for a celebration in Mandy's backyard. Ultimately, it is revealed that they are just celebrating Billy's birthday. Still, Mandy burps out Irwin's glasses.

#20 - Ecto Cooler
Season 5 - Episode 8 - Aired 10/14/2005
As Billy desires to be "cool" like Sperg, he has an ectoplasmic manifestation coming out of his mouth. Later, the ectoplasm grows full size and turns out to be the ghost of nineteenth-century British poet Lord Byron, who tries to teach Billy to be cool, using elaborate poetry instead of bare muscles. Subsequently, Billy uses a poem to insult Sperg's mother, and Sperg challenges Billy to a duel. Then, Billy and Lord Byron fight Sperg and his gang, but are badly beaten. In the end, Byron tells Billy he has been trained in the arts of coolness, and disappears. The Schlubs: As Grim watches the entire season of My Troubled Pony TV series (parodying My Little Pony), he learns from Mandy that the show was cancelled and doesn't have an ending. Then, Grim decides to reap the "Schlubs" (a parody of The Smurfs), 100 creatures that live in Billy's yard, to melt them into gold, so he can finance the creation of the series finale. However, Grim must get past Billy and the aggressive Schlubs themselves, including the single, large female (a parody of Smurfette). In the end, after Grim thinks he got the creatures with his scythe, Mandy appears to have used all the gold herself to become rich.

#21 - Fiend Is Like Friend Without the 'R'
Season 1 - Episode 7 - Aired 10/5/2001
Billy wanders into a junkyard, where a massive hole in the earth opens up and pulls him down in. Later, Mandy and Grim get pulled in as well. They land at the center of the Earth, which is home of Nergal, a devilish creature. The lonely Nergal, who has been watching Billy and Mandy for some time, wants Grim to hand over the kids to him so they can be his friends forever. Grim happily leaves the kids behind as he returns to the surface; however, he later goes back for them because he can't handle the guilt of abandoning his friends. In the end, Grim is defeated by Nergal's electrified tentacles, but Mandy defeats Nergal merely by kicking him in the shin.

#22 - Skarred for Life
Season 3 - Episode 6 - Aired 6/25/2004
General Skarr (originally appearing in Evil Con Carne) buys a home in Endsville and becomes Billy's neighbour. Then, after Skarr invites Billy to his new house, Billy mentions Grim's scythe as the most powerful weapon in the universe, and Skarr tries to battle his desire to be evil again. Eventually, Skarr steals the scythe, but Mandy proves to be scarier than he is and takes it back.

#23 - Irwin Gets a Clue
Season 4 - Episode 14 - Aired 6/24/2005
After seeing Billy, Mandy and Grim battling a strange creature, Irwin again feels rejected by Mandy. Then, Hoss Delgado, spectral exterminator, appears to help Mandy destroy the monster. Then, Delgado decides to have Irwin as his sidekick and train him to be "cool" in order win Mandy's love. In the following, Irwin gets an attire like Delgado's, and attaches an egg beater to his right hand. Then, Delgado releases a monster so Irwin can fight it and impress Mandy, but he is humiliated anyway. In the end, Mandy tells Irwin he is just a nerd, and Billy tries to assure him that being a nerd is not such a bad thing after all.

#24 - A Dumb Wish
Season 1 - Episode 9 - Aired 10/19/2001
While Spring cleaning in the middle of November, Billy takes an old, cursed lamp from Grim's trunk. When he gives it a rub, he releases the curse Grim had warned them about: his own mother. Having three wishes to make, Billy wastes his wish by wishing to know what to wish for. Mandy wishes Billy and Grim would "shut up", so Grim never gets to make his wish. Then, Mandy decides to make the last wish to whoever makes her the happiest. In the end, Mandy wishes everyone in the world would go away, which she is glad about.

#25 - One Crazy Summoner
Season 5 - Episode 2 - Aired 8/5/2005
When Billy's parents are attacked by an anaconda, Billy suggest visiting boy wizard Nigel Planter (a parody of Harry Potter), because he can talk to snakes. However, Planter in fact doesn't speak to snakes, but to snacks, and instead he asks for Billy, Mandy and Grim's help to win the affections of Huffefnie Pfefferpfeffer, a beautiful witch in the School of Sorcery (and having a striking resemblance to Gladys). Then, Planter tries using a love potion and enchanted chocolates, but they don't work. In the end, the guys have forgotten completely about Billy's parents.