The BEST episodes of That '70s Show
Every episode of That '70s Show ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of That '70s Show!
Set in the Wisconsin suburbs of the United States, Eric Forman lives under the authority of his parents, Red and Kitty. Next door is his girlfriend/neighbor, Donna Pinciotti and her parents Bob and Midge. The rest of the gang includes Jackie, and her sometimes boyfriend, Kelso, Hyde, a conspiracy theorist and Fez, a foreign exchange student. The gang mostly likes to spend their time in Eric's basement, pondering their lives, parents, and their futures, while getting into many funny mishaps and adventures in their teenage lives along the way.

#1 - Moon Over Point Place (1)
Season 2 - Episode 26 - Aired 5/22/2000
Eric hates it when he finds a picture of Donna mooning the camera in the yearbook, and has to deal with his jealousy in the matter. Fez thinks that the white man is keeping him down because there are no pictures of him in the yearbook, and takes out his anger in a Foosball game. Jackie wants to spend time with Hyde, but when he won't go to roller disco with her, she decides to see what life is like on his side of the tracks.

#2 - That '70s Finale
Season 8 - Episode 22 - Aired 5/18/2006
December 31, 1979, and the gang is gathered at the Formans' house for one last New Year's Eve of the '70s. A party isn't a party unless the gang's all here... and some old friends return to celebrate the new decade, while some others get ready to leave.

#3 - Love, Wisconsin Style
Season 4 - Episode 27 - Aired 5/21/2002
Kitty and Eric go to the Hub after a dentist appointment and catch Donna (who's drunk) skipping school with Casey. Neither Bob nor Joanne can exert any authority over Donna, so a frustrated Red intervenes while everyone watches. Meanwhile, Jackie suggests that Kelso kiss another girl so that they can reconcile. And Hyde and Fez try to decide what to do with some dead fish that they stole.

#4 - Class Picture
Season 4 - Episode 20 - Aired 3/19/2002
While trying to come up with a quote for the yearbook, the gang recalls how they met for the first time. They go through the times when they each met each other, no matter how embarrassing or stupid they were. They also try to work out a saying to put under each of their pictures. Kelso finally comes up with the perfect quote for them all, "It's been a long, strange Forman's basement!" The gang also realizes how strong their friendship is.

#5 - Misty Mountain Hop
Season 5 - Episode 12 - Aired 1/22/2003
Jackie recruits the Formans to help clean out her family's mountain cabin, but decides it best not to ask for Hyde's assistance, instead telling him she is attending a doll expo. With Jackie going away, Hyde seizes the opportunity to use Jackie's cabin and invites Kelso and Fez. Donna and Eric get lost on the way to the cabin and spend the trip fighting. Hyde's plan goes wrong when Kelso gets his hand, holding his stash, stuck in a vase just as Jackie and the Formans arrive.

#6 - Eric's Hot Cousin
Season 4 - Episode 14 - Aired 1/22/2002
Eric' cousin Penny, whom he used to tease unmercifully when they were younger, comes for a visit, and she's...grown some. All the guys are infatuated with her, much to Donna and Jackie's dismay. Jackie and Donna try to be hotter than Penny, with disasterous results. Kitty, feeling like she's not needed, wants to get a pet.

#7 - Garage Sale
Season 2 - Episode 1 - Aired 9/28/1999
To help with finances, the Formans have a garage sale. Hyde, wanting to help out as well, makes his special brownies to sell at the baked goods table, even though Eric warns him not to; the brownies fall into the wrong hands. Red sells more than he intended to, and has to deal with the consequences of his actions. At the movies, Fez puts the moves on Jackie.

#8 - Celebration Day
Season 5 - Episode 25 - Aired 5/14/2003
The gang will be split in half when high school graduation is over: Eric and Donna are all set to move into their Madison apartment, while poor Fez is about to be deported. The love triangle amongst the others grows more heated as Hyde and Kelso compete over an indecisive Jackie. But this tense situation is put aside so that the six friends can go camping together the night before graduation. Laurie tags along and dramatically changes Fez's life. Back at the Forman house, Red gives Kitty medication to help her deal with her depression over Eric's imminent departure.

#9 - Eric's Birthday
Season 1 - Episode 2 - Aired 8/30/1998
Eric's 17th birthday is coming up and he really doesn't want a party. Unfortunately, it's extremely obvious that Kitty is planning a surprise party against his wishes – she's even invited his older sister Laurie home from college for the event. Eric enlists Laurie's help in calling off the party while Kelso naively tries to attract her interest. And Donna, who's unsure about the state of her relationship with Eric, gets advice from Jackie on what to get him for a gift.

#10 - The Acid Queen
Season 6 - Episode 4 - Aired 11/19/2003
No one in the gang believes Kelso's claim that he hooked up with Brooke, a beautiful and conservative older girl, at a Molly Hatchet concert. Much to Kelso's shock, Brooke denies knowing him and rejects all of his advances. Brooke's presence also disrupts Jackie and Hyde's relationship when Jackie asks for his opinion about Brooke's looks. Also, Fez decides to pursue college-bound virgins while Eric learns of an interesting collection kept at the local library.

#11 - Red Gets a Job
Season 2 - Episode 14 - Aired 2/1/2000
Eric gets a job at Price Mart as a cashier while Red gets one as a supervisor. Kelso tries to break up with Laurie because she wants a real relationship but Laurie threatens to tell Jackie about her and Kelso.

#12 - Young Man Blues
Season 6 - Episode 9 - Aired 1/14/2004
It's Kelso's first day as a police cadet and he gets to drive around in a police cruiser with a real cop. His first stop is the Forman house to break up a domestic disturbance (Fez and Laurie are fighting over her sex life). The encounter leaves Fez burning mad, but he gets a chance for revenge when Kelso leaves the cruiser unattended. Meanwhile, Eric attempts to fix the water pipes and lawn mower in order to prove to Red that he's not a failure. And Jackie joins a Big Sister program at school.

#13 - The Good Son
Season 1 - Episode 25 - Aired 7/26/1999
Eric loves having Hyde as a "brother" because he does all of Eric's chores but when his parents start to prefer Hyde he starts to hate him. Hyde changes from the conspiracy minded trouble-making guy Eric loves to a total bore. Midge and Bob are having relationship problems. Red's old war buddy comes back and Red finds out that he's a swinger.

#14 - Cat Fight Club
Season 2 - Episode 25 - Aired 5/15/2000
Kelso has been warned that it could be dangerous for him if Red finds out that he's dating Laurie. Jackie finds herself tongue-tied in the face of Laurie's insults, so Hyde gives her lessons in Zen-coolness. She uses this, and a few other things, to triumph over her rival.

#15 - Canadian Road Trip
Season 3 - Episode 23 - Aired 5/8/2001
Eric, Hyde, Fez, Kelso and Leo go to Canada to get some beer. Unfortunately, they get stopped on their way back across the border because Fez lost his green card. Donna tries to convince Jackie that she's being scammed by a modeling agency. Red gets a bonus at work: a Beta Max so he can tape something now and watch it later, but he forgets a vital step in the process.

#16 - Whole Lotta Love
Season 5 - Episode 16 - Aired 2/19/2003
Red is angry that Donna and Eric are engaged, so he gives Eric the silent treatment, leaving it up to Donna to try to talk to him. Fez finally does it with Nina; he's happy that he finally did it, but afterwards, things aren't so great. Kelso gives Jackie a birthday present, but insists that he's not trying to do anything; Hyde didn't even know it was her birthday.

#17 - Sleepover
Season 2 - Episode 8 - Aired 11/16/1999
Donna finally sleeps with Eric, but when the guys find out that all they did was sleep, they tease him mercilessly. Hyde gets a job at the FotoHut, and finds out that compared to his boss, he's a workaholic. And Kitty has to work double shifts at the hospital, leaving Red to do the cooking.

#18 - Magic Bus
Season 6 - Episode 3 - Aired 11/12/2003
It's Eric's 18th birthday and nothing is going the way he wants it. He expects a birthday breakfast and suprise party from his mom, but Kitty is too preoccupied with resuming her sex life with Red. Plus, it's Donna's last day before moving to Madison for college and Eric is struggling with letting her go. In the end, Donna manages to salvage the day with the gift she gives him at the bus station.

#19 - Afterglow
Season 2 - Episode 17 - Aired 2/21/2000
Donna has finally made Eric a man; he's overjoyed about it until he hears that things didn't go as well as he thought they had. Upset that she talked to the others instead of him, Eric suggests that they just don't do it again. Donna's upset because this was exactly what she feared would happen; things would get weird between them. They manage to resolve the matter, without the help of their friends. Meanwhile, Red, overjoyed at finally getting a pay check again, buys a special treat for himself and Kitty.

#20 - Mother's Little Helper
Season 7 - Episode 7 - Aired 11/10/2004
When a hot girl tells Fez she wants to date him, he is delighted. He later finds out the girl was supposed to date Kelso, but blew him off. After Kelso begs, Fez agrees to help him regain his lost mojo. Donna and Jackie learn that play-fighting is an art. And Kitty tries to get Red to be more adventurous in their sex life.

#21 - Hyde Moves In
Season 1 - Episode 24 - Aired 7/19/1999
The gang goes skinny-dipping and Jackie gets sick. Hyde moves in with the Formans when his mom runs away with a trucker. Bob takes a liking to one of Midge's feminist friends.

#22 - The Seeker
Season 6 - Episode 25 - Aired 5/19/2004
Everyone does their best to cheer Donna up after Eric disappeared before the wedding. Midge even shows up to console her daughter, but her arrival causes an awkward scene with Bob and Pam. Also, Hyde lands in the hospital after he takes Donna to the water tower for a talk. While Kitty looks after Hyde, she goes through his medical records and stumbles upon a life-altering piece of news.

#23 - The Immigrant Song
Season 5 - Episode 24 - Aired 5/7/2003
The Formans are horrified when they realize that Red has gone fishing - he only does that when he's really angry. When he finally returns, Red has his final say on Eric and Donna's decision to move. Meanwhile, Kelso, Hyde, and Fez decide to paint obscene pictures on the water tower as their senior prank. Hyde and Kelso's arguing over Jackie lands Kelso in the hospital, leaving Fez to face the police alone and Jackie to face her feelings about who she wants to be with.

#24 - Dine and Dash
Season 3 - Episode 13 - Aired 1/30/2001
Kelso invites the gang to an expensive dinner but skips on the bill, leaving Eric and Donna in the restaurant with no money. The two of them decide to shed their "square" personalities and get back at the gang. Bob is upset that Red didn't offer him a job at Price Mart.

#25 - Going to California
Season 5 - Episode 1 - Aired 9/17/2002
Donna has had enough of the Golden State. She misses Eric, who, although she doesn't know it, is headed West - despite his parents' objections - to declare his love and bring her home. Kelso, however, has decided he has found the woman of his dreams in Annette, who is beautiful and believes in him. Back in Wisconsin, Jackie is a changed woman, thanks to a change in boyfriends.