The BEST episodes written by Jeff Filgo

Moon Over Point Place (1)
1156 votes

#1 - Moon Over Point Place (1)

That '70s Show - Season 2 - Episode 26

Eric hates it when he finds a picture of Donna mooning the camera in the yearbook, and has to deal with his jealousy in the matter. Fez thinks that the white man is keeping him down because there are no pictures of him in the yearbook, and takes out his anger in a Foosball game. Jackie wants to spend time with Hyde, but when he won't go to roller disco with her, she decides to see what life is like on his side of the tracks.

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Everyone Says I Love You Except Ritchie
109 votes

#2 - Everyone Says I Love You Except Ritchie

The New Adventures of Old Christine - Season 4 - Episode 5

Christine is distraught when Ritchie stops saying "I love you" to her. When she reveals her distress to Matthew, she also admits that she's been sleeping in Ritchie's room every night. Matthew tells her that if she's not careful, Ritchie will end up like him -- he can't go to sleep without talking to their mother. They spend the night helping each other break these habits.

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Love, Wisconsin Style
1108 votes

#3 - Love, Wisconsin Style

That '70s Show - Season 4 - Episode 27

Kitty and Eric go to the Hub after a dentist appointment and catch Donna (who's drunk) skipping school with Casey. Neither Bob nor Joanne can exert any authority over Donna, so a frustrated Red intervenes while everyone watches. Meanwhile, Jackie suggests that Kelso kiss another girl so that they can reconcile. And Hyde and Fez try to decide what to do with some dead fish that they stole.

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Red Gets a Job
1261 votes

#4 - Red Gets a Job

That '70s Show - Season 2 - Episode 14

Eric gets a job at Price Mart as a cashier while Red gets one as a supervisor. Kelso tries to break up with Laurie because she wants a real relationship but Laurie threatens to tell Jackie about her and Kelso.

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The Seeker
1019 votes

#5 - The Seeker

That '70s Show - Season 6 - Episode 25

Everyone does their best to cheer Donna up after Eric disappeared before the wedding. Midge even shows up to console her daughter, but her arrival causes an awkward scene with Bob and Pam. Also, Hyde lands in the hospital after he takes Donna to the water tower for a talk. While Kitty looks after Hyde, she goes through his medical records and stumbles upon a life-altering piece of news.

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Dine and Dash
1162 votes

#6 - Dine and Dash

That '70s Show - Season 3 - Episode 13

Kelso invites the gang to an expensive dinner but skips on the bill, leaving Eric and Donna in the restaurant with no money. The two of them decide to shed their "square" personalities and get back at the gang. Bob is upset that Red didn't offer him a job at Price Mart.

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Going to California
1246 votes

#7 - Going to California

That '70s Show - Season 5 - Episode 1

Donna has had enough of the Golden State. She misses Eric, who, although she doesn't know it, is headed West - despite his parents' objections - to declare his love and bring her home. Kelso, however, has decided he has found the woman of his dreams in Annette, who is beautiful and believes in him. Back in Wisconsin, Jackie is a changed woman, thanks to a change in boyfriends.

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Water Tower
1328 votes

#8 - Water Tower

That '70s Show - Season 1 - Episode 21

The guys paint a pot leaf on the water tower and Kelso falls off trying to fix it because everyone thinks it looks like the finger. Instead of going to the hospital they go to Eric's cause his mom's a nurse. When Eric goes to get her he walks in on his parents having sex. Having trouble sleeping and not being able to look his parents in the eyes leads his parents to believe he's on drugs.

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Romantic Weekend
1173 votes

#9 - Romantic Weekend

That '70s Show - Season 3 - Episode 16

Eric finds a brochure for a nice motel and plans a romantic weekend with Donna, who's glad for the chance to get away from her feuding parents. Both lie about their whereabouts to their parents. But the lie blows up in their faces when they learn who their neighbors are at the motel. Meanwhile, Kelso thinks that he's not a man any more because he can't perform with Pam Macy.

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The Kids Are Alright
1246 votes

#10 - The Kids Are Alright

That '70s Show - Season 6 - Episode 1

When Jackie finds out Kelso has a new girlfriend she chooses Hyde over him, but--surprise!--he has someone new too. Eric is living with his parents to help out his dad, but all he wants is to be with Donna in Madison. Meanwhile, Kitty still tries to convince Eric he should stay with them and not go to Madison. Eric finally realizes that he can't go away to school, but is surprised to find Donna still plans to. Kelso also finds a problem when he drinks eggs only to find out he is allergic to them.

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Your Time Is Gonna Come
1104 votes

#11 - Your Time Is Gonna Come

That '70s Show - Season 5 - Episode 13

Annette, Kelso's girlfriend from California, comes to Point Place to visit him. The entire gang is shocked to learn how closely her personality resembles Jackie's, while Jackie tries to conceal her jealousy from Hyde. Meanwhile, Kitty's parents show up unexpectedly and announce that they'll be moving in for a while. This unpleasant situation gets far worse when Eric finds his grandfather collapsed in the driveway.

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The Relapse (1)
1269 votes

#12 - The Relapse (1)

That '70s Show - Season 4 - Episode 6

Bob is in denial after Midge leaves. Donna seeks comfort in the arms of Eric, who thinks this means they're back together. Kelso and Fez go to the supermarket to try and pick up older women.

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The Promise Ring
1057 votes

#13 - The Promise Ring

That '70s Show - Season 3 - Episode 25

Eric gives Donna a promise ring but things don't turn out the way that he planned; Jackie, seeing Donna's ring, demands that Michael gives her a promise ring too; Hyde and Fez go cruising for chicks.

Time Is on My Side
924 votes

#14 - Time Is on My Side

That '70s Show - Season 7 - Episode 1

A week after Eric and Donna's engagement was called off, they are both on good terms, but have to make big decisions regarding their futures. Donna gets a new look, and Eric decides to take a year off, but to do that he needs to sell Donna's engagement ring to get some money. There's only one problem with his plan: Donna threw it off the water tower. Also, Bob is torn between Pam and Midge, and Red puts pressure on him (only because Kitty pressured Red) to choose between them. However, one of them takes the decision out of Bob's hands.

I Love Cake
1267 votes

#15 - I Love Cake

That '70s Show - Season 2 - Episode 7

Eric freaks out when Donna says 'I love you,' and all he can think of to say in return is 'I love cake.' Donna, not knowing how to deal with this, turns to Jackie for relationship advice. Midge kicks Bob out of the house; he stays with the Formans and Red has to act as a go-between to try to mend their marriage. Kelso gets a new leather jacket that he thinks makes him look like Marlon Brando, but the everyone else thinks he looks like the Fonz.

Ski Trip
1446 votes

#16 - Ski Trip

That '70s Show - Season 1 - Episode 13

Jackie dumps Kelso after he makes out with Pam Macy and invites everyone but him to her parent's ski cabin for the weekend. Eric, excited about what this could mean for him and Donna, pays no attention to Kelso's whining about being left behind or Red's tips about driving in the snow. He doesn't realize that Hyde keeps hitting on Donna and Kelso plans on following them to the lodge. Also, Kitty gets mad at Red over a past indiscretion and Fez has his first experience with snow.

That Wrestling Show
1432 votes

#17 - That Wrestling Show

That '70s Show - Season 1 - Episode 15

Kitty thinks that it would be a good idea if Red and Eric become friends. She forces Eric to invite Red to go with the gang to a wrestling event in Kenosha. Bob tags along and seeks help from Fez and Hyde over Midge's decision to start therapy. And Jackie is super nice to Kelso now that they've done the deed.

Too Old to Trick or Treat, Too Young to Die
1228 votes

#18 - Too Old to Trick or Treat, Too Young to Die

That '70s Show - Season 3 - Episode 4

A Halloween episode filled with parodies of Alfred Hitchcock movies: "Rear Window", "Vertigo", "The Birds", "North By Northwest" and "Psycho".

1453 votes

#19 - Thanksgiving

That '70s Show - Season 1 - Episode 9

Laurie comes home for Thanksgiving with her friend Kate. Eric is annoyed that he'll have to give up his room for their guest, until he sees how hot Kate is. Jackie alerts Donna to the trouble she could be facing now that a college girl is sleeping in Eric's bed. Kitty tries vainly to avoid her mother-in-law's phone calls as she prepares for Thanksgiving dinner.

World's Greatest Dad
2 votes

#20 - World's Greatest Dad

Baby Blues - Season 1 - Episode 6

Melinda invites Wanda to take a day off to go to a ceramic painting place. To pacify Darryl, the ladies arrange for him and Carl to have their own fun day out -- with the kids. Darryl has as great a time with Carl as Wanda does with Melinda, but at Carl's suggestion, he pretends he had a bad time in order to make Wanda believe he put himself out to please her. To show her what a great dad he is, he agrees to put himself out again by planning another day with Carl and the kids. What Wanda doesn't know is that one of the places Carl brought Darryl to, Gumdrop Station, features a sexy showgirl who sings birthday greetings to little kids -- and whom Darryl's now infatuated with. Darryl milks his newfound selfless husband image for all it's worth, while Wanda pampers him with breakfast in bed. His plan to keep seeing the birthday lady in secret comes crashing down around him when Wanda takes the pampering one step too far, and tells him that since he has such a bad time with Carl and the ki

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Relax, Don't Do It
0 votes

#21 - Relax, Don't Do It

Hank (2009) - Season 1 - Episode 4

Hank finds it challenging to "do nothing" while unemployed and is the ultimate over-achiever in his roles as a house-husband as well as a hunter

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0 votes

#22 - Hanksgiving

Hank (2009) - Season 1 - Episode 5

Hank discovers that his dreadful mother-in-law is coming for Thanksgiving.

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