The BEST episodes written by Mark Hudis

Soul of Fire
5708 votes

#1 - Soul of Fire

True Blood - Season 4 - Episode 11

It's up to Sookie and her powers to keep Bill, Eric and Pam from harm. While Jesus casts a spell, Lafayette is totally absorbed by the past. Sams gets even with Marcus and Alcide deals with Debbie head on. Andy's foray into the forest is filled with deep, overwhelming emotion.

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941 votes

#2 - Twitter

Nurse Jackie - Season 2 - Episode 2

Jackie covers for a hung-over O'Hara, while Eddie befriends Kevin and Dr. Coop gets hooked on microblogging.

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The Acid Queen
1165 votes

#3 - The Acid Queen

That '70s Show - Season 6 - Episode 4

No one in the gang believes Kelso's claim that he hooked up with Brooke, a beautiful and conservative older girl, at a Molly Hatchet concert. Much to Kelso's shock, Brooke denies knowing him and rejects all of his advances. Brooke's presence also disrupts Jackie and Hyde's relationship when Jackie asks for his opinion about Brooke's looks. Also, Fez decides to pursue college-bound virgins while Eric learns of an interesting collection kept at the local library.

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Mother's Little Helper
947 votes

#4 - Mother's Little Helper

That '70s Show - Season 7 - Episode 7

When a hot girl tells Fez she wants to date him, he is delighted. He later finds out the girl was supposed to date Kelso, but blew him off. After Kelso begs, Fez agrees to help him regain his lost mojo. Donna and Jackie learn that play-fighting is an art. And Kitty tries to get Red to be more adventurous in their sex life.

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Hyde Moves In
1265 votes

#5 - Hyde Moves In

That '70s Show - Season 1 - Episode 24

The gang goes skinny-dipping and Jackie gets sick. Hyde moves in with the Formans when his mom runs away with a trucker. Bob takes a liking to one of Midge's feminist friends.

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Somebody That I Used to Know
4579 votes

#6 - Somebody That I Used to Know

True Blood - Season 5 - Episode 8

The Authority revels in a new direction; Sookie and Jason visit the site of their parents’ deaths; Luna gets stuck on Sam.

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Roller Disco
1251 votes

#7 - Roller Disco

That '70s Show - Season 3 - Episode 5

Jackie has wonderful news: there's a roller disco competition in Kenosha and she wants Hyde to be her partner. When she finds that he's more than unwilling, she's left with a choice between Kelso and Fez, and after seeing their moves, she chooses Fez. This leaves Kelso less than happy, and more than a little jealous. Red, meanwhile, is being sued by an ex-Price Mart employee for wrongful termination, and has to prove to the Labor Board that he's not "unnecessarily angry."

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Hyde's Birthday
1110 votes

#8 - Hyde's Birthday

That '70s Show - Season 4 - Episode 23

Kitty plans a surprise birthday party for Hyde's 18th birthday. She recruits Jackie and Fez as decorators because of their feminine creativity (much to Donna's annoyance). Eric, Donna, and Kelso decide to steal a street sign for Hyde's present. But Hyde doesn't want to celebrate because he thinks this means he'll have to move out of the Formans' house.

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Nobody's Fault But Mine (2)
1114 votes

#9 - Nobody's Fault But Mine (2)

That '70s Show - Season 5 - Episode 23

Hyde cheats on Jackie because he thinks she still loves Kelso. After realizing his mistake, he apologizes to her but she breaks up with him. Red and Kitty dare Eric and Donna to get married by graduation in order to pressure them into calling off their engagement. Their plan works, but a little better than they expected. Fez refuses to give Mitch Miller his driver's license, so Mitch digs up dirt on him and Kelso. Laurie moves back home, determined to make up for her past wrongs.

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Til the Next Goodbye (2)
749 votes

#10 - Til the Next Goodbye (2)

That '70s Show - Season 7 - Episode 25

Kelso drops Jackie off in Chicago, but she is immediately homesick and reaches out to the gang for companionship. Eric finds out at the last minute that Kitty deliberately hid a letter outlining the vaccination shots he’s required to have before going to Africa for the year. He has his final Circle with the guys only to finally be busted by Red! As Eric says his good-byes to everyone, Hyde talks to Leo about his true feelings for Jackie and decides to follow her to Chicago…with disastrous results.

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Holy Craps
1091 votes

#11 - Holy Craps

That '70s Show - Season 3 - Episode 20

Kitty forces Red, Eric, Hyde and Kelso to help out at a church fundraiser. Red spends all of his time at the craps table, Kelso and Hyde cheat at bingo so they can win all the prizes. Eric is busy worrying about his relationship with Donna because a church member told him that his wife was nice too, when they first met, until they got tired of each other. Jackie and Donna tell Fez that Caroline is a psycho so he dumps her after she threatens him.

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Me and the Devil
5577 votes

#12 - Me and the Devil

True Blood - Season 4 - Episode 5

Sookie nurtures Eric; Bill gets involved personally in the necromancy crisis; Pam takes the veil; Sam becomes Tommy's accomplice; Arlene and Terry look to religion to solve their problem; Jesus and Lafayette head to Mexico to harness a shaman's power; Jason convalesces.

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Red's Birthday
1187 votes

#13 - Red's Birthday

That '70s Show - Season 2 - Episode 10

It's Red's birthday and the roof collapses so Eric gets him some 2 x 4s to fix it. Bob and Midge take Red and Kitty out for dinner but they each bring a date and ditch them to do it in the car. Eric is mad at Donna for talking to Hyde about her parent's problems instead of talking to him.

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Parents Find Out
1256 votes

#14 - Parents Find Out

That '70s Show - Season 2 - Episode 19

Eric and Donna are caught having sex in the Vista Cruiser by the police. They bring them to the Forman's home. Red tells Donna that as an adult she should tell her parents and if she doesn't he will. Kitty has a nervous breakdown when she finds out that Eric and Donna are having sex. Fez, Hyde and Kelso try to pick up women on Kelso's CB radio.

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P.O. Box
1002 votes

#15 - P.O. Box

Nurse Jackie - Season 2 - Episode 9

In order to keep her secret credit card a secret, Jackie sets up a P.O. box for the credit card bills. Mrs. Akalitus makes Eddie an offer to come back as the hospital's pharmacist.

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It's All Over Now
947 votes

#16 - It's All Over Now

That '70s Show - Season 7 - Episode 15

There's a sexy new intern, "Sizzlin" Sarah, at the radio station that has the guys going crazy. Sarah manipulates the station manager into firing Donna by using Donna's feminism against her. Poor Kitty has the flu and is going to miss meeting Tom Jones at Hyde and Angie's record store, so she makes Red go in her place to get his autograph. And Jackie seeks advice from Fez on talking to Hyde about her true feelings.

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The Art of Sleights and Deception
2894 votes

#17 - The Art of Sleights and Deception

Elementary - Season 5 - Episode 20

Holmes and Watson get mixed up in murder and magic when they investigate the death of a magician killed while performing a classic stunt. Also, Watson suspects Bell is being targeted by the ex-husband of his girlfriend, Chantal, after a false allegation lands him the middle of an Internal Affairs investigation.

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How the Sausage Is Made
3113 votes

#18 - How the Sausage Is Made

Elementary - Season 5 - Episode 8

Joan worries Sherlock’s sobriety is at risk when she learns he has been lying to her about attending recovery meetings. Sherlock and Joan discover a man’s death caused by ingesting poisoned sausage is connected to a lab working on a breakthrough in the artificial meat industry.

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Baby Don't You Do It
1004 votes

#19 - Baby Don't You Do It

That '70s Show - Season 6 - Episode 14

After the recent pregnancy scare, Bob and the Formans insist that Eric and Donna go for counseling at the church. During their first session, Eric and Donna lie to the minister about having pre-marital sex. Kelso has also been lying lately, telling Brooke that he's doing better at the Police Academy than he actually is. But lying becomes more difficult after there's a fire at the Academy.

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The First Time
1355 votes

#20 - The First Time

That '70s Show - Season 2 - Episode 16

Midge and Bob decide to renew their relationship with a second wedding, and want Donna to write the vows. This is difficult for Donna, since their marriage hasn't been very stable recently. Kelso is worried that the wedding will give Jackie ideas that he just doesn't want to consider. Writing the vows makes Donna come to a decision about the state of her relationship with Eric.

First Blood
231 votes

#21 - First Blood

First Kill - Season 1 - Episode 2

The shocking aftermath of Noah's party sparks more questions than answers. Juliette's mother jumps to conclusions. A monster zeroes in on Cal's family.

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You're No Good
3510 votes

#22 - You're No Good

True Blood - Season 6 - Episode 3

Eric is irate about Burrell's aggression towards vampires; Bill enlists an innovator to synthesize a new type of blood; Sookie begins to learn why Warlow is after her; Sam receives unexpected help from Nicole; Steve Newlin struggles with his past.

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Jackie Says Cheese
1184 votes

#23 - Jackie Says Cheese

That '70s Show - Season 4 - Episode 13

Eric catches Red looking through his dresser drawers for a condom and thinks that Red has found Hyde's stash. Jackie gets a job as a cheese maiden and Fez is jealous of the new foreign guy.

Bye-Bye Basement
1051 votes

#24 - Bye-Bye Basement

That '70s Show - Season 4 - Episode 5

After Hyde moves back in with the Formans, Kitty decides to redecorate the basement so she hires Leo and his cousin Theo to do the job. Meanwhile, Donna and Eric engage in post-break-up bickering, while Fez takes up ballet to meet girls only to discover that they consider him one of the girls.

Ever After
184 votes

#25 - Ever After

Tell Me a Story (US) - Season 2 - Episode 10

Tucker and Maddie frantically try to escape Olivia’s clutches, resorting to desperate measures. Simone grows more suspicious of her step-brother but doesn’t want to further involve Jackson. Ashley, Rebecca, and Beau, back on the Force, prepare for her comeback concert, while a vindictive Taylor sets her final plan in motion.

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Black Dog
1313 votes

#26 - Black Dog

That '70s Show - Season 5 - Episode 9

When Jackie's father is arrested for bribery, Kelso thinks she'll come running back to him. But when Hyde and Kelso get into a brawl over Jackie, Kelso accidentally shoots Hyde with a BB gun and all hell breaks lose. Donna and Eric argue over how Hyde should deal with Jackie's pain. Meanwhile, Fez realizes he has a crush on his boss at the DMV.

Going Mobile
1029 votes

#27 - Going Mobile

That '70s Show - Season 6 - Episode 24

The day of the rehearsal dinner, Eric comes to the realization that he could be holding Donna back if he marries her. He attempts to tell her this when the Formans come visit the mobile home Donna picked out. Although he denies having second thoughts, he drops enough hints to make Donna begin to worry about the wedding herself. Meanwhile, Michael makes a very poor first impression on Brooke's mother; Hyde and Fez try to decide who Eric's best man will be.

Stolen Car
1483 votes

#28 - Stolen Car

That '70s Show - Season 1 - Episode 14

When Eric scratches the car, Red suspends his driving privileges, so the gang has to walk everywhere. That is, until Kelso's cousin lends him a car. They get arrested though because the car was reported stolen. With one phone call, Kelso calls Jackie and she tells him that she'll have sex with him once he gets out of prison. The whole incident was a mix-up and the gang is released.

1503 votes

#29 - Drive-In

That '70s Show - Season 1 - Episode 8

Eric and Donna go to the drive-in. Eric doesn't want Kelso and Jackie to go because they'd be competition but Donna invites them anyway. Fez's house parents think he's listening to the devil's music (a copy of Kiss' Destroyer album). Red and Kitty spend the evening out and almost get arrested.

Hyde's Christmas Rager
1207 votes

#30 - Hyde's Christmas Rager

That '70s Show - Season 3 - Episode 9

Living with Bud has some definite benefits; Hyde finds this out when he's having his first Christmas party at Bud's place, and Bud leaves the guys alone with a keg of beer. Eric suffers the consequences of being bad at quarters, and has to be carried home, where Red and Kitty decide that Bud needs a talking to about proper parenting practices. Meanwhile, Jackie is desperate for a boyfriend, and drags Donna out to a bar where they meet some interesting firemen.

Lost and Found
184 votes

#31 - Lost and Found

Tell Me a Story (US) - Season 2 - Episode 6

Beau is determined to track down Ashley's assailant after the shootout. Jackson confronts Veronica about Simone's disappearance and gets help from an unlikely ally. Olivia makes her escape with Tucker in pursuit, while Maddie seeks some motherly advice from Rebecca about her fiancé.

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First Severing
180 votes

#32 - First Severing

First Kill - Season 1 - Episode 6

Efforts to keep Juliette and Cal apart escalate as their wary families reach a mutual understanding during a murder investigation.

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Hey, Hey What Can I Do
1099 votes

#33 - Hey, Hey What Can I Do

That '70s Show - Season 5 - Episode 18

Everyone has their own reasons for going to the job fair. Eric needs a full-time job now that Red refuses to pay for college. The Photo Hut is closed, so Hyde's looking for work too. Fez wants to make out with Nina at the DMV booth while "Hot Donna" will be signing autographs at the radio station's booth. And after failing to flirt his way out of a parking ticket, Kelso fears that his good looks will fade and that he'll need a practical job like other 'uggos'.

Chicken Soup
938 votes

#34 - Chicken Soup

Nurse Jackie - Season 1 - Episode 3

An elderly patient checks in who has been treating his heart disease with chicken soup; Jackie discusses her daughter's anxiety with Dr. O'Hara; Eddie learns that he is to be replaced by a pill-dispensing machine.

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Killer Queen
819 votes

#35 - Killer Queen

That '70s Show - Season 8 - Episode 12

Jackie is stuck in the lurch when a guest suddenly cancels their appearance on "What's Up, Wisconsin?" She needs to find a replacement, or else lose her job; so she and Fez take the place of the missing guest, pretending to be a couple in love. Christine is so impressed that she takes Jackie out for drinks after work, and spills some personal secrets, then fires Jackie for knowing too much. Donna has her eye on a special someone to ask out for Valentine's Day, but gets turned down. Red introduces Hyde to his secret stash.

Oh Brother!
4 votes

#36 - Oh Brother!

Cybill - Season 4 - Episode 17

Cybill forgot Ira's birthday and, to ease her guilty conscience, then concocts a crazy scheme to kidnap him and surprise him with the perfect gift - courtside tickets for a Lakers game. Maryann and Zoey act as Cybill's accomplices in the kidnapping scheme and successfully complete their mission - only to discover that they've abducted the wrong man. Meanwhile, Cybill's long-lost niece, Claire, visits from Bakersfield and is starstruck with her aunt's glamorous Hollywood. While Cybill entertains Claire, she finds a photo showing her with her brother, a man she never knew - and can't remember.

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6 votes

#37 - Halloween

Cybill - Season 4 - Episode 7

Cybill hosts a Halloween eve telethon, and recruits Maryann, Zoey, and Ira to help out. Things go fine at first, until Cybill and Maryann begin to air their differences on the air!

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9 votes

#38 - Ka-Boom!

Cybill - Season 4 - Episode 24

Cybill's show with Julie is being plugged; Dr. Dick steals Maryanne's money; Cybill and Maryanne are arrested for murder when Dr. Dick's boat explodes. This "to be continued" cliffhanger episode ends up being the series finale.

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Dream Date
7 votes

#39 - Dream Date

Cybill - Season 4 - Episode 19

Maryann convinces a reluctant Cybill to go on the blind date with Bruce, who turns out to be an offensive jerk. Although Cybill is repulsed by Bruce's piggish behavior, after a storm straps him at Cybill's for the night along with Maryann, Zoey, Ira and his mother, she is determined to be nice to him after he saves the life of Ira's mother. Meanwhile, Maryann and Dick work on their co-dependency issues, and Ira tries to improve his relationship with his mother.

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