The BEST episodes of Power Rangers season 12
Every episode of Power Rangers season 12, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Power Rangers season 12!
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is a long-running American children's television series adapted from the Japanese tokusatsu Super Sentai Series. A team of five high school students are selected by Zordon to battle evil. Using martial arts, special weapons, and gigantic robots called "Zords", they protect their city Angel Grove from monsters and witches.

#1 - Thunder Storm (2)
Season 12 - Episode 32 - Aired 10/9/2004
Cam, Blake, and Hunter head into the Abyss of Evil to retrieve their stolen powers, and run into some resistance, in the form of Zurgane, Kelzaks, and a few previously destroyed monsters. They nearly plunge into the depths, but their Sensei arrives in time to save them. Mesogog and Lothor form an alliance, with Mesogog providing the plan and Lothor providing the Evilized Wind Rangers. The three Winds Ninjas face off against the main three DinoThunder teens, in an unmorphed showdown, leading up to Dino Gem powers vs Ninja powers, Conner vs Shane, Ethan vs Dustin, Kira vs Tori. It's fairly enough matched a battle, and right when it's about to move up to morphed, Cam, Blake & Hunter show up. They trick their three spellbound teammates into giving up their evilly-enchanted Power Discs for their original ones, thus breaking the spell! The combined forces of Mesogog and Lothor's troops are assembled, so the combined forces of the Ninja Storm and DinoThunder Rangers all come together to stop them. The 11 Rangers pair off: the two Reds take on Lothor's newest Abyss-spawn Generals, utilizing their Cycles, weapons, and eventually, a double-dose of Battlizer power; Blue Wind and Yellow DT double team on Elsa; Yellow Wind and Blue DT, on their Cycles (including the Hover), take on a few previously-destroyed monsters; Black DT, and Navy & Crimson Thunders team-up against Zurgane; and Green Samurai & White DT face the Wolfblades and the three teams of footsoldiers, using a boost of Super Dino and Super Samurai powers. But it's Marah & Kapri who save the day, by showing their true colors in swiping their uncle's bottle, and freeing the captured ninjas. Seems they were also behind rescuing Sensei! Lothor hasn't time to let this loss sink in, as Mesogog challenges him to a duel. The fight rages in his lab, leading to Mesogog reverting Lothor into his basic genetic material, kept harmlessly preserved forever in one of his chemical jars. Seems Lothor's extraction of their powers h

#2 - House of Cards (1)
Season 12 - Episode 35 - Aired 10/30/2004
Ethan plays against Devin with their favorite card game, "Dragon Wars." He wins using the ultra-rare Ruby Dragon card, but in doing so attracts the attention of Prinicpal Randall, who confiscates their cards. Dr. Oliver is persuaded to talk to Randall about giving the cards back, and when going to visit her office, he witnesses her changing into Elsa! Tommy and Elsa do battle in the schoolyard, blowing her disguise as Randall in front of the whole student body, leaving a vacancy for Prinicpal of Reefside High. Trent goes to Mesogog's lab by himself, and tries to get the card back, but in fighting Elsa, accidentally ensures it gets turned into the Ruby Dragon monster. While fighting the Rangers, both the Ruby Dragon and Elsa make it known that Trent is hiding something from his teammates. He tries to play it off as his going after the card solo was the big secret. Ruby Dragon is destroyed by the three main Megazords. Elsa, again threatened by Mesogog for her failure, slips the Ruby Dragon card into Dr Anton Mercer's pocket, setting it up to fall out when he reaches for his cellphone while talking to the Rangers in the hallway of the high school. The stress of explaining how it got there leads to his transforming into Mesogog in front of the team! Mesogog thinks Trent set him up, the team realizes this was his big secret, and trust is lost from both sides on the White Ranger.

#3 - Wave Goodbye
Season 12 - Episode 3 - Aired 2/21/2004
Conner's given a shot at playing professional soccer, but his Ranger duties impede upon it. Ethan introduces Conner and Kira to "Hayley's Cyberspace", a cyber-cafe run by a very knowledgeable woman. Mesogog unleashes his first monster. And if that weren't bad enough, Tommy gets captured by Zeltrax and the Tyrannodrones on the way to hearing Kira perform at the cafe!

#4 - Thunder Struck (2)
Season 12 - Episode 38 - Aired 11/20/2004
What's Zeltrax been up to while he's been absent from the show? Seems he and his Triptoids spent time building the Zelzord, the so-called "Ultimate Fighting Machine." Zeltrax, with the de-evilized Elsa as his captive, pilots the Zelzord into Reefside. Conner and Ethan pilot the Thundersaurus and Mezodon Megazords against the Zelzord, while Trent takes care of Triptoids, and Tommy & Kira rescue Elsa and face Zeltrax. The duo manages to save her, and destroy the cyborg once known as Smitty, once and for all. But the Zelzord takes a massive sacrifice of every Dinozord to stop it. Mesogog, having absorbed some power from the Dino Gems, transmogrifies to his ultimate dinosauric form, that of the Mesomonster. The five DinoThunder Rangers battle him fiercely, but even the Battlized Triassic power is unable to defeat him. To make things worse, Mesomonster is replicating! Only by pooling their Dino Gem energies into a giant flaming tyrannosaurus, can Mesogog be made extinct permanetly. Unfortunately, that last trick taps out the powers of the Dino Gems for good. Devin and Cassidy, having recorded this final battle, confront the team, and hand over the tape, admitting they couldn't exploit their friendship for personal gain after all they've done. At the Reefside 2004 senior prom, the couples include Devin & Cassidy, Conner & Krista (from "The Passion Of Conner"), and Ethan & Angela, the girl he met last episode. Kira and her band perform the music. As for Trent, he's going to art school in the fall, The humanized Elsa seems to be the new principal of the school, and she & Anton Mercer seem to be a blossoming item. As for Tommy? He's going to try to live the quiet life for once, by settling down and continuing teaching.

#5 - In Your Dreams
Season 12 - Episode 33 - Aired 10/16/2004
Dr Mercer's night terrors lead to Mesogog's latest scheme. He has Elsa connect the Geno Randomizer to a machine, which taps into and exacerbates the DinoThunder Rangers' dreams, with the hope of destroying them in their sleep. Tommy dreams of fighting the Squidrose monster, based out of his calamari dinner that night. Kira's reptile homework leads to her facing the lovesick Croco D'Vile monster in her dreams. Ethan's research on primates creates the Rumba Monkey monster, who monkeys around with his dreams. Conner, his nightmare inspired by recent Christmas shopping with his mom, faces the festive Rude Elf monster. Each REM-based baddie is defeated, though dreams of teamwork, weapons, and Megazords. The only one to get a good night's sleep is Trent!

#6 - Thunder Storm (1)
Season 12 - Episode 31 - Aired 10/2/2004
Lothor finally climbs his way out of the Abyss of Evil. Disguising himself as his now-captive twin brother (Sensei Watanabe), Lothor tricks Shane, Dustin, and Tori into donning the Wind Morphers, sabotaged to make them his slaves, his own evil Rangers! With them, and a pair of monsters he picked up in the Abyss, Lothor sieges the Wind Academy, and captures the students once more. Marah & Kapri, always looking out for themselves, reluctantly resume their status in their uncle's army. Meanwhile, Blake comes to Reefside for a Motocross tournament, and begins a flirtation with Kira. It isn't long before Cam contacts him and his brother Hunter, about the current situation regarding their old teammates. The evil Wind Rangers, with Kelzaks and the two Monster Generals by their side, head on a march of destruction. Hayley & Tommy, noticing a blanket of evil spreading over the state of California from the re-opened Abyss, become aware of this rampage. The three main DinoThunder Rangers are sent to stop them, and holding back so as to not destroy the fellow Rangers, are beaten by the evil Winds. And Mesogog dispatches Elsa to offer Lothor their aid in the assistance of the destruction of the world...

#7 - Fighting Spirit
Season 12 - Episode 27 - Aired 8/28/2004
Elsa and her T-Drones dig up a powerful energy crystal, which has the same mineral properties of the Dino Gems. She feeds it to the newly revised and revamped Terrorsaurus II (from "Triassic Triumph"). He fights the four DinoThunder Rangers, and thanks to the crystal, is able to fry their Morphing Energies, leaving them powerless. Things aren't so well for Tommy, either. Hayley uses his Dino Gem in an experiment to reverse his invisibility, where it overloads, and though he's back to being visible, he's left in a coma. In the hospital, he has a major battle of wills within his fevered mind, facing first his Red Zeo Ranger self, then the White Mighty Morphin' Ranger, followed by the toughest of them all, his old Green Ranger self. Upon resisting defeat, he learns of the true nature of the dream, fighting for his life to prove he's still got a drive to live. He passes the test, and all three of his old selves not only restore him to life, but repair his Black Dino Gem. Tommy joins the battle against Terrorsaurus II, and with his Super Dino Mode, takes the monster out, restoring his students' powers. The main three Rangers use the Thundersaurus Megazord against the giant Terrorsaurus, and are able to beat him with some Super Dino Mode inspiration. Oh, and Cassidy & Devin have a bit of a clash when she's eager to go on the air with the story of the Rangers abandoning Reefside.

#8 - Triassic Triumph
Season 12 - Episode 22 - Aired 7/17/2004
Zeltrax samples a portion of the new Evil White Ranger clone's energy, and creates the White Terrorsaurus monster. With it, and the clone, he helps confuse the Power Rangers about the validity of their newest team member's loyalty. Even when Trent shows up to help fight his doppleganger, trust waivers in the White Ranger. Terrorsaurus eventually captures the Tyranno, Tricera, and Ptera Dino Zords, and gives the main three Rangers quite a beating. Black Ranger helps Trent reassure his allegiance, by guiding him in uncovering the Shield of Triumph, an ancient artifact of incredible power. For it to work, each of the DinoThunder Rangers will have to give a piece of themselves to the Red Ranger (In all but Tommy's case, their Ranger powers temporarily). Conner proves trustworthy in gaining control of the Shield's power, becoming the Triassic Ranger. He destroys the White Terrorsaurus via some interdimensional antics. And on a lighter note, Conner has a misunderstanding with a Russian exchange student/fellow soccer player.

#9 - The Missing Bone
Season 12 - Episode 17 - Aired 5/22/2004
Trent is called to see Principal Randall, who quizzes him on his current behavior and state of mind, trying to gauge his status without revealing her identity as Elsa. The results are not what she had hoped. With Dr. Oliver "on sick leave" (due to his demorphing troubles), Dr. Anton Mercer, Trent's adoptive father and alter ego of Mesogog, is brought in by Randall as the substitute science teacher. He immediately stages a field trip to the Reefside Museum he owns (as seen in "Day of the Dino"). There Kira spots a Tyrannodrone, which leads her to storage room where she is forced to submit to the will of a hypnotic dinosaur skull. The creature gives her a sour attitude towards her friends, and ultimately leads her to Tommy's lab to steal a bone she had recently noticed while helping him take inventory. The bone is revealed to be the final component of Fossilador, a hypnotic dinosaur monster created by Tommy and Mercer years ago. The missing bone fully reanimates Fossilador, and Kira is freed from her brainwashing. Fossilador attacks the city, Black Ranger faces Zeltrax and the Triptoids, and the Rangers destroy Fossilador by destroying the very bone which reanimated him. Back on the island fortress, Mercer desperately searches for a cure for his saurian affliction, but before he can test a new serum on himself, he transforms back to a scolding Mesogog before our eyes.

#10 - White Thunder (2)
Season 12 - Episode 12 - Aired 4/24/2004
The evil White Ranger finds his own Dinozord Egg, and begins feeding it energy from his Morpher, so as to develop a bond with it when it hatches. The DinoThunder Rangers attempt to stop him, but Mesogog's Angor monster keeps the main three busy in a fight with the Megazord, and Zeltrax once again scuffles with Tommy. When all is said and done, Trent unleashes his Drago Zord, and prepares to take on our heroes with it. Meanwhile, Cassidy runs afoul of a gang of young kids in her search for the White Ranger's secret ID.

#11 - Ocean Alert
Season 12 - Episode 10 - Aired 4/10/2004
Nikki Valentina, star of the most popular TV show in the country, "Ocean Alert", visits Reefside during filming of an episode of her show. Her prima donna attitude, and "believable" portrayal of a heroic lifeguard, lead to her capture by Mesogog for usage in a monster.

#12 - Back in Black
Season 12 - Episode 5 - Aired 3/6/2004
Utilizing Hayley's help, and their new Raptor Cycles, the DinoThunder Rangers rescue Tommy from Mesogog's clutches. He gains the next Dino Gem, and with the help of a pre-prepared Brachio Morpher, comes back to action as a Power Ranger!

#13 - Legacy of Power
Season 12 - Episode 4 - Aired 2/28/2004
Tommy, captive of Mesogog, is forced to aid him in unlocking the newest Dino Gem, or be destroyed. Meanwhile, the three Rangers stumble onto a video diary at their underground lair, created by their mentor in case of such an emergency as this, which has a recorded history of not only his life and adventures as a Power Ranger, but a summary of every team since.

#14 - Day of the Dino (2)
Season 12 - Episode 2 - Aired 2/14/2004
Kira escapes from the Tyranodrones and Mesogog's henchmen Elsa & Zeltrax, and rejoins her two teammates and teacher. Tommy gives them three Dino Morphers, which can harness the Dino Gems, that are now bonded to their DNA, allowing them to become DinoThunder Power Rangers. When Mesogog releases the three brainwashed-dinosaur Bio Zords to wreak havoc on the city, they must take on the forces of evil and find a way to give the Zords a change of heart.

#15 - Game On
Season 12 - Episode 7 - Aired 3/20/2004
Ethan is sucked into a video game when Mesogog targets the world of Cyber-space, and creates the De-magnetron monster. Kira, Devin, and Cassidy are also sucked into the game, but the episode's focus is on Ethan, who, with the help of wizard character in the game, learns a thing or two about not looking for shortcuts in life.

#16 - Disappearing Act
Season 12 - Episode 26 - Aired 8/21/2004
To help her mutant flower grow into the Thornox monster, Elsa uses a sample of mysterious green slime. Tommy seeks the same ooze from the source, and after a run in with some Tyranodrones, brings back some of it for Hayley to run a test on. She discovers that with it, she can demorph Tommy. The experiment is a success, but though he's no longer the Black Ranger, he's now invisible! Seems the slime kicked his Dino Gem power into overdrive, and until it wears off, he's clearly... well, clear. As for Thornox, he and the Evil White Ranger Clone team-up, and take on the Rangers' Thundersaurus & Mezodon Megazords. In personal life developments, Ethan's got his first date with Cassidy coming up, a picnic by the sea. He seeks assistance from his friends in making it go right: Kira helps with his fashion, Conner with his dancing skills, Trent with proper dining manners, and when things turn sour, the invisible Doctor O fixes the situation personally. T-Drones help to cut it all short. Ethan realizes he has nothing in common with Cassidy, and his duties as a Ranger would cut into a relationship with her. Similarly, Cassidy realizes her softening by knowing him is dulling the edge she needs to be a reporter, and her duties as a reporter preclude a relationship. They decide to remain friends.

#17 - Beneath the Surface
Season 12 - Episode 9 - Aired 4/3/2004
The Rangers uncover the Dimetrozord Egg, but Elsa, thanks to her disguise as Principal Randall, manages to sabotage it and use the Zord against them.

#18 - White Thunder (3)
Season 12 - Episode 13 - Aired 5/1/2004
The Evil White Ranger steals the DinoThunder gang's Stegazord, and combines it with his Dragozord, into his own Megazord, the Dino Stegazord. While Mesogog sends out a souped-up version of Angor to complicate matters, White Ranger faces Red Ranger one-on-one, leading to the unlocking of a new Dino Power source in Conner. White Ranger rejects both the other Rangers, and Mesogog's side, destroying Angor to prove this point. Eventually, Tommy discovers Trent turning into the White Ranger. Having modified the DT team's Fossil Finder, he encases Black Ranger in amber before he can alert the others to the discovery of the evil Ranger's identity. Meanwhile, Cassidy & Devin are still recovering from their last scheme to discover White Ranger's ID, and literally stumble into getting Trent demorphing on videotape.

#19 - A Star is Torn
Season 12 - Episode 23 - Aired 7/24/2004
Between Trent's duties of helping run the Cyber Space cafe, Conner's hair-raising simulations on helping to develop the new Assault Vehicle, and Ethan's net-search for his soul mate, nobody has time to listen to Kira's good news. She's gotten the interest of a big time music manager for Tones Records, who wants to shoot a music video for her. Unfortunately, she finds herself having to compromise her own style for that of what the manager wants, a techno-pop freak. She eventually chooses to be true to herself instead, and Trent helps shoot a video that reflects who she is. To get the new Assault Vehicle working, Conner & Ethan seek out a Titanium Servo Mechanism from Anton Mercer Industries. Tyranodrones are sent to stop them, but they're defeated quickly. Zeltrax unleashes the new & improved Aerial Assault Craft (from "Day of the Dino 2"), attempting to draw out the Rangers. While Conner, as the Triassic Ranger, uses the new Triassic Mega-Rover (a Zord chariot of sorts), Tommy hops up into the craft and takes on Zeltrax, one last time. He finally finishes off "Smitty", and narrowly escapes the craft's destruction.

#20 - Tutenhawken's Curse
Season 12 - Episode 25 - Aired 8/7/2004
Ethan takes an interest in deciphering the hieroglyphics of Egyptian ruler Tutenhawken. In doing so, he not only jinxes himself, causing chaos at his every step, but frees the ancient evil from his multi-millenna-long slumber. Mesogog ceases from intervening, sending Elsa out to help the third-party-evil only at the last minute. Hayley's newest invention, the Hovercraft Cycle, is just what Ethan needs to make Tutenhawken history again, in his own territory of the air, and the Triassic Mega-Rover finishes the job. During his brief re-reign, Tutenhawken took an interest in Cassidy (or Cassipatra as she called herself), which conflicted with the progress she and Ethan had been making in showing people her better side. The monster's treatment of Devin, though, led her to resume the right track, and bridges are mended between her and Ethan.

#21 - Diva in Distress
Season 12 - Episode 6 - Aired 3/13/2004
An old friend of Kira's has returned to town, with a reputation as a successful pop singer under her belt, but interference from the Donkeyvac Monster brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "Age before Beauty" when he transforms her into an old woman

#22 - Golden Boy
Season 12 - Episode 8 - Aired 3/27/2004
Dr. Anton Mercer buys Hayley's Cyberspace Café for his son, Trent, but he's perfectly happy just working there and rejects the gift. Meanwhile, Zeltrax uses his own DNA to create a fierce warrior, Golden Rod.

#23 - White Thunder (1)
Season 12 - Episode 11 - Aired 4/17/2004
Having allowed it to gestate for a year, Elsa retrieves the White Dino Gem, with the intent of having it bond with Mesogog. But Trent, following the Invisiportal from his father's office, winds up accidentally, and painfully, bonded with the Gem instead. He becomes the White DinoThunder Ranger, and pure evil, thanks to the genetic tampering done to the gem.

#24 - Leader of the Whack
Season 12 - Episode 15 - Aired 5/15/2004
A meteorite lands in the forest, gaining the attention of Cassidy & Devin (who were searching for the White Ranger again), Trent (who was on his way out of town), the three DinoThunder Rangers, and Mesogog's newest monster, a weak-willed creature called Rojobot. Exposure to the "space rock" effects each of them: Trent's Gem-induced schizophrenia is brought under control, Cassidy becomes an acne-faced geek, Devin becomes a Travolta-Fonzie type Disco ladies man, Conner becomes a brainy nerd, Ethan becomes a competitive jock, Kira becomes a fashion and vanity obsessed carbon copy Cassidy, and Rojobot becomes considerably evil. This causes much friction among the Rangers, until Hayley explains the meteorite merely brought out the repressed sides of their personalities. They manage to work together, destroy Rojobot (with the currently-good White Ranger's help), and shatter the meteorite. All personalities are restored to normal (with Devin & Cassidy nearly kissing each other before it's done). A fragment of the "space rock" is used by Hayley to attempt to free Tommy from his fossilization in amber. It's a success, but the machine and fragment are toasted, and Tommy's now permanently morphed as the Black DT Ranger!

#25 - Lost & Found in Translation
Season 12 - Episode 19 - Aired 6/13/2004
Hayley's Cyberspace gets a new satellite system, which sucks Ethan into watching its endless abundance of programming. Kira & Conner are soon roped in, when they discover a channel from Japan, showing a television show based upon the Power Rangers, though dubbed in English. Conner is, at first, furious over the differences in TV culture between the US and Japan, but eventually gets into it. The episode shown involves the Dino Rangers facing the Ka-Ching monster, while the chiropractic Blue Ranger assists a money-hungry American baseball player in learning to love the game more than the paycheck.