The BEST episodes written by Ann Knapp Austen

#1 - General Deception (2)
Power Rangers - Season 11 - Episode 34
Zurgane's Zord is obliterated by the Rangers, but the General manages to get the data from the Rangers' attacks, and uses it when creating a new Zord, the HyperZurgane Zord! It cripples the Hurricane Megazord, so can the Rangers stall Zurgane long enough for the Zords to be repaired? Even if Zurgane survives the battle, one of his fellow Generals has his own plans about his fate...
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#2 - There's No "I" In Team
Power Rangers - Season 11 - Episode 2
Virtual training missions between the three Rangers highlights a major fault in their teamwork, focused directly upon team leader Shane. Despite Sensei's reminding that he must learn to trust in his teammates, the Red Ranger strikes out on his own against the Mad Magnet monster. Will he learn his lesson the hard way? Meanwhile, Lothor's evil nieces, Kapri and Marah, are also suffering from a lack of teamwork, and are forced to work out their problems by being stuck together, literally, by the monster's magnetic ray!

#3 - Thunder Strangers (1)
Power Rangers - Season 11 - Episode 5
Cam is in need of the data disc for the Tsunami Cycles, which Dustin had last, all unaware that it's not only landed in the hands of the evil Thunder Rangers, but has been used to give them their own Cycles! This leads to the first confrontation between the Wind and Thunder Rangers, and as if our heroes didn't have it bad enough, they also face Zurgane! When the Thunder Rangers unveil their own Zords, can our heroes' own Zords withstand their awesome power?

#4 - Thunder Strangers (2)
Power Rangers - Season 11 - Episode 6
The Wind Rangers recover from their defeat by the Thunder Rangers, though Tori lacks the ability to morph when the Amphibidor monster attacks, draining the city's water supply. Blake helps to save her, in doing so, he's injured. He's taken to the location of Ninja Ops, which will come back to haunt our heroes quite quickly! The Thunder Rangers appear again as the Wind Rangers face the monster, but when they instead assist our heroes, just whose side are they on anyway?

#5 - Return of Thunder (3)
Power Rangers - Season 11 - Episode 12
Portico Island is not only in the process of freezing the entire planet, but returning to its 200-year-long dip into the ocean, taking the Rangers with it! Quickly, our heroes, with their new ally Blake, must overcome Supertoxipod and the evilly deranged Hunter before they end up sleeping with the fishes.

#6 - Eye of the Storm
Power Rangers - Season 11 - Episode 32
Shane's highly-successful and highly-critical older brother Porter comes to town, and reminds him of how he's wasting his life by spending it skateboarding. When facing the Eyezak monster, who causes each of the Rangers to face their worse fears, Shane's secret identity as the Red Ranger is exposed to his brother. Will this change his opinion of him?

#7 - Day of the Dino (2)
Power Rangers - Season 12 - Episode 2
Kira escapes from the Tyranodrones and Mesogog's henchmen Elsa & Zeltrax, and rejoins her two teammates and teacher. Tommy gives them three Dino Morphers, which can harness the Dino Gems, that are now bonded to their DNA, allowing them to become DinoThunder Power Rangers. When Mesogog releases the three brainwashed-dinosaur Bio Zords to wreak havoc on the city, they must take on the forces of evil and find a way to give the Zords a change of heart.

#8 - Legacy of Power
Power Rangers - Season 12 - Episode 4
Tommy, captive of Mesogog, is forced to aid him in unlocking the newest Dino Gem, or be destroyed. Meanwhile, the three Rangers stumble onto a video diary at their underground lair, created by their mentor in case of such an emergency as this, which has a recorded history of not only his life and adventures as a Power Ranger, but a summary of every team since.

#9 - Back in Black
Power Rangers - Season 12 - Episode 5
Utilizing Hayley's help, and their new Raptor Cycles, the DinoThunder Rangers rescue Tommy from Mesogog's clutches. He gains the next Dino Gem, and with the help of a pre-prepared Brachio Morpher, comes back to action as a Power Ranger!

#10 - Triassic Triumph
Power Rangers - Season 12 - Episode 22
Zeltrax samples a portion of the new Evil White Ranger clone's energy, and creates the White Terrorsaurus monster. With it, and the clone, he helps confuse the Power Rangers about the validity of their newest team member's loyalty. Even when Trent shows up to help fight his doppleganger, trust waivers in the White Ranger. Terrorsaurus eventually captures the Tyranno, Tricera, and Ptera Dino Zords, and gives the main three Rangers quite a beating. Black Ranger helps Trent reassure his allegiance, by guiding him in uncovering the Shield of Triumph, an ancient artifact of incredible power. For it to work, each of the DinoThunder Rangers will have to give a piece of themselves to the Red Ranger (In all but Tommy's case, their Ranger powers temporarily). Conner proves trustworthy in gaining control of the Shield's power, becoming the Triassic Ranger. He destroys the White Terrorsaurus via some interdimensional antics. And on a lighter note, Conner has a misunderstanding with a Russian exchange student/fellow soccer player.

#11 - Thunder Struck (2)
Power Rangers - Season 12 - Episode 38
What's Zeltrax been up to while he's been absent from the show? Seems he and his Triptoids spent time building the Zelzord, the so-called "Ultimate Fighting Machine." Zeltrax, with the de-evilized Elsa as his captive, pilots the Zelzord into Reefside. Conner and Ethan pilot the Thundersaurus and Mezodon Megazords against the Zelzord, while Trent takes care of Triptoids, and Tommy & Kira rescue Elsa and face Zeltrax. The duo manages to save her, and destroy the cyborg once known as Smitty, once and for all. But the Zelzord takes a massive sacrifice of every Dinozord to stop it. Mesogog, having absorbed some power from the Dino Gems, transmogrifies to his ultimate dinosauric form, that of the Mesomonster. The five DinoThunder Rangers battle him fiercely, but even the Battlized Triassic power is unable to defeat him. To make things worse, Mesomonster is replicating! Only by pooling their Dino Gem energies into a giant flaming tyrannosaurus, can Mesogog be made extinct permanetly. Unfortunately, that last trick taps out the powers of the Dino Gems for good. Devin and Cassidy, having recorded this final battle, confront the team, and hand over the tape, admitting they couldn't exploit their friendship for personal gain after all they've done. At the Reefside 2004 senior prom, the couples include Devin & Cassidy, Conner & Krista (from "The Passion Of Conner"), and Ethan & Angela, the girl he met last episode. Kira and her band perform the music. As for Trent, he's going to art school in the fall, The humanized Elsa seems to be the new principal of the school, and she & Anton Mercer seem to be a blossoming item. As for Tommy? He's going to try to live the quiet life for once, by settling down and continuing teaching.

#12 - Return of Thunder (4)
Power Rangers - Season 11 - Episode 13
Banished from Lothor's army, Choobo strikes out on his own, and strikes back against the Thunder Rangers by capturing them in his deadly backpack dimension. Can they escape, and deal with Choobo once and for all? Will Blake & Hunter finally become part of the Ninja Storm team? What ultimate weapon does Cam have in store if they can come together at last?

#13 - Disappearing Act
Power Rangers - Season 12 - Episode 26
To help her mutant flower grow into the Thornox monster, Elsa uses a sample of mysterious green slime. Tommy seeks the same ooze from the source, and after a run in with some Tyranodrones, brings back some of it for Hayley to run a test on. She discovers that with it, she can demorph Tommy. The experiment is a success, but though he's no longer the Black Ranger, he's now invisible! Seems the slime kicked his Dino Gem power into overdrive, and until it wears off, he's clearly... well, clear. As for Thornox, he and the Evil White Ranger Clone team-up, and take on the Rangers' Thundersaurus & Mezodon Megazords. In personal life developments, Ethan's got his first date with Cassidy coming up, a picnic by the sea. He seeks assistance from his friends in making it go right: Kira helps with his fashion, Conner with his dancing skills, Trent with proper dining manners, and when things turn sour, the invisible Doctor O fixes the situation personally. T-Drones help to cut it all short. Ethan realizes he has nothing in common with Cassidy, and his duties as a Ranger would cut into a relationship with her. Similarly, Cassidy realizes her softening by knowing him is dulling the edge she needs to be a reporter, and her duties as a reporter preclude a relationship. They decide to remain friends.

#14 - The Lost Village
The Incredible Hulk (1996) - Season 2 - Episode 7
Bruce and She-Hulk search for the mythical valley of Anavrin in Tibet, where they believe Bruce can be cured once and for all.
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#15 - General Deception (1)
Power Rangers - Season 11 - Episode 33
As Shane, Dustin, Blake, and Hunter prepare to go on a camping trip (taking along highly unessential items), the team is embroiled in a power struggle between the various Generals of Lothor's army. They face Zurgane's latest Zord, which just so happens to be copying their technology in the process!

#16 - Golden Boy
Power Rangers - Season 12 - Episode 8
Dr. Anton Mercer buys Hayley's Cyberspace Café for his son, Trent, but he's perfectly happy just working there and rejects the gift. Meanwhile, Zeltrax uses his own DNA to create a fierce warrior, Golden Rod.

#17 - A Test of Trust
Power Rangers - Season 12 - Episode 36
The recent attempted exploitation by Elsa of his human side leads Mesogog to finally ridding himself of Dr Anton Mercer. The stunned body of Mercer is carted off by Tyrannodrones, and Mesogog immediately begins acting a lot more insane... The discovery of Trent's long-kept secret about Mesogog leads the main three DinoThunder teens to realize just how important being a Ranger has been to them, and how much they've grown because of it. Trent reminds them of his own struggles, and explains his reasoning for keeping his word to his father. All but Conner is willing to give him a second chance, and even he is persuaded when, while facing Mesogog's latest monster, Trent saves Conner's life. The team's bond is mended, with Trent fully prepared to face Mesogog to free his father.

#18 - Storm Before the Calm (2)
Power Rangers - Season 11 - Episode 38
The Wind Rangers return to the destroyed Ninja Ops, and find a familiar face awaiting them! Hunter & Blake, having barely survived their Zords' destruction, make a stealth infiltration of Lothor's ship to save Cam, and get a pair of most unlikely allies. When Lothor attacks in his own Zord, will the Rangers destroy him, knowing that in doing so, the Abyss of Evil will be broken open?

#19 - The Passion of Conner
Power Rangers - Season 12 - Episode 28
Conner's got his sights set on a girl named Krista at school. But she's a passionate, activist type, totally the opposite of himself. He tries (and eventually fails) to impress her by acting interested in her latest environmentalist campaign, to save an over 100 year old tree behind Reefside High that Principal Randall wants to tear down to put in a parking lot. Truth is, Mesogog wants the serum from the tree before anyone else can become aware of it's secret: it's growing over a Life Force Spring. Unbeknownst to him, Zeltrax, having laid low and injured since his apparent death, is already aware and wants the serum from this Tree Of Life to become stronger, and seek revenge on his enemies, which now includes his former master Mesogog and his former love-interest Elsa. He drains the sap, using it to gain a slightly upgraded form, and turns the tree into the Deadwood Monster. The Rangers use the Thundersaurus Megazord, and the new Triceramax Megazord, to destroy Deadwood and give the Evil White Ranger Clone and his Dino Stegazord another beating. Conner doubts himself as a Ranger again, thanks to seeing how passionate Krista is about saving the tree, and he doesn't have the same kind of confidence in himself. He has a talk with Doctor Oliver, who hammers home the difference between cockiness and confidence, assuring him that if he believes in his deserving an inner power, he'll even surprise himself. This comes into play later, when Conner, faced with having to save Krista from Zeltrax, summons from within himself the ability to not only go Triassic without the need of his teammates, but gains a Battlized form ontop of it, with which he's able to save Krista. Zeltrax is defeated, reverting back to normal and vowing revenge. Conner helps plant a new tree where the Tree Of Life once stood, proving to Krista that he can indeed change, by displaying a newfound confidence in himself and what he's doing in life.

#20 - A Gem of a Day
Power Rangers - Season 11 - Episode 35
Hunter's secret, that he's kept a few of the Gem of Souls fragments, comes out when Vexacus ambushes him for them. Though his teammates are upset over his hiding this from them, the artifact instead aids Cam in his plans to sneak aboard Lothor's spaceship to free the trapped ninjas! Speaking of which, Lothor has Motodrone spy on the suspicious Vexacus, leading to a showdown between the two Generals. All of this, plus the Condortron monster!

#21 - Bully for Ethan
Power Rangers - Season 12 - Episode 18
A bully named Derrick picks on Ethan at school repeatedly, eventually setting up a fight with him. But instead of using physical force to repel his attacks, Ethan uses his computer-based talents to benefit the soccer-playing meanie. Meanwhile, Trent sets up a deal with Zeltrax, where he'll help the cyborg get revenge on Tommy, if he helps him take down Mesogog. The tables end up turned, with Mesogog gaining control over Trent. Also, Zeltrax finally informs Tommy of the reasoning for his loyalty to Mesogog, and his intense hatred of him.

#22 - Burning at Both Ends
Power Rangers - Season 12 - Episode 16
After capturing two of the rangers' auxiliary zords, Trent is attacked by Zeltrax and Insectolite, who seemingly turn him back to the side of good.