The BEST episodes directed by Douglas Sloan

#1 - Triassic Triumph
Power Rangers - Season 12 - Episode 22
Zeltrax samples a portion of the new Evil White Ranger clone's energy, and creates the White Terrorsaurus monster. With it, and the clone, he helps confuse the Power Rangers about the validity of their newest team member's loyalty. Even when Trent shows up to help fight his doppleganger, trust waivers in the White Ranger. Terrorsaurus eventually captures the Tyranno, Tricera, and Ptera Dino Zords, and gives the main three Rangers quite a beating. Black Ranger helps Trent reassure his allegiance, by guiding him in uncovering the Shield of Triumph, an ancient artifact of incredible power. For it to work, each of the DinoThunder Rangers will have to give a piece of themselves to the Red Ranger (In all but Tommy's case, their Ranger powers temporarily). Conner proves trustworthy in gaining control of the Shield's power, becoming the Triassic Ranger. He destroys the White Terrorsaurus via some interdimensional antics. And on a lighter note, Conner has a misunderstanding with a Russian exchange student/fellow soccer player.
#2 - Phantom of Hillhurst
Beetleborgs - Season 1 - Episode 35
A Phantom appears in Hillhurst, seeking his long lost love, who just happens to resemble Jo!
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#3 - The Rise of the Red Python (1)
VR Troopers - Season 1 - Episode 51
Grimlord invents his own VR Trooper but realizes that he's missing a human inhabit the armor so he sets his sights on Kaitlin's friend Amy. He captures Amy and puts her under his evil spell. Kaitlin is injured causing ryan to make sure that the red python will regret for what she did.
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#4 - The Ranger Who Came in from the Gold
Power Rangers - Season 4 - Episode 38
Kat & Tanya are putting together a ballet play about King Midas, but are a little short on props. So they hire Bulk & Skull to hunt some down, which leads to their finding Louie Kaboom's Midas Hound, a device which can turn anything into solid gold. They're overcome with greed, until the hound starts turning literally everything into gold, including Jason! Meanwhile, Lord Zedd & Rita Repulsa's lunar winnebago runs into a few bumps on the road to taking control of the Machine Empire.

#5 - Shift Into Turbo (2)
Power Rangers - Season 5 - Episode 2
Whilst Justin fights on his own against Elgar and an army of Piranahtrons at the power plant, with the detonator still counting down nearby, Divatox and her P-Trons attack Adam, Tanya, and Kat while they're on their way to their graduation ceremony. Can the stock-car obsessed Tommy be reached in time to race to their side? Meanwhile, what secret is Zordon and Alpha 5 keeping from the Rangers, and what does it have to do with Lerigot?
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#6 - Shift Into Turbo (3)
Power Rangers - Season 5 - Episode 3
With the current Power Ranger team fully capable of defending Earth without their guidance, Zordon and Alpha 5 are headed home to the planet Eltar at last. Divatox is going to do everything she can to keep the pair from having a safe trip, by first sending Elgar and his fleet of monstrous tanks to flank the Rangers in their Turbozords to keep them from saying goodbye to their mentors, and then by having the Amphibitor monster guard a device made to close the wormhole to Eltar with the travelers inside it! But who are the mysterious pair left behind to run the Power Chamber? Also, as the elder Ranger Teens finally graduate high school, Justin finds himself entering it early!
#7 - Yo Ho Borgs
Beetleborgs - Season 1 - Episode 32
Blackbeard the pirate is summoned from a history book by Flabber.
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Beetleborgs - Season 1 - Episode 34
Zoom Comics discovers a lost pet while the Beetleborgs had to take care of another monster released from the Comics.
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#9 - Master Vile and the Metallic Armor (3)
Power Rangers - Season 3 - Episode 31
Master Vile hosts an "End Of The World" party at the Youth Center. The Power Rangers make a mad dash to retreive the Zeo Crystal from the distant M-51 Galaxy. But even if they manage to get it and their Zords back, they'll still have to face Globbor, whose power-absorbtion continues to grow.
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#10 - Mr. Billy's Wild Ride
Power Rangers - Season 4 - Episode 14
Billy's on his way back to Earth from Aquitar. But the Machine Empire wants to make sure he doesn't survive the trip through space. The Zeo Rangers will have to pull out all the stops to get him safely home, and take on the Mechanizer monster. Meanwhile, Bulk & Skull take a course in orienteering, but find themselves quickly lost in the wilderness.

#11 - There's No Business Like Snow Business (2)
Power Rangers - Season 4 - Episode 16
Tommy's budding romance with Heather gets rudely interrupted when he and Kat are called back to Angel Grove to deal with Robocupid. Once she's taken care of, it's back to the mountains! But the Machine Empire's next creation, Defoliator, is on the scene, turning up the heat in Angel Grove, making it unbareably hot in the middle of winter. Can Tommy juggle a possible love-rebound and save the world at the same time?

#12 - There's No Business Like Snow Business (3)
Power Rangers - Season 4 - Episode 17
Defoliator proves to be a tough creature to keep down, and repeatedly interrupts Tommy's attempts to get to know Heather. Kat even sets up a date for the pair at the Youth Center, but Ranger-duty cuts into their time together. He loses out on the snowboarding champ, but might just have something going right under his nose with a certain Pink Ranger... Meanwhile, Bulk & Skull are put in charge of Lt. Stone's prize-winning flowers during the day of both the sweltering heat, and a visit by the garden committee!

#13 - Scent of a Weasel
Power Rangers - Season 4 - Episode 36
Famed French perfume master, Monsieur Stenchy, is holding a fashion show at the Youth Center. Skull is assigned to protect the top model, and accidentally makes things worse for her by dumping a bottle of the overwhelming fragrence on her. Inspired by this, the Louie Kaboom-controlled Machine Empire creates the Mr. Stenchy monster, a robotic skunk who aims to make the Zeo Rangers stink so bad that they won't be able to stand one another. Meanwhile, Billy tracks an undentified object approaching Earth from outer space, accompanied by a distress signal from Trey warning them of their planet being in danger!

#14 - The Lore of Auric
Power Rangers - Season 4 - Episode 37
After getting a package from Aisha containing a strange golden key and a map of Mysterio Island, the last known location of her long-lost parents, Tanya goes on a quest to reunite with her mother and father. But Louie Kaboom has beaten her to them, leaving the Sloans to perish in the dangerous island caves, after swiping their goal, the legendary Tiki of Auric. Jason, entrusted with the key by Tanya, loses it to Louie, who uses the item to unlock the tiki, unleashing the mighty Auric the Conquerer. He fails to persuade the Zord-sized do-gooding warrior to destroy the Earth for him, so it's up to Prince Sprocket to trick the naive Auric into believing the Zeo Rangers are evil. Meanwhile, despite getting his last one crushed under the foot of a monster, Det. Stone entrusts Bulk & Skull with his newest car.

#15 - Shift Into Turbo (1)
Power Rangers - Season 5 - Episode 1
Divatox brings her Subcraft and her evil crew of monsters back to Earth, intent on making the Power Rangers pay for ruining her wedding plans with Maligore by ruining their lives. It just so happens that Adam, Tanya, and Kat are graduating from Angel Grove High today (Tommy got his diploma early and is helping his uncle on his stock car racing crew), and use the time to bring fellow graduate and former Ranger Rocky (and the viewers who missed the Turbo Movie) up to speed on their adventure on Muranthius. In an effort to spoil their graduation, Divatox sends Elgar to the Angel Grove Power Plant with a detonator, where he encounters Bulk & Skull, and proceeds to monkey around with their genetic structures! With his teammates busy with the most important day of their teenaged lives, Justin is alone as the Blue Turbo Ranger to defend the plant!
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#16 - There's No Business Like Snow Business (1)
Power Rangers - Season 4 - Episode 15
Tommy receives a "Dear John" letter from Kimberly from Florida, informing him that she's fallen in love with another guy. Kat decides to take him to the snowy mountains to cheer him up with some snowboarding, where they & Billy meet snowboarding champ Heather Thompson. Of course, some Cogs come along to endanger Heather and just plain ruin their fun! Meanwhile, Mondo creates Robocupid, and causes humans all over Angel Grove to fall in love with machines!

#17 - The Rise of the Red Python (2)
VR Troopers - Season 1 - Episode 52
Ryan and J.B. desperately search for a way to help Kaitlin return to human form. J.B. is sent to fight the Red Python and the Python malfunctions midbattle. They visit their friend, Dr. Poindexter, hoping he can help them with Kaitlin. Poindexter has an extra retroformer and-they use it on Kaitlin, bringing her back to normal. Meanwhile, Amy goes to the dojo, looking for help and passes out. She transforms into the Red Python and is sent to destroy the Troopers. At the lab it is discovered that Amy is the Red Python and is in danger of self-destructing if engaged in another battle. J.B. again meets with Red Python and tries to reason with her. She collapses and changes back into Amy. She taken to the lab where the professor- is able to reverse the brainwashing. She is grateful to the V.R. Troopers and her new friends, unaware that they are one and the same.
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#18 - A Star is Torn
Power Rangers - Season 12 - Episode 23
Between Trent's duties of helping run the Cyber Space cafe, Conner's hair-raising simulations on helping to develop the new Assault Vehicle, and Ethan's net-search for his soul mate, nobody has time to listen to Kira's good news. She's gotten the interest of a big time music manager for Tones Records, who wants to shoot a music video for her. Unfortunately, she finds herself having to compromise her own style for that of what the manager wants, a techno-pop freak. She eventually chooses to be true to herself instead, and Trent helps shoot a video that reflects who she is. To get the new Assault Vehicle working, Conner & Ethan seek out a Titanium Servo Mechanism from Anton Mercer Industries. Tyranodrones are sent to stop them, but they're defeated quickly. Zeltrax unleashes the new & improved Aerial Assault Craft (from "Day of the Dino 2"), attempting to draw out the Rangers. While Conner, as the Triassic Ranger, uses the new Triassic Mega-Rover (a Zord chariot of sorts), Tommy hops up into the craft and takes on Zeltrax, one last time. He finally finishes off "Smitty", and narrowly escapes the craft's destruction.

#19 - A Ranger Catastrophe (1)
Power Rangers - Season 3 - Episode 17
Rita Repulsa sets her newest plan in motion to destroy the Power Rangers; send her new minion Katherine Hillard to infiltrate and destroy them from within. Using her charm, she infiltrates the Power Rangers and lures Tommy to the Dark Dimension where he must survive against Rito and Goldar
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#20 - I'm Dreaming of a White Ranger
Power Rangers - Season 3 - Episode 16
'Twas the Night Before Christmas, and at the North Pole; Brainwashing children was Lord Zedd's goal. His inventions were stirring, all the plans had been made; So Rito and Goldar and the Tengas just played. While Santa and his helpers are held at their shop, There's a good chance that Christmas will just go kerplop. Now the Rangers have been summoned to put a stop to this deed, But have they the power they'll eventually need?
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#21 - Copy That
Power Rangers - Season 12 - Episode 21
Anton Mercer relays the story of how Mesogog was born, out of testing an advancement in dinosaur DNA on himself, to his son, Trent. Zeltrax, desiring to atone for his loss to the White Ranger, creates a bell pepper-based monster, Copyotter. As his name implies, he has the ability to copy items and people. He copies the Rangers' weapons and uses them on the heroes. He creates three clones of Cassidy, sending poor Devin into near insanity. And most importantly, he creates a duplicate White Drago Sword, with which Zeltrax frames White Ranger in trashing Mesogog's lab. Mesogog uses the Lifeforce Extractor (from "Legacy of Power" and "Back In Black") on Trent for his betrayal. But appealing to his father within, he's able to urge Anton out of Mesogog just in time. When freeing his son from the machine, a stray beam strikes the White Dino Gem, negating the evil code implanted within, thus freeing Trent from its control. Trent, now in control as the White Ranger, saves Dr. Oliver from an attack by Zeltrax, choosing to fight for the side of good. He joins the DinoThunder team, hoping to make up for the bad deeds he took part in. Copyotter is destroyed, but Zeltrax, retaining its copying device-arm, creates a Trent-less, entirely evil clone of the White Ranger, loyal only to Mesogog and his wicked forces.