The BEST episodes written by Jackie Marchand

#1 - Ranger Yellow (2)
Power Rangers - Season 17 - Episode 9
In order to keep a promise to her parents, Summer's getting married! Learn how Summer changed from a spoiled rich snob into the independent Yellow Ranger, as her initial journey to Corinth with her long-suffering butler Andrews is revealed. Will Summer go through with the arranged wedding despite her protests? Meanwhile, Tenaya 7 plans to spoil the nuptials, by stealing the only item upholding the Landsdowns' upper-class status, to power up Camera Bot.
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#2 - Brothers in Arms
Power Rangers - Season 11 - Episode 25
A brainy bike mechanic named Perry accidentally becomes the evil Motodrone. He captures Hunter, and attempts to implant his mind into a new vehicle, the Ninja Glider Cycle.
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#3 - Wrath of the Queen
Power Rangers - Season 8 - Episode 37
Queen Bansheera regains her bodily form at last, at the price of Vypra's life. She schemes to destroy Mariner Bay by trapping the Rangers in the Skull Cavern dimension and having her Demons destroy them. But when Diabolico refuses to follow orders, will her plan backfire? Meanwhile, Carter discovers the true fate of Olympius on the outskirts of the city.
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#4 - The Samurai's Journey (1)
Power Rangers - Season 11 - Episode 16
Cam laments not being a Ranger, and he won't be alone for long, as the illusionary Madtropolis monster drains the Rangers of their powers! Though they're given a brief boost, and manage to give the monster a good beating, he grows large! Can our heroes take the strain of running the Megazords with what little power they have? Or will Cam have to go against his father's wishes and use the mysterious Scroll of Time to seek out a long lost source of energy?
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#5 - History
Power Rangers - Season 13 - Episode 31
Summoned from the year 2005 into the future via an evil plot, Conner, Kira, and Ethan, the original three DinoThunder Rangers, quickly encounter 2025's resident team, the SPD Rangers. But with between Broodwing's giant monster Dragoul, and rival Emperor Gruumm's own Troobian assault on Earth occuring at the same time, SPD will need a little help in the form of their historical guests.
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#6 - Future Unknown
Power Rangers - Season 9 - Episode 10
The recent Raimei incident appears to be a sign of history changing, which worries Katie most of all, since she left her family behind in the year 3000. Her concerns about their being erased by the Rangers' actions in the present distract the team, just as Frax unleashes a highly powerful mutant from a secret X-Vault, where the most dangerous criminals are kept.
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#7 - Endings (1)
Power Rangers - Season 13 - Episode 36
The B-Squad SPD Rangers face the evil and far more experienced A-Squad SPD Rangers. To make things even worse, Broodwing, his three Generals, and an army of Krybots swarm the Delta Base, taking over! Meanwhile, now captive of Emperor Gruumm, Doggie Cruger encounters a familiar face from his past.
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#8 - Soul Specter
Power Rangers - Season 14 - Episode 16
Gnatu, a female villain attempting to become Imperious' new second in command, uses her power to steal the life-force from civilians of Briarwood. The Rangers fail to stop her and her Spydex monster, the consequences weigh heavily upon Chip. Soon enough, Necrolai tricks the Yellow Ranger into unleashing a "soul specter" upon himself. Chip must join Daggeron on a trip to the dreaded Mount Isis to be freed from the spell. Unfortunately, Koragg awaits! But which Knight will prove the victor?
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#9 - Reflection (2)
Power Rangers - Season 13 - Episode 25
Sky learns that Mirloc, who manipulated him into helping his escape prison, is responsible for the death of his father! The alien criminal uses his abilities to teleport through any reflective surface to taunt and capture each of the Rangers, one by one, until only Omega Ranger stands! Even if he can be freed from Mirloc's mirror cell, can Sky finally obtain justice for his father and put to rest his own desire to become Red Ranger like he was? Meanwhile, Piggy finally chooses a side.
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#10 - Quantum Secrets
Power Rangers - Season 9 - Episode 20
Eric's Quantum Morpher is swiped by Conwing, who uses a mouthpiece to mimic Eric's vocal pattern and take control of the Quantasaurus Rex. It takes some mysterious help from the future to do what Bio-Lab in the present can't, namely unlock some more of the Quantum Ranger's arsenal.
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#11 - In the Freeze Zone
Power Rangers - Season 8 - Episode 25
Olympius' Freezard monster chills out the Rangers, leading to a needed meltdown by Ms. Fairweather's newest weapon, the Thermo Blaster. But Olympius has bigger problems, namely, Diabolico is back, and he wants his Star Power returned to him!
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Power Rangers - Season 9 - Episode 39
With a seemingly endless army of Cyclobots swarming the city, not to mention destructive time holes forming in the skies over the city, Wes seeks out Eric. As the Q-Rex proved to be no match for the continued rampage of Doomtron, Eric is forced to join forces with his former prep school rival in order to survive. Can the Red and Quantum Rangers finally hash out their differences as the city is destroyed around them? Will one make the ultimate risk to save the life of Mr Collins? Back in the future, Jen, Lucas, Katie, and Trip learn from Alex of Wes' eventual fate. Not that they'll get to keep this information for long, as standard protocol for time travelers involves erasing their memory of their trip to 2001! Can Alex be convinced to let his former team decide their own destiny?
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#13 - Yesterday Again
Power Rangers - Season 8 - Episode 23
While testing the Red Mobile Armored Vehicle, Carter is slowed down on the way to join his teammates in a battle against Olympius and Mantevil. Just as they're destroyed, he's thrust back in time a day, reliving events with knowledge of what's to come.
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#14 - Mystic Fate (1)
Power Rangers - Season 14 - Episode 31
Following Itassis' betrayal, the Master decides to take matters into his own tentacled hands. A village in the Mystic Realm is attacked, and when the Rangers come to investigate, they are stunned to learn Nick is behind the destruction! Taken over by the Master, Nick becomes Koragg, forcing Leanbow to use his Wolf Warrior power against his own son. Can the Light prevail? If things weren't bad enough, Black Lance targets the city, while Sculpin waits in the wings! Also, Rock Porium's business is down thanks to its newest employee, Phineas.
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#15 - Once a Ranger (1)
Power Rangers - Season 15 - Episode 20
The son of Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa, Thrax, unites all four Corona Aurora-seeking factions of villains into a new Evil Alliance. When they manage to overwhelm the Overdrive Rangers, their connection to the Morphing Grid is severed, and their powers destroyed! With the gems still needing protecting, Sentinel Knight assembles a team of replacement Rangers, made up of members of previous (or future) teams of Power Rangers. Will they be enough to stop the Evil Alliance? And will the former Overdrive Rangers be able to assist with just their genetically enhanced abilities?
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Power Rangers - Season 9 - Episode 28
Without any Anti-Venomark serum left to quell his attacks, Ransik storms Bio-Lab in search of their supply. Wes also goes there, trying to convince his father to give up the serum before their research into the substance alters future history. A very deadly encounter occurs, when Ransik comes face to face with Mr. Collins!
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#17 - Reflection (1)
Power Rangers - Season 13 - Episode 24
The Rangers run up against several alien criminals they've faced before, and all of whom are still captured! Sky, upset about not being given the new Battlizer Kat and Boom have developed for Jack, is sent to interrogate an imprisoned alien named Mirloc. He learns the source of the copycat criminals is a creature called Slate, able to change into others at will. But the information comes at a high cost for Sky, who has to relieve the sad fate of his father.
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Power Rangers - Season 9 - Episode 38
Despite being warned by Alex that they will not survive the upcoming, unavoidable great battle that will ultimately save the future, the Rangers steel themselves for whatever destiny awaits them, though Wes has other ideas. Elsewhere, Nadira's latest unlawful shopping spree leads to an encounter with Trip, who has his hands full aiding a pregnant woman in giving birth! Will viewing the miracle of childbirth change the bratty mutant's ways? Meanwhile, Gluto finally does something right, as he tracks down Frax for Ransik, who captures the cyborg, strips him of what little humanity he has left, and orders him to pilot the Trizirium Crystal-powered Doomtron. And thanks to the use of that not-yet-invented power source, time holes are popping up throughout the city, sucking in buildings! Will Doomtron wipe out Silver Hills, or will the effects of the anomaly do it naturally?
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#19 - The Shooting Star
Power Rangers - Season 4 - Episode 3
Tanya's new boyfriend, Shawn, has to pass his exams, or else he won't be captain of the baseball team anymore, but she's shocked when she finds out that he plans to cheat! Meanwhile, Mondo plans to sabotage the new zords Billy and Alpha are constructing, so that his new monster-machine, the Staroid, can demolish the city! Also, Bulk & Skull take a time-out from bossing Goldar & Rito around to give their Patrol Bike a test run, which doesn't turn out as planned.
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#20 - Force from the Future (2)
Power Rangers - Season 9 - Episode 2
Having tracked Ransik and his mob to the city of Silver Hills in the year 2001, Jen and the three Time Force officers find themselves stranded when their Time Ship explodes. Nadira and the Cyclobots take advantage of their new time period by looting and terrorizing, but when the TF officers attempt to use their Chrono-Morphers to stop them, they discover that without the Red one to activate them, they're useless. Yet, the only person who can use the Red Chrono-Morpher is Alex, who's not with them! Can a familiar, yet decidedly different, face be the salvation the team needs?
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#21 - Movie Madness (1)
Power Rangers - Season 9 - Episode 24
The Rangers are ambushed by a mutant director named Cinecon, and sent into different "movie" dimensions: Wes & Trip in a western, Lucas in a samurai flick, Katie in a musical, Jen in a kung-fu film, and Eric in a jungle picture.
#22 - The End of Time (3)
Power Rangers - Season 9 - Episode 40
Jen, Lucas, Trip, and Katie return from the future to help Wes save Silver Hills, but will even their added assistance be enough to stop Frax and Doomtron? Will they also be able to find a way to neutralize the time holes? Waiting to challenge whomever survives, is Ransik, bent on vengeance, more ruthless than ever before. But will he sacrifice his own daughter to keep from being arrested?

#23 - All About Beevil
Power Rangers - Season 11 - Episode 22
Dustin's overly trusting nature causes him to lose his motorcycle to a shady man who promises to upgrade it, only to turn out his business card's address is a fake. Marah, displaced in her role among the Evil Space Ninjas by her robotic pal Beevil, sees a kindred spirit in the equally dim-witted Dustin, and approaches him about switching over to the side of good. Is this another trick at the Yellow Ranger's expense?

#24 - Fighting Spirit
Power Rangers - Season 12 - Episode 27
Elsa and her T-Drones dig up a powerful energy crystal, which has the same mineral properties of the Dino Gems. She feeds it to the newly revised and revamped Terrorsaurus II (from "Triassic Triumph"). He fights the four DinoThunder Rangers, and thanks to the crystal, is able to fry their Morphing Energies, leaving them powerless. Things aren't so well for Tommy, either. Hayley uses his Dino Gem in an experiment to reverse his invisibility, where it overloads, and though he's back to being visible, he's left in a coma. In the hospital, he has a major battle of wills within his fevered mind, facing first his Red Zeo Ranger self, then the White Mighty Morphin' Ranger, followed by the toughest of them all, his old Green Ranger self. Upon resisting defeat, he learns of the true nature of the dream, fighting for his life to prove he's still got a drive to live. He passes the test, and all three of his old selves not only restore him to life, but repair his Black Dino Gem. Tommy joins the battle against Terrorsaurus II, and with his Super Dino Mode, takes the monster out, restoring his students' powers. The main three Rangers use the Thundersaurus Megazord against the giant Terrorsaurus, and are able to beat him with some Super Dino Mode inspiration. Oh, and Cassidy & Devin have a bit of a clash when she's eager to go on the air with the story of the Rangers abandoning Reefside.

#25 - In Your Dreams
Power Rangers - Season 12 - Episode 33
Dr Mercer's night terrors lead to Mesogog's latest scheme. He has Elsa connect the Geno Randomizer to a machine, which taps into and exacerbates the DinoThunder Rangers' dreams, with the hope of destroying them in their sleep. Tommy dreams of fighting the Squidrose monster, based out of his calamari dinner that night. Kira's reptile homework leads to her facing the lovesick Croco D'Vile monster in her dreams. Ethan's research on primates creates the Rumba Monkey monster, who monkeys around with his dreams. Conner, his nightmare inspired by recent Christmas shopping with his mom, faces the festive Rude Elf monster. Each REM-based baddie is defeated, though dreams of teamwork, weapons, and Megazords. The only one to get a good night's sleep is Trent!

#26 - Confronted
Power Rangers - Season 13 - Episode 3
Emperor Gruumm's Troobian forces attack the Helix Nebula, prompting Doggie to send the A-Squad in response. With the resident Ranger team off Earth, the B-Squad cadets are given greater responsibility. Jack, already uncomfortable with being part of the team, soon discovers the perks of being Red Ranger, and abuses his status to an arrogant degree, putting him on the outs with the other Rangers. Can his ego be deflated and the team restored before they have to take part in their first Megazord fight?

#27 - Trip Takes a Stand
Power Rangers - Season 9 - Episode 19
Ransik sends out a mutant named Notacon, who doesn't want to be evil. Frax's device forces him to do bad, but Trip discovers his true nature and sets out to protect him from not only the fugitives, but from the Silver Guardian Eric!

#28 - Code Busters
Power Rangers - Season 14 - Episode 3
Vida and Chip try to unlock more items for their Ranger arsenal by performing "heroic deeds for hire", but learn that true heroism comes only in the face of danger. The Hydra Worm that created the underworld pit Morticon and company are trapped in, poses a growing menace to the surface world. To make things worse, the Mucor monster is sent, with an appetite for our heroes! Also, a mysterious figure saves Clare. Is he friend or foe, troll or goblin? Or neither and both? Nick finds out!

#29 - Curse of the Cobra
Power Rangers - Season 8 - Episode 14
Every time Ryan morphs as the Titanium Ranger, the mystical cobra tattoo on his back draws closer to destroying him. He tries to keep this a secret from his teammate, as they face the Demon Troika and Demonite's clone.
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#30 - The Gatekeeper (1)
Power Rangers - Season 14 - Episode 11
To free Morticon from the Pit permanently, the gate that sealed them must be unlocked. The forces of the Underworld need to find the current posessor of the powers of the Gatekeeper, and that happens to be none other than the often inept sorceress' apprentice, Clare! With Udonna captured by Koragg and the Rangers facing defeat by Necrolai, can Clare claim her mother's legacy? Both the forces of good AND evil hope so!

#31 - White Thunder (2)
Power Rangers - Season 12 - Episode 12
The evil White Ranger finds his own Dinozord Egg, and begins feeding it energy from his Morpher, so as to develop a bond with it when it hatches. The DinoThunder Rangers attempt to stop him, but Mesogog's Angor monster keeps the main three busy in a fight with the Megazord, and Zeltrax once again scuffles with Tommy. When all is said and done, Trent unleashes his Drago Zord, and prepares to take on our heroes with it. Meanwhile, Cassidy runs afoul of a gang of young kids in her search for the White Ranger's secret ID.

#32 - Heir Apparent (2)
Power Rangers - Season 14 - Episode 23
The Rangers must come to terms with the revelation that their most ardent foe, Koragg, is actually Udonna's noble warrior husband, Leanbow. They won't have long to do so, as the Master of the Underworld is finally rising, and in doing so, reverts Leanbow to the Knight Wolf. Without their Legendary Warrior powers, hope seems lost for our heroes. But will the truth about Nick's past help provide the key to victory? Plus, the final showdown between friends turned enemies, Imperious and Daggeron!

#33 - Face to Face (2)
Power Rangers - Season 15 - Episode 12
Mack joins forces with Tyzonn, learning that the reptilian creature is actually a human from the planet Mercury, cursed by Moltor. If the Red Ranger can then convince his Overdrive teammates to trust in him as well, they may have the means to recover the second jewel to the Corona Aurora from its lava crater hiding place. That is, if they can get past Moltor's Bullox monster first! And, will the new Sonic Streaker be enough to take on the flying menace of Moltor's Lavadactyls?

#34 - The Cobra Strikes
Power Rangers - Season 8 - Episode 16
Diabolico pools the remnant powers of Demonite, Falkar, and Thunderon, into the deadly Troika creature. If the Rangers can defeat that triple threat-in-one, they'll still have to face a GIANT Diabolico! As the Rangers keep busy, Ryan decides to take his cobra-tattoo curse to the source, returning to the ancient ruins of Bansheera's temple in Egypt. There, he faces the basis of the curse, a Cobra Monster. His curse is eliminated by a tough one-on-one battle, the tattoo vanishes just before it can take a chomp into him, and he joins his teammates in time to destroy Diabolico. Not that the danger is over, since Diabolico's Star Power merges with Impus, creating a giant cocoon of destruction that goes on a rampage in Mariner Bay...
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#35 - Behind the Scenes
Power Rangers - Season 15 - Episode 15
Jessica Jeffries, an old college pal of Mr Hartford's turned big time news reporter, snags an exclusive interview with the Rangers for her show, "Good Morning, San Angeles." But thanks to some subterfuge by Miratrix, the big event leads to Tyzonn getting trapped between his human and mercury forms! Can he be saved in time to use his new Zords to aid the Rangers against the Giant Robot-piloting Fearcats, with the jewel-related Cannon of Ki Amuk at their disposal?

#36 - Wired (2)
Power Rangers - Season 13 - Episode 15
The Rangers realize their mistake in expelling Sophie from the academy, and seek her out, only to have Valko find her first. He uses the female cyborg's supercomputer processor to harness Goradon, who proves to be too tough for the Delta Squad Megazord. The only hope lies with the Delta Base Security Defense system's Phase Two, which will take a not-quite-human to get it online in time!

#37 - Rock Solid
Power Rangers - Season 14 - Episode 4
Nick pushes Madison to be more assertive, and in doing so puts her smack in the middle of Necrolai's latest scheme to turn the people of Briarwood into stone! After this experience, Nick will not only earn a new bike, but the Rangers will learn to work together as never before, unlocking their Megazord.

#38 - Home and Away (1)
Power Rangers - Season 15 - Episode 27
Mig and Benglo utilize the power of the Octavian Chalice, and unleash the mighty Agrios, a giant robotic creature that proves to be stronger than all of the Rangers' Zords! They'll need the whole team to even stand half a chance, but Tyzonn, after getting knocked unconscious, awakens on his home planet, and discovers he never left it!

#39 - The Gatekeeper (2)
Power Rangers - Season 14 - Episode 12
With the gate raised in the middle of Briarwood, Morticon is giantly set free once again to ravage the city. While his teammates fend off both the villain and an evil Gargoyle, Nick has to rescue Clare, before Koragg can drain the power of the Gatekeeper from her, along with her life force, to fully open the gate and free the Master! Can the Red Ranger regain control of Catastros, and Udonna the Snow Staff, to help save the city?

#40 - Strength of the Sun
Power Rangers - Season 8 - Episode 15
The last two members of the Demon Troika prove to be a tough match for the Rangers. Ryan, going against his father's wishes, must brave the curse of the cobra tattoo and pilot the Max Solarzord into battle.
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#41 - The Fifth Crystal
Power Rangers - Season 8 - Episode 21
Vypra collects an ancient powersource, the Starlight Crystals, with which to power a large laser cannon. Turns out, Kelsey's grandmother has one of them. But Granny, despite an athletic history, is now snobbish and stubborn, refusing to assist Lightspeed in baiting a trap to stop Vypra. But learning a lesson or two from Kelsey, Grandma Winslow rekindles her EXTREME past, and aids the Rangers in foiling the demon's plans.

#42 - Home and Away (2)
Power Rangers - Season 15 - Episode 28
While the other Rangers continue to be outmatched by the Fearcats and Agrios, Tyzonn begins to accept his fiance Vella's claims that he was never a Power Ranger. He eventually learns the truth, but gets a double shock when he discovers who's behind this charade, and how! It all leads to a showdown that will narrow the field of Corona Aurora seekers down a faction.

#43 - The Last Ranger
Power Rangers - Season 8 - Episode 31
The Memorase monster wipes out the memories of all the Lightspeed Rangers, save for Dana. While Ms. Fairweather and her technitians attempt to stimulate their minds with a machine filled with clips from previous episodes, Dana is left fighting the monster alone.

#44 - Neptune's Daughter
Power Rangers - Season 8 - Episode 34
Aquafiend, the only demon capable of surviving exposure to free-running water, swipes the trident of King Neptune, ruler of the seas. His daughter, Marina the Mermaid, is granted human legs for a temporary period, and seeks out her love interest, Chad, to gain the Rangers' help in recovering the trident from the demons, who seek to destroy the Aquabase with it. After the trident is returned to King Neptune, Marina is allowed to alternate her time between the surface world and the seas, allowing her to continue her relationship with Chad.

#45 - Once a Ranger (2)
Power Rangers - Season 15 - Episode 21
No longer having Ranger powers, the former Overdrive Rangers return to their civilian lives. All but Mack, who learns of Thrax's plans to destroy Sentinel Knight, and seeks out the only item capable of doing so, the legendary sword Excelsior. Will he be doing this alone, or can the call of action prove the adage of "Once a Ranger, always a Ranger" to his former teammates? Meanwhile, their replacements, the team of Returning Rangers, head to Angel Grove to seek out the only being capable of repairing the Morphing Grid: Alpha 6! Even if they succeed, can two combined teams of Power Rangers stop Thrax for good, and permanently break up the Evil Alliance?

#46 - A Face from the Past
Power Rangers - Season 8 - Episode 18
The Lightspeed Ranger teens take the day off, except for Carter, who spends it training. He ends up spending the time bonding with Captain Mitchell, who is revealed, when a building on fire gets the pair's attention, to have once been a fireman. Not just any firefighter, but the same one who saved Carter as a child, inspiring him for the rest of his life!

#47 - Rise of the Super Demons
Power Rangers - Season 8 - Episode 38
The final confrontation of Diabolico with Olympius, and no matter who wins, the Rangers are in trouble! When the Megazords fall in battle, can the dangerous new Lifeforce Megazord be mastered in time to spare the city the wrath of two mindless Super Demons?

#48 - Force from the Future (1)
Power Rangers - Season 9 - Episode 1
In the year 3000, the last remaining criminal, a mutant mastermind called Ransik, is finally captured by the hard work of the Time Force police, particularly thanks to their own Red Ranger, named Alex. His fellow TF Officers, Jen, Trip, Lucas, and Katie are given the task of transporting Ransik to prison, but are ambushed by the mutant's daughter, Nadira, and robotic servant, Frax. Taking command of the prison, filled with cryogenically stored mutants, Ransik plots to escape through time. But first, he'll have a fatal final showdown with the Red Time Force Ranger...

#49 - Something to Fight For
Power Rangers - Season 9 - Episode 3
Though he lacks the Chrono-Morpher, Wes sets about taking on Nadira and the Cyclobots in an effort to avoid having to take part in his father's business dealings. Jen scolds him for his carefree attitude, pointing out he's playing and has nothing to fight for, while they're fighting for their future. When Wes learns of Alex, will he take the role of Red Ranger more seriously? Meanwhile, Ransik and Frax unfreeze the first of the mutants from the prison, a rocket-powered criminal known as Jetara. When his DNA is exposed, he grows to a giant size. What can the Time Force Rangers use to stop him?

#50 - A Parting of Ways
Power Rangers - Season 9 - Episode 6
In another scheme for money, Nadira unfreezes Tentaclaw, who captures a busload of children and ransoms them of for ten million dollars. Wes, increasing frustrated with his multi-millionaire father's attempts to decide his future for him, attempts to convince him to foot the bill for the ransom. When he refuses, will Wes and the other Rangers be able to save the kids, or will this spell the end of the father and son's relationship?