The BEST episodes of Pokémon season 9

Every episode of Pokémon season 9, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Pokémon season 9!

A young boy named Ash Ketchum embarks on a journey to become a "Pokemon Master" with his first Pokemon, Pikachu. Joining him on his travels are Brock, a girl-obsessed Rock Pokemon Trainer, and Misty, a tomboyish Water Pokemon Trainer who may have a crush on him. Ash and Co. end up traveling through various regions, including Kanto, the Orange Islands, and Johto, and then enter the Pokemon League competitions there. Along the way, they run into many confrontations with Jessie, James, and Meowth, a trio of Pokemon thieves who are apart of an evil organization called "Team Rocket". But everytime Team Rocket try to do their evil deeds, they fail thanks to Ash and his Pokemon.

Last Updated: 3/15/2025Network: TV TokyoStatus: Continuing
Sweet Baby James
109 votes

#1 - Sweet Baby James

Season 9 - Episode 2 - Aired 10/13/2005

On the way to the Battle Arena, both James' Chimecho and May's Munchlax fall sick. They bring them to James' old summer mansion where they are attended to by James' Nanny and Pop-Pop. James has everyone play along with him when he says he is the leader of a major business. Meanwhile, even though they promised James they would stay out of trouble, Jessie and Meowth decide to steal all the Pokémon in the garden as well as Nanny and Pop-Pop's friend Mime Jr!

Pace - The Final Frontier!
90 votes

#2 - Pace - The Final Frontier!

Season 9 - Episode 45 - Aired 8/31/2006

Ash continues his battle against Brandon. The battle continues to stay fairly balanced, that is until Regice comes out, can Ash finally beat Brandon? Jap title: Deciding Match! VS Regice!!

Talking A Good Game
87 votes

#3 - Talking A Good Game

Season 9 - Episode 24 - Aired 3/16/2006

As Ash and the others finally arrive at the Battle Tower, Ash does some last minute training with Pikachu. He is suddenly attacked by a Beedrill and a girl comes to his rescue. After sending Beedrill away they are attacked by a Gyarados and she once again talks to him and helps him calm down. Soon Team Rocket attacks wanting Pikachu and this human who can talk to Pokémon. After fending Team Rocket off, she introduces herself as Anabel. Before Anabel can properly introduce herself, Ash runs off to the Battle Tower, only to find out Anabel is the leader. As the battle begins, Ash quickly falls behind as Anabel can speak to Pokémon through telepathy. Can Ash manage to get past her special ability and win his Sixth Frontier Symbol?

Second Time's the Charm!
88 votes

#4 - Second Time's the Charm!

Season 9 - Episode 25 - Aired 3/23/2006

After a devastating defeat at the hands of Anabel, Ash is eager to challenge her again, except this time he plans to think with his Pokémon like Anabel instead of rush in. While training for the re-match, Ash is once again attack by Beedrill and then Team Rocket after eating their lunch. After sending Team Rocket away, Ash and May try to learn how to talk to their Pokémon just like Anabel, however Corphish and Combusken just look on with blank looks. After finishing his little “lesson” Ash begins his battle with Anabel. Just like last time Anabel uses her telepathy ability to fight. Even though Ash is at a disadvantage, he surprisingly does better than last time, even managing to win in the first round! Will Anabel prove to powerful with her telepathy, or will Ash overcome it to win his Sixth Frontier Symbol?

Time Warp Heals All Wounds!
93 votes

#5 - Time Warp Heals All Wounds!

Season 9 - Episode 12 - Aired 12/22/2005

Ash and friends finally arrive in Fuchsia City with the Battle Pike only a day away. May's egg then begins to glow signaling that it is ready to hatch. However, before she can celebrate her Squirtle runs off. May finds Squirtle at the train station with an old lady named Edna. Meanwhile, Team Rocket decides to divide and conquer to capture everyone's Pokémon. Back at the train station, Edna explains that she is waiting for her husband to return. Then Edna's granddaughter, Katrina, shows up and gets her Grandma to go home. Katrina tells May that many years ago Edna's husband, Jonathan, left for the big city in order to become a Pokemon Doctor. Edna tried to reach the station but the train left before she got there and she wishes it had just been snowing that day so she could have told Jonathan they were going to have a baby. One year later, he died in an accident but she refuses to believe it. She also tells May that Edna lost her pendant that day. When May and Squritle find the pendant, they, along with Meowth (who was following and listening to them), get transported back in time to that exact day, and decide to fix Edna's future by fixing the past by making sure that it starts to snow.

Pinch Healing!
90 votes

#6 - Pinch Healing!

Season 9 - Episode 43 - Aired 8/17/2006

A bus full of Pokémon breaks down in front of the Pokémon Center. However, Nurse Joy has fallen sick! Now Ash, May, Max, and Brock must take care of the Pokémon and save them from Team Rocket! Jap Title: The Pokémon Center Is Very Busy!

Tactics Theatrics!!
95 votes

#7 - Tactics Theatrics!!

Season 9 - Episode 8 - Aired 11/24/2005

Ash finally arrives at the Battle Dome ready for his next Frontier Battle. After a little press conference Ash finally begins his battle against the Frontier Brain, Tucker. The battle will be a double battle, which Tucker uses Swampert and Arcanine for. Ash chooses Swellow and Corphish and the battle begins. The battle quickly goes in Tucker's favor as his Pokémon are very skilled at combinations together.

Once More With Reeling
58 votes

#8 - Once More With Reeling

Season 9 - Episode 46 - Aired 9/7/2006

On their way back to Pallet Town, Ash and May compete in a Pokémon Contest. During the break, May's Combusken evolves into Blaziken! In the final round, Ash pits Sceptile against May's Blaziken! jap title: Ash VS May! The Last Battle!!

The Unbeatable Lightness of Seeing!
89 votes

#9 - The Unbeatable Lightness of Seeing!

Season 9 - Episode 42 - Aired 8/10/2006

While Ash is preparing hinself for another rematch with Brandon, Drew appears again and May challenges him to a battle.

Ka Boom With a View!
120 votes

#10 - Ka Boom With a View!

Season 9 - Episode 19 - Aired 2/16/2006

Ash finally arrives at Battle Palace, ready to take on Spenser for the Spirit Symbol. As they head out to the battlefield Ash learns that he has the entire surronding Jungle to battle in! As the battle begins, May, Brock, and Max head up in a balloon with Scott to watch the battle. As the battle begins, Ash pits his newly "revived" Sceptile against Spenser's Shiftry and the battle quickly takes into the forest. Will Ash manages to be able to beat Spenser while battling in a forest? And does he have a secret weapon waiting in the wings?

85 votes

#11 - Overjoyed!

Season 9 - Episode 41 - Aired 8/3/2006

Ash and friends finally arrive at the Battle Pyramid. Ash has a training match against Nurse Joy and Chansey which he loses. He then trades Aipom for Torkoal and faces off against Brandon and his Registeel.

Thinning The Hoard!
60 votes

#12 - Thinning The Hoard!

Season 9 - Episode 36 - Aired 6/22/2006

The Grand Festival continues with appeals as Drew shows off his new Absol. May, Harley, and Solidad also do great appeals and the four of them all make it into the Top 16, which are the battle rounds. In the first match, May has to battle Harley. She chooses Munchlax and Eevee while he uses Cacturne and his new Wigglytuff. Eevee and Munchlax easily take out Cacturne but Wigglytuff badly beats them back. After devising a perfect strategy, May wins. Soon after, Solidad and Drew beat their opponents. Now in the Top 8 May must face Drew! She selects Combusken and Squirtle and Drew picks Absol and Flygon. Will May be able to beat her long time rival?

Gathering The Gang Of Four!
88 votes

#13 - Gathering The Gang Of Four!

Season 9 - Episode 44 - Aired 8/24/2006

Ash calls in Bulbasuar, Squirtle, and Charizard for his upcoming 4-on-4 rematch with Brandon. In the first round, Ash sets Charizard up against Dusclops. Jap title: First Pokémon! Final Battle!!

Wheel of Frontier
99 votes

#14 - Wheel of Frontier

Season 9 - Episode 4 - Aired 10/27/2005

At the Pokémon Center Ash recieves his Snorlax from Professor Oak. He learns about the Arena Tycoon Greta from Scott, who tells him that she battles with Fighting Pokémon. At the Battle Arena, Ash ends up with a two-on-two battle with Greta. Greta chooses Hariyama and Medicham while Ash chooses Grovyle and Snorlax. In the first round Greta quickly overwhelms Grovyle. Can Ash and Snorlax pull through and beat Greta?

Weekend Warrior
98 votes

#15 - Weekend Warrior

Season 9 - Episode 6 - Aired 11/10/2005

May arrives in Silver Town for her second Pokémon Contest. As the contest begins a guy named Jeremy enters the contest much to his wife and son's protest. Jeremy tries to tell his wife why he loves contests but she doesn't want to listen so May steps in to help Jeremy. As the final round arrives, it is a battle between May and Jeremy.

Off the Unbeaten Path!
92 votes

#16 - Off the Unbeaten Path!

Season 9 - Episode 14 - Aired 1/12/2006

On their way to the Battle Palace, Ash & friends stop at Potpourri Island where they learn about the Pokémon Orienteering Contest. The contest is a race around the island where a trainer and one Pokémon must go to five different locations and get the special stamps at those locations. The winner will receive a special medal along with a ton of fruit. As the contest begins, Ash goes with Pikachu, May with Eevee, Brock with Bonsly, Max with Munchlax, James with Mime Jr, and Jessie with Meowth. Who will win the contest and win all that fruit? That is if Jessie and Meowth don't succeed in stealing it along with Ash, May, and Brock's Pokémon!

Home Is Where The Start Is
58 votes

#17 - Home Is Where The Start Is

Season 9 - Episode 47 - Aired 9/14/2006

After tying in the contest, May decides that she will head to Johto alone. After her and Max head back to Hoenn on a ship, Ash and Brock must depart as well. On the way back to Pallet, Ash runs into Gary and his Elekible, a new Pokémon. Gary refuses to battle and leaves. Ash finally arrives home and is greeted by the usual homecoming party. Finally Gary decides to battle with Ash. After losing to Gary, Ash leaves all his Pokémon except Pikachu and Aipom (who sneaks along) at Oak's Lab and heads to the Shinou region. Jap title: End of a Journey, Yet Beginning of a Journey!!

Spontaneous Combusken!
92 votes

#18 - Spontaneous Combusken!

Season 9 - Episode 17 - Aired 2/2/2006

After losing a ribbon to Harley, May arrives on Chrysanthemum Island ready to win her Thrid Ribbon. Ash is also working hard trying to help Sceptile regain its ability to use attacks. When Drew shows up, May finds out he didn't send her the letter. Later, while training on the beach, she meets a girl named Brianna who reveals that she sent the letter and rose to May. When Brianna finds out May knows Drew she freaks out as she has a crush on Drew. When she finally meets Drew, Brianna claims that she will beat May in the contest and win Drew's respect and love! Meanwhile, Jessie also enters the contest with James' Mime Jr.

Harley Rides Again
90 votes

#19 - Harley Rides Again

Season 9 - Episode 15 - Aired 1/19/2006

Ash and friends finally arrive in Wisteria Town where May prepares for her next contest. Harley shows up and this time, he's not so friendly! He declares that he will win this contest and his Fourth Ribbon. Team Rocket tries to convince Harley to work with them to help beat May and get Pikachu but he just calls them losers and leaves. In the contest, both May and Harley manage to breeze through the appeals and battles and end up facing each other, Munchlax to Octillery. Meanwhile, Team Rocket decides to get revenge on Harley.

Odd Pokémon Out!
93 votes

#20 - Odd Pokémon Out!

Season 9 - Episode 16 - Aired 1/26/2006

While on the way to May's next contest, Ash and friends must stop at a nearby island to switch to the ferry to the next island. They let their Pokémon out to play and Donphan, still as playful as ever, tries to play with some Rhyhorn, only to be chased by their parents. After being saved by Nurse Joy and her Meganium, Grovyle gets into a conflict with a wild Tropius and beaten badly. Meganium heals Grovyle and Grovyle falls in love with her. However, Meganium and Tropius love each other! Now Grovyle decides to battle Tropius again to get revenge, and win Meganium's love!

From Cradle to Save!
85 votes

#21 - From Cradle to Save!

Season 9 - Episode 11 - Aired 12/15/2005

On the way to the Battle Pike, Ash and friends stumble across a ninja school. However, there have been thefts around the school lately and they are told to be alert. On one of their tasks, which is to find the teacher's Kecleon, Ash and another Ninja stumble across a Bonsly. Bonsly is quickly blamed for all of the recent thefts at the school but Brock quickly proves them wrong. Soon after, the real thieves, which is none-other than Team Rocket, show up to steal all of the Pokémon at the Ninja School!

Reversing The Charges
88 votes

#22 - Reversing The Charges

Season 9 - Episode 9 - Aired 12/1/2005

On their way to the Battle Pike, Ash and friends encounter an Elekid with an attitude problem. Lately, the mountains where Elekid lives have been struck by tons of lightning, which has caused Elekid to absorb it and go crazy. Following an attack, May's Egg becomes stuck in Elekid's antenna and it runs off. Now they must get the egg back! However, Elekid attacks Team Rocket and separates James from Mime Jr! Now, May's egg is with Team Rocket and Mime Jr is with May! Can Ash and the others stop Elekid from attacking more Pokémon and save May's Egg?

Duels of the Jungle!
86 votes

#23 - Duels of the Jungle!

Season 9 - Episode 40 - Aired 7/27/2006

Ash and friends continue thier journey to the Battle Pyramid for Ash's final symbol. They come across a injured wild Weavile. They try to help it but it attacks and badly injures Aipom. They find out from a townperson that Weavile was attacked by a member of its own group instead of a Sneasel. Ash and friends then decide to find Weavile and help it beat its adversary.

Aipom and Circumstance!
58 votes

#24 - Aipom and Circumstance!

Season 9 - Episode 38 - Aired 7/6/2006

On the way to Fennel Valley and the Battle Pyramid, Ash and friends stop for lunch. After they are done eating, Aipom tries to show Ash the flowers it gathered, but when Pikachu jumps on Ash’s shoulder, Aipom gets jealous, grabs Ash’s hat, and runs off. Ash, Pikachu, and Brock run off after it and wind up in a village where people are stretching. A boy named Hank explains that they are about to compete in a contest to decide who will be the king of their village for the next year. As the contest begins, Aipom comes by, takes the crown, and runs off into the woods, and everyone gives chase. In the woods Aipom puts the crown on and it gets stuck to her head! Now Ash must catch up with Aipom and remove the crown before the people of the village or Team Rocket get a hold of it!

New Plot, Odd Lot!
56 votes

#25 - New Plot, Odd Lot!

Season 9 - Episode 29 - Aired 4/27/2006

Finally in Mulberry Town, May learns that this is the last contest before the Grand Festival! May becomes nervous and begins to doubt herself, but this is quickly put to rest when Harley shows up bragging about his five ribbons. Harley finds Team Rocket outside planning Jessie's contest strategy. Harley decides to help Jessie, but only so May won't make it to the Grand Festival. He gives her Cacturne and Banette to use. As the appeals get underway, Jessie takes an early lead, but thanks to James, Meowth, and Harley’s Ariados, May and Combusken are starting to slip up. Will May be able to pass the appeals and get to the second round.