The BEST episodes of Pokémon season 19

Every episode of Pokémon season 19, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Pokémon season 19!

A young boy named Ash Ketchum embarks on a journey to become a "Pokemon Master" with his first Pokemon, Pikachu. Joining him on his travels are Brock, a girl-obsessed Rock Pokemon Trainer, and Misty, a tomboyish Water Pokemon Trainer who may have a crush on him. Ash and Co. end up traveling through various regions, including Kanto, the Orange Islands, and Johto, and then enter the Pokemon League competitions there. Along the way, they run into many confrontations with Jessie, James, and Meowth, a trio of Pokemon thieves who are apart of an evil organization called "Team Rocket". But everytime Team Rocket try to do their evil deeds, they fail thanks to Ash and his Pokemon.

Last Updated: 3/15/2025Network: TV TokyoStatus: Continuing
Advice to Goh!
2 votes

#1 - Advice to Goh!

Season 19 - Episode 68 - Aired 5/28/2021

Our heroes are visiting Professor Oak, where Goh learns about Project Mew and decides he’s not interested. Professor Oak keeps most of Ash’s Pokémon at his lab, but Infernape is missing, and our heroes go out looking for it. Along the way, they run into Ash’s old friend and rival, Gary, who gives Goh quite a hard time. With Gary’s help, the boys eventually find Infernape bellowing a challenge to the Legendary Pokémon Moltres—who accepts! After the battle, Gary claims a fallen feather as part of his research for Project Mew, and Goh decides he wants to join up after all. Could this have been Gary’s plan all along?

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Healing the Healer!
2 votes

#2 - Healing the Healer!

Season 19 - Episode 53 - Aired 1/29/2021

The Legendary Pokémon Suicune has been detected! Suicune is said to clean up polluted bodies of water and then leave, but for some reason, it’s lingering near a lake. And so, our heroes set off to investigate. Upon arriving, they discover the lake is being polluted by Pokémon hunters who want to catch Suicune. When Suicune appears, the hunters attack it—and to save it, Goh catches it! Weakened by the hunters, Suicune flees. But Goh heals its wounds, and the two form a bond as they defeat the hunters. Although Suicune disappears, it remains Goh’s Pokémon, and he trusts that it’ll always be with him, even when they’re apart.

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Absol Absolved!
2 votes

#3 - Absol Absolved!

Season 19 - Episode 64 - Aired 4/30/2021

Ash and Goh return to Hoenn to help their friend Hodge, who explains that Lavaridge Town’s hot springs have dried up. Hodge’s uncle suspects it’s Absol’s fault, but Ash and Goh know that’s just a superstition. When they climb Mt. Chimney to investigate, they find the landscape has been frozen! It turns out some Glalie have been protecting a Snorunt by covering everything with ice, and Absol’s only been trying to warn everyone before the trapped steam causes an eruption! With Absol’s help, our heroes manage to safely release the steam and restore the hot springs, and Absol is so grateful, it decides to become Goh’s newest Pokémon!

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Thrash of the Titans!
2 votes

#4 - Thrash of the Titans!

Season 19 - Episode 65 - Aired 5/7/2021

Ash has heard from Iris in Unova! She is now Unova League Champion and wanted to battle Ash on her way through the Pokémon World Coronation Series. Gym Leader Drayden agrees to let them battle in the Opelucid Gym—and it’s Dragonite versus Dragonite! But Iris’s Dragonite seems stronger, so Ash momentarily pulls his Dragonite back, bringing out his Dracovish. Neither Iris nor Drayden has seen a Dracovish before, and Iris’s Dragonite loses! Iris then brings out Haxorus, the evolved form of her partner Axew! The battling is powerful, but Ash’s unique strategy with his Dragonite defeats Haxorus, making him the winner and catapulting him into the Ultra Class!

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A Talent for Imitation!
55 votes

#5 - A Talent for Imitation!

Season 19 - Episode 19 - Aired 3/29/2020

Team Rocket have gone to a movie set in order to get a movie role for Jessie. However, when there, a director gets mad at Ditto, a Pokémon that has a role in the movie, as it is struggling with its transforming. Ditto runs away from the set and ends up with Team Rocket who decide to help it become a skilled actor. Meanwhile, Ash & Go have been called upon in order to find the Ditto. Will they get the Ditto back or will it stay with Team Rocket?

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A Pinch of This, a Pinch of That!
1 votes

#6 - A Pinch of This, a Pinch of That!

Season 19 - Episode 50 - Aired 1/8/2021

Ash, Goh, and Chloe take a plane to Galar to search for rare fossils in the Wild Area. There, they meet two fossil researchers named Cara Liss and Bray Zenn. But when the researchers attempt to restore two Fossil Pokémon, they mix up the pieces and come up with two odd Pokémon: Dracovish and Arctozolt! Dracovish runs off with Ash in tow, but it calms down when it reaches water and is able to go swimming. When Ash returns with Dracovish, the researchers ask him and Goh if they would take care of the two Fossil Pokémon—and our heroes agree. Meanwhile, the bond between Chloe and Eevee grows stronger!

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Trials of a Budding Master!
1 votes

#7 - Trials of a Budding Master!

Season 19 - Episode 51 - Aired 1/15/2021

Goh continues to grow his Pokémon family by catching a Geodude, while Ash wants to help his Farfetch’d become a Leek Master! Ash also wants to raise his World Coronation Series ranking, so he’s determined to battle as much as possible. When Dozer and Gurdurr challenge Ash and Farfetch’d, Farfetch’d wins using sheer strength. Meanwhile, a mysterious Trainer named Rinto has been watching, and he thinks Farfetch’d is undisciplined. So, Rinto and Gallade challenge Ash and Farfetch’d on the spot! Gallade’s power and finesse prove overwhelming, and Farfetch’d loses. But Ash vows to train hard with Farfetch’d until they meet Rinto again—and until Farfetch’d becomes a Leek Master!

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How Are You Gonna Keep 'Em Off of the Farm?
1 votes

#8 - How Are You Gonna Keep 'Em Off of the Farm?

Season 19 - Episode 52 - Aired 1/22/2021

Laxton, one of Professor Cerise’s former students, is now the proud owner of his own farm. But when he asks for help dealing with some Diglett and Dugtrio who are overrunning the land, our heroes come to the rescue! After some research, they discover the Pokémon had previously lived on a nearby hill—until Team Rocket stopped there for a break and played loud music that caused the group of hungry Pokémon to flee to Laxton’s farm. In the process of resolving the conflict, our heroes wound up picking a huge bunch of carrots, so they celebrate their victory with some delicious carrot curry and carrot cake!

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Sobble Spies A Stealthy Strategy!
1 votes

#9 - Sobble Spies A Stealthy Strategy!

Season 19 - Episode 54 - Aired 2/5/2021

Ash and Goh have learned that a sequel to a popular movie is being filmed nearby, so they’re off! The movie features Jacqueline and her partner Inteleon, who fills Sobble with awe…because Inteleon is Sobble’s final evolved form! When our heroes ask to meet the movie stars, Jacqueline and Inteleon agree. The meeting inspires Goh and Sobble to work on using Sobble’s fear to its advantage in battle. And when Team Rocket embarks on a plan to steal Inteleon, Sobble gets to put its special training into action—to great effect! Sobble uses its newfound battling skills magnificently, and it starts feeling more secure about its own capabilities.

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The Tale of You and Glimwood Tangle!
1 votes

#10 - The Tale of You and Glimwood Tangle!

Season 19 - Episode 55 - Aired 2/12/2021

After Chloe reads a book about the Galarian forms of Ponyta and Rapidash, Professor Cerise suggests she, Ash, and Goh travel to Glimwood Tangle and see them firsthand. There, Chloe discovers that a vision she had while reading the book was real: Rapidash has been wounded, and Ponyta is worried! But Chloe also read about a type of flower nectar with healing powers, so she sets off to find some. En route, she meets a trio of playful Impidimp who eventually help her obtain the nectar, and she takes it back to Rapidash. Rapidash is restored to full health, and Chloe and Eevee get to ride Rapidash and Ponyta, too!

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Memories of A Warming Kindness!
1 votes

#11 - Memories of A Warming Kindness!

Season 19 - Episode 57 - Aired 2/26/2021

It’s a chilly, busy day in Vermilion City! Parker is taking Yamper to a sleepover, Goh wants to catch some Ice-type Pokémon, and Chrysa and Chloe end up having a girls’ night. After Chloe notices Chrysa’s collection of Psyduck goods, Chrysa reminisces about a time she felt like a failure—but a young man with a scarf-wearing Psyduck cheered her up, and she never forgot them. The next day, Ash and Goh tell Chloe they met the same man and Psyduck, so Chloe insists on going out to look for them. The search is successful, and Chloe reunites an overjoyed Chrysa with the Psyduck who’s meant so much to her!

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When a House is Not a Home!
1 votes

#12 - When a House is Not a Home!

Season 19 - Episode 59 - Aired 3/12/2021

When Goh wakes up from a nightmare, he finds a Grookey clinging to his arm. He tries to catch it, but his Rotom Phone says it already has a Trainer! The question is who, so Ash and Goh set out to find Grookey’s real home. After watching surveillance camera footage from a local shop, they discover that Grookey came from Team Rocket’s Rocket Prize Master machine…and right on cue, the villainous team arrives and returns the Pokémon to its Poké Ball! But Grookey manages to escape, and when Team Rocket reappears, Grookey destroys the Poké Ball—giving Goh the chance to throw his own and catch Grookey for himself!

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Beyond Chivalry... Aiming to be a Leek Master!
1 votes

#13 - Beyond Chivalry... Aiming to be a Leek Master!

Season 19 - Episode 60 - Aired 3/19/2021

The Pokémon World Coronation Series is in high gear, and Ash has been training harder than ever! He and Goh have a practice battle, then head to the Pokémon Center. There, they run into Rinto, who defeated Ash in an earlier bout and has since moved up into the Great Class. Ash challenges Rinto to an official battle: a rematch between Farfetch’d and Gallade! Farfetch’d has a shaky start, but Ash prompts it to remember the training they received from Wikstrom. After embracing a new strategy, Farfetch’d evolves into Sirfetch’d, then defeats Gallade—and Ash’s World Coronation Series ranking shoots up to 184!

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Searching for Service with a Smile!
1 votes

#14 - Searching for Service with a Smile!

Season 19 - Episode 61 - Aired 4/9/2021

A pair of broken water faucets at Cerise Lab prompts Professor Cerise to call Plusle and Minun All Service for help. Two workers, Devi and Multa, arrive. And they’re not simply plumbers—they fix all sorts of things and even care for Pokémon, too! But when Devi takes a hard fall, Multa has to temporarily take over the business, setting her in a panic. Of course, Ash and Goh want to help her out! Call after call comes in for their expertise, and even Team Rocket helps out in the end. Along the way, Multa gains confidence, and both Plusle and Minun end up cheering her on!

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Under Color of Darkness!
1 votes

#15 - Under Color of Darkness!

Season 19 - Episode 66 - Aired 5/14/2021

Ash and Goh are hanging out in Cerise Park when Goh’s group of Flabébé race by and evolve into Floette—but the White Flower Flabébé is missing! It’s been struggling to fly because its flower lost a petal, so Ash and Goh head to Kalos to find a replacement. However, the task proves difficult, and they can’t find a flower that Flabébé likes. After much searching, they finally discover a tiny patch of white flowers that bloom at night, and the now-happy Flabébé evolves into Floette. When it’s time for Ash and Goh to leave, Floette decides to stay behind, determined to raise the flower patch into a beautiful meadow!

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Serving Up the Flute Cup!
63 votes

#16 - Serving Up the Flute Cup!

Season 19 - Episode 7 - Aired 12/29/2019

Ash and Goh are off to the Hoenn region to compete in the Battle Frontier Flute Cup, and when they arrive, Goh catches a Taillow! They soon meet Hodge, an imposing Trainer who’s confident he’ll win the competition—and sure enough, his Mightyena quickly defeats Goh’s Scyther and Scorbunny. But it’s a different story in the final round, when Ash and Mimey face off against Hodge and his Hariyama. Mimey’s calm battling style results in a victory, but when it declines to battle Mightyena, Ash sends in Pikachu—who uses a unique strategy to land the final blow and clinch the grand prize for Ash!

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Crowning the Chow Crusher!
65 votes

#17 - Crowning the Chow Crusher!

Season 19 - Episode 47 - Aired 11/27/2020

It’s the Pokémon Grand Eating Contest, and our heroes are hungry to compete! Ash and Dragonite, along with Goh and Skwovet, are up against several previous eating contest winners, including the world-renown Emperor Blaziken. And rounding out the contestants? Team Rocket and Morpeko, who’s hangrier than ever! One by one, contestants are eliminated until two remain: Skwovet and Morpeko. But after pushing Morpeko too far, Team Rocket blasts off again—which means Skwovet has to eat just one more plate of food to win! Although it seems Skwovet has already eaten its fill, it suddenly evolves into a Greedent, surpasses Morpeko’s food plate tally, and wins the contest!

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There's a New Kid in Town!
47 votes

#18 - There's a New Kid in Town!

Season 19 - Episode 29 - Aired 7/19/2020

As the day begins, Chloe's Yamper brings home an injured Pidove that it found. Chloe and her brother decide to help nurse it back to health and start to fall in love with it, however it soon becomes clear that Yamper isn't happy about the attention the Pidove is getting. What will it do?

Finding a Legend!
51 votes

#19 - Finding a Legend!

Season 19 - Episode 9 - Aired 1/19/2020

Ash and Goh head to Ecruteak City in Johto to investigate rumors of a Ho-Oh sighting, and when they arrive, they see something that looks like Ho-Oh flying in the sky! But it’s actually an imitation created by a boy named Chad, whose grandfather Jaye has been unsuccessfully searching for the Legendary Pokémon for years. Jaye has become convinced that Ho-Oh isn’t real, but Ash knows otherwise. Our heroes accompany Chad and Jaye to the top of Bell Tower, where they call out for Ho-Oh. Nothing happens, but just as Ash, Goh, and Chad start to leave, Jaye takes one last look toward the sky…and finally sees Ho-Oh for himself!

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Gotta Catch a What?!
46 votes

#20 - Gotta Catch a What?!

Season 19 - Episode 35 - Aired 8/30/2020

Goh has caught lots of Pokémon so far! But what to catch next? Admiring the camaraderie between Ash and Pikachu, he decides to catch a Pikachu of his own. Coincidentally, Professor Cerise wants our heroes to research a Pikachu outbreak, so they’re off! When they arrive, Goh catches a female Pikachu, whose friends are digging Thunder Stones out of the nearby rocks. But Team Rocket arrives, and they manage to round up not just the wild Pikachu, but Ash’s Pikachu, too! Goh’s Pikachu knows just what to do, using a Thunder Stone to evolve into Raichu to rescue its Pikachu friends—who launch a massive Thunderbolt, sending Team Rocket packing!

That New Old Gang of Mine!
48 votes

#21 - That New Old Gang of Mine!

Season 19 - Episode 37 - Aired 9/13/2020

Ash & Goh have gone to the Alola Region. It has been a while since Ash was last there so he takes the time to catch up with his old friends, Pokémon and his mentor, Professor Kukui. With his old friends throwing a party for him, Goh gets a bit nervous and eventually, Kiawe challenges Goh to a battle to see if Goh is a fitting rival for Ash. Goh accepts. Will Goh manage to win?

Panic in the Park!
46 votes

#22 - Panic in the Park!

Season 19 - Episode 23 - Aired 6/7/2020

There's a problem in the park in Cerise's Laboratory. The food that was to be given to the Pokémon being taken care there has disappeared and the Pokémon have started to fight. Ash & Goh decide to stay there to catch the culprit but as time passes, the fighting gets worse and Cascoon starts to show signs of evolution. As Goh's Golurk goes to protect Cascoon, the seal on its chest comes lose and it goes out of control. Will they be able to find the culprit?

A Crackling Raid Battle!
39 votes

#23 - A Crackling Raid Battle!

Season 19 - Episode 40 - Aired 10/9/2020

Just as Professor Cerise tells our heroes that the presence of a Legendary Pokémon has been detected nearby, thunder strikes, and Goh is certain that can mean only one thing: Zapdos! A blackout adds to that evidence, and when Ash and Goh visit the Power Plant, Goh is proven correct! After briefly (and unsuccessfully) joining forces with Team Rocket, our heroes battle the Legendary Pokémon! Of course, Goh tries to catch it, but it breaks free—and before flying away, it shares some of its electricity with the Electric-type Pokémon gathered nearby. Later, Professor Cerise shares his theory: Zapdos had been using the Power Plant to recharge its own electricity!

Raid Battle in the Ruins!
37 votes

#24 - Raid Battle in the Ruins!

Season 19 - Episode 14 - Aired 2/23/2020

The Ruins of the Titans have been discovered in the Desert Resort in Unova so Ash & Goh head there to research the ruins. When they get there, they find numerous traps and eventually encounter an expedition team. With their help, they reach the end of the ruins and find a giant Gohlurk. Is this the titan of the ruins?

Sobbing Sobble!
42 votes

#25 - Sobbing Sobble!

Season 19 - Episode 28 - Aired 7/12/2020

Ash & Goh are still in Galar and encounter a timid Pokémon called Sobble. Sobble gets scared and starts to cry, causing Ash, Goh and the other Pokémon to cry too and, as it tends to turn invisible when touching water, its tears make it disappear so Ash & Goh lose sight of it. However, Team Rocket soon appear and have their eyes set on the Sobble. Will Ash & Goh be able to protect it?