The BEST episodes of Pokémon season 10
Every episode of Pokémon season 10, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Pokémon season 10!
A young boy named Ash Ketchum embarks on a journey to become a "Pokemon Master" with his first Pokemon, Pikachu. Joining him on his travels are Brock, a girl-obsessed Rock Pokemon Trainer, and Misty, a tomboyish Water Pokemon Trainer who may have a crush on him. Ash and Co. end up traveling through various regions, including Kanto, the Orange Islands, and Johto, and then enter the Pokemon League competitions there. Along the way, they run into many confrontations with Jessie, James, and Meowth, a trio of Pokemon thieves who are apart of an evil organization called "Team Rocket". But everytime Team Rocket try to do their evil deeds, they fail thanks to Ash and his Pokemon.

#1 - Settling a Not-So-Old Score!
Season 10 - Episode 27 - Aired 4/5/2007
As the Floaroma Town contest begins, Pachirisu�s stage fright puts Dawn in a state of panic. However, Dawn pulls out a Poffin which snaps Pachirisu out of it, and she puts on a great appeal. While she worries weather or not she will make it to the next round, Jessie and Kenny pull of great appeals, and soon all three of them make it to the next round. In the first round, Dawn must face Jessie. After struggling for a little bit, Dawn manages to pull off a win. As the contest winds down, the final battle is Dawn vs. Kenny. Will Dawn beat her childhood rival and win her first Contest Ribbon.
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#2 - Smells Like Team Spirit!
Season 10 - Episode 51 - Aired 10/25/2007
Following Paul releasing Chimchar, Ash offers it to join his team. Delighted, Chimchar joins Ash. The next day the final rounds of the Tag Battle Tournament begin. Dawn and Conway beat their opponents, while Brock and Holly go up against Ash and Paul. Paul refuses to work properly with Ash and quickly ends the battle, even at the risk of knocking Ash's Staravia out. The final round then begins, with Ash choosing to use his new Chimchar. Despite their lack of cooperation, Ash and Paul manage to barely work together in the battle between Dawn and Conway. With Chimchar under a new trainer, and Ash facing a team that has the advantage, who will win the tournament?

#3 - O'er the Rampardos We Watched!
Season 10 - Episode 18 - Aired 2/1/2007
Ash returns to Oreburgh Gym, ready to challenge Roark again. As the battle starts, Ash quickly surprises everyone when Pikachu manages to take down Onix. As the second battle begins, Ash pits Aipom against Geodude. After a long struggle, Ash manages to beat Geodude, and loses Pikachu and Aipom before the real test begins, defeating Roark's newly-evolved Rampardos.

#4 - Arrival of a Rival!
Season 10 - Episode 12 - Aired 12/14/2006
The battle rounds of the Jubilife contest are about to begin and Ash, Dawn, Jessie, and Zoey all make it to the finals. Tension rises quickly between Ash and Zoey when Zoey finds out that Ash also enters Gym Battles. Their battle is up first, and although Ash puts up a good fight, Zoey wins in the end. As the next semi-finals begin, Dawn must beat Zoey. Will she be able to beat Zoey and Jessie and win her first ribbon?
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#5 - A Gruff Act to Follow!
Season 10 - Episode 16 - Aired 1/18/2007
Ash's match against Roark must be put off until the morning so that Roark's Pokemon can heal. At the Pokemon Center, Ash is picking his line-up as Paul picks up his Pokemon. After finding out he gave away Azumarill, tensions between Ash and Paul heat up even more. Paul decides to watch Ash's battle, which he soon regrets when Aipom is quickly defeated by Cranidos. When he sees the power of Pikachu, he decides to stay. Ash manages to defeat Cranidos with Turtwig, but he still has Onix and Geodude to deal with. Can he win his first badge?

#6 - Oh Do You Know the Poffin Plan!
Season 10 - Episode 25 - Aired 3/29/2007
Ash and friends finally arrive in Floaroma Town, the site of the next Pok�mon Contest. Dawn learns that a class about cooking Poffin will take place that day and wants to join so that she can use them to win the Floaroma Contest. When they arrive at the place they are greeted by Forsythia, the class teacher. As the class begins Ash's poffins turn out burnt while Dawn's taste bad. As they try to make better ones they learn about Forsythia's shy Roserade and how it does not like to be around people. However when Team Rocket attacks, Roserade might be their only hope.

#7 - Mutiny in the Bounty
Season 10 - Episode 20 - Aired 2/22/2007
On the way to Floaroma Town, Ash and the others hear some screaming nearby. At a house, a Pokemon hunter named J has just captured a girl named Melodies Gardevoir and she quickly flees the scene. Ash gives chase to her, and tries to battle her, only to have Pikachu frozen in stone and stolen just like Gardevoir. They decide to help Officer Jenny and try to help capture J, but eventually she also gets Meowth as well! Before she can take off, Ash, Jessie, and James sneak under her vehicle and follow her to her secret flying base. Now, the reluctant allies must work together to get back their Pokemon from Jes clutches.

#8 - Top-Down Training!
Season 10 - Episode 40 - Aired 7/19/2007
On the way to Hearthome City, Ash, Dawn, and Brock stop at a Pokémon center. On the TV they watch a battle between Lucian and the Sinnoh Champion: Cynthia. When Ash hears that Cynthia is in nearby Amity Square, he rushes off to meet her. When they arrive at the square, Paul is also there and challenges her to battle. Cynthia agrees and the two begin their battle. However, Paul soon losses four of his Pokémon to Cynthia's powerful Garchomp and calls off the battle. He takes his Pokémon to the Pokémon Center where Cynthia then heals them. Meanwhile, Ash might learn more about Paul and how he treats his Pokémon, while Team Rocket plan to steal Paul's Pokémon.

#9 - Gettin' Twiggy with It!
Season 10 - Episode 5 - Aired 10/19/2006
On the way to Jubilife City, Team Rocket captures Pikachu and flies off. After Starly pops the balloon, a wild Turtwig sends Team Rocket blasting off before running into the woods with the injured Pikachu. Ash, Brock, and Dawn meet Clara who lives on the lake and she explains that Turtwig helps injured pok�mon and tires to keep peace in the forest. Ash, Brock, and Dawn go into the woods to find Pikachu and Turtwig, and Team Rocket is planning on stealing both.

#10 - The Grass Menagerie!
Season 10 - Episode 37 - Aired 6/7/2007
The day finally arrives where Ash will challenge Gardenia for his second Sinnoh Badge. As the battle begins Gardenia and her Cherubi seem to have the upper-hand while using the weather to their advantage. Ash brings out Staravia and scores an early win, but can he repeat the success when Gardenia chooses Turtwig and whatever Pokémon she has in store? Meanwhile, Team Rocket try to sneak into the gym to get Pikachu but end up in a underground filled with treasure.

#11 - Malice in Wonderland!
Season 10 - Episode 43 - Aired 8/16/2007
Continuing their journey to Hearthome City, Ash, Dawn, and Brock become lost in the woods. When it starts to rain, they head under an old gate to stay dry. They notice that on the other side it is not raining so they continuing walking. They finally arrive at the Pokémon center, where Professor Oak and Johanna are. They tell Ash and Dawn of the playoffs being held to determine the worlds greatest trainer and coordinator and tell them to compete. The two agree, and end up facing Cynthia and Johanna! Although it seems they will lose, both of them prevail. Even more strange, all the Nurse Joys and Officer Jenny's suddenly love Brock, Jessie becomes a TV Star, James find tons of rare bottle caps and Giovanni finally wants Meowth instead of Persian. However, this may just be one big illusion.

#12 - Glory Blaze
Season 10 - Episode 50 - Aired 10/18/2007
Ash and Paul, Dawn and Conway, and Brock and Holly have all made it to the next round of the Tag Battle Tournament. Due to the big crowds at the Pokémon center, Brock helps Nurse Joy out, while Dawn and Conway try to figure out strategies for the upcoming matches. Meanwhile, Paul is training Chimchar and is forcing it to battle Torterra, Ursaring, Murkrow, and Elekid all at once. When Ash and Dawn find out they are angered. Things go so far that even Nurse Joy intervenes to help Chimchar. After heading back to the center, Paul finally reveals why he trains Chimchar so hard.

#13 - An Angry Combeenation
Season 10 - Episode 32 - Aired 5/3/2007
Continuing their search for the Amber Castle, Ash, Dawn, Brock, and Cheryl chase after a Combee hoping it will bring them to a Combee Wall, and the Amber Castle. After losing Combee twice, they finally manage to come to a cliff which has tons of Combee Walls hovering in the valley below. The find a cave behind it and head into it. Also inside the cave, Team Rocket decides to start digging for some honey. This angers the Combee and they start attacking. Ash and the others arrive and confuse the Combee and send Team Rocket packing. After accidentally knocking down a Combee Wall, the finally find the Amber Castle. Inside they see the ruler, Vespiquen. Cheryl asks for some of the honey, but Team Rocket breaks in and start attacking. The army of Combee attack back and the ensuing battle threatens to destroy the castle.

#14 - Leave It to Brocko!
Season 10 - Episode 14 - Aired 12/21/2006
During the middle of the night, a Nuzleaf falls from its home in a tree and it carried across the forest by a Vileplume. The next day Nurse Joy tries to help it, but Nuzleaf just attacks her. Ash and friends come by and try to help. However, Team Rocket soon attacks and they capture Nuzleaf, Bonsly, and Brock! Brock tricks them into letting him loose from the tree he is tied to in order for him to cook a meal for them. While Team Rocket is eating, Brock grabs the Pokemon and escapes. During the escape, Bonsly evolves into Sudowoodo. Now, Brock must get Nuzleaf back to its tree, meet up with Ash and Dawn, and fend off Team Rocket!

#15 - Following a Maiden's Voyage!
Season 10 - Episode 1 - Aired 9/28/2006
In the far-off region of Sinnoh, a girl named Dawn has reached her 10th birthday and has set out from her hometown of Twinleaf to meet Professor Rowan in Sandgem Town to receive her Starter Pokémon. Her dream is to take part in Super Contests positioned throughout the land. On her way, however, she gets lost. When she manages to reach the Lab, the three Starters, Turtwig, Piplup, and Chimchar, are fighting and manage to escape the building. Now it's up to Dawn to get them all back so she can begin her journey.

#16 - Dawn of a New Era!
Season 10 - Episode 4 - Aired 10/5/2006
After Dawn fails to capture a Buneary, her and Ash begin to fight constantly. They soon run into a trainer named Nando who temporarily stops the fighting. Dawn decides to battle Nando in order to prove to Ash that she is better then he thinks. However, Nando's Budew easily beats Piplup. At the pok�mon center Nurse Joy tells them that he is trying to decide between contests and gym battles. Ash and Dawn decide to try and "help" him decide. Meanwhile, Team Rocket decides to attack Dawn thinking that because she is a new trainer, they can easily beat her.

#17 - Mass Hip-Po-Sis!
Season 10 - Episode 44 - Aired 8/23/2007
Continuing the journey to Hearthome City, Ash, Dawn, and Brock stop to eat lunch. After eating Turtwig brings them to a cliff where a Hippopotas is stuck on the cliff. After helping it, the Sinnoh Now staff shows up and tells them they were filming it and it accidentally got lost from its family. They decide to help the Pokémon get back to its family, and must do it before Team Rocket captures the easily tricked Pokémon.

#18 - Mounting a Coordinator Assault
Season 10 - Episode 11 - Aired 12/7/2006
The Jubilife contest is about to begin and Dawn is excited for her first contest. She comes across Zoey, a girl who will also be competing in the contest. While practicing with Ash, Aipom interferes in her battle and Dawn convinces Ash to join the contest. As the two get registered, Jessie will also be entering the contest with James' Carnivine, while James and Meowth sell fake seals. As the contest begins, Dawn is nervous while Ash and Jessie are confident. Can Dawn win her first contest?
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#19 - Cooking Up a Sweet Story!
Season 10 - Episode 24 - Aired 3/29/2007
On the way to Floaroma Town Ash and friends arrive at a cake shop where they meet Theresa and her aunt Abigail, who run the shop. They find out that a annual bake-off will be held soon and usually Abigail wins it making her special cake with her Pikachu, Sugar. However, Sugar recently left leaving Abigail sad and debating whether or not she will be entering the contest this year. Theresa convinces Ash to let Abigail borrow his Pikachu for the contest, and pretend that it is Sugar, and he agrees. However, Team Rocket once again threatens to ruin the plan.

#20 - Drifloon On the Wind
Season 10 - Episode 28 - Aired 4/12/2007
On the way to Eterna City, Ash and the others arrive at a Pok�mon Center where they are accused of trying to steal food. They find out that the center is run by Nurse Joy and her two daughters Marnie and Paige. After they clear things up, Ash, Dawn, and Brock decide to help the three. When Marnie needs to go deliver her dad's lunch to him at the Valley Windworks, Nurse Joy has Paige go feed the local pok�mon. Paige decides to show Ash her pok�mon friend Suicune! However, the legendary pok�mon is not at the lake it usually is. At the Windworks, the Marnie and Paige's dad uses his Ampharos to fend off a Team Rocket attack. However, the explosion causes the wires to be damaged and with a storm coming, the Pok�mon Center loses power. Nurse Joy decides to go to the Power Plant and figure out the problem. Paige then decides to go using Drifloon. They try to stop her, put the wind carries her, Pikachu, and Drifloon away! They head to the Power Plant and the power has been restored. Ash tells them about Paige and borrows Marnie's Drifloon to go after her. With the storm getting fiercer, will Ash be able to save Paige, or will Marnie be forced to call on an old friend to save her?

#21 - Borrowing on Bad Faith!
Season 10 - Episode 22 - Aired 3/8/2007
On the way to Floaroma Town, Dawn finds out that a unofficial Pokemon contest is being held nearby, and Dawn wants to enter it for some practice. Ash's Aipom then steals his hat and runs off. Aipom accidentally ends up on a cliff, and is about to fall off when Team Rocket passes by. Jessie saves Aipom, and when Ash and the others arrive, she demands that she wants to use Aipom in the Pokemon contest as a reward for saving it. Ash reluctantly agrees, but soon regrets it when he thinks Aipom likes Jessie more then him. With the contest beginning, Dawn is entering her Pachirisu and Jessie will still enter with Aipom, but will Ash be okay with the result?

#22 - When Pokémon Worlds Collide!
Season 10 - Episode 3 - Aired 9/28/2006
Paul challenges Ash to a battle, however, since he has not found Pikachu yet so he has to decline. Finally, Ash finds Pikachu with Dawn. After thanking her, he returns to Sandgem Town along with Brock and Dawn where Paul challenges him again, and he accepts.

#23 - One Big Happiny Family!
Season 10 - Episode 38 - Aired 6/21/2007
After leaving Eterna City, Ash, Dawn, and Brock travel down Cycling Road to Hearthome City, the location of the next gym and contest. Soon Brock's egg begins to glow, so they head to a nearby Pokémon center. Then they get there it seems to be abandoned. However, Nurse Joy and Chansey are there, but Nurse Joy acts extremely sad since her center has looked like a dumped ever since Cycling Road was built, and she thinks she is no longer needed since no one stops by. They try to cheer her up (as well as eventually help her restore the center), since they need her to help with Brock's egg. In the center, the egg finally hatches into Happiny. Brock and Happiny instantly take a liking to each other, and Brock gives her a bath and starts to work on a stone for her to hold. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is lurking around the center and plan to steal Happiny so they can evolve it into Chansey and run their own hospital and become rich.

#24 - A Maze-ing Race!
Season 10 - Episode 46 - Aired 9/13/2007
Continuing the journey to Hearthome City, Dawn decides to make a pit stop at a local Pokémon center in order to get a new PokeTch function. However, Nurse Joy then reveals that the center giving it out is on the other side of the woods, so Dawn heads there. On the way, Team Rocket intercept them and drag them into a cave to take a picture with their pokemon. Before that can happen a group of rock Pokémon roll throw, causing them to all run. Ash, Dawn, and Brock wind up separated from each other in a maze. To makes matters worse, some of the Pokémon are lost too. While they try to find each other in the maze, Team Rocket tries to keep them separate so they can catch all of their Pokémon.

#25 - The Champ Twins
Season 10 - Episode 29 - Aired 4/12/2007
On the way to Eterna City, Ash and Dawn run into a TV crew who are recording local battles. Ash and Dawn decide to find a local pair of trainers who are on a winning streak and challenge them. They run into the trainers, named Ryan and Bryan and challenge them to a battle. The brothers agree as long as it is a tag battle. They agree and pit Turtwig and Piplup against Croconaw and Quilava. Soon Turtwig and Piplup end up attacking each other, leading to their defeat and a fight begins between them. After seeing the battle, Team Rocket steals Croconaw and Quilava. Now Ash and Dawn must help get them back so that they can have a rematch and show them their true strength, as well as redeem themselves.