The BEST episodes of Party of Five

Every episode of Party of Five ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Party of Five!

Nothing could be worse than the sudden death of parents. One day Nick and Diana Salinger were killed in a terrible car crash, and left their five children all alone. Charlie, the oldest, Bailey, the middle brother, Julia, Claudia, and little baby Owen, who was only 6 months old when his parents died. Together, they go through all sorts of problems.

Last Updated: 8/15/2024Network: FOXStatus: Ended
Go Away
14 votes

#1 - Go Away

Season 4 - Episode 19 - Aired 3/4/1998

Julia, Bailey and Charlie leave to their family cabin up in the Sierras to relax for some time. Claudia is convinced that noone really cares about her anymore and sends off some college applications. Julia talks to Griffin about Rosalie. Bailey finds out Annie was forced to go into a rehab clinic.

Directors: Jan Eliasberg
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15 votes

#2 - Haunted

Season 5 - Episode 24 - Aired 5/12/1999

Julia spends all her time dating new guys and she realizes just how much she needs some time alone with herself. Daphne finally shows up in San Francisco. Kirsten feels threatened by her, while Charlie tries to explain Daphne that he's with Kirsten now. Sarah has some hard time trying to figure out just what is she doing with her life. Daphne tells Charlie that she's back in San Francisco so she could get Diana back. Bailey decides to solve the situation with Sarah by buying an engagement ring.

Directors: Jan Eliasberg
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S'Wunnerful Life
14 votes

#3 - S'Wunnerful Life

Season 4 - Episode 11 - Aired 12/10/1997

Sarah and Bailey host a Christmas party, while Charlie decides to go on a long distances trip with Kirsten. Will realizes that he and Bailey are living in totally different worlds. Julia pains a nice picture inspired by Justin.

Directors: Jan Eliasberg
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...That Ends Well (2)
12 votes

#4 - ...That Ends Well (2)

Season 6 - Episode 24 - Aired 5/3/2000

Kirsten and Charlie find out that they are having a baby boy. Claudia and Bailey exchange their good news to each other. Julia wants to surprise the family with her news at the restaurant. At dinner, everyone announces that they all will be leaving San Francisco, but it results into a problem. Charlie convinces his siblings to leave San Francisco. And after six years alone without their parents, the Salingers decide to sell their family house.

Directors: Ken Topolsky
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Bad Behavior
13 votes

#5 - Bad Behavior

Season 6 - Episode 12 - Aired 1/25/2000

Bailey has a bad day. Both Charlie and Kirsten try to spend time together, but their jobs say different. Julia gets into trouble after she writes an article about a non-enrolled classmate. Claudia meets a boy from the past and learns more about her instinct in boys. A boy in school tells Owen that Victor is a faggot.

Directors: Harry Winer
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Desperate Measures
15 votes

#6 - Desperate Measures

Season 3 - Episode 12 - Aired 12/11/1996

Charlie decides to go to Chicago to see Kristen and leaves Julia in charge. Kristen is very happy to see him, although Ellie is not. She tells him that she wants to run away to San Francisco, but half way there she realizes she's not ready to go back and they return to Chicago. She says he's her problem. Charlie leaves her there. Julia is more concerned about her personal life than her brother and sister. Claudia claims to be sick, but Julia won't believe her until she gets a call from the hospital saying Claudia had appendicitis and had a surgery. She won't forgive Julia until she overhears how sorry she is. Bailey lies to Sarah in order not to sleep with her. He skips practice and Sarah finds a drunk Bailey passed out at his place. He tells her he slept with Callie, but they don't break up. Callie is tired of being used by Bailey.

Directors: Michael Engler
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Too Close
11 votes

#7 - Too Close

Season 6 - Episode 6 - Aired 11/9/1999

Bailey goes to a bar and almost drinks, but meets a woman named Tracy, who turns out to be married. Griffin sees Daphne working at a strip club. Bailey invites Will to move in. Myra keeps turning to Charlie for help, but when he reports her principal, Myra's mother claims that he was involved with her sexually. Julia wants to make her and Evan's relationship public, but he becomes very hesitant. Claudia finds out that Cameron got back together with Alexa. So she tries her luck with a football player. But when he gets her alone, he won't take no for an answer.

Directors: Daniel Attias
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Spring Breaks (2)
13 votes

#8 - Spring Breaks (2)

Season 2 - Episode 22 - Aired 3/27/1996

Kathleen is taking the restaurant and Charlie asks Jake to help him. Charlie wants Kristen back. He follows her and send her 7 dozen roses in her wedding day. She tells him that she won't get back to him just because everything else is not working out, but that's not his reason. He tells her to marry Michael if she thinks he's the one. She can't make up her mind. Charlie shows up at her wedding and she runs away with him. Bailey breaks up with Sarah because he doesn't want her to feel sorry for him and because they're having too much problems. Julia and Will try to open his eyes. Jake tells Bailey that he has to decide what to do with his college money: save the restaurant or go to college, so he decides to save the restaurant and stay for Sarah. Julia and Justin have a fight because both of them have somebody else in their lives. They decide to break up, but Julia can't live without Justin, and so he tells her to be strong. Claudia is tired of Jody and her boyfriend, so they split. Sh

Directors: Steve Robman
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Before and After
17 votes

#9 - Before and After

Season 2 - Episode 18 - Aired 2/21/1996

Julia is pregnant. She's not sure if she wants to have an abortion. Charlie finds her pregnancy test in the trash and talks to her. She wonders what will be like to have that baby, and Charlie opens her eyes on everything she would be giving up. He confesses to her that when he was in college one of his girlfriends got pregnant and had an abortion. Julia feels awful and so does Justin. They have a fight because he will get over it soon, but she has to carry this fact for the rest of her life. Claudia finds out and gets shocked. Bailey and Sarah plan on sleeping together, but she makes it too special. Bailey asks her to make it simple, but Julia's news scares them. Julia tries to talk with Sarah about her pregnancy, but Sarah says that if her mom decided to have an abortion, she wouldn't be there. Julia has a miscarriage. Claudia apologizes to Julia and Julia tells Charlie that he's a good brother.

Directors: Steve Robman
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13 votes

#10 - fam-i-ly

Season 5 - Episode 17 - Aired 3/3/1999

Maggie confesses to the Salingers that Ned hit Julia and they all try to get Julia to break up with him, but she refuses. Charlie and Bailey fight over Owen's custody. Meanwhile, Sarah finds out that her mother is getting remarried. Claudia announces that she will be going to Stanford.

Directors: Lou Antonio
Writer: Julia Dahl
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Isn't It Romantic
11 votes

#11 - Isn't It Romantic

Season 6 - Episode 19 - Aired 4/11/2000

Julia sees Ned in the street, and that brings back memories about her past. Holly's student visa is locked and she has to get a greencard to stay in America. Claudia tries to help Victor with Ross, but he thinks that love should happen by accident. Bailey proposes to Holly. Griffin asks Julia not to see Ned. Daphne comes back for good. Julia goes to Ned's place and they have a fight. Bailey makes too many plans for the wedding and she freaks out. Ned tells Julia what happened to him since they broke up, and Griffin kicks him out of the house. Charlie gets Luke back for Daphne. Holly says she doesn't want to marry Bailey because she loves him. Claudia runs into Victor and Ross on a date. Will proposes to Holly to help Bailey. Julia publishes her book on the Internet and realizes she's not alone.

Directors: Ken Topolsky
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The Wedding
16 votes

#12 - The Wedding

Season 2 - Episode 9 - Aired 12/13/1995

It's the wedding day. Charlie is not sure and asks Kristen to wait 6 more months, but she doesn't understand. He feels pressured and can't handle it. Everybody is worried about what's happening. Ellie tells Kristen to pressure Charlie, and so she tells him that is now or never. He leaves the house. Just as she is announcing to everybody that the wedding is off, he shows up. He decided to get married in order not to lose her forever. He is waiting for her in the altar, but she never shows up. He goes talk to her and she tells him that they shouldn't get married like this, afraid of what might happen in the future. She gives him the wedding ring back and leaves. Bailey tells Will that he might love Sarah and she feels the same way, so Will decides to step out of the picture letting them stay together. Julia and Justin get drunk and have sex.

Directors: Steve Robman
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All's Well... (1)
14 votes

#13 - All's Well... (1)

Season 6 - Episode 23 - Aired 5/3/2000

Bailey decides to go to Wharton Business School at U Penn in Philadelphia, but has a hard time trying to convince Owen to go with him. Claudia decides that she wants to go to Stanford instead of Julliard so that she is closer to home and Todd. Todd tells her not to give up an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Julia gets a job offer from the National Organization for Women (NOW). Daphne becomes miserable in Texas.

Directors: Steve Robman
Writer: P.K. Simonds
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Don't Let Go
12 votes

#14 - Don't Let Go

Season 6 - Episode 1 - Aired 10/5/1999

Bailey tries to plan a perfect wedding for Charlie and Kirsten. But when his plans fail, he tells Charlie to plan his own wedding. Kirsten's parents come to town, but aren't supportive of her the engagement because of Charlie and Kirsten's previously failed marriage in the past. Claudia breaks up with Cody after she catches him cheating on her. Sarah confronts Bailey about his anger towards her. After an editor offers Julia a book deal, she quits college and moves home.

Directors: Steve Robman
Writer: P.K. Simonds
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Free and Clear (2)
9 votes

#15 - Free and Clear (2)

Season 4 - Episode 21 - Aired 4/22/1998

Sarah and Bailey spend time taking care of Annie's daughter and Sarah realizes she still has feelings for him. Julia and Griffin go to a marriage counselor and Julia announces she wants to go to college. Joe decides to sell the restaurant, so the family buys it, because Bailey is ready to manage it.

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Private Lives
25 votes

#16 - Private Lives

Season 1 - Episode 11 - Aired 11/21/1994

Mrs. Gideon, the social worker, shows up without telling and finds a complete mess in the house. Julia gets to the house wearing the new bar costume, and Claudia is missing, causing a very bad impression at her. They call the police and report Claudia. When the phone rings in the morning they find Claudia in the kitchen and she blames them for not knowing anything about her life. Charlie has a secret and won't tell, so they think he might be on drugs. Morgan fires all the waitresses, but later he tries to get Julia back, but she won't come back Bailey and Julia play parents on Claudia's date, ruining it. Charlie reveals that he's back to school. Bailey asks Kristen to help them when Mrs. Gideon visits again, and they all act as a perfect happy family to her. Bailey and Charlie agree to help each other. Claudia asks Mrs. Gideon not to split them up. Owen takes his first steps.

Directors: Peter O'Fallon
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We Gather Together
14 votes

#17 - We Gather Together

Season 6 - Episode 7 - Aired 11/16/1999

Charlie convinces Myra's mother to drop charges against him. Claudia decides to not report Derek's attack in order to deal with it. Daphne and Griffin get drunk and end up together. Kirsten is pregnant. Bailey continues seeing Tracy, while Julia gets closer to Evan and his son Brian.

Directors: Steve Robman
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The Baby
13 votes

#18 - The Baby

Season 5 - Episode 5 - Aired 11/4/1998

Daphne collapses and is taken to the hospital. She and Charlie are forced to decide between a premature birth or dying from liver failure. Maggie catches Ned and Julie together. Griffin meets Ned at the hospital. Sarah and Bailey kick Will out of of their home and instead put up his pregnant friend Hannah. Sarah is shocked when Bailey gives Hannah money for an abortion.

Directors: Daniel Attias
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Blast the Past
13 votes

#19 - Blast the Past

Season 6 - Episode 16 - Aired 3/14/2000

Bailey refuses to accept that he's ok. He wants to get help even tough he doesn't have drinking problems anymore. He realizes that he's only happy when other people are miserable. He makes up with Holly. Kristen is feeling weird at work and Charlie worries about her, fearing a depression, but the reason she has been an emotional roller coaster is because she's pregnant. Julia gets an email from Justin and decides to go to Vegas and stop him from getting married. Adam confesses his love to her and she decides to let Justin get on with his life, even tough he's not sure Laura is the one. Claudia gets mad at Todd because he doesn't pay attention to her, but he was just afraid of doing something wrong. She kisses him. Joe is tired of Charlie not trusting him anymore, so he decides to leave the restaurant, but Charlie asks him to stay.

Directors: Daniel Attias
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Unfair Advantage
17 votes

#20 - Unfair Advantage

Season 2 - Episode 11 - Aired 1/3/1996

A teacher is hitting on Julia and she feels uncomfortable. He asks her if he can give her a ride home and tries to kiss her. She is upset and talks to Justin. He threats him, and Mr. Peck tells the Principal that Julia is the one harassing him. She gets scared and tries to change classes, but Charlie convinces her to confront him. Sarah gets a credit card and starts to spend a lot of money just to get back at her parents for lying to her. It's her birthday and Bailey takes her to have dinner and they fight. He tells her that her parents love her, no matter what. Claudia is hanging out with Jody and they steal a bottle of rum from the bar. They get drunk and Charlie gets mad at her. Charlie is flirting with a waitress at the bar, but when she tells him that she doesn't want anything with him he gets mad. He calls Kristen just to hear her voice again.

Directors: Michael Engler
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Falling Forward
11 votes

#21 - Falling Forward

Season 6 - Episode 22 - Aired 4/26/2000

A rival company is closing down, so Charlie and Bailey decide to take their clients. Suddenly, Mitch has a heart attack and Charlie decides to slow down the production line. One of the new clients offers Bailey a chance to get back to Business school. Mitch tells Charlie not to give up what they've worked so hard to built. He dies and Charlie thinks that it would be better to keep it a small company, so he can have more time for his family. Charlie asks Bailey to join him in the company. Julia has to decide what to do with her life. She is offered to be a speaker in a women conference, but turns down to get a new job as a columnist in a women magazine, where she has to write about futile things. Justin opens her eyes on what she is missing, and she decides that she should go to the conference. Bailey keeps pressuring Will and they have a fight. Holly decides to annul the wedding and move back to England, and Will decides to move back to college. Claudia is accepted for both Stanford an

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Bye, Bye, Love
14 votes

#22 - Bye, Bye, Love

Season 6 - Episode 3 - Aired 10/19/1999

Daphne hires Victor as a nanny for Diana, and gets help job-hunting from Kirsten. Charlie counsels a troubled teen at work. Julia investigates her parents' relationship, which upsets Bailey. Claudia figures out that Cameron is attacking his friends on a web page. Sarah thinks she's found her father in New York and plans to meet him, meaning that she will have to leave Bailey.

Directors: Adam Nimoy
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Judgment Day
14 votes

#23 - Judgment Day

Season 5 - Episode 19 - Aired 3/17/1999

The fight between Charlie and Bailey for the custody of Owen continues. They go to a judge. After leaving him, Ned starts to haunt Julia around. The whole family goes to court so the fight would finally be over.

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13 votes

#24 - Gifts

Season 5 - Episode 9 - Aired 12/9/1998

After finding out more about Ned's relationship with his parents and his brother, Julia wants to get closer to Ned's brother. Griffin goes to Boston on a job task and finds Claudia there. Charlie realizes that Daphne isn't really bonding with their daughter.

Directors: Joe Ann Fogle
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Otherwise Engaged
13 votes

#25 - Otherwise Engaged

Season 5 - Episode 25 - Aired 5/19/1999

Bailey proposes to Sarah and she says yes, but changes her mind later, thinking that she is way too young to go into something this deep. Meanwhile, Charlie proposes to Kirsten and later she accepts. Daphne has some hard time trying to fit into their new situation. Claudia tries to get closer to Cody and she's ready to drink with his friends in order to get him. Justin wants to help Julia with her finals, but she seems to be doing just fine on her own.

Directors: Daniel Attias
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