The WORST seasons of Garo: The Animation
Every season of Garo: The Animation ever, ranked from worst to best by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The worst seasons of Garo: The Animation!
Garo: The Animation is a Japanese animated franchise based on the Garo tokusatsu drama. Each entry takes place within their own narrative and continuity. The first entry of the series, titled in Japan as Garo: The Carved Seal of Flames premiered in October 2014, featuring character designs from Hiroyuki Takei. The anime was written by Yasuko Kobayashi, who previously worked on Attack on Titan and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and directed by Yuichiro Hayashi.
#1 - The Carved Seal of Flames
First Aired 10/2/2014
After Mendoza's apparent defeat at the hands of Prince Alfonso, Leon is left humiliated and confused. Abandoned by both his golden armor and his womanizing father, Leon wanders alone looking for purpose and a reason to keep fighting. Meanwhile, Prince Alfonoso struggles to keep up with the daunting dual responsibilities of running a kingdom and keeping Horrors at bay as the chosen Knight of Light. When the two boys finally meet again, will they be able to see the other's struggles and set aside the past in order to work together? A new evil is rising and it's going to take the combined force of the strongest Makai Knights and Alchemists to bring peace back to Valiante.