The BEST episodes of Blue Heelers season 5

Every episode of Blue Heelers season 5, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Blue Heelers season 5!

Blue Heelers was one of Australia's longest running weekly television drama series. Blue Heelers is a police drama series set in the fictional country town of Mount Thomas. Under the watchful eye of Tom Croydon (John Woods), the men and women of Mount Thomas Police Station fight crime, resolve disputes and tackle the social issues of the day. We watch their successes and their failures and learn to grow with them and their loved ones as the heart of the series develops.

Last Updated: 6/10/2024Network: Seven NetworkStatus: Ended
1 votes

#1 - The Whistle Blower

Season 5 - Episode 8 - Aired 4/8/1998

PJ is stepping out in style—back in uniform as the Acting Sergeant. But this isn't the only change at Mt. Thomas police station. A new member has arrived; acting CI Deborah Hill and none of the Heelers seems able to make a good impression on her. Deborah is currently suing another member, Sgt. Bill Parker, for sexual harassment and tensions increase when she catches the Heelers talking about it behind her back. Deborah is taking over a case from PJ; a series a warehouse burglaries. PJ believes that a local, Johnny Rossitano, is behind them. He explains to Deborah that he has spoken to Rossitano's girlfriend, April, who has told him that Johnny has teamed up with two out-of-towners, Sean and Michael Murphy. The trio are planning to hit a warehouse tonight. Deborah doesn't think much of PJ's techniques or his information. PJ and Deborah continue to clash as they prepare to stake out the warehouse that night. Tom realises that something has to be done and so tells PJ to back off. When it

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#2 - Piece of Cake

Season 5 - Episode 5 - Aired 3/18/1998

When a review team arrives in Mt. Thomas to decide if the station should be down-graded, the Heelers are thrown into a panic. It doesn't help matters that Nick is the subject of a ""Day in the Life Of"" by Tony Timms, and is doing his best to show that the life of a cop is a dull one. But then a woman goes missing and Tony starts to think that Nick is having an affair with her. Maybe Tony will get a nice, juicy article out of all of this... with Nick as the subject!

Directors: Bill Garner
Writer: Bill Garner
2 votes

#3 - Child's Play

Season 5 - Episode 30 - Aired 9/9/1998

Nick is awoke in the middle of the night by a drunken tour operator who reports that one of his clients has gone missing in the National Park. The Heelers question the woman's husband and their pregnant friend, but they say the woman fell behind during an evening bushwalk and just... disappeared. While the Heelers are conducting a thorough search of the park in daylight, PJ wants a word with Aussie Andy, the tour operator, believing that his drunken carelessness may have contributed to the woman's disappearance. But when PJ and Ben are climbing up the rocky bluff where Andy is supposedly searching, PJ falls and twists his ankle badly. Unfortunately their only radio was smashed in the fall, and PJ finds himself extremely grateful for Ben's help—especially as he has insisted that they carry on. Up on the bluff, Ben finds a lost gold earring. Meanwhile, Adam discovers the woman's charred remains in a burnt-out cabin and Dash is assigned to break the bad news to the pregnant friend who is

Directors: Steve Mann
2 votes

#4 - The Living Dead

Season 5 - Episode 21 - Aired 7/8/1998

PJ is pressuring Maggie to get out of her date with Ben Stewart as they are driving along the road from the local tip, when they notice a car that has run off the road. As they radio for an ambulance, they discover the real cause of the accident—the driver has a bullet through his head. Ben is immediately interested, convinced the unknown gun seller from last week may have been involved. He is particularly interested in finding a bullet from the gun to see if it matches one that was used to murder a police mate of his two years ago. Unfortunately, the only available bullet is in the driver's head. But when Det. Sgt. Peppy Romano arrives from Homicide, Ben starts to act strangely. Obviously these two have a history, but it is one they are unwilling to share with the curious PJ and Maggie. Peppy almost immediately announces his chief suspect as being the new wife of the brain-dead driver, citing his reason as the large life insurance held by her husband. But the two representatives of a

Directors: Richard Jasek
2 votes

#5 - Spinning the Yarn

Season 5 - Episode 22 - Aired 7/15/1998

When Maggie and PJ are called to a wealthy grazier's to investigate a wool theft they are greeted by a mob of naked sheep instead of the empty wool shed they expected to find. The grazier points the finger at an ex-shearer and old time rival, but Maggie and PJ discover he is not the only person with reason to dislike the grazier. Other suspects include the recently sacked manager of the property and the grazier's own daughter who has her own powerful reasons to resent her father. As they Investigate the theft, Maggie and PJ discover a secret love affair between the daughter and the son of the man he most despises, the ex-shearer. Could the two of them be planning to use the stolen wool clip to start a new life together? The boy is a talented pianist and Dash's mum, Beth McKinley, is leading a group of citizens raising money for him to study music overseas. Dash, meanwhile, is recovering from her first chemotherapy treatment for cancer and finding it difficult return to work and get on

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#6 - The Dark Side

Season 5 - Episode 23 - Aired 7/22/1998

When a visiting detective is accused of murdering a petty criminal and drug user, Maggie and PJ find their relationship under great pressure. The dead man was a vital link in the case involving three missing police guns and the discovery of Det. Sgt. Ben Stewart crouching over his body leads to suspicion that he is the murderer. Stewart has made no secret of his feelings for Maggie and he turns to her for help. While Maggie believes in Stewart's innocence, PJ can only go on the evidence.

Directors: Richard Sarell
Writer: David Allen
2 votes

#7 - Intervention

Season 5 - Episode 24 - Aired 7/29/1998

Nick questions his ability to continue in the police force when he is duped by a sexual abuse case, and then makes a bad call in another related case when a woman asks for an intervention order against her ex-boyfriend, but Nick merely asks the man to stay away from her. When the woman ends up in hospital with a broken neck and her estranged boyfriend attached to her spinal halo, Nick must devise a way to bring the man down without further endangering the woman.

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#8 - Murder in Mind

Season 5 - Episode 25 - Aired 8/5/1998

Tom and Chris' longstanding friendship is put in jeopardy when Chris finds a fifty-year-old journal in her cellar. The journal appears to have been owned by a young woman and Chris discovers that it is the true account of a romance gone wrong and murder. Chris brings the journal to Tom, asking him to discover the identity of the murderer and bring them to justice. There are no names used in the journal, but nevertheless Tom works out that the owner is a local spinster—the last person you'd ever suspect of hiding a murder for fifty years. Now that the owner of the journal has been revealed, Chris wants the investigation dropped; she doesn't want to see this woman put behind bars. Tom isn't keen on throwing the woman in the cells either, but a murder has been committed and he has no choice but to continue with his enquiries. This puts Tom and Chris, normally allies, head to head, with Chris aggressively defending the woman and Tom bringing her in to face the murder charges. But all is no

Writer: John Banas
2 votes

#9 - Blood Ties

Season 5 - Episode 26 - Aired 8/12/1998

The rest of the Heelers are puzzled when PJ starts behaving strangely after a married couple is brought back to the station following a violent domestic. Maggie is especially worried, as it begins to look very much as though PJ is having an affair with this woman, a nurse at the local hospital. But what this woman really wants is PJ's help in breaking some bad news to her husband. PJ finally reveals this news to Maggie and explains what has prompted his strange behaviour. PJ hadn't thought twice in rescuing a bloodied driver from his mangled car and this woman has told him that she has caught HIV from a needle-stick injury while treating the same man. PJ could now also be infected and therefore so could Maggie. While they start their two-week wait for the results of PJ's blood test, the man is captured on a security camera holding up a service station with a syringe full of blood. Further investigations reveal that he is a known intravenous drug user with a criminal record. His HIV pos

Writer: David Marsh
2 votes

#10 - Little Monsters

Season 5 - Episode 27 - Aired 8/19/1998

Mt. Thomas is in the grip of fear as a serial killer stalks the area. But as police from around the state work to bring the man down in an organised sting, Adam notices a bystander behaving strangely and, acting on his instincts, brings the man into custody. In one swift move Adam ends the manhunt and makes himself a hero. As the Heelers review the event, the discussion turns to the new technique of ""profiling."" Maggie has recently learnt about it in a seminar and Adam is fascinated with its capabilities. But Nick maintain that it was old-fashioned policing that had captured the killer the day before, and it'll be the same thing that catches another killer tomorrow. Adam's interest in the issue stays keen as he helps to investigate a quick succession of fires at the local primary school. According to the rules of profiling, an adult psychopath usually displays three behaviours as a child—arson, bed-wetting and animal mutilation. When Dash and Maggie are called to the home of a local te

Writer: Bill Garner
2 votes

#11 - Nine Lives

Season 5 - Episode 28 - Aired 8/26/1998

Ben Stewart returns to a permanent posting in Mt. Thomas, but he has been demoted to Senior Constable for punching Romano. However Ben soon puts the Heelers loyalties to the test when he becomes the focus of an investigation into the death of a local woman.

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#12 - Missing Digits

Season 5 - Episode 29 - Aired 9/2/1998

Maggie has convinced PJ to join her in buying a piece of investment land in her name. But when they arrive at the solicitor's office to collect the papers they find the solicitor dead. He has a gunshot wound to the head, the gun in his hand and a note on his computer which reads, ""I'm sorry I failed you all."" It seems undeniable that the solicitor has committed suicide. Have Maggie and PJ lost their $10,000? They are both eager to begin an investigation into the matter but Tom will not allow Maggie to continue because of her personal involvement. However, PJ stays on the case, safe in the knowledge that his investment, like his relationship with Maggie, will remain a secret. PJ does not hold great hopes of getting the money back, especially when it is suggested that the solicitor had a gambling problem. But Ben is anxious to help Maggie and vows to do everything he can to return her money. PJ sees this as a challenge and both men vie to be the first to find the funds and win Maggie's f

2 votes

#13 - Rotten Apple (2)

Season 5 - Episode 41 - Aired 11/25/1998

When a vital piece of evidence goes missing from the station, Tom has to face the unpleasant prospect that one of his team might be corrupt. As the accusations fly, Monica Draper arrives to conduct an investigation. Both Adam and Dash comes under scrutiny—both have a connection to the case and both had the means and opportunity. The stolen evidence, a videotape, incriminates Dash's ex-teacher—a woman who had a profound influence on Dash and convinced her to join the force. Could Dash have acted to protect her mentor? Adam's close connection to local businessman and politician Doug Healy also makes him a suspect. Did Doug pay Adam to break into the station and steal the evidence? The case against Adam looks particularly grim when Dash discovers the stolen videotape in his car. He insists the evidence was planted by Healy. The Heelers want to believe him, but the seeds of doubt have been sown. Meanwhile, a burglary victim reveals that not only is his stereo missing but $250 in cash. When

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#14 - Nobody's Perfect

Season 5 - Episode 32 - Aired 9/23/1998

Ben fights for the life of a suicidal teenager who has been in trouble with the law too many times. Ben believes that the boy's crimes, like the suicide attempt, are really cries for help and when the Heelers find him in a terrifying situation with his estranged father, Ben realises that the boy's life rests in his hands.

2 votes

#15 - Turkish Delight

Season 5 - Episode 33 - Aired 9/30/1998

While out on a job Nick decides to give Ben the experience of one of Mt. Thomas's many fine restaurants—the Demirs' kebab shop. They walk in on a dispute between the owners and are shocked to learn that the conflict is over the arranged marriage of their seventeen-year-old daughter, Deniz. Nick is concerned that Deniz has been coerced into the marriage, but she assures him that she's happy to be marrying an older man she has never met. The Heelers are also investigating reports of a prowler peeking into ladies' windows and disappearing with items from their backyards. When Maggie and PJ arrest him, they discover that he is a Turkish national, an illegal immigrant who speaks no English. Deniz is brought in to translate and it is revealed that he is also party to an arranged marriage, but this one seems to be a marriage scam. Next, Nick is horrified to learn that Deniz has disappeared, apparently snatched from her bed. Has she been taken by her former boyfriend? Is she being held until t

2 votes

#16 - Like Father Like Son

Season 5 - Episode 34 - Aired 10/7/1998

When Ben and Dash visit a farm to enquire about a spate of thefts in the district, they discover that those pillars of the community, the Frasers, are involved in a violent argument. Ben tries to resolve the dispute between father and son but is hampered by the Frasers' belief that what happens in the family should stay in the family. When Ben spots a black eye on Mrs Fraser he fears the situation may be more serious than he first thought. However, Tom refuses to believe that Mr Fraser would be capable of beating his wife. The conflict over this issue creates a tense situation for Ben and Tom as they begin to clash over issues of operational responsibility and initiative. As the war of words continues, Nick, as Sergeant, is brought into the argument. Ben wonders why many of Nick's jobs are done by Tom—does the Boss have reservations about Nick's competence or is he just holding onto the reins too tightly? While Nick is glad for Tom to deal with some of the dull paperwork, his conversat

Directors: Raymond Quint
Writer: Bill Garner
2 votes

#17 - Mates Rates

Season 5 - Episode 36 - Aired 10/21/1998

When Adam discovers that a car he has just purchased is part of a stolen car racket, his loyalty to his job and friends hang in the balance. Adam has to make a decision; should he own up and lose risking his money, or just keep his mouth shut? Some harsh treatment from Tom about Adam's handling of a spate of shoplifting incidents adds pressure to Adam's eventual decision.

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#18 - Wedding Blues

Season 5 - Episode 37 - Aired 10/28/1998

Unexpected news from Zoe leads Nick to spring a surprise of his own—his resignation from the Victoria Police. In typical Nick style, he refuses to provide a reason for his resignation, hampering Tom's attempts to talk sense into him. But as the Heelers try to discover the real motives for Nick's strange behaviour an angry dispute over a parking ticket leads to the arrest of a chook farmer, the death of some chickens and the disappearance of a parking inspector. The chook farmer becomes the prime suspect, but investigations unearth a secret life and plenty of people with good reason to hate the officious inspector. When a wedding celebrant visits and Nick is sprung baking a wedding cake, the Heelers finally put two and two together to discover the truth. Nick tries to create a smokescreen by claiming that elderly residents Leila Clegg and Merv Poole are tying the knot, but Zoe blows his cover and admits that she and Nick are indeed getting married. Tiring of Nick's erratic behaviour, Zoe calls off their wedding. The crisis that follows culminates in Nick saving Zoe from being caught up in the chicken farmer's plans for a fiery end, and teaches him some hard lessons about love and commitment.

Directors: Karl Steinberg
2 votes

#19 - All in the Family

Season 5 - Episode 38 - Aired 11/4/1998

Ben clashes with Tom when he finds himself championing the cause of Maureen Ritchie and her three foster children—in particular the two boys Scott and Jason. Ben's involvement with Maureen is made more intense because he is missing his own three kids and has concerns about his son's upcoming birthday. Ben is warned by Tom and Maggie not to get in too deep, but he is enraged when Maureen's neighbour, Herbert Fisher, is robbed and the finger is pointed at the two boys. There have been several incidents of vandalism in the street and Herbert has been waging a campaign against the boys; Ben is sure that he is trying to set them up to get them removed from Maureen's care. Herbert Fisher has made it clear several times that he wants the boys gone. But Ben and Maggie then discover that Maureen's estranged husband, Joe, also has reason to want to get rid of the boys. He blames them for not only driving a wedge between him and Maureen but also for the eventual break-up of their marriage. When t

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#20 - Hunted

Season 5 - Episode 39 - Aired 11/11/1998

Maggie's life is turned upside down when her brother, Robbie, shows up after having escaped from gaol. When she can't give him the help he expects, he takes off and the Heelers begin an extensive search. However, what appears to be a simple job turns into a frightening chain of events—a speed boat show goes terribly wrong and Maggie finds herself in a struggle to save the life of a five year old boy from the hands of a determined killer.

2 votes

#21 - Rotten Apple (1)

Season 5 - Episode 40 - Aired 11/18/1998

While she waits for the final test results of her cancer, Dash becomes drawn into a case involving one of her old and trusted school teachers. A surveillance camera catches Karen attempting to smother her baby girl, and when the video tape goes missing, Dash is immediately a suspect. When Adam is seen with the woman's husband, he is also placed under suspicion. As they fear for the jobs and worry about the upcoming doctor's appointment, Adam and Dash find comfort in each other's arms.

Directors: Fiona Banks
2 votes

#22 - Deed Not the Breed

Season 5 - Episode 19 - Aired 6/24/1998

Dash is befriended by a stray dog, but when she brings it back to the station, it tries to attack Nick and generally causes havoc. When Tom orders her to send it to the pound, Dash defies him, becoming almost obsessively defensive of the animal. Could this attitude have something to do with the news she has just received about her medical condition? Instead of obeying Tom, Dash advertises on local radio for the owner of the dog to come forward. Unfortunately, two separate contenders appear and, judging by the dog's attitude, neither of them is the real owner. What is going on? Dog attacks have been reported in the area, and the Heelers suspect Dash's new canine friend is the culprit. But when a man reports that his mother's new overcoat was stolen, the Heelers meet another contender—the mother owns a pit bull terrier. Meanwhile the Heelers are tracking down a Wangaratta man reported missing in their district. When they find him, he is dead—mauled to death by a dog. Suddenly things are

Directors: Richard Sarell
3 votes

#23 - Secrets (1)

Season 5 - Episode 1 - Aired 2/24/1998

Mt. Thomas station is full of secrets. Maggie and PJ have come back from holidays deeply in love but determined that no one, especially Tom, will find out about their new relationship. Meanwhile, Nick and Adam have intercepted Dash's Confirmation Certificate as a fully-fledged constable in order to have it framed for a special presentation, and Tom and Chris are conspiring to organise a surprise celebration for Dash's 20th birthday. Into this web of intrigue comes a very distressed Elly Winslow, asking for police protection because her ex-husband, Danny Hobson, has just been released from prison in Queensland where he was serving time for sexually molesting his own son, and she is terrified that he will come looking for them. Tom does his best to calm her fears, meanwhile sending Dash and Maggie out to the little one-teacher school attended by Elly's boys, Mark and Joey, to investigate a report of a man seen ""hanging around"" by Dash's young niece, who has a very well-developed imagi

Directors: Richard Jasek
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2 votes

#24 - Secrets (2)

Season 5 - Episode 2 - Aired 2/25/1998

Dash is somewhere out there in a bus with a group of school children, their teacher and an armed gunman, and the Heelers are feeling especially bad about it because they led Dash to believe that they've forgotten her birthday. When the bus is found abandoned, the Heelers must decipher both true and false clues in order to find the missing children.

Directors: Russell Burton
Writer: David Marsh
Watch Now:Amazon
2 votes

#25 - Smoke and Mirrors

Season 5 - Episode 3 - Aired 3/4/1998

Adam's mate, Wazza Tully, is in trouble; Mandy Barnes wants him charged with sexual assault after an incident at the Imperial where a drunken Wazza tried to grabs her breasts. Tom sends Adam to ""have a few words"" with his mate and warn him to stay off the grog—especially at the footy club fund-raising function tonight. The function features Justin de Carlo, an illusionist and stage hypnotist. All the Heelers are there, and some of them even find themselves up on stage as volunteers, as does Wazza. But when Justin suggests that his hypnotised volunteers go and kiss the person they fancy the most in the room, the whole town is astounded when Wazza heads straight for Adam and kisses him full on the lips! Although Tom is inclined to play down the situation the following morning, believing the less fuss the sooner it will be forgotten, Wazza demands police action, convinced that he has been tricked and defamed. Nick discovers that stage hypnosis is against the law, but when they point this

Directors: Karl Steinberg
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