The BEST episodes of Between the Lions season 2
Every episode of Between the Lions season 2, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Between the Lions season 2!
Five years in the making, Between the Lions has set out to get kids "wild about reading". In every episode, there can be found countless sight gags, puns, parodies, songs, and more, all of which are designed to help kids better understand the pronunciation of everyday words. The setting for the show is, fittingly, a library, where husband-and-wife team Theo and Cleo are the Librarians. Their inquisitive cubs, younger sister Leona and older brother Lionel, often help them out, while another character - the Information Hen - dispenses information to perplexed Library patrons. Among the other colorful characters likely to be encountered, is a statue of the library's founder, Barnaby B. ("Don't Call Me Buster!") Busterfield III, who makes sarcastic comments about the silliness he often witnesses going on in the library. There are also two dim-witted pigeons, Clay and Walter (get it?) who hang around the statue, keeping him company - but he just wishes they'd go away! Additi

#1 - Stop That Chicken!
Season 2 - Episode 25 - Aired 5/4/2001
Chicken Jane escapes from one of her books and ricochets around the library. Every so often, she writes her advice to characters in other books. GUIDING PRINCIPLE: Short o sound.

#2 - Why the Baboon's Balloon Went Ka-Boom!
Season 2 - Episode 18 - Aired 4/25/2001
Theo wants to teach the cubs a lesson, which he finds in a book of concatenations called Because a Little Bug Went KA-CHOO! What Theo doesn't know is that, by pulling that book from the middle of a pile, a pen dropped to the floor, setting off a concatenation in the library. It culminates with a hot-air balloon's bursting.

#3 - The Chess Mess
Season 2 - Episode 24 - Aired 5/3/2001
It's Alice Day at the library, and everyone is very involved in a page from Through the Looking Glass. Theo, a former whiz at chess, accepts Click's challenge to play a few matches. GUIDING PRINCIPLE: Short e sound.

#4 - Good Night, Knight
Season 2 - Episode 23 - Aired 5/2/2001
A famous marionette team is preparing to tell the story of Orlando Furioso and his battle to rescue Angelica from the curse of Fallerina. It's a story Leona knows by heart, and she has more than a loving desire to see this play.

#5 - Tweet! Tweet!
Season 2 - Episode 22 - Aired 5/1/2001
An intriguing theory from the book Bone Poems has got the cubs and pigeons thinking: Are birds the descendants of dinosaurs? Walter and Clay Pigeon take that prospect to an extreme. GUIDING PRINCIPLE: Double-e sound.

#6 - Rats
Season 2 - Episode 21 - Aired 4/30/2001
After someone calls Leona a nasty name on the playground, a friend of the Lions', named Frank, tells a story about Rats, which shows that bad names can hurt just as much as sticks and stones.
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#7 - Dreaming Shakespeare
Season 2 - Episode 20 - Aired 4/27/2001
It's Shakespeare Day at the Library. Fanfares, flowery language and period costumes are the order of the day (Cleo is dressed as the female star of Antony and Cleopatra). A method actor is unable to play Romeo and Juliet because Juliet is sick. Maybe an exasperated hen can fill in.

#8 - But, Mama, But ...
Season 2 - Episode 19 - Aired 4/26/2001
Cleo is about to fly off to visit some newborn cubs. Leona feels she is able to spend a couple of days without her, but can she be sure> And what about everyone else? To ease everyone's feelings, Cleo (with eight minutes to go in the program) reads I Miss You, Stinky Face by Lisa McCourt; illustrated by Cyd Moore.

#9 - The Spider and the Lie
Season 2 - Episode 17 - Aired 4/24/2001
Lionel writes a Crime Story, which involves Leona, a slippery character named Monkey C. Monkeydew, a missing library card, and a spider.

#10 - Quest, Quest, Quest!
Season 2 - Episode 16 - Aired 4/23/2001
Babs Caplan is back with a new story, The Quest for the Chest. And once again, she doesn't get it right. Originally, there is no action in the story. GUIDING PRINCIPLE: Short E sound.
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#11 - Trains and Brains and Rainy Plains
Season 2 - Episode 15 - Aired 4/20/2001
Lionel gets a brainstorm after he hears Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain. What if he and Leona ride a train through the plain of the book?

#12 - Bug Beard
Season 2 - Episode 14 - Aired 4/19/2001
In the story ""Bug Beard"", a woodcutter brings home a grubby, buggy old man he finds in the woods. His wife is not amused by the buggy old man, and so she sets about trying to clean him up. When the buggy man is finally all cleaned up, it turns out he just isn't his happy, dancing, singing old self. Can the Lions help?

#13 - Five, Six, and Thistle Sticks
Season 2 - Episode 13 - Aired 4/18/2001
Lionel's friend, Lenny - a fellow ""Cliffhanger"" aficianado - comes for a visit, after having since moved away. When he arrives at the library, however, Lionel finds out that Lenny doesn't like ""Cliffhanger"" anymore. That instead, he has taken a liking to a similar book hero, ""Justin Time""! Can Lionel and Lenny still be friends, even if they don't like the same things?
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#14 - Oh, Yes, It Can!
Season 2 - Episode 12 - Aired 4/17/2001
A storyteller visits the library one day, and tells an old story about a Yammering Yam and how it led to a whole series of unbelievable (but true) events for a farmer, a fisherman, and king.
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#15 - Pebble Trouble
Season 2 - Episode 11 - Aired 4/16/2001
Featuring the book ""Sylvester and the Magic Pebble"", in which a young donkey boy discovers a magic pebble in the woods, and somehow wishes himself to be a rock. His parents spend many months out looking for him, and eventually find him as the rock, and unknowingly transform him back into his old self!
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#16 - The Last Cliff Hanger
Season 2 - Episode 10 - Aired 4/13/2001
Lionel is devastated (Shocked! Taken Aback! Apalled!) when he discovers that there will no longer be any new ""Cliffhanger"" books - since the author, Livingston Dangerously, has decided to call it quits. But being the devout ""Cliffhanger"" fan he is, Lionel decides to do something about this dire situation!
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#17 - Teacher's Pet
Season 2 - Episode 9 - Aired 4/12/2001
Cleo catches the ""I-Can't-Hear-or-Smell-or-Tell-if-Someone's-Sneaking-Up-On-Me"" Flu, right before she's scheduled to go and visit her old teacher.
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#18 - Bobby the Hopping Robot
Season 2 - Episode 8 - Aired 4/11/2001
Lionel's new toy, a hopping robot named Bobby, is a real tough job to put together. Lionel, Theo, Cleo, and just about everybody has a try at assembling the robot correctly -- but it still doesn't work! Who could've guessed Leona would come up with the solution!
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#19 - Poetry Day
Season 2 - Episode 7 - Aired 4/10/2001
It's Alice day in the library, which means everything has something to do with ""Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"", and the backward logic of the looking glass. Calloo Callay!
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#20 - Clickety-Clack, Clickety-Clack!
Season 2 - Episode 6 - Aired 4/9/2001
Theo ""borrows"" the typewriter from the book ""Click-Clack Moo!"", and has a hard time letting it go when the cows want it back.

#21 - Zoop! Zoop!
Season 2 - Episode 5 - Aired 4/6/2001
The story of Abiyoyo terrifies Leona, and it takes some cleverness on the part of her mother to help Leona beat her fear.
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#22 - Icarus's Wings
Season 2 - Episode 4 - Aired 4/5/2001
The story of Icarus, the boy who made wax wings and flew too close to the sun, inspires Barnaby B. Busterfield to follow his dream of...flying! With help from Walter and Clay, of course.
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#23 - The Good Seed
Season 2 - Episode 3 - Aired 4/4/2001
Click the Mouse gets a computer virus that turns everything in the library into a total disaster area!
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#24 - Humph! Humph! Humph!
Season 2 - Episode 2 - Aired 4/3/2001
Lionel's friend, Gus, gets annoyed when Leona asks him to be her designated reader for the day -- because he can't read.
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#25 - The Sad Dad
Season 2 - Episode 1 - Aired 4/2/2001
Bruno Kirby plays a Dad whose house is overrun by kids: ""There's hardly enough room to put on pants!"" he complains. Fed up with all this overcrowding, he decides to seek the advice of an old wise woman in town - who only adds to the problem!
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