The BEST episodes written by Peter K. Hirsch
#1 - Happy Anniversary
Arthur - Season 10 - Episode 1
Mr. Ratburn shows a film about perspective and then assigns the class an essay about it. Arthur and Buster are disappointed to have homework on the weekend of the big Bionic Bunny / Dark Bunny special (in which everything will be revealed), but vow to complete it before the start of the special. Arthur, however, struggles with the assignment. Mr. and Mrs. Read are celebrating their tenth anniversary at a fancy restaurant. They're dropping Arthur off for Buster's sleepover and D.W. at Grandma Thora's. But car troubles leave everyone stranded. Things seemingly go from bad to worse when Arthur and D.W. get locked in a storage room in an old diner. They're disappointed, and a bit scared, but find inspiration in an old radio drama called "Kid Carter and his Sidekick Mistral."
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Arthur - Season 2 - Episode 25
Arthur and his friends are all invited by Muffy to go to Waterworld, but the Brain doesn't want to go. He and Binky spy on Brain and find out that he's afraid of water. They desperately try to cure this fear so they can all go to Waterworld together.
#4 - The Return of the King
Arthur - Season 3 - Episode 18
When Mr. Ratburn's class goes to a medieval style fair, his old teacher, Mr. Pryce-Jones, comes with his class. Mr. Pryce-Jones' class wins all the games. The last contest is pulling a sword from a stone. Will Arthur prove that Lakewood is better than Glenbrook? (Glenbrook is the name of the school where Mr. Pryce-Jones' class is from).

#5 - Background Blues
Arthur - Season 3 - Episode 7
Mr. Ratburn assigns a project that involves family ancestors. Muffy and Francine turn this project into a competition to see who has the best ancestors.
#6 - Arthur Rides the Bandwagon
Arthur - Season 3 - Episode 13
Everyone has a Woogle, the popular new toy... everyone except Arthur. He think that they're dweeby, until everyone else has one. He tries to obtain a wonderful Woogle, but the stores are all sold out! What will he do now?
#7 - Arthur's Lucky Pencil
Arthur - Season 2 - Episode 4
Arthur finds a pencil that gives him luck but when everyone else starts to use it, the pencil starts to get smaller and smaller, so Arthur hides it somewhere. He can't find it but is lucky anyway and when it is found D.W. takes it.
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Arthur - Season 10 - Episode 17
A new line of dolls has come out. The "World Girls", figurines dressed to represent every nationality, are the new trend, and when the new superstore "World Girl World" opens, Muffy is determined to buy every single one, and brings along Francine, who is not particularly interested in it, and Sue Ellen, who has her heart set on finding only one specific doll.

#10 - Down on the Farm
Martha Speaks - Season 1 - Episode 9
Helen, Martha, and T.D. visit T.D.'s grandpa CK on his farm. When Martha tries to help with chores, things get a little out of hand. She doesn't think she's cut out to be a farm dog, until she raises the alarm, just in the nick of time. Vocabulary: (E) chores, herd, pasture, responsibility, task, toil (I) job, tired, rise
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#11 - Truman and the Deep Blue Sea
Martha Speaks - Season 1 - Episode 25
Truman can't believe his luck when Alice invites the gang to go whale watching . . . . until he realizes that he has to actually get on a boat. Which means he'll get seasick. But Truman's desire to see Balaenoptera musculus drives him to overcome his fear, with a little help from someone who knows the true meaning of perseverance! Vocabulary (E) dread, nauseous, overcome, persevere, seasick (I) ill, quit, queasy, sick, shaky
Watch Now:Amazon#12 - Do You Speak George?
Arthur - Season 10 - Episode 16
Kids at school begin to make up their own languages. Arthur and Buster create "Arster-Buther", and Francine and Muffy create "Oola". George, however, feels left out because he can't understand any of it, due to his Dyslexia, so he comes up with a language of his own, a language without words.

#13 - The Chess Mess
Between the Lions - Season 2 - Episode 24
It's Alice Day at the library, and everyone is very involved in a page from Through the Looking Glass. Theo, a former whiz at chess, accepts Click's challenge to play a few matches. GUIDING PRINCIPLE: Short e sound.
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#14 - Martha and the Canine Caper
Martha Speaks - Season 1 - Episode 13
Martha inadvertently helps some stray dogs rob Karl the butcher. Worried that she'll get blamed for the crime, she conceals the evidence and pretends nothing happened. When the canine criminals recruit her for another heist, she's torn between the truth and a really big salami. Vocabulary: (E) distressed, blame, confess, conceal, shame (I) rob, crime, punish, suspect, honest, hurt
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#15 - Martha Says It with Flowers
Martha Speaks - Season 1 - Episode 32
Martha always seems to do the wrong thing around Grandma Lucille. To prove that she's really considerate, she decides to do something really special for Grandma's birthday. But finding the perfect present for a human is a lot harder than it looks. Vocabulary (E) considerate, delightful, thoughtful, sincere, considerate (I) kind, lovely, nice, sweet
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