The WORST episodes of Best of the Worst
Every episode of Best of the Worst ever, ranked from worst to best by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The worst episodes of Best of the Worst!
Mike, Jay, Rich and the rest of the Red Letter Media crew brave some of the worst movies ever created by man and then pick the best of the worst.

#1 - Black Spine Junka 3
Season 2022 - Episode 5 - Aired 7/27/2022
The collective nightmare continues, seemingly without end... This time it's Rich vs Tim in the 3rd Junka battle to see who will watch a pile of spineless tapes found in a dumpster. What horrors await!!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!!!?!??

#2 - Wheel of the Worst #22
Season 2021 - Episode 6 - Aired 7/10/2021
The wheel is spun thrice! Then the gang must endure bad times as they viewed VHS tapes, CDs, and floppy discs of amusing or non-amusing content. Will they break under the pressure of viewing such materials? Or will they laugh, smile and have great times viewing these visual nightmares of filth. Journey with Mike, Jay, Tim, and Richard "Woggly Balls" Evans as they randomly select a video, movie, DVD, Laser Disc, filmstrip, or other materials and engage in conversations about what they did or did not witness while attempting to be funny. Mike will drink beers. Jay will drink beers. Tim will drink beers. Rich will drink Diet Cokes in an attempt to reduce his girth. Mike will drink too many beers and say things he regrets later in the sober light of daylight. How does this happen? With a Wheel of the Worst, of course! A round object that is spun to randomly select a films. Why does this happen? For entertainment and review purposes only of course!

#3 - Dragon Hunt, Tartarus, and Born Into Mafia
Season 2021 - Episode 7 - Aired 8/15/2021
The gang watches three films made by filmmakers who have had previous films on Best of the Worst before. Will they live up to.... no.

#4 - Black Spine Raffle
Season 2021 - Episode 8 - Aired 10/2/2021
Mike is back to torture the gang with random VHS tapes from a dumpster. This time he's got a new and even more pointless gimmick! Pick a raffle ball to select a tape? Why? Cause these 40 year-old white dudes are emotionally stunted man-children with nothing else to do with their time.

#5 - New York Ninja
Season 2021 - Episode 10 - Aired 12/9/2021
Colin joins the crew as they watch a movie found in a dumpster.

#6 - Christmas 2021
Season 2021 - Episode 11 - Aired 12/21/2021
It's that magical time of year yet again! The one where the gang watches awful movies that may or may not have anything to do with the holiday of Christmas. Ho ho ho! Will they get a Christmas gem in their stockings, or just a lump of coal? And by coal, I mean an outdated corporate training video on VHS.

#7 - Blindfold Picks!
Season 2022 - Episode 1 - Aired 2/27/2022
For the very first and last time, the guys pick VHS tapes while blindfolded. What horrors await... ah whatever. Movies watched: The Incredible Melting Man, Starship, and Lady Avenger

#8 - Wheel of the Worst #23
Season 2022 - Episode 2 - Aired 3/13/2022
The Wheel of the Worst is back to ruin everyone's day! And possibly their entire lives. Hands will be mutilated, the darker side of basketball will be learned, and embarrassing rap songs will be sung!

#9 - Clash in the College
Season 2022 - Episode 4 - Aired 5/29/2022
It's time for another Best of the Worst spotlight episode! This time, the gang discusses the 2011 feature film Clash in the College. See what happens when political ideologies are challenged in multiple Holiday Inn hotel rooms!

#10 - Halloween 2022
Season 2022 - Episode 7 - Aired 10/28/2022
Booooo it's that time of year again! Time for the gang to drink a deadly amount of alcohol and talk about embarrassing horror movies! This year, the movies feature oozing green goo, cartoon characters assaulting co-eds, and an intense psychological drama that turns into a Freddy Krueger movie every once in a while.

#11 - Cyborg and Arcade (Albert Pyun Double Feature)
Season 2022 - Episode 8 - Aired 11/23/2022
In this episode of Best of the Blurst, the gang pays tribute to b-movie veteran Albert Pyun. He's made post apocalyptic movies. He's made cyborg movies. He's made post apocalyptic cyborg movies. He's done it all!

#12 - Wheel of the Worst #24
Season 2023 - Episode 1 - Aired 1/14/2023
New Year. New Wheel. That's right, idiots! It's back! The Wheel of the Worst with new tapes and new terror to terrorifyer your dreamz. On this special episode comic books artist Freddie T. Williams the 3rd returns to the mean streets of Milwaukee to tempt his fate once more by spinning the wheel to select a random tape or dvd to watch. This time there is a mild twist to yet another gimmick, but the twist is so mild I won't even bother mentioning it. What does the wheel spin too? whelch tapes wioll be picked? Jay, Mike, and Rich are in classic form as they continue to be the oldest and least influential internet clowns around. Well, kind of influentional. This time 4 tapes are watchted. Which in the end prooves to be 4 tapes to meny. As the fiurst tape salected is really good. Enjoy this latest plepisode of blesta off the wist: whel ofk det shfjki

#13 - Hawk the Slayer, Slaughter Day, The Kid with the X-Ray Eyes
Season 2023 - Episode 4 - Aired 5/14/2023
It's thyme for another Best of the Girth! In this episode, the gang all get to pick their own movie to watch. What they end up with is a dry fantasy movie, a wet shot-on-video nightmare, and a kid's movie made for sickos. Hooray!

#14 - Wheel of the Worst #25
Season 2023 - Episode 5 - Aired 6/11/2023
Called the most unhinged Wheel of the Worst to date by film critic Pauline Kael, this is the 25th episode of Wheel of the Worst. Destined to go down in history as the 25th episode of Wheel of the Worst, this episode has been called the most unhinged Wheel of the Worst to date by film critic Pauline Kael. The Wheel of the Worst has been spun 25 times now. This, perhaps, might be the most unhinged episode to date, as noted by famed film critic Pauline Kael. Perhaps this episode will most be remembered not for being the most unhinged episode of Best of the Worst, but that it is indeed the 25th Wheel of the Worst, as noted by legendary film critic Pauline Kael.

#15 - Back in Action vs. Enemy Territory
Season 2023 - Episode 6 - Aired 8/14/2023
OMG it's Best of the Worst! This time it's Canada vs. the US as we pit two action movies that look very similar on the surface against each other to see which country did it better! Rowdy Roddy Pipper and Billy Blanks star in Back in Action! The touching story of Billy Blanks turning into a raging psychopath at the idea that his little sister is out there somewhere living her own life. Then there's Enemy Territory, a John Carpenter-esque siege movie about an insurance nerd being trapped in a low end apartment building and running down the same hallway over and over and teaming up with Ray Parker Jr aka the guy who did the Ghostbusters theme song. Shablam!

#16 - Wheel of the Worst #26
Season 2023 - Episode 7 - Aired 9/15/2023
The gang is back! The wheel must be spun three times to select videos for these men to watch! This is the 26th time we've spun the wheel and this time it's no less embarrassing. Heavens help them! They've selected films that will test their limits as countless frauds who huckster and grift their way across the internet. These hollow clowns will attempt to breakdown them videos in the way no others can on the internet. Talk about old videos made for perverts, the elderly, and medical professionals. The mens will make jokes and live, laugh, love, eat and pray love as Rich Evans once again defies death another day. His soul is always being pulled towards Hell by our one and only lord and savior, Satan. Each episode of Best of the Worst takes a little piece of his once happy heart and replaces it with the black coal of the Devil's shart. Poor Rich. He tries.

#17 - Black Spine Edition #02
Season 2018 - Episode 10 - Aired 12/3/2018
Oh no! The group tortures themselves with yet another Black Spine Edition™! What horrors await?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

#18 - Christmas Plinketto
Season 2023 - Episode 11 - Aired 12/20/2023
Ho Ho Ho it's time for another Christmas episode of Best of the Blurst! This year, we decided to do something different and leave our choices up to chance by having Santa Claus drop lumps of coal down the ol' Plinketto board and randomly select a few Christmas movies for us to watch!!!

#19 - Battle of the Genres
Season 2024 - Episode 4 - Aired 5/5/2024
Florps Hoggenwarsch once said, “The day four men in their forties spend a lovely afternoon with each other participating in such infallible and wasteful follies instead of putting in a hard days work, well that’s the day I put a pistol in my mouth!” Florps Hoggenwarsch was one of the literary giants of his time (1802 – 1842) as well as a notable cultural critic and observationist. Florps did indeed put a pistol in his mouth whence-forth he discovered that four of his dearest friends spent a lovely afternoon in 1842 reading aloud and mocking amateur books and poems to the enjoyment of a small crowd of other failures. The crowd consisted of toothless town-folk, drunkards, ex-convicts, perverted men, and failed politicians (some crossover) along with some very smart animals. As Florps friends read passages aloud from the failed poets and aspiring novelists of the time, the crowd laughed loudly and chewed on raw potatoes. They threw cornhusks and flatulated freely.

#20 - New Releases!
Season 2023 - Episode 3 - Aired 2/25/2023
We have an overwhelming amount of VHS and DVDs in our studio, but instead of sift through those to help get rid of some of our library, we decided to watch three new movies that are only available on streaming! It's Mega Lightning, Shuny Bee's Fight of Fury, and Birdemic 3! Also the two leads in Mega Lightning apparently also star in that terrible looking Winnie the Pooh horror movie that just came out.

#21 - Russian Terminator, Ninja Vengeance, and Never Too Young to Die
Season 2013 - Episode 1 - Aired 1/18/2013
Mike, Jay, Jessi and Josh comment on three crappy movies then choose the best of the worst.

#22 - Bad Movie Scavenger Hunt Too
Season 2022 - Episode 6 - Aired 8/31/2022
Hey remember the Bad Movie Scavenger Hunt???? It's a gimmick we only did once, two years ago. We didn't run this gimmick into the ground! So now it's back! This time, there's three contestants, two pieces of criteria, and endless trash to choose from! Who will win the scavenger hunt? What will win Best of the Worst? And when will someone change my diaper???

#23 - Halloween 2023
Season 2023 - Episode 8 - Aired 10/21/2023
Happy Halloween, idiots! It's the annual Halloween episode of Best of the Worst! That time of year where the group all drinks too much and makes fun of terrible movies. So basically like any normal episode, but these episodes use spooky music so it's totally different. This year, the gang has gathered their most pathetic line up of haunted items yet. It's Tim Ritter's Killing Spree, Night of the Demon, and Vampire Riders!!!! Also, this year has been a bit of a wet fart to say the least. Times arrow continues forward, but alas it keeps missing us as we try to let it hit us directly in the junk. We travel onward moving into the obscure, nightmarish realms of darkness, disease, and aching lower backs. As we enter into our twilight days, we remember the good times and great episodes of Best of the Worst. We remember our dearly departed friend Rich Evans, who we lost this year due to Brain Stop Working syndrome (BSW).

#24 - Spotlight: Wish Upon
Season 2023 - Episode 10 - Aired 12/2/2023
In this latest installment of the popular series “Best of the Worst” the boys delve into the 2017 hit film “Wish Upon”. But what exactly is a wish? Well, put simply, a wish is something you really want, but can’t make a reality yourself. Something that just will never ever happen without an external force, often a mystical or supernatural one. An example would be: you wish you had superpowers or win the lottery or that there would be a Half in the Bag on The Batman. These are things you cannot make happen yourself or will never ever happen under any circumstance. You don’t say, “I wish I could go out and get Taco Bell”. That you can make happen. That is not a wish (although afterwards you will wish you didn’t (excessive bathroom problems). The film “Wish Upon” asks the question, “What would happen if a dimwitted high school girl found a magical Chinese wish pot?” What would she do? A normal adult would wish for Rich Evans to sit on their face.

#25 - Glenn Danzig's Death Rider in the House of Vampires
Season 2024 - Episode 1 - Aired 1/19/2024
You may know Glenn Danzig for his music. Or perhaps you know him as the guy who got punched out. Or maybe you know him from his viral kitty litter photo. But what you may not know is that Glenn Danzig is also a "'''''''''filmmaker'''''''''' who's previous movie was called Verotika. We reviewed Verotika on Half in the Bag a few years ago and now he's back, baby! His latest movie is called Death Rider in the House of Vampires. It's a vampire western. And the main character is literally named "Death Rider" because Glenn Danzig is a very serious filmmaker. Come with us on this autopsy of a once promising good-bad filmmaker who has now made one of the most boring movies of all time. If Glenn Danzig is going to waste our day, then we're going to waste yours! Enjoy, suckers!!