The WORST episodes of Beast Wars: Transformers

Every episode of Beast Wars: Transformers ever, ranked from worst to best by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The worst episodes of Beast Wars: Transformers!

Trapped on a primitive planet, two opposing factions, the Maximals and the Predacons, of Transformers, a race of sentient robots, fight over its precious Energon. Soon they discover that there are other forces at work on the planet - a powerful alien race that does not approve of their presence. And as they delve deeper into the planet's history, they uncover a terrible secret, one that must not be allowed to fall into the wrong hands, or their entire race's very existence could be threatened.

Last Updated: 6/23/2024Network: Status: Ended
The Low Road
28 votes

#1 - The Low Road

Season 1 - Episode 22 - Aired 2/10/1997

Tarantulas infects Rhinox with a virus that causes him to sneeze raw energon, rapidly depleting the Maximal's power cells. Optimus sends out Dinobot and Rattrap to look for an antidote, and they end up having to follow the spider into its underground lair...

Directors: J. Falconer
Writer: Bob Forward
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Dark Voyage
28 votes

#2 - Dark Voyage

Season 1 - Episode 20 - Aired 1/27/1997

A Predacon attack sets off a large energon explosion, leaving a group of Maximals with their optic-sensors non-functional while they try to make it back to the base.

Directors: Steve Ball
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Double Dinobot
30 votes

#3 - Double Dinobot

Season 1 - Episode 14 - Aired 11/5/1996

Megatron creates a clone of Dinobot's beastmode, and sends him off to deactivate Sentinel while Terrorsaur traps the real Dinobot in a cave.

Directors: John Pozer
Writer: Rowby Goren
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Call of the Wild
29 votes

#4 - Call of the Wild

Season 1 - Episode 19 - Aired 1/7/1997

The Predacons steal the Maximals' rectifier-coil, leaving the Axalon without Energon shielding. Forced to remain in beastmode, the Maximals' mentality becomes closer and closer to that of their organic counterparts.

Writer: Bob Forward
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Dark Designs
32 votes

#5 - Dark Designs

Season 1 - Episode 13 - Aired 11/4/1996

After Rhinox thwarts a Predacon trap, Megatron decides it's time to test Tarantulas' newest device on him - reprogramming the Maximal into a Predacon. Megatron is certain that the new ally will make overrunning the Maximal base easy, though it seems like the new Rhinox has other ideas.

Directors: Owen Hurley
Writer: Ian Weir
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Equal Measures
40 votes

#6 - Equal Measures

Season 1 - Episode 4 - Aired 9/23/1996

The Maximals are preparing to place out a Predacon detection system, but Optimus postpones it due to a fierce storm. Cheetor is however again out to prove himself, and starts setting it up anyway - ignoring the storm until a freak lighting somehow transports him into the Predacon base.

Directors: T.W. Peacocke
Writer: Greg Johnson
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Optimal Situation
61 votes

#7 - Optimal Situation

Season 3 - Episode 1 - Aired 10/25/1998

Realizing that without the Maximals she would never have existed, Blackarachnia actives the Ark's defenses and forces Megatron out of the ship. The Maximals start initial repairs and the time storm subsides a bit, but Optimus Prime's life still hangs in the balance - it could swing either way. Megatron rallies his troops to make sure it swings in his favor.

Writer: Bob Forward
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Go with the Flow
58 votes

#8 - Go with the Flow

Season 3 - Episode 8 - Aired 2/18/1999

Megatron is building a disruptor ray to scramble the Maximals' circuits, but needs an organic lifeform who won't be affected by it to finish putting the shielding into place. He has one of the cave-human children kidnapped, and it's up to Rattrap and Depthcharge to save her.

Directors: Cal Shumiatcher
Writer: Bob Forward
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Cutting Edge
29 votes

#9 - Cutting Edge

Season 3 - Episode 4 - Aired 11/15/1998

Two young cave-humans are separated from their parents by an attack from Megatron's new transmetal enhanced raptor clones. Optimus chases off the raptors and charges Blackarachnia and Cheetor with escorting the kids back to their homes.

Writer: Ian Weir
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Law of the Jungle
29 votes

#10 - Law of the Jungle

Season 1 - Episode 23 - Aired 2/17/1997

Tigatron accidentally blows up a Predacon ammo storage, and the resulting avalanche kills a feline friend. Tired of fighting, he sets of alone, renouncing his membership from the Maximals.

Directors: John Pozer
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Tangled Web
29 votes

#11 - Tangled Web

Season 2 - Episode 4 - Aired 11/16/1997

Megatron sends out Tarantulas, Blackarachnia and Quickstrike to build an energon refueling station, though the spiders' scheming complicates even the simplest task.

Writer: Len Wein
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The Probe
33 votes

#12 - The Probe

Season 1 - Episode 11 - Aired 10/15/1996

Rhinox detects a Cybertronian probe entering the star system, but is unable to contact it though the energon fields. The only option is build a more powerful transmitter before the probe leaves, but the nearest suitable place is in the middle of Predacon territory.

Directors: Ezekiel Norton
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Proving Grounds
57 votes

#13 - Proving Grounds

Season 3 - Episode 7 - Aired 2/14/1999

Blackarachnia is getting tired of the distrust, and when she overhears Optimus and Rhinox discussing removing her Predacon programming, and the fact that it might leave her mindless, she rushes out on her own... straight into the claws of the waiting Dinobot.

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Before the Storm
31 votes

#14 - Before the Storm

Season 1 - Episode 24 - Aired 2/21/1997

Inferno retrieves a golden disk hidden inside a glowing mountain. When Megatron sees it, he decides there are far more important things to worry about than the Maximals, and offers Optimus a truce. Meanwhile, Tarantulas is even more determined to leave the planet than ever.

Directors: Adam Wood
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Other Visits (1)
29 votes

#15 - Other Visits (1)

Season 2 - Episode 6 - Aired 2/8/1998

While out surveying the planet, Airrazor and Tigatron trigger a remaining alien site. While the Maximals scramble to their rescue, Tarantulas is already on his way, determined to thwart the aliens' plans.

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Double Jeopardy
34 votes

#16 - Double Jeopardy

Season 1 - Episode 8 - Aired 10/7/1996

After repeated ambushes by the Predacons, this time costing the Maximals a stasis pod, Optimus calls Rattrap's loyalty into question, and sends him off into Predacon territory to look for energon. Once there, he is attacked by Terrorsaur, and offers to surrender... and become a Predacon.

Directors: Mark Schiemann
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The Trigger (1)
30 votes

#17 - The Trigger (1)

Season 1 - Episode 16 - Aired 11/18/1996

Tigatron discovers a floating island, with a giant obelisk in its center. When the obelisk fries Waspinator and Terrorsaur with a single blast, Megatron decides he wants that power and sends out Scorponok and Blackarachnia to seize it.

Directors: J. Falconer
Writer: Bob Forward
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Gorilla Warfare
30 votes

#18 - Gorilla Warfare

Season 1 - Episode 10 - Aired 10/14/1996

Scorponok infects Optimus with a virus supposed to make him a coward, but it turns him into a battle-crazed berserker instead. Filled with fury, Optimus attacks the Predacon base alone.

Directors: James Boshier
Writer: Greg Johnson
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Feral Scream (2)
59 votes

#19 - Feral Scream (2)

Season 3 - Episode 6 - Aired 2/7/1999

Afraid of what he's becoming and unable to control it, Cheetor tries to hide his temporary transmetal 2 transformation, leading the others to believe a mutant beast has destroyed him.

Writer: Jules Dennis
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35 votes

#20 - Victory

Season 1 - Episode 12 - Aired 11/1/1996

After installing a hidden camera in the Predacon base, the Maximals watch them destroy themselves during a power-struggle between Terrorsaur and Megatron. Investigating, they find no signs of life, so it looks like they won, and can go back to Cybertron with salvaged parts from the remains of the Predacon ship.

Directors: Steve Ball
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A Better Mousetrap
32 votes

#21 - A Better Mousetrap

Season 1 - Episode 9 - Aired 10/8/1996

While the Predacons are preparing to strike at the Maximal base by creating a hole in the ground below it, Dinobot accidentally activates the Maximal's new defense system before it's learnt to recognize the Maximals as friendlies.

Directors: J. Falconer
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Spider's Game
30 votes

#22 - Spider's Game

Season 1 - Episode 18 - Aired 1/6/1997

Predicting the next stasis pod's landing, Tarantulas knocks out both the Preds' and the Maximals' computer systems. He plans to recruit the protoform robot for himself, but has to let Blackarachnia tag along when she discovers him scheming.

Directors: James Boshier
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Changing of the Guard
30 votes

#23 - Changing of the Guard

Season 3 - Episode 3 - Aired 11/8/1998

Unable to jury-rig defenses using parts from the Ark, the Maximals send Rattrap down under water in a small capsule to retrieve Sentinel from wreckage of the Axalon. But Megatron wants to lay his hands on it too, and Rampage and Depthcharge fighting it out in the area, nobody's safe.

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Deep Metal
59 votes

#24 - Deep Metal

Season 3 - Episode 2 - Aired 11/1/1998

The Maximal Depthcharge flies into a temporal disruption while out searching for Protoform X, and is sent back in time to the Beast Wars. He and Rampage has some unfinished business, and neither cares if anything gets in their way.

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Beast Wars (2)
65 votes

#25 - Beast Wars (2)

Season 1 - Episode 2 - Aired 4/23/1996

Dinobot challenges Optimus for leadership of the Maximals, but while they fight the Predacons launch an ambush.

Directors: Steve Ball
Writer: Bob Forward
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