The BEST episodes of Tom and Jerry season 1950
Every episode of Tom and Jerry season 1950, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Tom and Jerry season 1950!
This is all the Tom and Jerry shorts, from 1940 to 1967. The first 114 are from the Hanna-Barbera era (1940 – 1958), the next 13 are from the Gene Deitch era (1960 – 1962), and the last 34 are from the Chuck Jones era (1963 – 1967).

#1 - The Missing Mouse
Season 1950 - Episode 27 - Aired 1/10/1953
The radio reports that a white mouse, having swallowed enough explosives to blow up the city, has escaped from a lab.

#2 - Little School Mouse
Season 1950 - Episode 37 - Aired 5/29/1954
After being chased by Tom once again, Professor Jerry escapes into his classroom (mouse hole). Once there, he proceeds to teach his only student, Nibbles, how to outwit a cat. And the subject for the lesson is none other than Tom.

#3 - Smarty Cat
Season 1950 - Episode 49 - Aired 10/14/1955
Tom and his alley cat palls are going through home movies, and Jerry wants to watch them, too. But Tom and his buddies don't want him around and toss him out the window. Annoyed, Jerry decides to get back at them by waking up Spike and angering him by showing him how he's depicted as a big goof in those movies.

#4 - Timid Tabby
Season 1950 - Episode 60 - Aired 4/19/1957
George, Tom's fraidy-cat-look-alike cousin, comes for a visit. Jerry has no knowledge of this, however, so when he sees George freak out upon seeing him, he decides to scare him some more, but not always working as he sometimes gets Tom.

#5 - Feedin' The Kiddie
Season 1950 - Episode 61 - Aired 6/7/1957
This is a CinemaScope remake of the 1949 episode, The Little Orphan.

#6 - Sleepy-Time Tom
Season 1950 - Episode 12 - Aired 5/26/1951
Tom and his friends come back from partying all night early in the morning at the crack of dawn. Mammy caught Tom sleeping on the window, and she's mad at Tom, because she had to keep Jerry away from the food. Tom is very tired and can do nothing but sleep, but Mammy says if she catches Tom sleeping on the job, he will be thrown out. Jerry overhears this, and tries to make Tom fall asleep every time.

#7 - Mucho Mouse
Season 1950 - Episode 62 - Aired 9/6/1957
Taking place in Spain, Meathead the Cat is ordered by his owner to catch El Magnifico (Jerry) at once, but Meathead says that's impossible because of El Magnifico's world-renowned escaping skills. So the owner decides to call up Tom, the "Olympic, U.S. and World Champion Mouse Catcher", confident that he will be able to do the job.

#8 - Pecos Pest
Season 1950 - Episode 50 - Aired 11/11/1955
Jerry gets a telegram from his Uncle Pecos that says that he's going to spend the night with him before his big debut on TV. Arriving quickly, he gives Jerry a demonstration of his guitar skills. But when one of his guitar's strings snap, he fearlessly walks up to Tom and pulls one of his whiskers to replace it. Annoyed at first, Tom soon becomes afraid of Uncle Pecos, whose guitar strings are always snapping, and it's always Tom's whiskers that he targets to replace them.

#9 - Tom's Photo Finish
Season 1950 - Episode 63 - Aired 11/1/1957
Tom frames Spike for stealing food from the fridge only to be caught on film by Jerry. Jerry makes several copies of the photo to try to get Tom in trouble.

#10 - The Vanishing Duck
Season 1950 - Episode 66 - Aired 5/2/1958
Quacker, in his last Tom and Jerry film, plays a singing duck who becomes Jerry's partner in crime when the tow of them discover the delights of vanishing cream.

#11 - Blue Cat Blues
Season 1950 - Episode 57 - Aired 11/6/1956
Tom is sitting on the railroad tracks, feeling miserable about losing his girlfriend to his rival Butch again. Feeling sad for him, Jerry narrates the whole story as he watches on.

#12 - The Egg And Jerry
Season 1950 - Episode 53 - Aired 3/23/1956
A CinemaScope remake of the 1949 episode, Hatch Up Your Troubles.

#13 - That's My Mommy
Season 1950 - Episode 51 - Aired 11/19/1955
A duck egg rolls out of its nest and on Tom. When the egg cracks, it sees Tom, and it thinks Tom is his mother.

#14 - Muscle Beach Tom
Season 1950 - Episode 55 - Aired 9/7/1956
Tom and Butch both try to impress a female cat with their muscle building abilities, with not only each other, but Jerry, for competition.

#15 - Tops With Pops
Season 1950 - Episode 59 - Aired 2/22/1957
This is a CinemaScope remake of the 1949 episode, Love That Pup.

#16 - Hic-cup Pup
Season 1950 - Episode 36 - Aired 4/17/1954
Tom accidentally gives Tyke the hiccups when he, also accidentally, awakens him from his nap. Spike is not pleased about this, and won't stop standing over Tom until he gets rid of Tyke's hiccups.

#17 - Pup On A Picnic
Season 1950 - Episode 45 - Aired 4/30/1955
Spike and his son, Tyke, are on a picnic, but happen do have one in the same place in which Tom and Jerry's chasing antics are going on, and the two groups collide. It's then an array of food fight fun as Tom, Jerry, Spike, and Tyke, as well as an army of ants, vie for control of the picnic basket.

#18 - The Flying Sorceress
Season 1950 - Episode 52 - Aired 1/27/1956
When Tom is scolded by his owner for always breaking things while chasing Jerry, he decides to get a job. He soon finds one that sounds good to him, but it turns out to be the job of a witch's cat. After a scary ride on the witch's broom, Tom gets the job and the witch goes to bed. Tom then decides to take the broom himself, and ride it back home to give Jerry a good scare.

#19 - His Mouse Friday
Season 1950 - Episode 13 - Aired 7/7/1951
Lost at sea on a life raft, Tom washes ashore on a deserted island. He meets up with Jerry, posing as a cannibal.

#20 - Barbecue Brawl
Season 1950 - Episode 58 - Aired 12/14/1956
Spike's perfect pool-side barbecue with Tyke turns into a disaster when Tom and Jerry come crashing through with their usual chasing antics.

#21 - Happy Go Ducky
Season 1950 - Episode 64 - Aired 1/3/1958
When the Easter Bunny leaves an egg for Tom and Jerry, it hatches into Quacker. The little duck insists on swimming in everything in the house.

#22 - Downhearted Duckling
Season 1950 - Episode 41 - Aired 11/13/1954
The little duckling is sad, because he just read "the ugly duckling". He cries because the duck looks just like him. Jerry hears him crying and tries to make him feel better. But no matter what, the duck thinks he looks ugly.

#23 - The Flying Cat
Season 1950 - Episode 17 - Aired 1/12/1952
Tom is chasing both Jerry and the house canary, but the two go out of reach by taking refuge in the canary's birdhouse. Tom tries everything to get up to them, but everything fails, ultimately resulting in him crashing through the whole house. When he comes out the other side, he has pink lace attached to him. Tom realizes that he can actually use the lace as wings to fly; a new weapon in his quest to get to Jerry and the canary...

#24 - Pet Peeve
Season 1950 - Episode 42 - Aired 11/20/1954
Husband and wife tell Tom and Spike that, due to the high cost of feeding them, one must go, and the one who catches Jerry will stay.

#25 - Busy Buddies
Season 1950 - Episode 54 - Aired 5/4/1956
A prequel to the upcoming Tot Watchers. This concerns Jeannie, the babysitter whose primary interest is talking on the phone.