The BEST episodes of Sailor Moon
Every episode of Sailor Moon ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Sailor Moon!
14 year-old crybaby Usagi learns that she is the reincarnated magical heroine Sailor Moon, and with help of her friends and fellow Sailor Guardians, fights against the forces of evil that threaten the Earth.

#1 - Usagi's Love: The Moonlight Illuminates the Galaxy
Season 5 - Episode 34 - Aired 2/8/1997
As Galaxia closes in to take Sailor Moon's star seed, the Light of Hope finally reveals itself. Turning into a sword, the Light of Hope begs Usagi to use its power to stop Galaxia, who is now fully consumed by Chaos.

#2 - The Stolen Silver Crystal: Princess Kakyu Appears
Season 5 - Episode 27 - Aired 11/30/1996
Usagi and her classmates are all busy preparing for the upcoming Juban School Festival. Meanwhile, Sailor Lead Crow finds a note left behind by her deceased friend Sailor Aluminum Siren that contains information on Sailor Moon's true identity.
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#3 - Countdown to Destruction: The Sailor Guardians' Last Battle
Season 5 - Episode 30 - Aired 1/11/1997
The Sailor Scouts prepare for the final battle against Galaxia. They all transform and prepare to go to thw tower but there is a force filed around it. They think all they can do is watch Galaxia TV as Starlights are attacked by Galaxia. Then, a pink ball of light appears, its Chibu Chibi! She transports them into the tower. They are in front of Galaxia.The Sailor Senshi stand in front of Sailor moon but Galaxia blows them away and then shoots energy balls at them. One goes through each of the them in this order Mercury Venus Jupiter then Mars. Sailor Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Saturn cannot believe they are gone. Their star seeds appear and float towards Galaxia. Sailor Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Mars say their goodbye. Galaxia shows them all the star seeds she has, Sailor moon notices a golden one in back. It is Mamoru's(Tuxedo Mask's) star seed!
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#4 - The Screaming Dead: Terror of the Camp Monster
Season 5 - Episode 17 - Aired 8/10/1996
Siren turns a potter (Rei's cousin) into a phage after he destroys all his work. Usagi and the girls go camping and run into the Three Lights (they're filming in the area). They hear news of the ""Camp Ravager"" in the area. Seiya decides to scare the girls with the monster costume from their movie, but Usagi and Rei run into the phage instead. After transforming, Mars realizes it's her cousin and Usagi heals him.
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#5 - The Dark Queen: Birth of Black Lady
Season 2 - Episode 39 - Aired 2/12/1994
Wiseman turns ChibiUsa into Black Lady by altering her memories. He makes her believe that nobody ever loved her, least of all her parents. He takes her back into the past to complete the Dark Gate. Sailor Pluto alerts the Warriors to the change in ChibibUsa and send them back into the past as well. They return to find Dimande and Black Lady working together to spread the dark energy throughout the city. Black Lady attacks Sailor Moon, who refuses to return fire as she will not harm ChibiUsa. Sailor Moon uses the power of the Silver Crystal to restore Black Lady's memories. She starts to become ChibiUsa again, but Wiseman interferes and uses his power to taint her memories. She becomes Black Lady once again and vanishes after threatening to fill the world with darkness.
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#6 - Shadow of Silence: The Pale Glimmer of a Firefly
Season 3 - Episode 26 - Aired 11/26/1994
Mimete attacks a soap opera actor. Hotaru’s past without friends is shown, and the reasons for it. A Daimon who was attacking runs near Hotaru, who glows and completely freezes the Daimon who is destroyed by Sailor Moon.
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#8 - The Final Battle Between Light and Dark: Pledge of Love to the Future
Season 2 - Episode 42 - Aired 3/5/1994
The Sailor Warriors confront Black Lady, trying to convince her to stop this madness and turn good again. Black Lady denies them and attacks. Tuxedo Mask blocks a blast meant for Sailor Moon and is injured. Black Lady falters for a moment, and the girls manage to break Wiseman's brainwashing. Unfortunately, Wiseman quickly regains control over Black Lady, and she renews her attack. Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask join hands and unite their power. There is a flash of light and to everyone's amazement Sailor Moon is transformed into Neo-Queen Serenity. Wiseman tries to interfere again, engulfing them in a columnt of dark energy but Serenity saves Black Lady with the power of her love and the Silver Crystal restores all of ChibiUsa's memories. As the three (mother, father and daughter) return to Earth together, Wiseman appears above them. He has succeeded in opening the Dark Gate and begins his attack against the world. Sailor Moon steps up to battle but quickly loses ground. ChibiUsa, watchi
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#9 - Crusade for the Galaxy: Legend of the Sailor Wars
Season 5 - Episode 28 - Aired 12/7/1996
Princess Kakyu, the missing princess whom the Star Lights have long been searching for, finally appears before the Sailor Guardians. Princess Kakyu explains that she has come to Earth in search of the Light of Hope.
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#11 - Naru's Tears: Nephrite Dies for Love
Season 1 - Episode 24 - Aired 8/29/1992
Nephrite decides that Naru is connected to Sailor Moon after all. When she can't tell him who Sailor Moon really is, he leaves. While he is away, Zoisite's monsters come and kidnap Naru because they think that Nephrite cares for her and will exchange her for the black crystal. Nephrite tracks them down and drives off the monsters, saving Naru. Unfortunately, the monsters return and stick Nephrite with a life-sucking thorn. Naru risks her life to protect Nephrite, but they are both helpless unlit the Sailor Warriors appear.

#12 - Fighter's Secret Identity: The Shocking Super Transformation
Season 5 - Episode 10 - Aired 6/8/1996
The Three Lights are rehearsing for their upcoming musical, which they will be starring in. But they seem to have a hard time winning the approval of the stage director, especially Seiya, who feels that he is being personally tested.
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#13 - Believing in Love and the Future: Usagi's Decision
Season 2 - Episode 41 - Aired 2/26/1994
The Sailor Warriors teleport into the middle of the Black Crystal. When they arrive, Sailor Moon falls down a trapdoor. Dimande confronts her, forcing her to swear loyalty (and love) to him but she manages to break the trance that his third eye has put her in. She tries to convince him that their people can live peacefully together. Wiseman arrives and demands that Sailor Moon die. Dimande finally realizes that he was just a pawn, and attacks Wiseman. The two fight until they destroy each other, but Wiseman revives himself from his crystal ball. He attacks Sailor Moon and tries to make her believe that Mamoru and Black Lady are lovers but Sailor Moon refuses to be deceived. Tuxedo Mask arrives with the other Sailor Warriors just as Wiseman is about to deliver the killing blow. Wiseman flees, saying that the Dark Gate is complete and that their world is already lost!
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#14 - The Messiah of Silence Awakens? Stars of Destiny
Season 3 - Episode 30 - Aired 12/24/1994
The Sailor Senshi visit a planetarium, where a man is attacked by a Daimon. The symbol of Saturn appears on Hotaru’s forehead, and she destroys the Daimon. Sailor Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto attack Hotaru, since she is Sailor Saturn, the messiah of silence, and Sailor Moon takes the blow.
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#15 - The Rod of Love is Born: Usagi's New Transformation
Season 3 - Episode 2 - Aired 3/26/1994
Usagi has a nightmare about the light of the Silver Crystal fading and wakes up only to find that it's not a dream! Mamo-chan tries to cheer her up by taking her to an abandoned church where all the stray cats of the neighborhood live. Usagi makes friends with a young girl who has been taking care of the cats. But the little girl's been targeted by a Daimohn named Nekonnell! Usagi tries to help, but she can't transform. When all hope seems lost, Usagi's useless broach suddenly transforms into an even more powerful transformation. With her power restored, Usagi transforms, defeating Nekonnell with an all new attack! Only seconds before, the two mysterious warriors appeared yet again, but left after they found that the little girls heart did not contain a talisman. Unfortunately, this is only the beginning for the Sailor Soldiers.

#16 - The Coming Terror of Darkness: Struggle of the Eight Guardians
Season 3 - Episode 35 - Aired 2/4/1995
Mistress Nine uses all remaining Daimon eggs to create a barrier of minions around Mugen Academy. Sailor Moon is abducted. After witnessing Sailor Pluto sacrificing herself to save them, Uranus and Neptune destroy Germatoid, the Daimon possessing Professor Souichi Tomoe.
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#18 - A UFO Appears: The Sailor Guardians Abducted
Season 2 - Episode 27 - Aired 11/6/1993
ChibiUsa now knows that Usagi is Sailor Moon and that she has the Silver Crystal. She sneaks into Usagi's bedroom and steals the crystal. She tries again to return to the future with her time key, but only succeeds in altering Rubeus to her presence. Both Rubeus and the Warriors race all over town looking for her. When she tries to use the key again, Rubeus appears in his UFO and sucks the four Sailor Warriors up into the ship while Usagi, Mamoru and ChibiUsa look on in horror.
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#19 - The Shocking Future: Demande's Dark Ambition
Season 2 - Episode 37 - Aired 1/29/1994
The group arrives in Crystal Tokyo and ChibiUsa is so upset over the destroyed city that she races off into the fog. The rest of the group is greeted by a projection of King Endymion. He explains the sad history of the attack by the Black Moon family and how he and the other Warriors are the only ones left to defend the palace. He explains that Neo-Queen Serenity was almost killed and now lies in a coma, encased in a protective crystal. King Endymion also reveals that Neo-Queen Serenity is Usagi's futures self and that ChibiUsa is her future daughter! Suddenly Prince Dimande appears and kindnaps Sailor Moon. When she comes to, she is dressed as Neo-Queen Serenity, and she can't transform into Sailor Moon. Dimande is about to kiss her when Tuxedo Mask arrives on a glider and stops him with a red rose. He manages to rescue her when Dimande is distracted by a burst of energy (caused by a jealous Esmeraude).
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#20 - Journey to the Future: Battle in the Space-Time Corridor
Season 2 - Episode 36 - Aired 1/22/1994
ChibiUsa uses her key to transport everyone to the door of time, but on the way they all get separated and Sailor Moon finds herself alone. When she approaches the door of time, she is attacked by a shadowy figure. ChibiUsa arrives just in time to stop the attacker (who is actually Sailor Pluto) and beg entry into the door of time. As the group struggles through the corridor of time, the are attacked by Esmeraude. The blast sends the group flying, seperating the Warriors, Tuxedo Mask and ChibiUsa again. ChibiUsa is wandering around when she sees her mother! Just as she is about to hug her, she realizes that it's really a droid in disguise. The Sailor Warriors arrive and, with the help of ChibiUsa, use a group attack to defeat the droidl After everyone is reunited, the group steps through the gateway of Crystal Tokyo and views the ravaged ruins of the city.
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#21 - The Mysterious New Guardian: Sailor Pluto Appears
Season 2 - Episode 29 - Aired 11/20/1993
ChibiUsa is caught in a nightmare by the Dark Moon and can't wake up. Sailor Pluto appears and asks the Sailor Warriors to accompany her into the dream to save ChibiUsa. The Warriors arrive in the dream at the ruins of Crystal Tokyo. ChibiUsa doesn't recognize the girls and runs away. When she is attacked by a droid, the Warriors transform and start to fight. ChibiUsa shows Sailor Moon the palace and asks her to help her mother who is held captive inside. Before Sailor Moon can do anything, though, she is called to help battle the droid. Things are gonig poorly until ChibiUsa finally starts believing the Warriors are there to help her. Suddenly Sailor Moon finds the strength to destroy the dorid. The girls make it into the palace and find ChibiUsa's mother imprisoned in a ginat crystal. At that moment, the girls find themselves transported back to ChibiUsa's bedside. Shortly later, ChibiUsa wakes up.
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#22 - Defeat Rubeus: The Battle in Space
Season 2 - Episode 28 - Aired 11/13/1993
Sailor Moon and ChibiUsa are sucked into the UFO when they try to find their friends. Rubeus uses the power from a special crystal to increase the gravity around Sailor Moon and crush her to death. ChibiUsa notices the source of his power and manages to remove the crystal from the ship and shatter it. As the UFO collapses around them, the reunited Sailor Warriors form a circle around ChibiUsa and teleport away. Rubeus dies as his ship explodes. Later, Esmeraude appears before Prince Dimande and is ordered to take Rubeus' place.
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#23 - The Shining Shooting Star: Saturn and the Messiah
Season 3 - Episode 36 - Aired 2/11/1995
Sailor Moon is tricked to give Mistress Nine the Holy Grail, which she uses to summon Pharaoh Ninety to earth. Hotaru regains conscious with the assistance of Sailor Moon and her father, destroying Mistress Nine. Sailor Saturn appears to sacrifice herself and destroy Pharaoh Ninety, but Sailor Moon gains the help of the other six Sailor Senshi to become Super Sailor Moon and save both Hotaru and Sailor Saturn.
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#24 - For Friendship! Ami vs. Berthier
Season 2 - Episode 25 - Aired 10/16/1993
The battle is on! Berthier challenges Ami to a game of chess, and then seals Usagi, Rei, Makoto, Minako and Koan away. She gives Ami one pawn to play, and tells Ami if she loses her friends will die. Ami thinks hard, but cannot win! She beats Berthier, and Ami's friends are saved. Calaveras and Petz come down, and tell Berthier she is useless and they don't want her back in the Three Sisters Clan. Berthier attempts suicide (by freezing herself) but decides to convert good, when her sister Koan convinces her too.
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