The BEST episodes of Power Rangers season 2
Every episode of Power Rangers season 2, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Power Rangers season 2!
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is a long-running American children's television series adapted from the Japanese tokusatsu Super Sentai Series. A team of five high school students are selected by Zordon to battle evil. Using martial arts, special weapons, and gigantic robots called "Zords", they protect their city Angel Grove from monsters and witches.

#1 - Rangers Back in Time (2)
Season 2 - Episode 40 - Aired 2/11/1995
Alpha attempts to save the Power Rangers and restore them to their rightful ages.

#2 - Welcome to Venus Island
Season 2 - Episode 10 - Aired 9/24/1994
A day at the beach for Tommy, Kimberly, Trini & Trini's young neighbor Hallie is interrupted by Goldar & the Putties. Goldar kidnaps the young girl, and holds her for ransom on Lord Zedd's mystical Venus Island. The Rangers must race against the clock to get to Venus Island before it vanishes. Unfortunately, Zedd has the Invenusable Flytrap monster guarding the way.

#3 - The Power Transfer (2)
Season 2 - Episode 28 - Aired 11/9/1994
Rocky, Aisha, and Adam face the same slumbering fate as the rest of the city, until Adam's soccer skills helps to take out the Sleep Machine. Meanwhile, across the galaxy, the Power Rangers barely manage to snag the Sword Of Light and teleport away before the entire Deserted Planet is melted into slag by Lord Zedd's Zord, Serpentera. Now able to complete the Power Transfer, the replacement Rangers, good old Aisha, Adam, & Rocky, are infused with the Yellow, Black, and Red Rangers energies, respectively. Their first mission comes instantly, as Zedd sends the Silverhorns monster down to attack the city. As if the Thunderzords didn't have enough trouble, Serpentera returns, but thanks to its blowing up of the Deserted Planet and round trips across the universe, it quickly runs out of energy and retreats. Jason, Zack, and Trini depart to the airport, with their former teammates and former best friends watching from VERY afar on the Viewing Globe, so as to not let on the fact that the actors quit/were fired and that's not even them.

#4 - The Ninja Encounter (1)
Season 2 - Episode 22 - Aired 11/2/1994
A fun-filled day at the park nearly turns to tragedy, when a runaway baby carriage speeds off alone the hilly sidewalks and open lawn with nobody able to stop it! Kim, Billy, and Tommy give chase. Three teens from Stone Canyon high school, Rocky, Aisha, and Adam (students of the baby Jacob's father, Mr. Anderson), also follow, with the help of their rollerblades and fancy martial arts moves. Both Kim & Aisha halt the runaway carriage just before it can plummet over the side of a steep hill. The six teens become fast friends. Later, at a Ninja Championship tournament at the Youth Center, the winning trio of white-suited ninjas turn out, to the Rangers Teens' surprise, to be their newfound friends! Lord Zedd, wanting to turn these skilled champions into his evil warriors, has Goldar & the Putties kidnap them. They also take Mr. Anderson, which leaves baby Jacob in the hands of some unlikely babysitters: Bulk & Skull! Rocky, Aisha, Adam, and Mr. Anderson, chained in a cave, await transformation to evil, as the Rangers remain baffled as to where they went.

#5 - Return of the Green Ranger (3)
Season 2 - Episode 46 - Aired 2/22/1995
The world hangs in the balance as the White Ranger and Green Ranger face off in a final showdown.

#6 - The Mutiny (1)
Season 2 - Episode 1 - Aired 7/21/1994
The Ranger teens take part in a charity 4-wheeler race on Earth. But up on the moon, things are far from routine. Rita Repulsa and her gang plan yet another attack, when Lord Zedd, Rita's boss and evil overlord, returns to our galaxy! The tall, skin-less, metal-plated face, tubed-veined man arrives, and has Rita placed in another Space Dumpster. She's failed once too often for his tastes, and she has to go. Goldar quickly changes allegances, helping to shrink Rita down and shoot her off into the depths of space forever. Zedd alters most of the castle, and changes the Putty Patrollers into white-suited armored Z-Putties. They're sent down to Earth, and prove formidable foes, until their weaknesses are discovered (hit the big Z power source on their chests, and they shatter to pieces). Zedd creates the Pirantishead monster from a fish out of the Rampoon River, and sends it to Angel Grove. Its twin-fish flutes cause all of the Dinozords to become instantly frozen!

#7 - The Mutiny (2)
Season 2 - Episode 2 - Aired 7/29/1994
Pirantishead takes control of the Tyrannosaurus Dinozord and the Dragonzord, commanding them to destroy the city. Our heroes, Zordless, watch helplessly as their Zords go on a rampage. Zordon & Alpha unveil a new set of five Zords, enhanced by the power of Thunder. Tommy, due to his lack of sustained energy, is not given a new Zord. Before they can create these new Thunderzords fully, they must regain their old ones. This is easier said than done, as Pirantishead has full control of them.

#8 - The Mutiny (3)
Season 2 - Episode 3 - Aired 8/5/1994
In an effort to regain control of the Dinozords, Billy & Trini create a Signal Blocking device. It works perfecty (after installing the batteries correctly), and Pirantishead loses control of the Tyrannosaurus & Dragonzord. Zordon then infuses each of the main five Dinozords with a lightning charge, causing them to morph into the mighty new Thunderzords! The Red Dragon, the Yellow Griffin, the Blue Unicorn, the Black Lion, and the Pink Phoenix come together to form the Thunder Megazord. With it, Pirantishead is sliced in half by their Saber. Lord Zedd is furious upon failing, blaming Baboo, Squatt, and even Goldar for the loss. Our heroes quickly turn to the chairty 4-wheeler race, just in time to finish near-last. Oh, and Bulk & Skull, saved by the Rangers for the umpteenth time, decide on a new mission in life: to find the secret identities of the Power Rangers!

#9 - The Wedding (2)
Season 2 - Episode 42 - Aired 2/14/1995
Zedd proposes to Rita, and she promises to deliver the defeated Rangers as a wedding present.

#10 - Return of the Green Ranger (1)
Season 2 - Episode 44 - Aired 2/20/1995
The Ranger teens get a high school assignment for their three-day weekend: what period of history would they like to have lived in? This inspires Zedd & Rita... or at least Rita, who consults her evil deity and old pal, the Ghost of Darkness. She's told that by removing the Rangers from their leader, Tommy, she will finally be able to attain victory. Rita summons the Wizard of Deception, who sends the teens back in time, leaving Tommy alone and vulnerable in the present. The Wizard then uses a piece of Tommy's hair to create a clone of him... with the powers of the Green Ranger! Only THIS Green Ranger is completely dedicated to the pursuit of evil. Billy, Kimberly, Aisha, Rocky, and Adam find themselves in Angel Grove, California... during the British Colonial days (circa the late 1700s)! They're chased down by redcoats, who believe them to be witches. Back in the present, Tommy, groggy from the Putty battle that resulted in his hair being clipped, meets his evil clone...

#11 - Best Man for the Job
Season 2 - Episode 47 - Aired 4/29/1995
Rita and Zedd turn the class election into an ugly rivalry for Kimberly and Tommy.

#12 - Return of the Green Ranger (2)
Season 2 - Episode 45 - Aired 2/21/1995
In the present, the White Rangers faces the Green Ranger! Two times the Tommy: one good, one evil. They fight each other, a match quite even. Rita & Zedd are quite pleased by the Wizard Of Deception, who soon uses his magic to go back in time to ensure the other Rangers Teen never make it home. Back in the 18th century Angel Grove, the five time-displace teens meet a kind girl named Marissa, who helps hide them from the redcoat soliders (including a general, who just happens to be Skull's ancestor!) She leads them to her Uncle Ben's farm, discovering him to be Bulk's ancestor! The Wizard eventually appears, and uses his magic to turn three tiny mice into human-sized rat monsters.

#13 - Goldar's Vice-Versa
Season 2 - Episode 29 - Aired 11/12/1994
There's an upcoming Vice-Versa dance at Angel Grove High School, where the girls ask the guys. For instance, Laura (from "Opposites Attract") asks out Billy. Two very familiar female punks target Bulk & Skull (the large girl wants Skull and the skinny one wants Bulk, of course), who flee desperately from them as they continue their search for the Power Rangers' true identities. A new karate-experty, dark haired, and mysterious girl named Sabrina shows up at the Youth Center, catching the eye of Adam. She essentially throws herself at him, angering his pal Aisha, who had been trying to get her dateless Ranger teammate a date for the dance with someone else. Long story short, it turns out Sabrina is actually Scorpina in disguise! She & Goldar ambush Adam & Aisha, which leads into a Thunderzord battle when the evil alien couple grow large. Scorpina & Goldar retreat before getting taken out by the Thunder Ultrazord. At the dance, Adam finally gets a date, and Bulk & Skull are tricked into dancing with their mothers... err, the female punks.

#14 - The Ninja Encounter (3)
Season 2 - Episode 24 - Aired 11/4/1994
Bulk & Skull continue babysitting Jacob Anderson in the park, with "humorous" results when changing his diaper and trying to feed him. Elsewhere, Jason, Zack, & Trini have been frozen by the Terror Blossom. Billy manages to unfreeze them, and the combined six Rangers take on the monster. Jason & Zack use the Thunderzords to fight Terror Blossom, as the others head off to rescue Aisha, Adam, Rocky, and Mr. Anderson. After fighting through numerous Putties, they finally reach their target. Scuffling with the Snake Of Destruction, Billy loses his helmet, and exposes his identity to the three teens (Mr. Anderson has been teleported to the park, and reunited with Jacob, by Yellow Ranger). Tommy & Kim also demask themselves, much to the Stone Canyon Ninja Trio's shock. But, it's all good, and the three aid the Rangers in taking out the rest of the Putties. Later, at the Command Center, Zordon & Alpha welcome Rocky, Aisha, and Adam. They take the oath, and swear to keep the Power Rangers' identities a secret.

#15 - White Light (1)
Season 2 - Episode 17 - Aired 10/17/1994
Kimberly announces exciting news...Tommy's coming back! The rangers are happy but their joy is cut short when Lord Zedd creates the Scaret Sentinel which overpowers them. To make matters worse, Zordon and Alpha 5 disappear without a word!

#16 - The Power Stealer
Season 2 - Episode 8 - Aired 9/20/1994
The Ranger teens head yet another clean-up drive in Angel Grove Park. Lord Zedd sends down the Octophantom monster, who siphons off most of Tommy's Green Ranger powers. He also captures a couple of the Rangers, leaving only Billy & Jason to free their friends and defeat Octophantom via his only weakness: his vanity.

#17 - Orchestral Maneuvers in the Park
Season 2 - Episode 15 - Aired 10/4/1994
There's going to be a jazz concert at the Youth Center! Curtis wants to play his & Zack's uncle's famous trumpet. It ends up getting stolen and turned into the Trumpet Top monster. His musical blasts cause the Power Rangers to hallucinate, making them think they're fighting monsters they've already defeated (including Stag Beetle, Grumble Bee, Praying Mantis, Lizzinator, Slippery Shark, Fighting Flea, and more).

#18 - Green No More (2)
Season 2 - Episode 13 - Aired 9/28/1994
Tommy, still powerless and trapped in the Other World dimension, faces not only Goldar, but Turbanshell, as well! Back on Earth, the Command Center is enveloped in a shrinking forcefield, preventing them from doing much of anything. Lord Zedd strips the Power Rangers of their Morphers, and releases them. With Tommy on his knees, Goldar, using a time warping device, displays footage from previous episodes. His intend it to drain Tommy of his confidence. Instead, Tommy realizes how powerful he is, despite being no longer being a Ranger. He defeats Goldar, takes the time warper, and sends a message back in time. This gives him access to his Communicator, with which he's able to get out of the Other World. Tommy then sneaks up and snatches the Green Crystal, and destroys it, freeing the Command Center, and depowering the Dark Rangers. Turbanshell attacks Angel Grove, but luckily, Tommy returns the stolen Morphers to his teammates just in time. Reenergized by the crystal shattering, the Green Ranger joins in the fight by tricking the monster into eating him. Zapped from the inside out and then frozen from the outside, Turbanshell goes down easily thanks to the Thunder Megazord. With his Green Ranger powers now completely gone and a break in school coming up, Tommy says goodbye to the team. The five bullies, not remembering their Dark Ranger experience, are befriended by the Ranger Teens, and just as quickly never seen again.

#19 - Two for One
Season 2 - Episode 19 - Aired 10/24/1994
Kim & Tommy go on a date in Angel Grove Park. Kim brings the same purse with her that her mom brought on her first date with Kim's dad. Everything goes fine, until a platoon of Putties attack, and steal the purse. Lord Zedd turns it into the Pursehead monster, and uses a tube of lipstick from within said purse to create the Lipsyncher monster. The White Ranger & Saba take on Pursehead, while Pink & the other Power Rangers confront Lipsyncher.

#20 - Green No More (1)
Season 2 - Episode 12 - Aired 9/27/1994
Tommy & Kim witness a transmission from the future, featuring Tommy, powerless during a major battle. This heralds the results of Zordon & Alpha's tests, which reveal that he only has enough Green Ranger energies for one last battle. Meanwhile, five grim bullies show up at Angel Grove High. They're polar opposites of our heroes, right down to matching colored clothing! Lord Zedd plans to forcibly make them his Dark Rangers. He has the five bullies captured, and sends the Turbanshell monster (a conkshell with worm creature) down to attack the Power Rangers. Tommy's dwindling Green Ranger powers are siphoned off by Zedd's Green Crystal, with which he will not only destroy Zordon, but power his Dark Rangers. Tommy ends up trapped in another dimension, totally Ranger-powerless, and facing Goldar alone...

#21 - White Light (2)
Season 2 - Episode 18 - Aired 10/18/1994
Billy reveals that Zordon and Alpha 5 are creating a new ranger! The rest of the rangers are unhappy about it because they'd rather have Tommy rejoin the team. They are forced to wait and watch as their beloved city is being destroyed by the Scarlet Sentinel. When Zordon and Alpha 5 finally unveil the newest ranger, the others are in for a shock!

#22 - Missing Green
Season 2 - Episode 14 - Aired 10/3/1994
Jason, still feeling guilty over failing to get the Green Candle which resulted in Tommy losing his Green Ranger Powers, is depressed. He's having trouble focusing on a karate tournament, especially. The other four Ranger Teens decide to cheer him up, by going in search of Tommy, whom they believe to be at his uncle's cabin. On the way there, Goldar kidnaps the four, and creates Pink, Yellow, Blue & Black Candles, with which to drain their Ranger powers! The Red Ranger fights alone against a swarm of Putties, Goldar, and the Pipebrain Monster (made from the tournament trophy) to save his teammates. This time around, he's able to stop the candles from burning out. Feeling better, thanks to that and a brief transmission from Tommy, Jason wins the tournament.

#23 - The Ninja Encounter (2)
Season 2 - Episode 23 - Aired 11/3/1994
Rocky, Aisha, Adam, and Mr. Anderson, still trapped in the cave, are well on their well to the side of evil. Goldar summons the Snake Of Destruction, which slowly slithers around the four, and once it gets its grasp upon them all, will remove their goodness & free will. Aisha attempts to pick her cuffs' lock with a hairpin, and succeeds, only to have their escape thwarted. Lord Zedd, trying to distract the Rangers from tracking down the four, sends down not only the Terror Blossom monster, but revives Hatchasaurus & Cardiatron.

#24 - Zedd's Monster Mash
Season 2 - Episode 21 - Aired 10/28/1994
It's Halloween, and the Ranger Teens are helping out at the Youth Center. Tommy escorts a group of kiddies dressed like Rangers out to trick-or-treating, only to have them turn out to be Putties. He's no match for them, and ends up sucked into the Dark Dimension. There, facing a Tombstone monster, Tommy is alone against a graveyard filled with formally-destroyed monsters!

#25 - The Wedding (1)
Season 2 - Episode 41 - Aired 2/13/1995
Rita Repulsa uses a love potion on Lord Zedd and launches her own attack against the Rangers.