The BEST episodes written by Cheryl Saban

#1 - Green With Evil (2): Jason's Battle
Power Rangers - Season 1 - Episode 18
The Power Rangers work to restore Zordon and Alpha, unaware that the new kid in school is actually Rita's evil Green Ranger.
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#2 - Food Fight
Power Rangers - Season 1 - Episode 6
Ernie's Youth Center & Juice Bar sponsors an International Food Festival, in cooperation with Angel Grove High. The five Ranger teens are among those involved. Rita sends down Finster's latest creation, the aptly named Pudgy Pig, to consume the festival's food supply, as well as anything else he can fit into his hungry mouth. Pudgy Pig even ends up eating the Rangers' Power Weapons! A weak spot is noticed, involving his dislike for spicy foods, and soon the monster's eating binge comes to an explosive close. The International Food Festival also meets a messy demise, when Bulk & Skull start an uncontrollable food fight.
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#3 - Teamwork
Power Rangers - Season 1 - Episode 3
Kimberly and Trini gather signatures to close down a nearby dump site while convincing their teammates to work together more.
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#4 - Grumble Bee
Power Rangers - Season 1 - Episode 51
Billy gets his first B on a test ever. He's devestated. Rita is once again inspired by an event in a Ranger's life, and has Finster create a Grumble Bee monster. Trini & Billy face it, while their three teammates struggle to break free from an unbreakable rope at the basketball court.

#5 - Zedd's Monster Mash
Power Rangers - Season 2 - Episode 21
It's Halloween, and the Ranger Teens are helping out at the Youth Center. Tommy escorts a group of kiddies dressed like Rangers out to trick-or-treating, only to have them turn out to be Putties. He's no match for them, and ends up sucked into the Dark Dimension. There, facing a Tombstone monster, Tommy is alone against a graveyard filled with formally-destroyed monsters!
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Sweet Valley High - Season 1 - Episode 22
Todd is accepted into Fairmount Academy, a school capable of training many NBA hopefuls -- in Vermont. Liz has a hard time dealing with this, and finds in harder when they can't seem to spend any of his last days together. On his last night in Sweet Valley they get into an argument, and don't speak for two weeks. Nicholas then proceeds to ask Liz out, much to Jessica's dismay. Determined to get Nicholas, Jessica is determined to reunite Liz and Todd. She arranges for Todd to return to Sweet Valley -- with disastrous results.
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#7 - Endangered Species
VR Troopers - Season 1 - Episode 36
KAITLIN'S friend, DANIELLE, beseeches her to write a story about the Animal Sanctuary, where Danielle's father is head scientist. Developers are trying to buy the land and use it for industrial development. When Kaitlin, J.B. and RYAN arrive at the sanctuary, they discover that GRIMLORD has plans for the land as well. Grimlord's SKUGS kidnap Danielle while his MUTANTS try to destroy the rare species of animals being protected on the sanctuary. The VR TROOPERS fight Grimlord's minions and save the animals. Kaitlin's story convinces the City Council to keep the animal sanctuary intact and safe for future generations.
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#8 - Wheel of Misfortune
Power Rangers - Season 1 - Episode 27
The Ranger teens are involved with a stage play of Rumplestiltskin at Angel Grove High. Kim's grandmother's antique spinning wheel is used as a prop. Bulk, as the title character in the play, nearly breaks it, and Kim freaks out. Rita sends her goons down to capture the wheel, and turn it into an evil Wheel Of Destruction. The Megazord faces the giant wheel, destroys it, but luckily, it reverts back to its original form, unharmed, just in time for the play, which is unusually short.
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#9 - A Star is Born
Power Rangers - Season 1 - Episode 32
Tommy is called to rescue his friends while given the opportunity to audition for a martial arts commercial.

#10 - Football Season
Power Rangers - Season 1 - Episode 58
It turns out there IS something a Ranger teen isn't good at. Namely, Tommy, who struggles to make the Angel Grove High football team. His karate training messes up his coordination, but Ernie, who used to be an all-star fullback in college, helps him out. Rita sends down the Rhinoblaster monster to face the other Power Rangers, in a game of football with a squad of Putties. Long story short, Tommy makes the team, but then again, so does uber-geek Billy. We never see them play any games, so the team must be honorary only.

#11 - Bloom of Doom
Power Rangers - Season 2 - Episode 6
The Youth Center hosts a sign-up session for various after-school clubs. Predictablly, each of the Ranger teens has their own club. Kim's gardening club proves unpopular, getting no one to sign up. Lord Zedd puts Kim under a spell, causing her to become violently jealous of Trini for having a successful club. He then sends down the Bloom Of Doom, but can Kim overcome her bitterness, alien-inflicted and otherwise, to work together to defeat it?
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#12 - Forever Friends
Power Rangers - Season 2 - Episode 37
A gymnastics competition is coming up for Kimberly, and one of her competitors is a girl from Stone Canyon, named Shawna. She just happens to be Aisha's former best friend, and is quite jealous of the relationship between Aisha & Kim. As a triangle of spite forms between them, the guys spent time working in Woodshop. Lord Zedd is, as always, inspired by their actions, and creates the Jaws Of Destruction monster out of a saw. The girls get captured, Kim & Shawna bond over the fact they're both children of divorced parents, and end up tying each other in the competition.
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#13 - Storybook Rangers (1)
Power Rangers - Season 2 - Episode 48
Angel Grove High is sponsoring a book fair. Books of interest for everyone. One such book, a fairytale called "Grumble The Magic Elf", gains the attention of Kimberly, who remembers it from her childhood. Lord Zedd & Rita Repulsa use their magics to zap Kim, Tommy & Rocky INTO the storybook. Inside, they meet the title character, a Mr. Tinklesneezer looklike in a Santa Suit. He had a spell cast on him to make him grumpy, and has to deliever a cart of toys to some children to have the spell removed. Zedd & Rita also zap in some Putties, who steal the toys, making sure the story never ends, and ensures the three Ranger Teens remain trapped there forever. If that wasn't bad enough, they run into an evil snowman, who buries them in an avalanche.
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#14 - Storybook Rangers (2)
Power Rangers - Season 2 - Episode 49
Still trapped in the book, "Grumble The Magic Elf", Kimberly, Tommy & Rocky escape the snowman's avalanche, thanks to some help from Grumble himself. They're at a loss on how to make sure the story ends, and head back to beg mercy from the man who cast the grumpy spell on Grumble to begin with: Mondo, the Magnificent Magician. He refuses to listen, and turns them away. Meanwhile, back on Earth, Bulk & Skull use a book on monster-making to make their own monster, schemeing to yank off the Rangers' helmets when they come there to fight the creature. Skull screws up the process, and mixes it up with a book on turkey making. With magical help from Rita & Zedd, this results in a creature known as Turkeyjerk! Their wacky monster chases them into the park, where the remaining three Power Rangers are forced to broil the beast with ease. Soon, Zordon & Alpha learn of the missing three Ranger Teens' location. Aisha uses her artistic talents to draw in replacement toys. Grumble gets them to the kids, his grumpy spell is broken, and the three teens are returned to their own reality. Somehow, Rita is an old pal of Mondo the Magician, and summons him from the book. The Thunder Megazord takes this leather & silver metal menace out of the picture.

#15 - Beauty and the Beast
Power Rangers - Season 2 - Episode 16
Lord Zedd requires a bride! He has Goldar, Squatt & Baboo capture Kimberly to serve that honor. She's dressed as Rita Repulsa, and placed under a spell. Of course, the spell doesn't quite work, but she makes the most out of it by annoying the Evil Space Aliens. A small, prized mirror Tommy won for Kim is turned into the Mirror Maniac monster.
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#16 - Opposites Attract
Power Rangers - Season 2 - Episode 20
A centennial magnetic storm is brewing. Billy plans on monitoring it from a scientific perspective. Kim, and her pal Laura, take a troop of Girl Scouts into the woods. Laura, despite her 'beauty', turns out to be quite smart, and flirts with Billy somewhat. Lord Zedd sends down Goldar & the Putties to disrupt Billy's expierment. Swiping his magnetic monitoring device, Zedd turns it into the evil Magnetbrain monster. He wrecks havoc on the polarity of the city, sending chaos all around with repelling particles abound.
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#17 - Mirror of Regret
Power Rangers - Season 2 - Episode 30
One of the students in Adam's kiddie karate class gets picked on by the others for being smaller, and being unable to perform the moves with perfect success. This brings back a flood of bad childhood memories for Adam, who recalls being treated the same way when he was young and trying to play soccer. Lord Zedd is inspired, and sends Goldar down with the Mirror Of Regret. Putties capture Adam, and he's forced to watch as his worst childhood memories are replayed before him. It's an attempt to crush his already wavering self-esteem, but when an image of his scrawny karate student practicing hard and perfectly executing some moves he had trouble with, the plan backfires. Adam shrugs off Goldar's plan, and destroys the Mirror. Also, Zedd sounds down the Skelerena monster, half skeleton & half hyena, to fight our Ranger heroes. With the help of Alpha's newly completed Power Cannon, Skelerena is disposed of. Later, Adam's student wins the respect of the fat, ugly, insecure bullies that were picking on him earlier.
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#18 - Life's a Masquerade
Power Rangers - Season 1 - Episode 25
There's a costume party going on at the Youth Center! Rita uses this distraction to mine a special clay on Earth, from which she'll create a breed of Super Putties. She sends her own version of Frankenstein's Monster to the party, and he's immediately mistaken for Tommy (likely due to their similar high foreheads).
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#19 - Something Fishy
Power Rangers - Season 1 - Episode 43
Jason, Zack, & Trini go scubadiving. Billy's invited, but this just brings up bad memories from his childhood. Seems as a boy, he was playing in a lake, when a fish bit his finger. Since then, he's been quite afraid of aquatic animals. Rita exploits this fear, sending down the Toxic Goo-Fish monster. Blue Ranger manages to overcome his fish phobia, and filets the villain.
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#20 - The Yolk's on You!
Power Rangers - Season 1 - Episode 33
Rita tries to convince a monster to do her bidding after Squatt and Baboo eat the monster's eggs.
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