The BEST episodes directed by Shuki Levy

#1 - Foul Play in the Sky
Power Rangers - Season 1 - Episode 14
Kim goes for flying lessons with her pilot uncle Steve. Bulk & Skull tag along. Rita's henchman Squatt spikes Steve's drink with a sleeping potion, which kicks into effect while in the skies over Angel Grove. Kim nervously takes over flying the four-seater plane, and with a little guidance from Alpha 5, lands safely. She then joins her teammates in battle with the Snizzard monster, already in progress.
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Beetleborgs - Season 1 - Episode 2
Flabber makes Drew, Roland, and Jo's wish come true, and they're given the ability to transform into the comic book superheroes, the Beetleborgs, for real! But in doing so, the magical Phasm opens a gateway to the comic dimension, and the Beetleborgs' enemies, evil creatures called Magnavores, slip into our world. Now the three pre-teens use the powers and arsenal of the Beetleborgs to combat the Magnavors, and only once they're defeated and sent back to the comic world can the portal be closed, and the Earth be safe again.
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#3 - The Ninja Encounter (1)
Power Rangers - Season 2 - Episode 22
A fun-filled day at the park nearly turns to tragedy, when a runaway baby carriage speeds off alone the hilly sidewalks and open lawn with nobody able to stop it! Kim, Billy, and Tommy give chase. Three teens from Stone Canyon high school, Rocky, Aisha, and Adam (students of the baby Jacob's father, Mr. Anderson), also follow, with the help of their rollerblades and fancy martial arts moves. Both Kim & Aisha halt the runaway carriage just before it can plummet over the side of a steep hill. The six teens become fast friends. Later, at a Ninja Championship tournament at the Youth Center, the winning trio of white-suited ninjas turn out, to the Rangers Teens' surprise, to be their newfound friends! Lord Zedd, wanting to turn these skilled champions into his evil warriors, has Goldar & the Putties kidnap them. They also take Mr. Anderson, which leaves baby Jacob in the hands of some unlikely babysitters: Bulk & Skull! Rocky, Aisha, Adam, and Mr. Anderson, chained in a cave, await transformation to evil, as the Rangers remain baffled as to where they went.
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#4 - Return of the Green Ranger (3)
Power Rangers - Season 2 - Episode 46
The world hangs in the balance as the White Ranger and Green Ranger face off in a final showdown.

#5 - The Mutiny (1)
Power Rangers - Season 2 - Episode 1
The Ranger teens take part in a charity 4-wheeler race on Earth. But up on the moon, things are far from routine. Rita Repulsa and her gang plan yet another attack, when Lord Zedd, Rita's boss and evil overlord, returns to our galaxy! The tall, skin-less, metal-plated face, tubed-veined man arrives, and has Rita placed in another Space Dumpster. She's failed once too often for his tastes, and she has to go. Goldar quickly changes allegances, helping to shrink Rita down and shoot her off into the depths of space forever. Zedd alters most of the castle, and changes the Putty Patrollers into white-suited armored Z-Putties. They're sent down to Earth, and prove formidable foes, until their weaknesses are discovered (hit the big Z power source on their chests, and they shatter to pieces). Zedd creates the Pirantishead monster from a fish out of the Rampoon River, and sends it to Angel Grove. Its twin-fish flutes cause all of the Dinozords to become instantly frozen!
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#6 - The Mutiny (2)
Power Rangers - Season 2 - Episode 2
Pirantishead takes control of the Tyrannosaurus Dinozord and the Dragonzord, commanding them to destroy the city. Our heroes, Zordless, watch helplessly as their Zords go on a rampage. Zordon & Alpha unveil a new set of five Zords, enhanced by the power of Thunder. Tommy, due to his lack of sustained energy, is not given a new Zord. Before they can create these new Thunderzords fully, they must regain their old ones. This is easier said than done, as Pirantishead has full control of them.
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#7 - The Mutiny (3)
Power Rangers - Season 2 - Episode 3
In an effort to regain control of the Dinozords, Billy & Trini create a Signal Blocking device. It works perfecty (after installing the batteries correctly), and Pirantishead loses control of the Tyrannosaurus & Dragonzord. Zordon then infuses each of the main five Dinozords with a lightning charge, causing them to morph into the mighty new Thunderzords! The Red Dragon, the Yellow Griffin, the Blue Unicorn, the Black Lion, and the Pink Phoenix come together to form the Thunder Megazord. With it, Pirantishead is sliced in half by their Saber. Lord Zedd is furious upon failing, blaming Baboo, Squatt, and even Goldar for the loss. Our heroes quickly turn to the chairty 4-wheeler race, just in time to finish near-last. Oh, and Bulk & Skull, saved by the Rangers for the umpteenth time, decide on a new mission in life: to find the secret identities of the Power Rangers!
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#8 - The Wedding (2)
Power Rangers - Season 2 - Episode 42
Zedd proposes to Rita, and she promises to deliver the defeated Rangers as a wedding present.

#9 - Passing the Torch (1)
Power Rangers - Season 5 - Episode 18
Visited by her mother Mama D, Divatox is inspired to take down the Turbo Rangers by removing their leader. While heading to the outskirts of Angel Grove to go camping with Adam, Justin, and Tanya, Tommy & Kat are ambushed by Piranahtron. A pair of young teens on a bus in the midst of moving to the area, T.J. (a wannabe professional baseball batter) and Cassie (a wannabe singing star), spot the disturbance and come to the Rangers' aid. But will they be too late to save Tommy? Meanwhile, the other three Ranger Teens must contend with both a Putrapod and the Flamite monster at their campsite.

#10 - Passing the Torch (2)
Power Rangers - Season 5 - Episode 19
Tommy's a captive of Divatox, and dangling over the Vortex of Eternal Doom and Sorrow, with only a rat-eaten rope keeping him hanging on to life. The only ones to have even a clue as to where he is are TJ & Cassie, but are they brave and strong enough to face the forces of evil? Flamite, after ruining the teens' camping trip, turns his sights on the city, heating the situation up by growing. Can Ashley & Carlos keep a group of children out of harm's way while the Rangers put out the giant fire? And on top of all of that, time is running out for the four eldest Rangers, who must pass on their powers to worthy successors by the end of the day, or place the world in permanent peril.

#11 - The Ninja Encounter (3)
Power Rangers - Season 2 - Episode 24
Bulk & Skull continue babysitting Jacob Anderson in the park, with "humorous" results when changing his diaper and trying to feed him. Elsewhere, Jason, Zack, & Trini have been frozen by the Terror Blossom. Billy manages to unfreeze them, and the combined six Rangers take on the monster. Jason & Zack use the Thunderzords to fight Terror Blossom, as the others head off to rescue Aisha, Adam, Rocky, and Mr. Anderson. After fighting through numerous Putties, they finally reach their target. Scuffling with the Snake Of Destruction, Billy loses his helmet, and exposes his identity to the three teens (Mr. Anderson has been teleported to the park, and reunited with Jacob, by Yellow Ranger). Tommy & Kim also demask themselves, much to the Stone Canyon Ninja Trio's shock. But, it's all good, and the three aid the Rangers in taking out the rest of the Putties. Later, at the Command Center, Zordon & Alpha welcome Rocky, Aisha, and Adam. They take the oath, and swear to keep the Power Rangers' identities a secret.
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#12 - Return of the Green Ranger (1)
Power Rangers - Season 2 - Episode 44
The Ranger teens get a high school assignment for their three-day weekend: what period of history would they like to have lived in? This inspires Zedd & Rita... or at least Rita, who consults her evil deity and old pal, the Ghost of Darkness. She's told that by removing the Rangers from their leader, Tommy, she will finally be able to attain victory. Rita summons the Wizard of Deception, who sends the teens back in time, leaving Tommy alone and vulnerable in the present. The Wizard then uses a piece of Tommy's hair to create a clone of him... with the powers of the Green Ranger! Only THIS Green Ranger is completely dedicated to the pursuit of evil. Billy, Kimberly, Aisha, Rocky, and Adam find themselves in Angel Grove, California... during the British Colonial days (circa the late 1700s)! They're chased down by redcoats, who believe them to be witches. Back in the present, Tommy, groggy from the Putty battle that resulted in his hair being clipped, meets his evil clone...
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#13 - Return of the Green Ranger (2)
Power Rangers - Season 2 - Episode 45
In the present, the White Rangers faces the Green Ranger! Two times the Tommy: one good, one evil. They fight each other, a match quite even. Rita & Zedd are quite pleased by the Wizard Of Deception, who soon uses his magic to go back in time to ensure the other Rangers Teen never make it home. Back in the 18th century Angel Grove, the five time-displace teens meet a kind girl named Marissa, who helps hide them from the redcoat soliders (including a general, who just happens to be Skull's ancestor!) She leads them to her Uncle Ben's farm, discovering him to be Bulk's ancestor! The Wizard eventually appears, and uses his magic to turn three tiny mice into human-sized rat monsters.
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#14 - The Ninja Encounter (2)
Power Rangers - Season 2 - Episode 23
Rocky, Aisha, Adam, and Mr. Anderson, still trapped in the cave, are well on their well to the side of evil. Goldar summons the Snake Of Destruction, which slowly slithers around the four, and once it gets its grasp upon them all, will remove their goodness & free will. Aisha attempts to pick her cuffs' lock with a hairpin, and succeeds, only to have their escape thwarted. Lord Zedd, trying to distract the Rangers from tracking down the four, sends down not only the Terror Blossom monster, but revives Hatchasaurus & Cardiatron.
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Beetleborgs - Season 1 - Episode 1
Trip and Van, a pair of rich brothers and snobby bullies, dare Drew, Jo, and Roland to see who can stay in Hillhurst Mansion, the local haunted house, the longest. Little does any of them realize, that the place really IS haunted, inhabited by a Frankenstein's Monster, a vampire, and a mummy! The three pre-teens, while being chased by these House Monsters, stumble upon an old pipe organ, and accidentally free a Phasm (an interdimensional being with magical powers) from within it, named Flabber. The only friendly creature at Hillhurst, Flabber rewards the trio with a wish of their choice. After a brief transformation into rats (due to a misunderstanding about what they wanted to become), the three decide that they want to become their favorite comic book superheroes... The BeetleBorgs!
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#16 - The Wedding (3)
Power Rangers - Season 2 - Episode 43
Rita and Zedd marry and decide to spend their honeymoon destroying the Power Rangers.
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#17 - The Wedding (1)
Power Rangers - Season 2 - Episode 41
Rita Repulsa uses a love potion on Lord Zedd and launches her own attack against the Rangers.