The BEST episodes written by Judd Lynn

#1 - From Deep in the Shadows
Power Rangers - Season 8 - Episode 11
The Titanium Ranger is developed by Lightspeed, only to have the Morpher stolen by the Demons and used for evil by a human with mysterious ties to Captain Mitchell.
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Power Rangers - Season 9 - Episode 39
With a seemingly endless army of Cyclobots swarming the city, not to mention destructive time holes forming in the skies over the city, Wes seeks out Eric. As the Q-Rex proved to be no match for the continued rampage of Doomtron, Eric is forced to join forces with his former prep school rival in order to survive. Can the Red and Quantum Rangers finally hash out their differences as the city is destroyed around them? Will one make the ultimate risk to save the life of Mr Collins? Back in the future, Jen, Lucas, Katie, and Trip learn from Alex of Wes' eventual fate. Not that they'll get to keep this information for long, as standard protocol for time travelers involves erasing their memory of their trip to 2001! Can Alex be convinced to let his former team decide their own destiny?
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#3 - Future Unknown
Power Rangers - Season 9 - Episode 10
The recent Raimei incident appears to be a sign of history changing, which worries Katie most of all, since she left her family behind in the year 3000. Her concerns about their being erased by the Rangers' actions in the present distract the team, just as Frax unleashes a highly powerful mutant from a secret X-Vault, where the most dangerous criminals are kept.
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#4 - In the Freeze Zone
Power Rangers - Season 8 - Episode 25
Olympius' Freezard monster chills out the Rangers, leading to a needed meltdown by Ms. Fairweather's newest weapon, the Thermo Blaster. But Olympius has bigger problems, namely, Diabolico is back, and he wants his Star Power returned to him!
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#5 - Journey's End (1)
Power Rangers - Season 7 - Episode 43
Deviot, having barely survived the destruction of Mutiny's castle, returns to the Scorpion Stinger. He's not being welcomed back so easily, and ends up dragging Trakeena with him as he leaps into the transformation cocoon! They merge into one being, Trakeena physically, with a metallic voice, some of Deviot's parts, while her mind is shattered completely. Terra Venture, running dangerously low on fuel and down to its last engine, approaches an uninhabited planet with an environment perfect for colonization. But Trakeena's all-out assault on the colony leads to an unavoidable collision course with the new world's moon!
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#6 - Quantum Secrets
Power Rangers - Season 9 - Episode 20
Eric's Quantum Morpher is swiped by Conwing, who uses a mouthpiece to mimic Eric's vocal pattern and take control of the Quantasaurus Rex. It takes some mysterious help from the future to do what Bio-Lab in the present can't, namely unlock some more of the Quantum Ranger's arsenal.
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#7 - Yesterday Again
Power Rangers - Season 8 - Episode 23
While testing the Red Mobile Armored Vehicle, Carter is slowed down on the way to join his teammates in a battle against Olympius and Mantevil. Just as they're destroyed, he's thrust back in time a day, reliving events with knowledge of what's to come.
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#8 - Journey's End (2)
Power Rangers - Season 7 - Episode 44
A mass evacuation of the ruins of Terra Venture is underway, attempting to get everyone off of the moon and to the new world before the City Dome collapses. The Deviot-merged Trakeena arms every one of her Stingwingers with bombs, and has them overrun the colony in an effort to stop this escape. The Rangers put their lives on the line to protect the humans, though a sacrifice from an unexpected source aids them enough to tip the balance back into the favor of good.
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Power Rangers - Season 9 - Episode 28
Without any Anti-Venomark serum left to quell his attacks, Ransik storms Bio-Lab in search of their supply. Wes also goes there, trying to convince his father to give up the serum before their research into the substance alters future history. A very deadly encounter occurs, when Ransik comes face to face with Mr. Collins!
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Power Rangers - Season 6 - Episode 43
Defeated and dejected, the Ranger teens seek refuge among the other random pockets of human survivors in Angel Grove. While Andros goes on a solo mission to face his sister in a final battle, his teammates are forced to either reveal their identities to the public and turn themselves in, or stand by and watch as the wrath of Astronema is turned upon their fellow citizens. The lives of the entire universe are in the hands of the Power Rangers, as the moment of truth arrives! But peace cannot be attained without even the greatest of sacrifices...
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Power Rangers - Season 9 - Episode 38
Despite being warned by Alex that they will not survive the upcoming, unavoidable great battle that will ultimately save the future, the Rangers steel themselves for whatever destiny awaits them, though Wes has other ideas. Elsewhere, Nadira's latest unlawful shopping spree leads to an encounter with Trip, who has his hands full aiding a pregnant woman in giving birth! Will viewing the miracle of childbirth change the bratty mutant's ways? Meanwhile, Gluto finally does something right, as he tracks down Frax for Ransik, who captures the cyborg, strips him of what little humanity he has left, and orders him to pilot the Trizirium Crystal-powered Doomtron. And thanks to the use of that not-yet-invented power source, time holes are popping up throughout the city, sucking in buildings! Will Doomtron wipe out Silver Hills, or will the effects of the anomaly do it naturally?
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#12 - Force from the Future (2)
Power Rangers - Season 9 - Episode 2
Having tracked Ransik and his mob to the city of Silver Hills in the year 2001, Jen and the three Time Force officers find themselves stranded when their Time Ship explodes. Nadira and the Cyclobots take advantage of their new time period by looting and terrorizing, but when the TF officers attempt to use their Chrono-Morphers to stop them, they discover that without the Red one to activate them, they're useless. Yet, the only person who can use the Red Chrono-Morpher is Alex, who's not with them! Can a familiar, yet decidedly different, face be the salvation the team needs?
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#13 - Trip Takes a Stand
Power Rangers - Season 9 - Episode 19
Ransik sends out a mutant named Notacon, who doesn't want to be evil. Frax's device forces him to do bad, but Trip discovers his true nature and sets out to protect him from not only the fugitives, but from the Silver Guardian Eric!

#14 - An Evil Game
Power Rangers - Season 7 - Episode 22
Trakeena, now controlling her departed father's army and ship, targets the Rangers for murdering Scorpius, specifically Leo, capturing him. She and Leo end up dueling, though two monsters released by Deviot intervene in an attempt to destroy her.
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Power Rangers - Season 9 - Episode 40
Jen, Lucas, Trip, and Katie return from the future to help Wes save Silver Hills, but will even their added assistance be enough to stop Frax and Doomtron? Will they also be able to find a way to neutralize the time holes? Waiting to challenge whomever survives, is Ransik, bent on vengeance, more ruthless than ever before. But will he sacrifice his own daughter to keep from being arrested?

#16 - Beyond a Doubt
Power Rangers - Season 17 - Episode 26
Tenaya 7 and Dillon go to Venjix palace to retrieve codes to stop an attack bot. Dillon is left wondering which side she is on when she turns him into Venjix. With the stolen codes, Dr. K is able to configure the RPM Ultrazord. Kilobyte captures Tenaya 7 before she can reunite with our heroes.

#17 - Danger and Destiny (1)
Power Rangers - Season 17 - Episode 31
The magnetic blast goes off and all electricity goes out in Corinth. Venjix activates the hybrids and the city is his. This may be the end of Corinth.

#18 - The Chameliac Warrior
Power Rangers - Season 7 - Episode 29
Chameliac, a monster with a computerized memory, learns all of the Lost Galaxy Rangers' (and Magna Defender's) battle skills and moves, and uses it against them. He's even got the Megazord attacks copied! Thanks to Mike's bright idea of having the Rangers (and Megazords) switch attacks mid-battle, Chameliac is confused and defeated.
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#19 - Danger and Destiny (2)
Power Rangers - Season 17 - Episode 32
In order to defeat Venjix, another virus will have to be inserted into his system. The Rangers have Tenaya walk back into enemy lines to insert the virus. Meanwhile the Rangers have to hold up against Venjix in a fight.

#20 - Escape the Lost Galaxy
Power Rangers - Season 7 - Episode 42
When Barbarax and the Swabbies repeatedly succeed in capturing mass amounts of Terra Venture citizens, Mike, the only one of the team to still have his identity unknown to the villains, plants himself in the next batch of captives. Infiltrating Captain Mutiny's encampment, he aims to free the overworked slaves personally. Meanwhile, Kai and Leo make a discovery about the Galaxy Book which might just get them out of the Lost Galaxy. But can Mike rescue the prisoners before that happens, or will this battle cost another Magna Defender his life?
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#21 - Journey's End (3)
Power Rangers - Season 7 - Episode 45
Leo is stranded on the moon of the new world, and comes face to face with the final, deadly, bug-like form of Trakeena! She repowers the City Dome, and sends it flying toward the new world, aimed right for the colonization spot by the former citizens of Terra Venture! Can the Power Rangers put a stop to her, and to the last remnant of Terra Venture, in time? Plus, what familiar secret within the jungles of this brave, new world?
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#22 - Cyborg Rangers
Power Rangers - Season 8 - Episode 7
The higher command of Lightspeed, led by General McKnight, wants to eliminate the human error factor of protecting Mariner Bay. A team of robotic Lightspeed Rescue Rangers, known as the Cyborg Rangers, are dispatched to do the job, when the human Rangers are relieved of duty after fail against the Strikning monster. But thanks to the demon's lightning strikes, the Cyborgs malfunction and turn against their controler! Can the replaced Rangers come out of retirement in time to save the city from its own technology?
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#23 - Rising from Ashes
Power Rangers - Season 8 - Episode 10
The revived Magmavore and Trifire monsters are wrecking havoc with the formally dormant volcano, Mt. Jasmine, causing it to erupt, with Ms. Fairweather trapped inside! If Joel and the other Rangers can save her, she's got just the thing to deal with the pair of monsters: the new SuperTrain Megazord, made up of the Rail Rescues.
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#24 - Curse of the Cobra
Power Rangers - Season 8 - Episode 14
Every time Ryan morphs as the Titanium Ranger, the mystical cobra tattoo on his back draws closer to destroying him. He tries to keep this a secret from his teammate, as they face the Demon Troika and Demonite's clone.
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#25 - Strength of the Sun
Power Rangers - Season 8 - Episode 15
The last two members of the Demon Troika prove to be a tough match for the Rangers. Ryan, going against his father's wishes, must brave the curse of the cobra tattoo and pilot the Max Solarzord into battle.
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#26 - The Cobra Strikes
Power Rangers - Season 8 - Episode 16
Diabolico pools the remnant powers of Demonite, Falkar, and Thunderon, into the deadly Troika creature. If the Rangers can defeat that triple threat-in-one, they'll still have to face a GIANT Diabolico! As the Rangers keep busy, Ryan decides to take his cobra-tattoo curse to the source, returning to the ancient ruins of Bansheera's temple in Egypt. There, he faces the basis of the curse, a Cobra Monster. His curse is eliminated by a tough one-on-one battle, the tattoo vanishes just before it can take a chomp into him, and he joins his teammates in time to destroy Diabolico. Not that the danger is over, since Diabolico's Star Power merges with Impus, creating a giant cocoon of destruction that goes on a rampage in Mariner Bay...
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#27 - Homesick
Power Rangers - Season 7 - Episode 5
A young boy named Matthew is discovered to have stowed away on Terra Venture, and desires nothing but to return to Earth, even resorting to sabotage. He strikes up a bond with Damon, who also has a family he misses back home. When the Gasser monster puts the entire space colony to sleep to allow Furio to take over the vessel, it's Matthew to the rescue. The Rangers have their hands full, first with Stingwingers flanking Terra Venture in outer space, which they deal with using their new Jet Jammer vehicles, and then with Gasser, whose sleep gas ends up turning the Galactabeasts to stone! Is this the end for Terra Venture, or is there a Megazordic secret ability within the Rangers' recently-aquired Transdaggers?
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#28 - A Face from the Past
Power Rangers - Season 8 - Episode 18
The Lightspeed Ranger teens take the day off, except for Carter, who spends it training. He ends up spending the time bonding with Captain Mitchell, who is revealed, when a building on fire gets the pair's attention, to have once been a fireman. Not just any firefighter, but the same one who saved Carter as a child, inspiring him for the rest of his life!

#29 - A Parting of Ways
Power Rangers - Season 9 - Episode 6
In another scheme for money, Nadira unfreezes Tentaclaw, who captures a busload of children and ransoms them of for ten million dollars. Wes, increasing frustrated with his multi-millionaire father's attempts to decide his future for him, attempts to convince him to foot the bill for the ransom. When he refuses, will Wes and the other Rangers be able to save the kids, or will this spell the end of the father and son's relationship?

#30 - The Lost Galactabeasts (2)
Power Rangers - Season 7 - Episode 20
With their Galactabeasts refusing to battle the three evil Megazords, and no reason as to why, the Rangers ponder a new plan in stopping the rampaging machines. Deviot, along with the Hardtochoke monster, exploits the situation to the fullest. Though the tide of battle may turn when Kendrix makes a connection between the evil Zords and the three previously missing Galactabeasts...
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#31 - Movie Madness (1)
Power Rangers - Season 9 - Episode 24
The Rangers are ambushed by a mutant director named Cinecon, and sent into different "movie" dimensions: Wes & Trip in a western, Lucas in a samurai flick, Katie in a musical, Jen in a kung-fu film, and Eric in a jungle picture.

#32 - Heroes Among Us
Power Rangers - Season 17 - Episode 20
In an effort to impress his father, Scott makes a reckless trip out to the wasteland. He and Gem stumble upon human prisoners and their field trip turns into a rescue mission. Venjix test drives his new and improved robotic form. His new body doesn't hold very well against rangers.

#33 - A Red Romance
Power Rangers - Season 7 - Episode 28
Leo saves a gal called Ginger from a biking accident, and a romance begins to develop between the two, despite the misgivings of her overprotective older brother, Colby. When Trakeena sends down the snake-charming monster Maronda, to capture several Terra Venture citizens in a jar, Ginger is also kidnapped, while on a date with Leo. Colby blames him for his apparent cowardace, and sets out to rescue her himself using his keen motorcycling skills. Can Leo rescue Ginger and the others, while redeeming himself in Colby's eyes?
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#34 - The Fifth Crystal
Power Rangers - Season 8 - Episode 21
Vypra collects an ancient powersource, the Starlight Crystals, with which to power a large laser cannon. Turns out, Kelsey's grandmother has one of them. But Granny, despite an athletic history, is now snobbish and stubborn, refusing to assist Lightspeed in baiting a trap to stop Vypra. But learning a lesson or two from Kelsey, Grandma Winslow rekindles her EXTREME past, and aids the Rangers in foiling the demon's plans.

#35 - Destined for Greatness
Power Rangers - Season 7 - Episode 16
The Rangers' happy reunion with Mike is short lived, as doubts begin to seep in on Leo over his role as Red Ranger now that the "destined" one who pulled the Quasar Saber from the stone is back. To make things worse, the Skelekron monster sends his reaper-like warriors to capture each of the Rangers in mirrors! It's up to Leo and Mike to resolve the issue of Saber-ownership in time for them to save their friends. Meanwhile, what role does the Magna Defender's own Saber play?
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#36 - Rise of the Super Demons
Power Rangers - Season 8 - Episode 38
The final confrontation of Diabolico with Olympius, and no matter who wins, the Rangers are in trouble! When the Megazords fall in battle, can the dangerous new Lifeforce Megazord be mastered in time to spare the city the wrath of two mindless Super Demons?

#37 - Force from the Future (1)
Power Rangers - Season 9 - Episode 1
In the year 3000, the last remaining criminal, a mutant mastermind called Ransik, is finally captured by the hard work of the Time Force police, particularly thanks to their own Red Ranger, named Alex. His fellow TF Officers, Jen, Trip, Lucas, and Katie are given the task of transporting Ransik to prison, but are ambushed by the mutant's daughter, Nadira, and robotic servant, Frax. Taking command of the prison, filled with cryogenically stored mutants, Ransik plots to escape through time. But first, he'll have a fatal final showdown with the Red Time Force Ranger...

#38 - The Lost Galactabeasts (1)
Power Rangers - Season 7 - Episode 19
A robotic monster known as Deviot arrives on the Scorpion Stinger, with a propostion for Scorpius. If he's made his newest General, with the possibility of entering the cocoon, he'll use his very own trio of evil Zords to destroy the Power Rangers! To achieve this goal, Deviot captures Kai and Damon, and via control-collars, forces them to fight one another to the death. In doing so, the power source for his Zords will be charged the more heated the battle gets. Even if the Blue and Green Rangers can survive each other, can Terra Venture withstand a group of evil Megazords? Meanwhile, Kendrix makes a startling discovery concerning the Galaxy Book, when she finds a page containing not only drawings of their Galactabeasts, but of more!
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#39 - Something to Fight For
Power Rangers - Season 9 - Episode 3
Though he lacks the Chrono-Morpher, Wes sets about taking on Nadira and the Cyclobots in an effort to avoid having to take part in his father's business dealings. Jen scolds him for his carefree attitude, pointing out he's playing and has nothing to fight for, while they're fighting for their future. When Wes learns of Alex, will he take the role of Red Ranger more seriously? Meanwhile, Ransik and Frax unfreeze the first of the mutants from the prison, a rocket-powered criminal known as Jetara. When his DNA is exposed, he grows to a giant size. What can the Time Force Rangers use to stop him?

#40 - Welcome to Venus Island
Power Rangers - Season 2 - Episode 10
A day at the beach for Tommy, Kimberly, Trini & Trini's young neighbor Hallie is interrupted by Goldar & the Putties. Goldar kidnaps the young girl, and holds her for ransom on Lord Zedd's mystical Venus Island. The Rangers must race against the clock to get to Venus Island before it vanishes. Unfortunately, Zedd has the Invenusable Flytrap monster guarding the way.
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#41 - Until Sunset
Power Rangers - Season 7 - Episode 38
Stranded on Captain Mutiny's homeworld, Leo & Damon are captured by Barbarax, and are left to perish in the blistering sunlight, while awaiting execution by the Captain at day's end! As they await their fate, the two Rangers reflect on their past adventures, thier victories, and losses, but ever present is the friendship they share. Can their teammates find them before sunset?

#42 - The Power Transfer (2)
Power Rangers - Season 2 - Episode 28
Rocky, Aisha, and Adam face the same slumbering fate as the rest of the city, until Adam's soccer skills helps to take out the Sleep Machine. Meanwhile, across the galaxy, the Power Rangers barely manage to snag the Sword Of Light and teleport away before the entire Deserted Planet is melted into slag by Lord Zedd's Zord, Serpentera. Now able to complete the Power Transfer, the replacement Rangers, good old Aisha, Adam, & Rocky, are infused with the Yellow, Black, and Red Rangers energies, respectively. Their first mission comes instantly, as Zedd sends the Silverhorns monster down to attack the city. As if the Thunderzords didn't have enough trouble, Serpentera returns, but thanks to its blowing up of the Deserted Planet and round trips across the universe, it quickly runs out of energy and retreats. Jason, Zack, and Trini depart to the airport, with their former teammates and former best friends watching from VERY afar on the Viewing Globe, so as to not let on the fact that the actors quit/were fired and that's not even them.
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#43 - Stitch Witchery
Power Rangers - Season 5 - Episode 20
Ashley is excited when she gets a job working with an extravagant fashion designer. She's unaware, though, that the designer, Delisha Enevil, is actually a monster of Divatox's. Ashley's ugly plaid jackets are mass produced by Piranahtron overnight. But the jackets are infused with the monster's magic, making anyone who wears them cruel, greedy, and evil. It's bad enough with all of the Rangers, sans Ashley, put them on, but when Blue Senturion gets tricked into one, he soon goes on another rampage, this time including a jacket-clad Robo Racer! Meanwhile, Bulk & Skull, back to humans but invisible, get mischievous around Angel Grove and the Juice Bar.

#44 - Trouble by the Slice
Power Rangers - Season 5 - Episode 22
During a teleporter accident, Divatox gets amnesia! After wandering through Angel Grove for a while, she ends up working at a Mad Mike's Pizza Parlor. Carlos & Justin end up at said parlor, as does Porto, who spots his boss at the business while picking up food for the Subcraft. Soon, the villains turn the logo on the pizza box into the Mad Mike monster, who attacks our heroes by baking the Rangers into a giant pizza! Meanwhile, Bulk & Skull do deliveries for the pizza parlor, but find their sense of direction to be as poor as ever.

#45 - The Phantom Phenomenon
Power Rangers - Season 5 - Episode 23
A spaceship arrives on Earth, and with it, the Phantom Ranger, a strange warrior in black armor with the power of invisibility and a penchant for showing up to save the day in the nick of time. His motives are a mystery to both the sides of good and evil. When Justin's pal Nico discovers Phantom Ranger's spaceship's hidden location, it gives Divatox's forces the opening to attack the new arrival when he least expects it. Meanwhile, Bulk & Skull take jobs as security guards, first for a bank, then for the local gold mine. Guess what two places Divatox's forces choose to loot today?

#46 - When Time Freezes Over
Power Rangers - Season 5 - Episode 25
Following the Turbo Rangers successful foiling of Divatox's plan to freeze the sun, the evil pirate woman recruits the Clockster monster, who rewinds the day, so she can recover the Freeze Key and try again. But the second time out, Clockster touches the powerful device, stopping time cold in its tracks! Is this the end of time, or does the Phantom Ranger have yet another trick up his sleeve? Meanwhile, Bulk & Skull get jobs as vaccuum salesmen for the Total Vac Corporation. Their demonstrations prove messy, all over Lt. Stone.

#47 - One Last Hope
Power Rangers - Season 5 - Episode 27
With the Turbo Megazord imprisoned on Divatox's Space Base, the Rangers are left unable to defend the city from Havoc's Metallsaurus. The Phantom Ranger has something to help them, but can our heroes venture safely through Angel Grove as the city is attacked all around them? Meanwhile, Bulk & Skull's jobs as tour guides leaves them getting trapped in a toppeling skyscraper during the Metallsaurus assault.

#48 - The Fall of the Phantom
Power Rangers - Season 5 - Episode 28
In needing a power source to energize the stolen Turbo Megazord, Divatox targets the Phantom Ranger, namely his Power Ruby. To get close enough to it, Cassie's fixation on Phanty is exploited by the space pirates, leading to her capture! Meanwhile, General Havoc has a new and improved Metallsaurus ready to attack, meaning the Rangers' new Rescuezords are going to have to step up to a new formation of their own.
#49 - Mission to Secret City
Power Rangers - Season 6 - Episode 38
The Vacsacker monster sweeps through Angel Grove, sucking up citizens (including Bulk, Skull, Professor Phenomenus, Carlos, Andros, and Carlos' pal Silvy) and ejecting them in the domed Secret City, all part of a plan by Astronema to turn them into own evil soldiers. It's up to Ashley, TJ, and Cassie to infiltrate the city in an attempt to break the dome, to allow themselves and their captive teammates to be able to Morph to save the prisoners. When Andros confronts Vacsacker with only his Battlizer to power up his bare fists, will Silvy's incessive curiosity unleash a a previously unknown secret weapon of the Red Ranger, or will it spell the end for everyone?

#50 - Shark Attack
Power Rangers - Season 7 - Episode 14
Treacheron makes a jailbreak, with the help of the Shark Brothers. He vows to clear his name with Scorpius, or die trying, and duels with the Red Ranger. Leo, injured during the battle, witnesses what seems to be visions of Mike while unconscious. What added power does the Lights of Orion have for the Galaxy Megazord, when the Shark Brothers go giant? Meanwhile, Magna Defender targets Trakeena, wanting to destroy Scorpius' offspring just like he did to Zika!