The BEST episodes of Power Rangers season 18
Every episode of Power Rangers season 18, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Power Rangers season 18!
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is a long-running American children's television series adapted from the Japanese tokusatsu Super Sentai Series. A team of five high school students are selected by Zordon to battle evil. Using martial arts, special weapons, and gigantic robots called "Zords", they protect their city Angel Grove from monsters and witches.

#1 - Unexpected Arrival
Season 18 - Episode 13 - Aired 4/30/2011
Returning after what seemed to be a false detection of a Nighlok attack on the Gap Sensor, the rangers find an arrow with a note on it that says "See You Soon." With Jayden sensing something from before within the house, it starts to haunt him. Deciding to investigate the Gap Sensor, the team encounter a fish-seller whose hand writing matches the note. After the seller gives them the slip, Kevin and Mia go to find Jayden while Mike and Emily track down the fish seller. Kevin and Mia find Jayden confronting the Nighlok named Vulpes who was spying on Jayden to find out the Shiba sealing character. With his mirror medium destroyed, the Nighlok overwhelms the 3 with his magic as Mike and Emily arrive with the fish seller following. But even all 5 rangers are no match for the Nighlok as they revert to normal. The fish seller arrives to their aid, transforming into the Gold Samurai Ranger. After taking out the Moogers in blinding speed, the Gold Ranger battles the Nighlok and destroys him. When the Nighlok revives, he overpowers the Battlewing Megazord until the Gold Ranger enters the fight in the Octozord to weaken the Nighlok so the Battlewing Megazord can land the deathblow. After the fight, Jayden reveals he already knows the fish seller as his childhood friend Antonio.

#2 - The Team Unites
Season 18 - Episode 3 - Aired 2/7/2011
Mike figures out the hard way what it means to be a Samurai Ranger after a Nighlok attacks him and his friends.

#3 - Deal With A Nighlok
Season 18 - Episode 4 - Aired 2/13/2011
A Nighlok convinces a young child to give up on his baseball dreams, prompting an intervention from the Samurai Rangers...

#4 - There Go The Brides
Season 18 - Episode 8 - Aired 3/13/2011
As Dayu and the Moogers are kidnapping brides, the rangers come up with a plan to save the Brides. The Rangers come face to face with a new nighlok, who catches Jayden's attention.

#5 - The Blue and the Gold
Season 18 - Episode 15 - Aired 5/14/2011
Ji and Antonio announce that Antonio is fixing the Claw Zord (Lobster) that was battle damaged long ago and Ji hid it. Kevin doesn't fully accept Antonio as a 'true Samurai' and think he's just goofing around. The monster of the day steals kids' toys to make them cry and Octoroo trying to find another way to open the Sanzu River through a well. Bulk and Spike are sleeping and their toy panda is stolen and all that's left is slime. Dayu visits Deker outside the Sanzu River but around it, he's still injured. Antonio follows Kevin's morning routine to learn what makes him a true samuari. The two end up in the forest finding Octoroo but their morpher signals are blocked. Antonio says to not treat him like a coward. Antonio says there is more to being a Samurai and some Samurai mombo-jumbo. Antonio and Kevin help each other and fight together and face the monster.

#6 - Boxed In
Season 18 - Episode 18 - Aired 6/4/2011
Deker drops Jayden in a lake to refresh from the poison and then takes him inside a cave for a campfire talk. Jayden asks what the heck is up with him wanting to duel him, Deker admits Jayden has something inside of him, a darknesss, something he has not seen in any other Samurai. Dayu listens in and feels sorry for Deker, further linking a past with the two characters. Meanwhile, Antonio tries working on the Black Box (which has a different look from the Inomaru) but isn't strong enough. The Rangers give him their Power Discs and fight the Moogers and a mutated spider monster without them.

#7 - The Ultimate Duel
Season 18 - Episode 20 - Aired 10/8/2011
The Rangers attempt to overtake a dream monster. Meanwhile, Jayden battles Deker in a duel.

#8 - Origins (2)
Season 18 - Episode 2 - Aired 10/22/2011
As the teens continue their transition into their new secret lives as Samurai Rangers, Yellow Samurai Ranger Emily reveals a surprising truth about herself. Meanwhile, after a Nighlok attacks, the Rangers combine their Zords to create the powerful Samurai Megazord to protect the planet from the monster.

#9 - Origins (1)
Season 18 - Episode 1 - Aired 10/15/2011
As invasions from the Netherworld increase, the Red Ranger unites a new team of Samurai Rangers to meet the rising threat.

#10 - Party Monsters
Season 18 - Episode 21 - Aired 10/29/2011
Halloween is every Nighlok's favorite day of the year so the creepiest creatures from the Netherworld are clamoring to get into the scariest party ever and trade war stories about their battles with the Samurai Power Rangers.

#11 - Jayden's Challenge
Season 18 - Episode 12 - Aired 4/17/2011
Jayden leaves the Shiba house hoping to keep the other Rangers out of harms way but when a powerful Nighlok attacks, Jayden finally accepts the fact that he needs his team to fulfill his role as the leader of the Samurai Rangers.

#12 - Broken Dreams
Season 18 - Episode 19 - Aired 10/1/2011
The Rangers must enter the Dream World to save the Gold and Pink Rangers from a Nighlok.

#13 - I've Got a Spell on Blue
Season 18 - Episode 9 - Aired 3/20/2011
When a new Nighlok starts controlling Kevin, Jayden prepares to fight his friend.

#14 - The Tengen Gate
Season 18 - Episode 17 - Aired 5/28/2011
Octoroo wants the Red Ranger's powerful sealing symbol, so he poisons Jayden in order to get it. The Samurai Rangers visit the sacred Tengen Gate. Jayden encourages to reveal his hidden secret to the teammates. Mia realizes if she met a woman before... Daisku told the rangers the old folk tale about the nighlok king tricked two human beings turned into Nighlok - Its Dayu & Deker.

#15 - Team Spirit
Season 18 - Episode 16 - Aired 5/21/2011
While the Rangers, minus Emily are decorating for Emily's birthday, a Nighlok, who steals spirits, is attacking. The Nighlock, easily takes down Mike, Antonio, Mia, Jayden, Kevin, and Emily. The Nighlok then takes Emily's spirit, putting her in a sleep. The Nighlok tells the rangers they have twenty-four hours to defeat him, or Emily and the other people, who he stole spirits from will be asleep forever. The Nighlok tells then he is leaving and never returning. While back in the Shiba house, Emily wakes up and tells the other rangers she is sorry for letting him get her and she feels empty. Jayden tells her something, before she goes back to sleep. Mike goes crazy and goes back where they fought the Nighlok. Decker tells the ranger the only way to get to the Netherworld is to betray their human life and become nighloks. Just as they are going to give themselves up, Antonio appears saying he knows how to save Emily and everyone else. The rangers use thier symbol power to activate the Claw Zord, and summon the Nighlok. The Nighlok can't use his special power, Body Swam, for Antonio marked him. Antonio uses the Claw Zord, with the help of the Battle Wing to defeat the Nighlok and return the spirits. Later the rangers celebrate Emily's birthday, as well as the Claw Zord's.

#16 - Fish Out of Water
Season 18 - Episode 7 - Aired 3/6/2011
While having breakfast, the rangers learn that the Swordfish Zord has been sighted off the coast as the poisonous Nighlock Yamiror appears. While the others go after Yamiror, poisoned as a result, Kevin is sent to acquire the Zord by fishing for it. But after failed attempts to catch it, Kevin receives the aid of a fisherman before being contacted by that the others got poisoned and the Swordfish Zord is needed to cure them. As Jayden slows Yamiror down in spite of the pain from the poison, Kevin finally manages to fish the Zord out with the fisherman's help. After curing his teammates of Yamiror's poison before they change to use the Fire Smasher's 5-Disc Swordfish Cannon mode to defeat the Nighlock, Kevin summons the Swordfish Zord to battle the enlarged mega monster before having it combine with the Samurai Megazord to form the Swordfish Fencer Megazord to destroy Yamiror. As the rangers spent a day at the beach, a mysterious figure who witnessed the rangers' fight with Yamiror walks off into the night.
#17 - Christmas Together, Friends Forever
Season 18 - Episode 22 - Aired 12/10/2011
'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the Shiba House, the teens reflect on their first year together as a team and as friends, followed by an unexpected lesson about the true spirit of the holidays.

#18 - Forest For the Trees
Season 18 - Episode 10 - Aired 3/27/2011
Jayden and Ji tell the others that the Tiger Zord, the Swordfish Zord, and the Beetle Zord can combine into the Samurai Battlewing, a bird-like Megazord and they try to find a fitting pilot for each support zord. Jayden keeps the Tiger Disc, Kevin keeps the Swordfish Disc, and the Beetle Disc is given to Mia, much to the dismay of Mike. Mike starts to train harder than usual, but he thinks he can't catch up to Jayden and Kevin's progress. Then, when the rangers face a new Nighlok who uses the "loss of hope", Kevin attaches his Swordfish Disc onto the Hydro Bow to try and stop it. When Mia tries to attach the Beetle Disc onto her Sky Fan, the Nighlok knocks it away, and the disc is caught by Mike. Mike attaches the Beetle Disc onto his Forest Spear, but when Kevin and Mike try to launch attacks onto the Nighlok, the Forest Spear doesn't work and the Nighlok gets away. After the battle, Ji scolds Mike for acting so foolish and jeopardizing the team's mission. Subsequently, after locating Mike at an arcade, Ji leads him to a clearing and tries to teach him about harnessing the Forest Symbol. Then, after another encounter with the Nighlok, Mike destroys it. After a final offensive on the enlarged monster by employment of the Samurai Battlewing auxiliary Zord combination, the Rangers celebrate victory. Mike creates a plant for Ji to symbolize their growing "friendship".

#19 - Room for One More
Season 18 - Episode 14 - Aired 5/7/2011
As Antonio heads to the samurai mansion, the others listen to Jayden and Mentor talk of young Antonio-- How Jayden gave him the Octo-Zord, how Jayden threatened to quit his training if Ji tried to take back the Octozord, etc.-- Antonio makes an entrance, fancy then gets embarrasing when his fish hook rips his pants. Antonio explains that after moving away when he was a kid, he trained himself to be a samurai and built his Samurai-Morpher from a trashed cellphone to communicate with Octozord through text-- because the zords understand the rangers who were born into the Samurai heritage. Ji, feeling that Antonio lacks dicipline and true samurai training confiscates Antonio's morpher, which the latter doesn't react too well to. Jayden agrees with Mentor dispite Antonio begging Jayden with memories of childhood friendship. As the rangers fight a new nighlok, they're powerless to destroy it. The nighlok retreats when it starts to dry up, and the team start to consider bringing Antonio along. Antonio, down at the fishing pier, angrily talks with Octo about regreting meeting the Rangers. Mike and Emily go to ask him to join and go to the mansion. There, Jayden convinces Ji to give Antonio back his morpher just in time for the next Nighlok attack. When the Rangers arrive, Antonio struggling to get in to a heroic position, they begin fighting and the Nighlok is over powered when Jayden and Antonio tag-team it. Once the Nighlok mega-sizes, Antonio combines the Octozord to the Battlewing Megazord and defeat the Nighlok. To celebrate, Antonio cooks fish barbecue and everyone appreciates Antonio's membership.

#20 - Test of the Leader
Season 18 - Episode 11 - Aired 4/10/2011
Jayden becomes a target of the Nighloks when it is revealed he is in possession of a sealing spell that can trap Master Xandred.

#21 - Sticks and Stones
Season 18 - Episode 6 - Aired 2/27/2011
When she proves to be the only Ranger unaffected by a Nighlok's capability to use insult as a weapon, Emily must convince her fellow Rangers that moments of weakness leads to a stronger resolve...

#22 - Day Off
Season 18 - Episode 5 - Aired 2/20/2011
Jayden declines a day out at an amusement park in order to master a power disc. However, when the remaining Samurai Rangers visit the park, they are welcomed by Nighlok Dreadhead...