The BEST episodes written by Jill Donnellan

#1 - Earth Fights Back
Power Rangers - Season 21 - Episode 2
While the rest of the team works with the civilians to rebuild their city, Troy stumbles upon a plot by the Armada to launch missiles at major cities throughout the world.
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#2 - Click, Click, Zoom
Power Rangers - Season 10 - Episode 3
When Cole rejects Taylor's strictly defined Ranger Rulebook, insisting the only rule the team needs is teamwork, the Yellow Ranger strikes out on her own, and soon encounters the Camera Org. When she's zapped by him, her physical form becomes invisible! Can the new leader of Wild Force save the former one, and win her respect in the process? Also, learn the stunning history of the Kingdom of Animaria!

#3 - Soul Searching
Power Rangers - Season 10 - Episode 8
With the Red Lion Zord injured by the recent use of the Bear Brothers, Cole and the rest of the Rangers go on a quest to find the mythical Soul Bird, capable of healing him. Their forest search is interrupted by both the Bulldozer Org, and Master Org himself, who makes a surprising discovery about the new Red Ranger. Is there more in the woods than our heroes expect, such as a new Wildzord?

#4 - Power Play
Power Rangers - Season 10 - Episode 17
Merrick aids a bar owner against a group of punks, and ends up finding a place to begin his path of redemption. As Jindrax unleashes the tone-deaf Karaoke Org upon the Rangers, a mysterious new Org General appears, known as Necronomica! What strange connection does she have to the defeated Nayzor and the missing Toxica?

#5 - The Sunflower Search
Power Rangers - Season 7 - Episode 10
Treacheron evesdrops on Maya, and believes from her comments that the Lights of Orion may be hidden in a sunflower. He sends the Fishface monster to attack the many sunflower statues on Terra Venture. But the choice of monsters is especially personal for the Magna Defender, as Fishface killed his son, Zika, many years ago. His search for the Orion lights takes a backseat to his goal of revenge against the monster, even willing to risk the lives of innocent bystanders, which the Rangers refuse to allow. Can he be talked out of his destructive path of vengeance? Meanwhile, an old ally of Magna Defender's finally lands on Terra Venture.

#6 - Dream Battle
Power Rangers - Season 7 - Episode 39
Recruiting the assistance of spellcaster Hexuba, Captain Mutiny plots to put the Power Rangers to sleep, to allow easy plundering of Terra Venture. As each of the Rangers are knocked out by tainted flowers, they're thrust into a somnific dimension where Swabbies endlessly overrun them, and a Nightmare monster stalks their every move. Can Mike break the spell, or will he take the big sleep along with them?

#7 - The Master's Herald (2)
Power Rangers - Season 10 - Episode 36
Mandilok is destroyed, when it's revealed that Onikage has been working for Master Org all along. Master Org, now fully in control of Dr. Adler's corpse, manages to get Princess Shayla back from Jindrax, who had taken her away in revenge for Toxica's death. Also, the Wild Force Rangers are sent into the Spirit World, where they face previously destroyed Orgs!
#8 - Christmas Together, Friends Forever
Power Rangers - Season 18 - Episode 22
'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the Shiba House, the teens reflect on their first year together as a team and as friends, followed by an unexpected lesson about the true spirit of the holidays.

#9 - Revenge of Zen-Aku
Power Rangers - Season 10 - Episode 13
Zen-Aku frees Motorcycle Org, the first monster Taylor ever faced when she first became the Yellow Ranger. This keeps the Rangers busy while he kidnaps Princess Shayla, and discovers a strange sense of deja-vu about her, especially her necklace.

#10 - Sing Song
Power Rangers - Season 10 - Episode 22
The Tombstone Org, powered by Dr Adler's headstone and the spirits of a few fallen Orgs, proves to be too powerful for the Rangers, and severely injures the Wildzords! The long absent Deerzord is the only thing capable of healing them, but he's still holding a grudge over the fact Princess Shayla and Merrick no longer sing for him every morning. Can the strained couple put aside their conflicts to help save the world?

#11 - The End of the Power Rangers (1)
Power Rangers - Season 10 - Episode 39
The Wild Force Rangers, thinking Master Org defeated and the Nexus sealed, begin to face the harsh reality of their lives as Rangers being over. The somber mood of parting is broken, by Master Org's surprise return. Now in a fully Org body, he beats our heroes back, grows, destroys Animus once again, and proceeds to not only slaughter every one of the Rangers' Wildzords, but send the Animarium plummeting down from the sky!

#12 - United We Stand
Power Rangers - Season 20 - Episode 5
Best Friends Gia and Emma are turned into bitter enemies by a vicious monster, Beezara. Meanwhile, the guys are captured by “queen bee” Beezara and turned into her drone slaves.

#13 - The Master's Herald (1)
Power Rangers - Season 10 - Episode 35
The latest Duke Org, a ninja known as Onikage, convinces Toxica to cut off her own horn, so as to sneak on the Animarium and kidnap Princess Shayla. Despite the Rangers' mentor putting up a fight, Toxica succeeds, but when she learns that Org horns don't grow back, is this the end for the Mistress of Magic?

#14 - Green Courage
Power Rangers - Season 7 - Episode 24
The Scorpion Stinger is heavily damaged in an asteroid shower, desperate for a good mechanic; Trakeena deploys Cannonbrawl to capture a member of the Terra Council high command to use in hostage negotiations. Cannonbrawl targets High Commander Renier, and takes her back to the Scorpion Stringer, after Trakeena issues her demands, Damon agrees to repair the Scorpion Stinger

#15 - Silent Sleep
Power Rangers - Season 7 - Episode 11
The Chillyfish monster puts Terra Venture on ice, trying to freeze the Lights Of Orion out of hiding, and thus putting everyone to sleep via the wave of cold. Leo manages to avoid slumberland, thanks to Mike's dogtags. Upon noticing the animals on the colony are immune to the freeze-darts, he tries to wrangle a very wild and stubborn horse he's had problems getting along with prior in an effort to keep up with the equally horse-riding Chillyfish. Meanwhile, Magna Defender uses the situation to seek out the Orion lights himself.